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Messages - Majesty

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Off Topic / Re: Any other David the Gnome fans here?
« on: February 01, 2018, 05:07:58 PM »
I remember it, I actually cried when the last episode aired here in the U.K (you know when they died).  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

What! I don't remember that episode at all. Maybe i was too young to even know what was happening.

Now I'm sad :( :(

They didn't actually show them die but it was obvious for older audiences.  I remember theeis episode when it aired and I couldn't understand why Swift was howling.  Basically I think David and his wife went out into a meadow and turned into trees entwined in each others arms then you see faded versions of their gnome selves laughing and Swift the fox is crying (howling).  I think that's what happened.

Off Topic / Re: Any other David the Gnome fans here?
« on: February 01, 2018, 05:07:25 PM »
I wanted to buy it on DVD on amazon but it's not available.  I guess they sold out.  You can find some individual episodes on VHS though but I wanted DVD.

Off Topic / Re: Reboot and Ruin: Muppet Babies
« on: February 01, 2018, 05:05:46 PM »
Great another freaking reboot to ruin the original.  Skeeter and Scooter were twins weren't they?
Why did they choose to remove Skeeter and keep her brother on there?

Pony Corral / Re: What's wrong with MLP today?
« on: February 01, 2018, 05:01:05 PM »
The problem is is that mail order isn't a thing anymore, back then it was.  You had to save up points and send a few dollars for shipping and handling and you got your special item.  I mean, they do some of that stuff on cereal boxes now still but it's not as interesting.

I kind of noticed that MLP just doesn't seem to be as big as it was back in the 80's and even the early 2000's when G3's were out.  I was born in 1984 so I don't remember much about MLP being in stores back then but I remember when G3's were out.  I'd go to Toys R Us or Walmart and there would be MLP stuff on both sides of an aisle.  Now most stores seclude a small part of an aisle for MLP, the same has gone on for Monster High and Ever After High but I'm not a fan of the new molds so it doesn't matter to me that much.  Sorry that was a little off topic but I hope you guys see where I'm coming from.

I'd make her mstch G3 Cotton Candy. She'd basically have Lickety Split's symbols, but silhouettes like the other 5.

Yeah I was going to say the same thing.

Pony Corral / Re: Your Top Ten favorite ponies of all time (all gens)
« on: February 01, 2018, 04:48:22 PM »

Wind Whistler
Sundance (I relate to her a lot)

Don't Collect G2's

Whistle Wishes
Brights Brightly
Autumn Skye
Minty (I can relate to her)
Silver Glow

Princess Luna

I used to like Twilight before she became a Princess but since she's a Princess now I don't like her as much.

Pony Corral / Re: School of Friendship - New Playset?
« on: February 01, 2018, 04:42:52 PM »
So is this going to be like Hogwarts where Twilight is a teacher teaching students magic or it it going to be like the school for the gifted youngsters from X-Men?

I think I'm done with FIM though officially.  I think once the movie hit theaters everything will change for future FIM episodes.  I have the first two seasons on DVD and I think that's enough for me to reminisce.

I still prefer G1 and G3 anyway.

The Dollhouse / All Set Thanks (please delete)
« on: January 20, 2018, 01:39:54 PM »
So as a back story I had decided my room was overcrowded and I became claustrophobic.  I don't have a lot of room for the dolls they were on my bureaus and I just kept buying dolls.  I decided shortly after the new generation Monster High had begun (even after I accepted it) I was done with MH, EAH, and most of MLP.  I gave most of my EAH and MH dolls to my niece when my parents were going to Kentucky to visit my brother, his fiancee, her kid, and my niece.  I had to stay home yet again to take care of the cat and dog.
 I later began to regret giving up my dolls since most of what I had were first release/signatures.  So, I started getting some of the dolls I missed the most.  I had the idea of getting the Legacy Day EAH dolls since the quality was even better than the signature ones.  I got them all and started to miss some of the originals a bit later, especially for Raven and Apple.  I luckily found signature Briar Beauty at The Toy Vault last weekend so I figured it might be a start.  I'm not going to try to get every signature I had just my two favorites but I was lucky to get Briar Beauty as well.

I know Mattel remade some of the signatures with the First Chapter release with the new mold but I'm not interested in those in case someone wanted to know.

I can send with well concealed cash.  With the exception of a few money orders I have used well concealed cash with all my buys here and I haven't had any issues.  I did trade some MLP when I first started but I don't do that anymore.

I'm not sure what these dolls are worth, I figured maybe retail or a bit over but again I don't know.

Here is my feedback here:

I only want to buy from someone in the U.S. please, because of shipping costs.  Please feel free to PM me or respond in this thread if you're interested.

Thanks for reading.  :)

Off Topic / Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« on: January 06, 2018, 04:23:33 PM »
My only ship in the movie is Poe / Finn.  :P  Like, Rose is fine.  But I didn't feel like she had any romantic chemistry with Poe.
They'd indeed make a nice couple :) I loved how they instantly clicked and made a great team when they escaped from the Empire in TFA. Sadly though, Star Wars is a franchise in which I don't really see such couplings happening, and now that Rose is in the picture, I find the possibility of this fading even more so :huh:

I can't see myself going to see the Han Solo story or the reboot of the series.  I feel like The Last Jedi was my last new Star Wars movie.
Oh, I haven't yet heard of a reboot. It does sound somewhat interesting to me, though I must admit that this is interest mingled with fear... I don't really see why a reboot is needed.
I'm also hesitant about the Han Solo story... I'll see once how I'll actually feel about it once it hits the movies, but for now I can't really see such a story being something I'd enjoy if the title guy is visually not the same as who we've got to know from the series. I mean I understand Mr. Ford is 75, he obviously can't play youg Solo anymore (and I don't think he'd like to), but still...

I think I read on that Harrison Ford only agreed to be in the previous movie if Han Solo died, because he didn't want to do the role anymore.

Off Topic / Re: Netflix series: Toys That Made Us
« on: January 06, 2018, 11:40:08 AM »
I saw it and skipped over it but now that I see others have seen it and really liked it I think I'll have to watch it.

Off Topic / Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« on: January 06, 2018, 11:38:40 AM »
I went to see it with my Dad.  He and I both feel that the new movies are just OK.  It was nice to Harrison Ford and the people from the older movies but it feels like they're trying to hard to entertain people and it makes it an OK movie.  My Dad feels like they should have just ended it with the original three.  I agree.
I'm not a fan of the side movies or the stories.  My Dad heard they're redoing the Star Wars movies and starting over with a new series.  They're doing Star Wars to death and I can't stand it.  I feel like they're ruining it.
 Yeah, they're trying to make it fresh and new for new generations but they probably don't know Star Wars when it first came out, like it was.  I mean, the original series was before my time but I pretty much grew up on it.
 My Dad had the VHS tapes of the original ones before they redid them and added the extra special effects.
He wants the original movies on DVD before they redid them but I guess a lot of other people do too and George Lucas has stated he won't do it, for whatever reason.  He should realize it would be a big money maker for him if he did that.  Lots of people would pay for them.

I can't see myself going to see the Han Solo story or the reboot of the series.  I feel like The Last Jedi was my last new Star Wars movie.

Pony Corral / Anyone Else Kind Of Iffy About Continuing To Watch FIM?
« on: December 30, 2017, 10:01:13 AM »
For me personally the last couple of seasons I've been watching FIM to have something to watch.
A lot of the shows I watched got cancelled and the few shows I watch are always on mid season finale or season finale too quickly and have nothing to watch in between.  I still kind of had hope that maybe I would continue to watch FIM and enjoy it but I don't anymore.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

Off Topic / Re: Stuffed Animals
« on: November 28, 2017, 05:23:30 PM »
Yeah I love stuffed animals.  I had a lot as a kid and my Mom made me donate most of them to the salvation army because she said I had too many.  I didn't want to but she basically made me, because of that I don't think I have any of my childhood stuffed animals.  I don't have many now but I have a beautiful white tiger plush I bought at a zoo, I have Stitch and Angel I bought from amazon which originally came from The Disney Store, I have a few MLP plushes from each generation, I have a small unicorn plush I bought from a seller on amazon and my favorite one is a recent purchase of a Disney Store 17 inch Pua plush.  I had a problem getting that one, because of a story I mentioned here before with a Disney Store gift card saying you can use them to make full purchases but they don't advertise that they really want credit card information along with that "in case something happens"  Luckily I had a friend add her credit card information but the card more than covered the purchase price so I knew she wouldn't get charged.

I love going to build a bear but I rarely get to go.

Pony Corral / Re: Have you ever imagined the wrong pony gen when shopping?
« on: November 22, 2017, 05:49:03 AM »
I was really young when G1's were out and I didn't get my first actual G1's until when I was around four or five and by then it was 1988 or 1989.  I do sometimes imagine G3's being in stores though.

Pony Corral / Re: When will G5 come ?
« on: November 13, 2017, 03:50:57 PM »
I don't know, I feel like at the rate that the ponies are changing, the figures getting smaller I'm not sure I'm interested in G5 at this point.  I don't even think I'll watch the show if they even make it that far.

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