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Messages - psyknife

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Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 18, 2012, 11:49:28 AM »
sabathamk - focus on what you SHOULD eat, instead of what you should not eat.  Try filling your diet with things like lean proteins (chicken, fish, turkey, tofu, egg whites [eggs ok too, just no more than 1 per day... mix w/extra whites :-) ], etc.), vegetables and fruits, whole grains (oatmeal is great, 100% whole wheat bread... the sandwich thins are good... and various other grains you mentioned as well as great), low fat dairy (try staying away from those Yoplait yogurts, sure, they are low in calories, but they are full of crapola!), etc etc etc.
I, honestly, don't even keep bread in my house (store bought loaves), very often... and when I do it's 100% whole wheat (or sometimes I'll get another grain type of bread).

These are some usual items on my grocery list (not all in the same week, but rotating items):
Egg Whites
Chicken Breast (boneless/skinless)
Morning Star Farms sausage patties (meatless patties... freezer section)
Chicken Sausage
Low Fat String Cheese
Low Fat Cottage Cheese
Fruit (usually berries and apples)
Veggies (greens [kale, mustard greens, etc.], sweet potatoes, beans, sprouts, tomatoes, onions, and even frozen veggie mixes from the freezer section)
Low Fat Greek Yogurt
Turkey Bacon
100% whole wheat sandwich thins
Natural deli meats (one's w/minimal processing and chemicals... check Hormel Naturals)
KIND bars (for quick snacks)
Nuts (usually walnuts or almonds)
Rice Milk
Vanilla Hemp Milk
Gluten Free Granola

... and I also drink Shakeology once per day, which is a Beachbody product... I started buying it when they released it, since I am a coach... I've grown to absolutely LOVE it.

So, those are some of my regular foods... hopefully it gives you some ideas! :-)

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 16, 2012, 12:18:46 PM »
Crowning_Glory13... sorry to hear of this setback, but don't let that stop you!  There are so many more reasons for health and fitness!
Also, if you recall, I am offering prizes to everyone who finishes this... the points are there for who gets to pick their prize first :-)  So, hang with us and finish this!  You can do it!  Use it for support and the chance to develop new, healthy habits with pony friends :)

Skeen... looking great with points there!  Rock on!

Colorscapesart... I love the "Just Do It" :)

Post Merge: February 16, 2012, 12:20:51 PM

ZennaBug... sure thing, just post your new plan.  What is it about your hips that is hurting?  Are certain exercises making them hurt?  I have bad hips, so I know I have to be careful about high impact stuff... I just take it in small bites.  Doing yoga has SERIOUSLY helped my hips BIG TIME!  So, perhaps look into adding that into your routine?

hlbmlp - congrats on sticking to that no DEW!  Break the habit so that you have control over that craving going forward :)

sabathamk - way to go on seeing results! :)

Surfstar - nice points!!!!!!! :)

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 15, 2012, 09:57:23 AM »
DoctorMowinckel - ouch!  Definitely do activities that will not put any pressure on your wrist.  Sounds like a good time to focus on cardio and lower body and core strength.

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 15, 2012, 09:01:29 AM »
Any more yellow ponies ahead?
possibly :-)

It's getting more quiet in here!  If you see some challengers around the boards who aren't posting here, get their booties in here!  We can't fizzle already!  We are just starting!

Off Topic / Re: My Breyer Collection "Pic Heavy"
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:17:26 PM »
*sigh*  I'm jealous.
Man, I used to have a very large collection of Breyers.  I sold them all when I was hard up for money... I miss them.  They were so beautiful.

Off Topic / Re: Any "riding" horse owners out there?
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:16:15 PM »
I'm with ya!  Hopefully we shall both become happy horse owners soon :)

MLP Nirvana / Re: How do you feel about the Venezuelan ponies?
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:12:56 PM »
Poo, I didn't win Firefly :(

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:11:05 PM »
So, what kind of prizes are you still hoping to see?  I haven't revealed all yet :-)

In fitness news... OMG I'm SOOOOOOOOOORE from my P90X2 workout last night.  Oh MAN!  I teach Turbo Kick tonight, and it's going to be interesting (both because of how sore I am, but also because I made it V-day themed and will be teaching in a cheesy pair of heart shorts... hahah).

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 13, 2012, 08:29:25 AM »
Is anyone else joining me in giving up a vice this week?  I know hlbmlp said they were giving up Mountain Dew (rock on!).  Who else is with us?
I'm giving up iced venti chais from Starbucks, which IS actually hard for me... it's my one current addiction.  I'm DOING IT! :-)

Also, in other news... I'm even MORE motivated to really ROCK my workouts and be SUPER CLEAN with my diet, because I just registered for the very first ever P90X certification... EVER!  Plus, Tony Horton is going to be there.  I've met him numerous times, and he knows me, so I need to make sure I'm looking great at that certification so that he doesn't pick on me!  Hahahhaha.  He picks on people he knows (mainly because he knows he won't hurt our feelings, really... he doesn't do that to newbs, though... heh).  So, yeah... I gotta WORK!!!!! :)

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 12, 2012, 04:45:33 PM »
Here's another prize item getting added to the list :)

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Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:29:54 PM »
So, this week I am giving up my addiction of Ice Chai Lattes.  For one week, I will not have any.  I encourage y'all to join me in giving up one of your unnecessary vices this week.  Who's with me!??????

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 11, 2012, 04:09:58 PM »
I attended a great nutritional workshop today!  Once I organize my notes, I'll share some of them here :-)

Off Topic / Re: Do you own a horse?
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:29:40 PM »
joce... based on talking with them, basically, they are kind of in love with her, and they have that price on the website to scare away people who wouldn't be serious.  I know, already, that they'd at least cut that in half for me.  They'd mention having paperwork, too, for her being a pure bred Quarter Horse.

Off Topic / Re: Do you own a horse?
« on: February 10, 2012, 04:41:45 PM »
The place I am checking out for adoption is this place ->

I would, almost certainly, board the horse there for at least 6 months.  From the sounds of it, after visiting today, I'd basically fill out adoption papers and then go through a trial period... where they let me work with the horse, ride it, and see if we are a good fit and if we are comfortable with one another.  From what I can tell, their horses are all healthy and up to date on all medical attention.  After 6 months (sometime summer/fall) I'd want to move the horse to stables closer to me, since this place is a good hour and a half away.  The horse I'm looking at is Conceited.  I met her today and she's gorgeous... she's young, so a bit frisky, but they currently use her for their lessons and they say she's great at having riders.
I took many horse care classes/camps back in the day, as a girlscout, but it's been years... so, I'd definitely need re-schooling.  As for riding... I took many lessons when I was a kid and have just started up again.  So, I feel pretty confident up on horseback.

Thanks for all of the tips!

Here's a picture I took today... her mane is a bit muddy... mudlocks ;-)
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This is the picture from their website, where she's all nice and clean ;-)

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Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 10, 2012, 04:34:37 PM »
Ponytails... sorry you've been sick, but CONGRATS on the 5 lbs!

Surfstar... congrats on your 5 lbs. too!!!!

Congrats on all of these points getting racked up, everyone!!!! :-)

Crowning_Glory13... feel better!  We are going for 90 days from the start date.  I haven't looked up the date on the calendar... yet.

Post Merge: February 10, 2012, 07:10:57 PM


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