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Messages - CinnamonOnions

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MLP Nirvana / Re: Question about Nirvana Pony Manufacturers
« on: December 01, 2018, 01:06:25 PM »
I honestly have no idea. What I'm most suspicious of is venezuelans and south africans honestly.
Argentinians seem to use the Hasbro logo on the cards corner and in general the backcards are very offical in style, brazilians and argentinians both are actualy done by companies that also did He-Man toy variants for example, brazilians in general seem very authentic, colombians are actualy marked Hasbro at times, french and spanish ponies are very obviously authentic (piggies too, the later piggies have the same manufacturer as other spanish ponies), italians as well as they were distributed all over Europe like HK/China ponies and are marked Hasbro, indians most likely are real considering how they look and hoof marking styling, Macaus are definetly authentic despite odd hooves, I think japanese ponies have been confirmed (also Takara is too big and popular to afford meddling with bootlegs), Mexico confirmedly had playset boxes only minorly edited from their US counterparts, peruvian packaging had the Hasbo logo, greek ponies used Hasbros art and backcards and babies boxes even had the Hasbro logo, south africans claimedly had normal backcards, venezuelans except squeaky butts use authentic looking boxes and logos and art.
In general, do fakies with authentic ponies symbols even exist? That would solve the remaining questions.

As for the wide differences, it's simply due to nirvanas being manufactured localy. For example Colombia apparently used rubber as it's a huge natural resource there. Hasbro only provided the molds (or so I have understood) and not the plastic or hair. So of course each country uses different types of materials. Washers too are different by country, even though most nirvanas use similar washers some like piggies had completely unique washers. Some, cough at these odd things called venezuelans, even had exclusive to them combs instead of normal ones. Though something with those molds has gone quite off because for example italian collectors pose ponies vary in size greatly...

Pony Corral / Re: I have......A Problem......
« on: December 01, 2018, 12:41:22 PM »
I was supposed to collect only G1 too but. I quess that I can allow myself to use space for one Rainbow Princess Castle and around 30 G3s..  :blush:

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: 80's Pound Puppies
« on: November 29, 2018, 05:03:10 AM »
I've never had the originals (I'm only 18 lol) and they're really not my thing, but I did have some of the 2007 series plushies. I have kept the biggest one of them to this day, I when I was younger got rid of many childhood toys I now regret not keeping (some my childhood Lion King plushies, two G3 ponies, my Hasbro LPS, all of my original Fillies..) but somehow that guy stayed. He is so soft even after being loved for so long!
His name is Snoopy because he is black and white (and I never was creative with names) and I got him as a birthday present when I was about 8 or 9. I remember being sad he was missing the adoption application papers that came with these! All others in the store had them. ):

You're just amazing in this! :shocked: They all look so so great, and to think they were that baity at first!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Caught Baby Candy and GREEK Baby Bowtie in the wild
« on: November 27, 2018, 03:17:13 PM »
Wow, lucky you! Congratulations! :drunk:

Thanks! :>

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Caught Baby Candy and GREEK Baby Bowtie in the wild
« on: November 27, 2018, 10:59:36 AM »
It’s funny how ponies travel. And very lucky for you. Congrats on your amazing finds.

It indeed is. I have found greek, spanish and german here. And who knows what that one G1 mystery comb I have is, it reminds a Macau ponys comb but that's near to impossible.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Thrift store luck strikes again
« on: November 26, 2018, 01:52:28 PM »
That's absolutely insane!!!! :dropjaw:
Congrats!! Even bigger than my biggest haul, I think it's at 22 ponies from one person. Though not all at once since that goodwill prices them two to four at a time....

Pony Corral / Re: - Show Me White G1 Ponies -
« on: November 26, 2018, 01:47:28 PM »
I feel like Imgur ruined the picture quality, so it's kinda blurry... >~>
But here are some white girls I have!!!

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Soo pretty!

Yes they are!!! :>

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Caught Baby Candy and GREEK Baby Bowtie in the wild
« on: November 25, 2018, 06:00:10 AM »
Wow, great finds!! Congrats

Thank you :>

Off Topic / Re: What manga are you reading?
« on: November 25, 2018, 05:58:08 AM »
I admit I don't see or hear much talk about Tactics these days though back when the anime series came out it was a bit more talked about I think. I have never looked at the manga, somewhere I have the anime on DVD for some reason though I don't think I actually ever got around to watching it. For me a really obscure manga is one that never got picked up for translation, like Sotsugyou M (which kind of had a whole seiyuu doing live concerts thing, plus novels, etc, but nothing ever got translated into English. The animated special is on youtube but is only about 0.1% close to the actual overall storyline or characters.

I think this is a problem particularly with older anime/manga that predate internet mass uploading or scanning or whatever. Even ones from the dialup internet period (like SotsuM). Now it's much easier for many series to be translated online and there's a wider understanding that there's a global interest which maybe wasn't always there before?

And then there's series like the Haruka one I mentioned before - the manga was released in English, the anime main series was also released in the US on DVD with horrible subtitles that make a mess of the names and the cultural aspects of Heian Japan. But the thing is Haruka is a six game franchise now spanning almost 20 years of production and six different settings. Although there are animated OVA for 2 and 3 (both on youtube except the last part of 3) they've never had the full release outside of Japan. There's no manga except random chapters also not released outside of Japan. Haruka 4 has no animation and only brief chapters of manga, not translated. It will also never have an anime now because the voice artist for the central female character has passed away. Haruka 5 had manga for two or three volumes then got dropped which I still feel is a shame, also didn't get translated. Haruka 6 has manga at the moment - as far as I know, no translation. Both Haruka 1 and Haruka 5 have live stage shows as well and they have regular annual seiyuu events. None of this is available in English or even with subs. And the games of course are only available in Japanese. The most successful Haruka games seem to be 1 and 3 as they keep reformatting, rereleasing and upgrading them - but nothing from 3 has ever been released in English. So to most people outside of Japan, Haruka is a 26 episode anime series and a 17 volume manga series and that is all. I don't even think they released the movie in English or with English subs.

So what is a pretty successful and popular Japanese franchise spanning almost 2 not really that well known in other places. Whereas other series are picked up and the foreign language market is flooded with them. I tend to have a rule that if I've seen a manga or anime in a shop in the UK, it's mainstream xD If not, it's not...

But I can't remember with Tactics because I never looked for the manga.

Honestly the Tactics anime is terrible, one of the worst I've seen, I'm just extremely curious is the manga better. I have the two first volumes so I should read them.

Hmm then can we settle with there being three levels of obscure? The forgotten ones, the ones that never were popular, and the ones that never made it over the ocean.
Ah I see! A basic case of a series that is well known in it's own country but nowhere else. One old old anime I like, Shinzo Ningen Casshan, was apparently quite popular in Japan still in the 70s and in general Tatsunokos animes were apparently big back in the day. But in US very few of Tatsunokos series are known even somewhat, as most never got localized. I'm honestly surprised there's even a (terribly) subbed DVD box of the original Casshan. (This is the offical sub that even messes up character names!!!)
Though Shinzo Ningen Casshan was apparently dubbed in south European countries like Italy and maybe Spain so it is atleast poorly known there.

I agree, anime/manga that goes beyond 1985 is nearly impossible to find online and even some newer series have managed to slip trough the cracks into obscurity.

Very interesting to read, very interesting!!! It's always interesting to hear about these more forgotten series release stories.

I wouldn't classify all translated manga mainstream, especialy some older ones. I'm not home as I'm typing this, so I can't try to find some examples from my manga ocean.
For example though, here we get some one shot mangas translated and released, and like two months after release they fade back into the unknown, never to be talked about again.
There also also cases of the opposite: Zetsuai is one of the most known older series of the yaoi genre, even in the west. The manga never was translated to english, but to other languages like spanish and german yes. The anime only has a fansub, yet the series is far from unknown.

Off Topic / Re: What manga are you reading?
« on: November 24, 2018, 05:11:31 PM »
Thanks xD but it's not really about finding them, it's the mixture of space and expenditure. I tend to only buy series that I have a strong attachment to for that reason. I've bought in bulk second hand online before but the shipping is costly even if the books aren't overall. So you might pay 500 yen for 15 volumes but then get stung on postage xD.

For new stuff there's always places like play asia, cdjapan, amazon etc. When I was in Japan I also saw whole sets of manga being sold cheap in second hand stores like bookoff which also sell online - but I knew I couldn't get them into the case to take home :( I brought second hand DVDs of retired anime back with me but no manga :/

There;s quite a lot of manga in English here but I am not really a fan of translated manga. There have been series for which I've preferred the anime because even though anime often abridges thing, frequently the dialogue is closer to the original in the Japanese version than any translated version, at least in English. Dunno about other languages but in English there's also a trend to westernise terms or name order and you lose the nuances. Having also spent some time on a forum retranslating scenes from a series for a fandom because the only online scanlators played loose and fast with the original, made mistakes and inserted swear words and colloquialisms instead of actually rendering it properly, I lost faith in online translations. This one community I'm talking about, they'd translate in a hurry from a Chinese translation of a Japanese original and stuff got muddled. There's still one key aspect of that manga that fans are hugely divided on because the actual canon says it one way, and fan translation says it another. I'm a detail geek so I like to know what's actually being said or happening...and picking up nuances in the language that don't get translated.

Tactics isn't that obscure, is it?

I have a few games that go with franchises. I also like the live seiyuu events because they have such twisted senses of humour and they're so funny with how they spoof up their characters in hugely unlikely scenarios. I think sometimes that makes me more connected to a franchise than just the manga on its own. I feel like a lot of stuff doesn't get translated outside of Japan, which is a real shame.

Ahh understandable.

Definetly. And yes, my visit to Japan was quite quick but I bought in like new condition for around 1500 yen some three volume manga from the 90s, it's definetly not that valuable there.
That's so sad though!

Ahh I see. I see indeed.
And yes. It's especialy present on childrens series, names get changed to total nonsense.
Oh my. That's why offical translations most of the time are better. Then there are the rare opposites though: one old old anime I like has better fansubs than offical subs. The offical subtitles even mess up character names.
Yeah understandable.

I myself have never heard anyone know it? But who knows.

Oo that sounds awesome!
Understandable. No matter what translated manga will always be only a fraction of what exists.

Off Topic / Re: What manga are you reading?
« on: November 24, 2018, 03:59:07 PM »
I have the opposite problem in that getting hold of manga that I want here is sometimes tricky. I only read it in Japanese these days anyway, but that's actually a good thing because it means I conserve space and only ever buy the series I'm really intent on. I have some older manga that I got before I learned Japanese. I think I have all of Fruits Basket but across 3 languages (English, French and Japanese) which is destabilising xD.

The only ones I can really get to these days though are Haruka, Fushigi Yuugi and Saiyuuki. I have to go digging for the others...

I have the issue that I buy every even slightly interesting seeming manga I see, haha. Now when it comes to series I'd actualy like to read and get a hold of like Tactics and Dogs: Bullets and Carnage / Stray Dogs Howling in the Dark and those few missing Black Butler volumes?? I can't find them. Then again the two first are veery obscure...
Also if you only read japanese manga you have a lot wider amount of manga to read! I'd love to read manga adaptions of some video games I like, but what are offical or fan translations, sigh.
Also I know some japanese webstores with wide selection if I can help?

Off Topic / Re: Anime?
« on: November 24, 2018, 03:38:18 PM »

I could maybe start some series again next week. Maybe rewatching Digimon Adventure? Or then I could start watching something new, maybe Law of Ueki or Zoids...

Off Topic / Re: What manga are you reading?
« on: November 24, 2018, 03:35:51 PM »
Manga is a bit too cheap here, so mountains of second hand purchased manga have started piling up. I SHOULD read all these mangas I have hoarded in the last four years, and I could start maybe with Tactics or Chobits. I think there were some other interesting ones in this book ocean of mine.
But instead I decided I could reread Black Butler! Not like this. Got stuck with it though since I 'm missing the 11th and 15th volumes and I'd like to read only physical copies this time. That, and due to poor lighting it's hard to find comfortable sitting positions in my room.

Pony Corral / Re: Tons of tiny black spots inside a pony? Mildew?
« on: November 24, 2018, 03:21:45 PM »
I have used pure vinegar and it did nothing. ): Baking soda is  my next attempt.

You said you put her in water/vinegar.. I mean cleaning vinegar that's not for cooking. (It would be for killing it-- but sounds like you diluted, so I suggest trying it all full strength)

And I think you'll have to scrape it out with something hard like metal as its probably stuck in the surface.

I tried also pure vinegar at first. Also, what is the difference between those vinegars?

I mean, it doesn't even look like it'd be on the surface. But I can try.. gotta find some cheap second hand crafts things that would be long and small enough.

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