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Messages - MerryAnvil

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Customs / A bunch of random projects! [New 3/2]
« on: February 28, 2020, 11:59:46 AM »
I have been feeling very crafty and motivated lately! I finally made myself a rehairing tool with a needle and an X-acto handle two days ago, and it was so easy to use. I've managed to complete 2 yarn rehairs (my first ever full rehairs!) and I'm now working on a third with nylon hair and I haven't even needed to change the needle once!

Here's what I've been working on:

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My majorly regrind-y Cloud Puff (or Polka-Puff as I've been calling her in my head), who I got for $1 last year at the OK MLP meet, is getting a new pair of wings using the soda bottle method! I did try to put glitter on it after these photos but turned out to be a major mistake because the glue I used just flaked right off >u< Don't know what I was thinking, these bottles aren't very porous so I need to find something else to use so it has traction haha. I might try to just paint the wings and then sprinkle glitter on the paint and seal it and see if that takes better. But gosh, it was so satisfying to press the button and flutter her wings!

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I finished my first rehair, and she's a yarn rehair at that! I still need to brush it out and give it that nice fluffy texture, but I seem to have misplaced my brush, so that will have to wait. This little sweetie was a Tara fakie who came to me in a lot with her mane rotted off. Her tail turned to dust when I tried to wash it Dx So I decided to try rehairing her with this lovely yarn I have! It came out beautiful, I am so pleased with her fluffy new 'do <3

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And lastly for now, I made another Apple Split custom. This one...oh boy. Everything that could have possibly gone wrong with this boy went wrong. The paint on his face just...started sloughing off as I was finishing up and getting ready to seal him so I could do his actual face paint (eyes, freckles, etc). I was extra careful with my base coats, but the paint just flaked off! And it took the base coat off with it. So I had to spend a ton of time building the layers back up over the part of his face that didn't have any. When I finally got him finished and dry, I decided to be extra careful with my sealant. I put four coats on him and the paint STILL started to come off. I will never be using this particular brand again. I've never had this problem before.

I used the same color yarn from the Tara fakie since it was a great match for Apple Split's canon hair color. If I could go back and do it again I wouldn't have cut it and tried to style it to be show accurate, but oh well! I guess I can't always be happy with my customs.

Speedy, Fizzy, Masquerade and Galaxy!

Can't tell I like the Buttons pose huh

I have no problem with it! Personally I don't think I would intentionally do it myself haha xD If I liked the pony enough I would try to get one of each of the variations for it and such, but I wouldn't purposefully buy multiples of the same release or anything. If that makes sense? I'm not sure if that counts as an army or not o:

If I recall correctly, (and I hope nobody's mentioned it yet; if so, my bad!) Toola-Roola's name is possibly a reference to the Irish-American lullaby 'Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ral', which was written in 1913 for a musical. You can hear Bing Crosby's version here!

Could be why her original symbol was Celtic-themed!

EDIT: I remember I made the connection when I was little and would listen to Bing Crosby records while playing with my ponies in the living room. I had Toola-Roola and I was like...OH. And then promptly changed the lyrics of the song to fit her name when I sang it to her since they sounded similar but didn't quite match up xD

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Pony Mail - Barnacle In Need of TLC
« on: February 24, 2020, 01:22:09 PM »
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Okay so it's very difficult to see the difference through photos but he's a little less dingy than when he arrived! The initial hydrogen peroxide/sun soak got the first grimy gross smoke layer off, making him look...lighter? He's not any more blue than he was, but he is a bit less brown/gray than he was, if that makes any sense at all ahaha. Unfortunately we've had nothing but rainy days lately so I haven't had the chance to do more sunfading, but I hope the weather will clear up and I can get him out there soon! I have a couple other ponies I'd like to try sunfading too, so it can be a party for them or something  :silly:

Ooo what color are you going to rehair him? His original or a new color? Can't wait to see pics, he's gonna look lovely!

I'm planning on rehairing him with his original colors, if I can color match properly! <3 I will definitely share pics!

Thats so sad!! :sad:  Barnacle is one of my favorite boy ponies, I really hope you can get him restored, you should update us if you do, especially if the cat litter or charcoal method works, could be very useful especially for us with sensitive allergies :>

I know, Barnacle is such a lovely pony! It's sad to see him in such a state. I will do my best to fix him up, and I will definitely share updates!

:enraged: :stressed:  That’s no good!!  Some people really get me going!

It truly is frustrating! I didn't expect much from the photos, but it really would have been nice to at least have been told about the smoke smell, and to have had him shipped in a bubble mailer instead of tape.

It's like one of Barnacle's own sea shanties.

what do you do with a smoky sailor /
what do you do with a stinky sailor /
what do you do with a skunk-en sailor /
early in the moooor-ning!


OMG xD That is an excellent shanty.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Dakota's Recent Pony Art!
« on: February 24, 2020, 11:29:16 AM »
I haven't posted much artwork here in awhile, so I figured I'd make a new thread since I abandoned the last one so long it got locked hehe  :blush:

I posted some freebie lineart I did awhile ago. Here are a few of the things I made with it!

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Baby Whirly Twirl

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My vampire pony OC, Nightlore

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And lastly, not on the bases, a cute little fluffy piece of Prince Sapphire and Prince Emerald nuzzling. Someone mentioned that in this picture I took of them they looked rather cozy, and it inspired me to draw a cuddly piece <3

Pony Corral / Re: Who else has Rosey Posey?
« on: February 24, 2020, 11:10:48 AM »
I don't, and I desperately want her.

(if you're coming to the OK Pony Friends meet next month I can fix the frizzy one for you if you want!)

Aw that's sweet of you to offer! I'm definitely attending, I got my ticket/custom package and I'm so excited to see everyone again <3 I brought my Rosey Posey to the meet last time to show but I'm not sure if you got a chance to see her, so if I get permission from my sister, I will bring hers along! I would really appreciate the help with her frizz, working with rare ponies still makes me so nervous  :yikes:

But if my sister says no (I don't think she will but just in case) I can still bring mine along if you'd like to see her?

I don't, and I desperately want her.

(if you're coming to the OK Pony Friends meet next month I can fix the frizzy one for you if you want!)

Then Skeen can change her vote to: I don't have her yet, but I got to touch her once. :silly:

Ahaha!  :rofl:

Introductions / Re: Hello guys from Scotland!
« on: February 24, 2020, 11:05:44 AM »
Ahh I adore seeing your lovely pins on instagram! Welcome to the Arena, I hope you enjoy your stay <3

Seconding Taffeta's suggestion as well, I would love to see more of your art should you decide to post it to the corral!

Pony Corral / Who else has Rosey Posey?
« on: February 24, 2020, 09:44:30 AM »
I'm super curious! I don't see many of her around, even for a rare pony. So I'm interested to see who else has her!

(If you don't know who Rosey Posey is, she was a Hasbro Charity Ball exclusive. She was given out to attendees of the ball.)

I found two of her at a Savers in MA around...a little less than a decade ago, 9.5 years I'd say? I was thirteen years old at the time. They were $2 each. I gave the second one I found to my sister, and we display them together! The first one I found is this gal:

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I kept her exactly as I found her, so she still has the plastic hair-wrap thingy in her hair and a band on her tail! The second one I found a week later (my sister's) is in lovely condition except for her hair, which is majorly frizzy. I'm a bit too scared to try to help her treat it to be honest! You can see both of them together here:

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Do you have her? Please share photos if possible, I'd love to see!

Customs / Re: Mini Prince Firefly!
« on: February 19, 2020, 12:07:51 PM »
Oh wow! Well done!

Awesome work!!

He looks great! :) Nice work!

Thank you!

Oooh, he's gorgeous! Don't think I've ever seen a McG2 custom before :) Great work!!

Ahh thanks! Me neither now that I think of it o: They're pretty easy to work with, I do hope to customize more of them in the future. At the rate that I'm getting them in lots I'm not going to be short on ones to choose from xD

Nice work! The tail looks "real" I had to look twice to realise you sculpted it.

Love pkw xxx

Ahh thank you so much, that's a huge compliment! <3

Well done, his new sculpted tail matches the mane style beautifully!

Thank you! I'm so glad you think so, I tried to match it as best I could <3

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: What game are you playing? Cont.
« on: February 19, 2020, 08:48:14 AM »
My sister got me into Star Stable last year. Star Stable, for those unaware, is a horse MMO with heavy magical/druidic themes. My sister's been playing it since launch, and I've had an account for a couple years but didn't do anything with it. Recently I got the lifetime Star Rider membership so I won't have to worry about subscription fees ever again and can sit back and rake in those pay once benefits, like 100 Star Coins weekly to spend on pretty horses and tack and such <3

Lately I've been working on leveling up my character and my alt horses! They just released some lovely new colors for existing breeds as well as the Knabstrupper, which I am on my way to grab as we speak!

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 2/18/2020 Cupcake (G2)
« on: February 18, 2020, 03:02:26 PM »
I don't have Cupcake, but I do have her comb! I found it at a thrift store in a $0.50 bag of doll accessories. I would love to have her to go along with it, though!

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Pony Corral / Re: POTD 2/17/2020 Cupcake (So Soft)
« on: February 17, 2020, 03:11:55 PM »
She's cute! Not one of my favorites, but if I ran across her for cheap I'd pick her up <3 I do have a soft spot for the so softs so I'll definitely have her at some point in the future.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Pony Mail - Barnacle In Need of TLC
« on: February 17, 2020, 03:10:15 PM »
Yikes, I've gotten some smokey ponies before. If it's cold where you are I found a vinegar paper towel wrap and some cold air helped out.

I had good luck with airing out and wrapping them in laundry sheet filled bags. That's how my boyfriend and I got the cigarette stench out of a Chief he bought for my daughter.

I've heard baking soda and vinegar take away the smoke smell, but don't quote me, I've used it and it seemed to work with cleaning at least. I  wish you the best in restoring him since it looks like it'll be a challenge! But none the less it'll be worth it when its all said and done  :biggrin: Maybe he'd work as a custom? 

I'll pm you at somepoint asking for the seller info myself as I'm picky about that stuff. Its so disgusting that they'd do that, even at that price its still dishonesty. He's cute though. Hair chopped Barneys work

Thank you all for your advice! I did end up taking his hair out due to it possibly holding some of the smoke smell (there wasn't much left anyway and I plan to rehair him, although I do think he looked cute with the short hair). I actually tried an OxiClean bath and then let him soak in hydrogen peroxide out in the sun for the day, and it helped with the smoke smell. It also looks like it took the first grimy layer off, so here's hoping I can get him a little brighter with that method!

Oh wow, what an amazing haul! You must be over the moon!  :frolic:
I loved to go pony hunting at thrift stores when I lived in MA too, I'm glad to see you had good luck there!

Also major congrats on the flea market finds too, that was an awesome deal for $40! I especially love your boys! Ahh Wigwam with his bandanna, what a great find <3

As a quick note, if you have sticky ponies and the stickiness stays after you give them a bath, it's possible they might be leaking plasticizer. I would definitely recommend keeping them separate from your other ponies because this problem can spread! I have a Butterscotch who is currently in quarantine because she's pretty sticky >u<

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