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Messages - mylittELLEpony

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Introductions / Re: Hello! Happy to be here. :D
« on: July 28, 2017, 05:48:50 AM »
Hi, nice Blueberry Baskets!  I've seen you around already but i wanted to drop in and say welcome to the arena in your thread here.

When you're ready to ramp up more collecting, be sure to checkout the For Sale forum (oops looks like Mewtwofan1 already mentioned this, haha), and if you'd like to share pics of your existing collection we'd love to see them in the Pony Brag forum.  You can just put a link there to your instagram stuff if it's public, i think.  I wonder how you have them organized (catalogued?).

I think you're already getting to know your way around.  I hope you are having a great time with us!

My sister is a member so it didn't take me long to figure out the forum.  :) I actually don't have my ponies organized outside of IG. They're all smooshed together on shelves bc of lack of space where I currently live. I list a lot of info about them when I post them on IG, though. It's convenient for me bc my sister can see what I already have if she grabs ponies while out or my husband can check before buying one for a gift, etc. It's a big part of the hobby for me now. I love doing the photos and putting up the info etc.  :biggrin:

Pony Corral / Re: Thoughts on a replica Adventure Card set??
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:46:59 AM »
You know how we sometimes say *grabby hands* or *sneaks in and takes ....*?  Well that was not me  :P  I was finally blessed by the pony gods and managed to score a set of replica cards, and well...I am pretty excited about the whole thing

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 :frolic:  <-- if I was a rainbow colored pony with magical powers, this is what I would look like right now because of these beautiful cards

PS-I was serving as a guinea pig, but all so worth it  ^.^
I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED!  :dropjaw:

My best friend sent me the grey liners a while back and they barely fit my giant feet BUT THAT WON'T STOP ME! I haven't seen them or the others in my local Target.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Mountain Boys in a charity shop!
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:38:54 AM »
I screamed EXTERNALLY when I read this post. That is INCREDIBLE pony luck! My best friend has pony luck like that. I don't have any lol.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: July 21, 2017, 07:34:28 AM »
And, if I may diverge from the G4 ranting for a while, I think MOC/MIB ponies, especially from the earlier generations, are the saddest thing ever. 20 years in a box?  :cry:

I feel this way, as well (I blame Toy Story LOL) which is why I will never buy a MOC/MIB pony. I'd end up deboxing and considering how many collectors would LOVE to have whatever MOC/MIB pony I'd just rip right out of there I stay far far away.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:28:54 AM »
I don't like G4 (the toys or FiM the show) and don't even really consider it My Little Pony. I know it is, but I just can't. When I think "My Little Pony" I think G1. I've felt like this about every generation since G2. I'm glad that they all exist so people with different tastes or who grew up at different times have their own ponies to connect to, but they're not at all for me.

Pony Corral / Re: Collections
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:24:21 AM »
Mine isn't even remotely organized. Until recently I wasn't even sure which ponies I had. I took photos of them all individually and posted them to a new instagram account I made so I can look and see who I'm missing, though. That's the only place that they're organized. Irl they're all shoved onto one shelf in a bookshelf and stacked in the worst way. I'm so jealous of everyone with nice display cases and pony rooms. One day I'll have one, too.

I think these are ADORABLE but I already have trouble justifying $7 for the Steven Universe blind boxes I collect. There is no way I'll end up with these at that price point. I hope everyone else gets the figures they want and post pictures, though! So cute. Good luck, everyone.  :)

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Lot of G1's
« on: July 20, 2017, 02:03:41 PM »
What an awesome intro to G1! Your Quackers looks really nice, too. I'd be thrilled to find that lot. Congratulations.

The Dollhouse / Re: Mildew covered/stained Pleasant Company AG dolls
« on: July 20, 2017, 01:57:15 PM »
Thank you for your help. I applied at AGPlayThings again. Fingers crossed. In the meantime I'm going to take them apart and toss the fluff. I'll update here when I start cleaning them.

UPDATE (7/22): I took all of their heads off and removed the stuffing from every body. Only Molly is really THAT bad, but they're all pretty gross. Kirsten's wig is probably a total loss. It's absolutely disgusting. I'm going to take some "before" pictures later today and start the initial cleaning process.

UPDATE (7/23): I did a massive clean on the girls today and had some successes and some losses. Kirsten and Addy both had NESTS OF DEAD BUGS in their wigs, as well as mildew so bad I decided the wigs were total losses. I know this is probably blasphemy for original Pleasant Company dolls, but I felt it was the right decision. Molly was the worst mildew-wise, but she came clean! My "girl of today" (no idea what number but she's from the year they were introduced) has some brown staining on her limbs underneath where the mildew was so I'll be treating that soon. Their bodies all came clean. I repainted their lips and reblushed their cheeks. Once they're all dry and I can restuff, I'll post some pictures. I only took one shot of the nastiness (one of the arms while cleaning) but I'll post that, too, to give an idea. I'm excited to find new wigs for Addy and Kirsten and get the stains out of my GoT (I need to name her.)

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 7/19/2017 Butterscotch
« on: July 20, 2017, 09:00:32 AM »
I have CF Butterscotch in my herd already with FF otw. I think she's adorable. I'm a big fan of collector pose ponies.

The Dollhouse / Re: Mildew covered/stained Pleasant Company AG dolls
« on: July 20, 2017, 08:45:29 AM »
Yes you can... it's just going to be a lot of work.  :)

First start disassembling them.  Put the heads in not-sealed bags, unstuff them (you WILL have to replace the stuffing), get all the limbs sorted out.

Soak everything in cleaner - it can be Oxi for the body/limbs and dry in sunshine.  The heads, you'll need to cover the eyes with painter's tape or the like while scrubbing them and washing the hair.  Don't get water in them! 

Stains can be removed from the vinyl with acne cream - you know the stuff we say NEVER to put on ponies?  Yeah it works on AG dolls. 

You can scrub down their vinyl with baking soda, be careful about getting it into their eyes.  Q-tips are your friend here.

I'm surprised that AGPlaythings is closed for applications again!  I'll ask...

I applied there probably 6 months ago and never heard back.  :blink: I haven't looked again bc I assumed they wouldn't let me in since they didn't then and nothing has changed. I'm totally cool with a lot of work, they're worth it. When you say cover the eyes with tape do you mean just tape over them like across the vinyl in front? I'm not too worried about the hair or even the paint on their faces as I can replace/fix both of those, but I'd like to not destroy their eyes if I can avoid it.

Thank you for giving me hope. I don't care how much work it takes, I'm saving these dolls!

The Dollhouse / Mildew covered/stained Pleasant Company AG dolls
« on: July 19, 2017, 08:13:30 PM »
I just grabbed my childhood AG dolls (all pre-1995) from storage, and they're all covered in white, gross mildew. The dolls are stained brown underneath it wherever the stuff is touching. I know absolutely nothing about cleaning these ladies and don't want to damage them further (I'm trying to be positive and assume they can be saved.) Can anyone help me figure out where to start when it comes to fixing them? There are SEVEN of these dolls and it will break my heart if they're not salvageable. I've been trying to join a few AG doll forums for weeks, but they seem to be closed down like Ft. Knox. I appreciate any help I could get. Thank you in advance.

Crossing my fingers here.  :cry:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Fairy lanterns (picture heavy)
« on: July 19, 2017, 07:55:12 AM »
I'm IN LOVE with these!

Pony Corral / Re: Bathing Beauty Winner!
« on: July 19, 2017, 07:51:52 AM »
Congratulations! I joined the arena just in time to vote in this. So fun.  :)

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