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Messages - WaterDraw

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Pony Corral / Re: Show me your bait ponies?
« on: June 19, 2019, 09:47:37 AM »
I like bait ponies too: they are full of possibilities. I have just collected a Very Sad Mexican CJ from the post office. She is missing most of one of her eyes, but that's nothing a little paint can't fix. Her hair is also rather a Challenge, but then again I like Challenges. And CJ is certainly worth it  :)

She is so new that I have no photo yet.

I have rather a lot of bait ponies as I really love restoring / alt. rehairing / generally fixing up ponies and toys. I bought a large lot from England to work on. And as luck would have it I have not as yet had time to do anything with them as yet.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who likes bait ponies :)
Do post a pick of the troubled CJ when you get the chance! She'd be interesting to see, along with the other baits, if there are any interesting ponies in there

The answer is that I like both but I have a space issue and I also like restoring ponies so I only have de-flocked ones or ponies waiting to be de-flocked. I just remembered that part of the reason I started de-flocking was also because there are a lot of iconic pegasus ponies in this collection and I wanted to even out the numbers in my collection. I only buy ponies to de-flock where I also correct other common issues like bad hair, tail rust etc. I spent ages deflocking a SS Twilight only to discover that she has an issue with the molding on her neck. I think may be her head is not her original. Anyway, she always looks odd. I guess this is a risk with buying any baits on Ebay. I have also de-flocked Angel, Good Wishes, Magic Star, Bouncy, Truly x 2, Hippety Hop x2 and Paradise x2 and I have partially de-flocked Lofty and Ribbon in my cupboard. As other people have mentioned, the glue on some can be a lot tougher. I have always wanted a Lofty and it's so frustrating that I can't finish her yet! I think she was in the comics a lot maybe, or for some other reason I had heard of her when I was a kid and but this was her only type of release.
Good luck de-flocking Lofty ad Ribbon! Hope you can get it done soon so you can fully enjoy Lofty. Also sorry to hear about the Twilight issue :(
This thread was good luck! I found a wild SS Paradise today. Her flocking is about 6/10 - 7/10 I'm debating selling since I already have a mint one, or deflocking even though her flocking isn't *that* bad.
Oh my really?? That's so awesome! It's so hard to come by SS in the wild...Also you do whatever will make you the happiest. If you want to sell her, go ahead, or if you want to de-flock her, have at it.  ^.^

Pony Corral / Re: G3 Tail Rust
« on: June 17, 2019, 10:58:43 PM »
It varies which type is in g3 and g3. G1 are all metal. G2 idk

I know at least some g2s have metal because I've seen tail rust on them before.
As for g3, I think they all have metal. Idk about g4 but all of mine that I've actually opened have had metal ones and I'm sort of up to date on the line so yeah. I don't think they ever swapped to plastic or anything...

You shouldn't have to open up your g3s if they don't show any signs of tail rust. It might even decrease their value if you go in and replace them or even just rip the original neck glue (if they have any). However, it is up to personal preference so if you're planning on giving your ponies frequent spa trips, then it may be a good idea to bust em open and replace them ;) (Or if you don't ever plan on selling your collection and you know this and you just prefer not having to worry about rust later on, then yeah. Otherwise, there really isn't a reason to go through and replace them all?)

i gotta clean and style all of them and i dont want to start the rust so i figured it’d be easier to just replace em now before it becomes a problem?
Oh, I see. Well if your washing doesn't involve having to go inside the pony, then if you point the pony with her rear facing down and not directly submerge her she should be fine, especially if you dry her well. However, I understand not wanting to risk it, or if you're going to be cleaning the inside of the ponies as well then you might as well replace them : P Good luck on replacing them!

Pony Corral / Re: G3 Tail Rust
« on: June 17, 2019, 07:09:20 PM »
It varies which type is in g3 and g3. G1 are all metal. G2 idk

I know at least some g2s have metal because I've seen tail rust on them before.
As for g3, I think they all have metal. Idk about g4 but all of mine that I've actually opened have had metal ones and I'm sort of up to date on the line so yeah. I don't think they ever swapped to plastic or anything...

You shouldn't have to open up your g3s if they don't show any signs of tail rust. It might even decrease their value if you go in and replace them or even just rip the original neck glue (if they have any). However, it is up to personal preference so if you're planning on giving your ponies frequent spa trips, then it may be a good idea to bust em open and replace them ;) (Or if you don't ever plan on selling your collection and you know this and you just prefer not having to worry about rust later on, then yeah. Otherwise, there really isn't a reason to go through and replace them all?)

Pony Corral / Re: are your ponies gay?
« on: June 17, 2019, 11:47:58 AM »
Wind Whistler and North Star are a couple in my cannon. Also my ponysona, Water Drop (not pictured anywhere here lol) is bi and had a girlfriend in the past.
I probably have more that I can't think of at the moment. I used to have a list, but I can't access it now due to it being on another account :(

I like both! I have 10 deflocks and my favourite ones in their original SS form too. They’re interesting to compare. Mint SS are beautiful. But if their flocking is bad, like really really bad I think they definitely look better without. Otherwise they look like they have a bad case of mange XD

Oooo which ponies do you have de-flocked?

Pony Corral / Show me your bait ponies?
« on: June 16, 2019, 08:03:29 PM »
I don't know why, but I have this weird hobby of looking up bait ponies on eBay just to see some of the worst conditions a pony could be in. Maybe because it makes me feel better about my more beat up ponies or maybe because it interests me to see how bad a shape a pony can be in. I don't know, I feel like I shouldn't be interested in seeing them but here I am actively asking to see some...
So show me your bait ponies? Could be ponies you bought in a bait condition or ones you've had as a child. To help start the discussion I'll talk about my worst condition pony (I am unable to take pictures at the moment)
My worst condition pony would probably have to be a Princess Royal Blue I got from a friend a while back. She just picked her up off the floor and said "I heard you liked ponies so here's one for you" (keep in mind her house was...well okay to put it bluntly they were hoarders so their house wasn't exactly the cleanest place). I was very thankful for the gift, and I still am today. I also hope that her family is out of the hoarding situation they're in. Anyway, while I do love my pony and everything, she is in a pretty bad condition. Tinsel crushing, dry hair, heavy smoke smell, possible bite marks, scrapped metallic paint, and brown marks ALL over her. Saddly, I can't further access what she has due to the fact that she's in storage somewhere and I got her when I was really young and didn't know much about pony conditions and stuff.
I know that is sort of tame and not exactly bait material, but I don't actively buy bait ponies so that's all I could think of. Also sorry if this is sort of out of place here, I wasn't sure if I should've posted this here or in the customs but I guessed I should've put it here because this isn't really about customs and more about the actual bait ponies themselves? If it's in the wrong category though I'm really sorry!!

EDIT: I also forgot to mention if you don't have any bait ponies but saw a bait pony one, I'd like to hear about your experience as well. Like describe it the best you could? Also if you can't take pictures you can just describe them as I did for mine above.

I absolutely love flocking! If a toy has flocking (be it a pony, a Sylvanian, a Shoppet, or whatever) I’m about 75% more likely to buy it. XD It just adds such a cute effect, IMO.

That said, vintage SS ponies can get into seriously rough shape. If flocking is moldy, matted, and half missing, I always deflock. It is a little sad, since like you said, it’s original to the pony... but flocking that far gone is never again going to be what it was. It’s great that they have such bright, beautiful colors underneath... It really gives the pony a second life after their flocking is beyond help. :)

Flocking can get moldy?  :shocked: I never knew that! I just knew that it could rub off, get extremely dirty, and I think the glue underneath can yellow and make the pony look yellowed? Flocking is a lot more delicate than I thought...Can moldy flocking spread to the actual pony and make it's plastic moldy as well?

Also, that's such a nice way to put it. :) If I ever have to de-flock a pony in the restoration process, I'll forever think of it as a better-good sort of thing and that they'll be having a happier, more vibrant second life ;)

Pony Corral / Do You Prefer SS Ponies With Their Flocking or Without?
« on: June 16, 2019, 05:27:15 PM »
     Recently I was looking at some de-flocked So Soft ponies and I realized how much I prefer them without the flocking than with it. They just have such neon colors underneath and it gets muddled out by the flocking. I know that in places outside the US (I'm not sure if it was only the UK or in places outside the UK) that they had some of the ponies here that were flocked as not having any flocking (Like Shady and Wind Whistler) and I honestly think they look so much better. That's not to say that if I found a So Soft pony I'd just go and hack all of the flocking off because I prefer the look, but if the flocking was just beyond fixing (ex. if most of it was already gone or something like that) and was overall just making the pony look worse then I'd probably be okay with de-flocking it (although I'd still probably be a bit hesitant because it's original to the pony and everything).
     But overall, I just think I'm more-so a fan of the look than anything. I prefer ponies without a specific gimmick. There are very few gimmicks that I actually like so I'm probably biased in that sense. Maybe if I actually ever felt a so soft pony, I'd be a fan of the flocking more, but as it currently stands look wise I prefer no flocking.
      What do you guys think though? Are you a fan of the flocking? Do you think there should've been more ponies with flocking? Do you dislike it? Are you indifferent to it?

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Generator!
« on: June 16, 2019, 04:20:39 PM »
"Water Drop is a mint green breezie pony with pastel yellow hair, a spring theme, and super-long hair. "

Not quite, but honestly that design idea is super cute!!
I'm having a lot of fun with this. I think I'm going to make a doc and generate a couple more of these. They make good ideas for custom ponies, and I have a surplus of the mane 6 G4 MLPs...

Pony Corral / Re: Who's your favorite High Flying Beauty?
« on: June 13, 2019, 04:45:30 PM »
I loooove Dream Beauties!!
I'd have to say my favorite is Skyflyer, although it was a tough decision between her and Glider. I really love her vivid colors, and her hair looks so cute in ringlets like in the ad

Pony Corral / Show me your custom/restored ponies!
« on: June 13, 2019, 04:26:42 PM »
Hi everyone! Today I'm here because I have a craving to see some custom ponies and some ponies that were restored. It can be a pony you customized yourself or a pony you bought customized. And the restored ponies don't have to be completely restored exactly to what they used to look like (ex. If you maybe gave them an alt. hair color or re-did their eyes to look more like your personal art style) You could even just have a story about a custom you saw or a restored pony you saw that you just thought was interesting if you have no pictures available. :)

Pony Corral / Re: Did You Ever See A Blonde Majesty?
« on: June 12, 2019, 11:37:25 AM »
Huh, that's interesting. I really like the light blue of her eyes, but too bad it's due to damage.

Pony Corral / Re: Thoughts on the Loving Family Ponies?
« on: June 10, 2019, 06:05:29 PM »
I do like them, and want to own the apple delight family.

It would be fun to put ponies together and see their new offspring. I sometimes draw nextgens. which are the offspring of 2 mlp characters. I don't do anything with them I just like to design.

I recently also put sweet stuff and love token together. I'm gonna take as many pictures as I can this weekend for I'll be getting my sister back from england :)

I like to make nextgens too!  :) I would love to see some pictures of the ones you've made!

Pony Corral / Re: My Little Pony is for boys too....
« on: June 07, 2019, 09:42:13 AM »
Awww that's so cute! I know my friend's little brother has a bunch of ponies he likes to play with (although they're knock-off MLP). He'll run around going 'Orse! 'Orse! (he can't say horse correctly, it's the cutest thing) I'm sure if he grows up to start collecting MLP he'd appreciate this. :)

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