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Messages - Nekoi

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Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: December 03, 2014, 09:11:49 AM »

I agree, I thought Dawn looked kind surprised too, and the look she shot Rick to me said "no wait". But I'm not sorry she's gone, she was not the best person as you wrote and I think her death will honestly bring some peace to at least those who were there.


They are only actors, but Norman Reedus playing Daryl claims he had to be alone and have a good cry having read this script so I think some of the emotions they display are real. It ends the last time of them working together and I think that means a lot because actors really come together on a set. Just like I feel a bit sad when a close co-worker moves on to another job.

They really did a great job on this episode, though I'm a bit of a big crier  ;)

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: December 01, 2014, 11:21:08 AM »
I was expecting something major. I knew someone would die, having read already that Norman Reedus playing Daryl had a very emotional reaction to this script. My bet, however unlikely, was however with Carol.

Beth dying, I took it harder then I was expecting. Maybe because of how I saw her character, she is one of the few who have developed well with the world more or less coming to an end, Carol and Daryl being the other two in my opinion.

This was another well built episode. Not being sure whether or not to trust the surviving two cops, not know how the trade would go down. Stupid as it may be, being in the moment of the trade when none of the two cops spoke up I was thinking to myself "wow, the producers/directors/writers will surprise me with an even trade! I'm cool with that" ... until Dawn spoke, and requested Noah. I understood immediately that Beth wouldn't stand for that, not in a million years. Because that was our girl.

I was happily surprised, when Dawn and Beth were both dead, when the woman cop called ceasefire. According to her, they were done now. Rick's group were offered to stay, as well as Rick offering anyone who wanted to join to step forward then. And I understand why only Noah came a long.

Daryl's, Carol's and Rick's reactions nearly killed me, and of course Maggie who had regained hope... it was crushing to see that hope die.

A very emotional ending to truly terrific start to season 5, I can hardly wait for February to see what more season 5 has in store for us.

And of course, a bit of mystery at the very end...

Off Topic / Re: 'Tis the season to be reading
« on: November 29, 2014, 01:38:04 PM »
I'm on my 69th book so far this year, which is a new record for me in reading.
The last three years I've set my goal at Goodreads:

I mostly reading paperbacks, but I've read quite a few e-books this year as well. However, I always prefer real books, the feel and the smell of them. I'm big on reading if you can't tell haha always have been, but I'm reading faster nowasdays then I was a couple of years ago.

I try to avoid re-reads but sometimes I can't help myself. This year it was "The Three Musketeers" that I read as a teenager.

Pony Corral / Re: Christmas is coming!
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:15:51 AM »
I can't believe it's Christmas soon!

Here in Sweden we've had the longest autumn, it's still pretty warm out and that makes it hard for me to get into the Christmas spirit even though I love Christmas!

On Thursday I'm going to Copenhagen with a friend, to visit Tivoli and the Christmas market - so I'm hoping to boost my spirits there  :xmas:

Since I'm not really a collector, more taking care of my childhood friends, I highly doubt there will be anything Pony related under the three for me.

But if there were... I'd wish for Firefly, Medley or Gusty I think  :heart:

Pony Corral / Re: Removing make up from Ponies
« on: November 23, 2014, 01:39:44 AM »
When it comes to magic erasers, if used carefully it can work wonders. Going through cleaning my ponies, especially the TAF ponies, they had so much sot that sometimes I went over the entire body with the magic eraser. As long as you're really light to the touch it should be fine, at least I had no problems with eyes/blush/butterflies... Then again, I don't know how deep your markings go, so it seems to be a case of trial and error.

I wish you the best of luck!

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:09:06 AM »
I agree with you Pinkhazard  :thumb:

Have I understood it correctly if I say that we have a new director for this season?

Either way, another low-burning episode but I continue to like it. This time around I find it well constructed and presented rather then similar episodes in earlier seasons.

The combo of Daryl and Carole worked really well. I bought them as a team, and though this episode was rather slow it didn't really bother me. I really liked when they talked about changing because these two are two of the ones who have adapted to their situations best in my opinion.

Stupid kid trying to steal from Carole and Daryl, really kid, way uncool. However, Daryl and Carole are so badass they made it anyway haha

It seems now that our storylines will be aligning shortly, Daryl going back to fetch Rick to bust Beth out. Question is, will Abraham and co have worked their way back or if they continue on in another direction.

However, in Beth's episode we weren't given nearly enough information to fear the hospital group. This will not make for a good showdown, from what we know Rick's group could probably very easily take down the hospital.

I'm daring to hope for another outcome, rather then another slaughter, some sort of joining... But what's Rick's group's goal? What's next? In the prison they tried to lead a normal life, with farming and pigs etc but what now? Of course they would never take to the order of the Hospital, but would they be interested in taking it as a base? Or move on?

Soon mid-season finale, the end of the year is fast approaching!

Introductions / Re: Hi from Sweden!
« on: November 15, 2014, 01:17:23 AM »
Hellow fellow Swede and welcome to the Arena, I'm sure you'll love it here!

Off Topic / Re: The Walking Dead S5 Discussion - Spoilers
« on: November 11, 2014, 01:26:58 AM » has written an excellent review of the latest episode, I know I keep bringing it up, but I think they're doing a really great job and I agree with a lot in it.

So this week we didn't get to follow up on Beth and Carol, nor on Rick's group.

Instead we got to follow Abraham's group and I gotta say that I really liked this episode. It seems likes this season is trying something new, and so far I appreciate the style of the episodes.

Gotta say though, I'm a slow or something? I hadn't realized that Abraham and Ros... Rosita? Anyway, apparantly I'm terrible with names... That they were in a relationship, but hey good for them. Though Eugene, really, that's bad manners.

We got to know a bit more about Abraham, which I like. And then we were left with a bombshell, Eugene has been lying to us.

So what happens next.

No seriously, anyone seen any previous? What's in store for us next week?

I really like this episode though I have no idea where this leaves us with this group. It seems pointless to continue to DC, right? So are they going back to Rick?

Pony Corral / Re: Arena Derby Race #29 - Nov 09, 2014
« on: November 09, 2014, 07:26:10 AM »
Holy, this will be a close one! It was really hard to pick but... go Fizzy, go! Like the wind!

Pony Corral / Re: Arena Derby Race #28 - Nov 08, 2014
« on: November 08, 2014, 09:58:08 AM »
I had to go with Gusty, she has been a favorite of mine ever since "My Little Pony The Movie" and espcially this scene I still remember from my childhood, Bitter Gusty:

haha continued here, togehter with "There's always another rainbow"

haha Go Gusty, go!

She's beautiful!! Congratulations!!

Pony Corral / Re: G1 ponies on mug in the UK
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:54:12 PM »
My actual thought process: "10 quid, they're having a - OOH, Glory!!"  :enthralled:

Haha I recognize the thinking pattern  :nod:

Pony Corral / Re: G1 MLP UK Magazine Scans!
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:49:44 PM »
Oh wow, these are simply amazing! Thank you so much for sharing them and for take the time to scan them :heart:

Pony Corral / Re: Arena Derby Race #26 - Nov 06, 2014
« on: November 06, 2014, 12:50:35 PM »
Darn it, another really hard one, but go Fizzy go!! You can do it girl!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: New Watercolor: "Main Sail Sea Pony"!
« on: November 04, 2014, 09:23:31 AM »
Very pretty!
I love to see even more of your work, thank you for sharing :heart:

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