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Messages - ringwraith10

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Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Monster Hunter World
« on: March 08, 2018, 08:59:23 PM »
I want to play it so bad! But with school I've barely played any games at all this year. Maybe I'll check back in when I've gotten it. :)

Off Topic / Re: Enamel Pins and Patches
« on: March 08, 2018, 08:54:12 PM »
I have a few Disney pins, but otherwise I don't really collect them. I love the pins I keep seeing on Instagram, but I don't buy them because I am certain I would lose them. Oh, but occasionally I buy pins at conventions and stick them to my badge lanyard.

Off Topic / Re: Here Comes The Easter Bunny!
« on: March 08, 2018, 08:40:06 PM »
Cadbury is, in general, one of my very favorite chocolates, so I usually get plenty of Cadbury chocolate in various forms. But this year I discovered something wonderful: Lindt Chocolate eggs! This might be the first year they made these, since I've never seen them before? Anyway, they're my new favorite. I love Lindt Chocolate Truffles, and the eggs are like large truffles.

Off Topic / Re: Magazine Problem!
« on: March 08, 2018, 04:08:35 PM »
The easiest way to get action is interestingly enough, sending them snail mail letters telling them pretty much what you have told us.  There's the address to write to, in all magazines with the publishing information, etc.  Usually in the first 10 pages of the magazine. 


I kept getting junk mail and magazines for the guy who used to live in my house after we moved in. I tried sending them back marked "moved, no longer at this address" and it didn't help, I just got more. He then died and I marked th stuff "deceased, please remove from mailing list" and that didn't work either.

One day I lost it and I wrote a letter (saying he was dead and to please stop sending stuff to this address) on a piece of paper torn from a reporters note book and snail mailed it to them.

Not got anything since!

Love pkw xxx

Wow, amazing that that worked! I'll have to try that. I did try going onto a few magazines' websites and canceling the subscription, but they want me to create an account first so that they can send me junk email, too. Obviously, I don't really want to do that.

Off Topic / Re: List of villians songs
« on: March 07, 2018, 05:19:26 PM »
Okay, now you've got me watching villain songs on YouTube. :D Somehow I forgot when I posted up there that Ursula's song is my absolute favorite.

Here's a nice medley of Disney villain songs on youtube:

OMG another one I forgot! Tamatoa's song from Moana!

Off Topic / Magazine Problem!
« on: March 07, 2018, 04:45:46 PM »
This isn't really dramatic enough to go in the WYP board but I really need advice.  :shocked:

So, someone signed me up for a bajillion magazine subscriptions. I don't know who did it, all I know is that I've been getting bombarded with magazines I don't want. I even MOVED, and I thought that when I moved the magazines would stop coming to me, but the post office gave them my new address so I'm still getting them! I'm getting all of these weekly tabloids and other magazines like Glamour and Allure. I'm honestly not interested in any of it. I've been leaving the magazines out at the mailbox in case any of my neighbors wanted them, but it's getting exhausting. When I checked my mail yesterday, there were about 20 magazines shoved in my mailbox. My actual mail that I need was all crushed and wrinkled up because the mail person had had to shove all of those magazines in there.

So here's my question: what can I do to contact the magazine companies and tell them to stop sending me stuff? I mean, this feels almost like harassment. When you get junk emails, there are instructions on how to unsubscribe to the emails. How do I get rid of these junk magazines? I hope someone here knows what I should do.

Off Topic / Re: List of villians songs
« on: March 07, 2018, 03:49:52 PM »
This is my jam! I'm a connoisseur of villain songs. :D

I would actually recommend some songs that are not from movies:

1) I'm the Villain in My Own Story (From Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) (slight language warning)
2) When You're Evil by Voltaire
3) You've Underestimated Me, Dude by Kate Miller-Heidke (this one's a bit more subtle)

My favorite Disney villain songs are Scar's song from The Lion King, Mother Gothel's song from Tangled, and the multiple villain songs from Pocahontas (R.I.P. David Ogden Stiers).

Off Topic / Re: Mister Rogers Neighborhood turns 50
« on: March 07, 2018, 03:34:30 PM »
Two beautiful stories about Mister Rogers.

The first is from a young man who met him during a hard point in his life when his grandpa had just died.  Even though he only saw Mister Rogers by chance, in an elevator, Mister Rogers saw he was upset and sat down to talk with him.

The second is from 1969 when Mr. Rogers testified in front of the senate to save funding for PBS.

Mr. Rogers was an extraordinary man, and I think what makes him especially inspiring is that any of us can aspire to be Fred Rogers.  He wasn't an Olympic athlete or save a baby carriage from going over a cliff.  He was just kind and caring.
These made me cry. We will never have another man like Fred Rogers.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 3/6/18 Tossles
« on: March 06, 2018, 01:41:10 PM »
I'm pretty sure I don't have her. I like ponies with animal symbols so she's definitely one I want (though I'm not a fan of her color scheme).

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 3/1/18 Bright Glow
« on: March 05, 2018, 10:18:20 PM »
Have her, and she's a childhood pony! :)

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 3/5/18 Surprise Newborn Baby Bouncy
« on: March 05, 2018, 10:12:24 PM »
So I ticked "have her", but I actually don't know if I do or not. See, this is the problem...

This is my Bouncy :D

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I had her from new. I still have her card. I never removed her nappy. So I have no clue which symbol she has underneath. I don't intend on ever taking it off, either, so I will never know.

So I ticked yes, but's a 50/50 xD.

She's the only pony in this pose. :D

I can't find my scan of her card story at the moment, her card is such a tiny little thing - but here are some pretty scans from it about the nappy :)

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Ah, I never knew why they were called "surprise"! That's cool!

Off Topic / Re: Anime?
« on: March 05, 2018, 08:10:00 PM »
What are everyone’s thoughts on In Your Corner of the World and From Up On Poppy Hill?

I started to read the In Your Corner of the World manga, but I don't really like the art style so I haven't finished it. I haven't seen the movie yet but I think it's waiting for me at the library! I liked From Up On Poppy Hill when I saw it, though it's not my favorite Ghibli movie. It was pretty good, though.

The Dollhouse / Re: American Girl Questions
« on: March 04, 2018, 10:02:07 PM »
Kirsten dolls pretty much flock to me as my name is Kirsten. My first is my childhood one and the rest I've come across by happenstance.

Thanks for all the info, guys. From what you've said, I'm really crying now that I didn't win that auction that ended at ~$50. Oh well, I'll keep looking! It sounds like Josefina will be in my price range, though. And it's so sad that the new dolls are so terrible. The stores didn't exist when I was a kid but I would have LOVED to get to go to the store and pick out a doll. Maybe one day they'll get their act together. :/

Off Topic / Re: Anime?
« on: March 04, 2018, 09:08:25 PM »
I'm having a lot of trouble finding something good to watch. I started to re-watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, but I'm not really into it. I also started Fate/Stay Night, but... I dunno. I'm not really into that, either. I guess I'm having a slump. I need recommendations! Harmonie -- "How to Keep a Mummy" sounds interesting. I'm probably in the mood for something cute. :)

Off Topic / Re: Mister Rogers Neighborhood turns 50
« on: March 04, 2018, 08:43:42 PM »
Aww, I wish I had TV so I could watch the marathon! I miss Mr. Rogers.

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