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Messages - Rainbowrific Renia

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I haven't opened the game in a few days. I know we can't have events all the time, but I really love the idea of putting NPCs in the game that give you quests to complete for coins or items. Like "catch x amount of flying types today and you get 10 coins", something like that. Otherwise, I have no incentive to play until the next event.

That said, a fire event would be awesome!

I saw a poll on Reddit and the amount of people who want a dragon event is mind boggling. these people not know that there would only be 3 Pokemon that would show up and they're all apart of the same family? I doubt Kingdra would show up since you need a Dragon Scale to get it in the first place. A dragon event would make no sense with just the first two gens!

Pony Corral / Re: Pony population poll 2: what gens do you collect?
« on: May 31, 2017, 08:48:05 AM »
I collect G1, G3, and G4 ponies. I wanted to get into G2, but I was left hanging by a seller who had quite a few of the ponies I had on my wishlist and I just sorta moved on and haven't cared to try and buy G2 again since.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 31, 2017, 08:46:15 AM »
Got the letter this morning telling me that I didn't get the job I interviewed for. Despite my gut feeling that I'll be stuck at my current job forever, I did apply to several places over the past week and I applied to another place today. I'm trying not to think about it too much though, being disappointed over and over again is getting old.

I'd give yesterday at 3/5. I haven't been to the gym since Saturday. I'm just not feeling well enough, mentally, to go. I wanted to go this morning but I stayed in bed instead. My plan is to go tonight at a time when I know there won't be a ton of people there. Fingers crossed I actually make it!

I brought what was left of my fruit salad from Monday for lunch today and I have a nice big jug of water to last me until I go home. At least I know my food and water intake will be on point!

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 30, 2017, 08:30:44 AM »
I've been busy, still stressing over this job because I haven't heard anything back yet (yesterday was a holiday so I'm not too surprised, but I don't expect to hear a peep this week either). I'm assuming I didn't get it and they're just working with the person they want to hire before sending out the rejection emails, calls, etc. Yay anxiety making me such a negative person! I came into work today and everyone asked me how things were going, but I honestly just want to go back home and sleep. I also know there's the possibility that this place won't ever get back to me (it's happened to me with other places) so I should honestly just move on and keep applying to other places like I've been doing, put this job out of my mind and quit obsessing over it.

So yeah, this past weekend wasn't that great. I give myself a 3/5 for yesterday because it wasn't too bad of a day, but definitely a 1/5 for Sunday and a 2/5 for Saturday.

On the plus side, I woke up this morning and exercised even though I really didn't want to and I'm already at 6k+ steps, so halfway to my daily step goal! I plan on walking later if it doesn't rain.

@banditpony: I've been considering doing the Whole 30 program, but I feel like I'd fail after a week in. I have friends who have done it and enjoyed it, others who have done it and didn't enjoy it, but it seems to be an overall effective program.

I now have slight post-event letdown, as now all the Pokémon I'm seeing are commons. My sister even commented on the unusual fact that there were three Rattatas in our house (there are usually some Natus or Spinaraks in the mix).

I'm feeling the post-event blues as well. I don't need to keep to with getting stops because I got all of the evolutionary items needed. I'm down to just a handful of Pokémon left to get, period, and they're the harder to find ones that I know I won't ever see around my house or while I'm out walking.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 25, 2017, 12:20:52 PM »
Woooo, so many high numbers! That's awesome, heathersmoo!

@Stomper: I think that 4 mile walk is a good excuse to not feel like doing chores. :P

I keep looking out the window while I'm at work, hoping the sky will clear up so I can take a short walk when I get off. There's rain in the forecast for the next two weeks! I know things can change, but...ugh!

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/25/2017 Rainbowberry
« on: May 25, 2017, 11:44:57 AM »
Want! She's so pretty.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 25, 2017, 08:41:10 AM »
I understand interviews and the chaos. If it has been 5 days since the interview, it is ok to call them. But be super polite. Sometime the call bumps you up in the selection progress.

I planned on calling today or tomorrow, since the interview was last Friday. Monday is a holiday, so I don't want to wait until Tuesday to nerves would be shot by then!

I did send a "thank you" email to the hiring manager on Monday, and I didn't expect a reply to that so that's okay. I planned out what I want to say when I call, that way I don't come across as nervous.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 25, 2017, 08:25:35 AM »
Thank you, crowning_glory! I could use all of the luck right now. >_< That's great that you got some advertising done for your studio, definitely important.  :)

I give yesterday a 5/5. I ate well, exercised, started using the Couch to 5K app on my phone, ate a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I don't recall biting my nails at all! Still no word on the job though, so my mind has been racing with possibilities and thinking that I probably didn't get it, but I just wish they'd at least call and be like "Hey, we decided to go with someone else." I'd be upset, but at least it wouldn't be on my mind anymore and I could move on with my life. Still, I tried my best not to let those thoughts ruin my good day.

Today is already off to a great start. I went to the gym and did day 2 of the C25K app. It's supposed to rain for the next few days, so I don't know if I'll get to walk after work like I enjoy doing, but we'll see.

Well, the event ends today. What did you all think?

Overall, this was one of the better events for me. I was able to evolve for a Steelix, Magcargo, Kabutops, Omastar, I finally got a Shuckle, I was able to power up the Aerodactyl I already had with the few Aerodactyl I caught this week, the extra candy for walking helped me get Scizor, and all that walking helped me hatch eggs faster and most of them were pretty good hatches.

For some reason I'm in Squirtle city today. I've hatched like 3 and caught a Blastoise in the wild.
Squirtle and Chikorita seem to be the most common starters in western PA, I swear. I'm so tired of seeing them. :drunk: I thought for sure with seeing Squirtle almost all the time, that Totodile would be more common but nope! I also hatched a TON of Squirtle recently. Blastoise was the first fully evolved starter I got...last year. All these Squirtles are useless to me!

My luck with 10k eggs has official run out, but to be fair I only need Miltank (which I keep forgetting about) and more Larvitar- oh, and Porygon...I guess... so the chances of me getting what I need is very slim now. I got 2 Gligar in a row, like I don't see those all the time around my house. :pout: At least I'll be prepared to evolve one of them into a Gliscor eventually.

Ugh, spoofers are the worst! I'm pretty sure my town has been taken over by them, too. The other day my husband and I were walking around and there was a gym with room for two people, but we had to build up the prestige. Of course someone had Blissey at the bottom, which I think is detrimental to players on the same team trying to get in. To me, you put a Blissey in if you know it'll be towards the top. Aaaanyway, we fought the gym but quickly ran out of potions and revives, so we walked around to get more. The prestige was at 37500/40000. We got back 5 minutes later and someone was putting their Pokémon in (yet no one else was physically in sight) so...yeah. >_<

Yesterday the prestige was at 48500/50000, so I quickly fought it and stuck in my Dragonite. It's the first time I've been in a gym in forever! Unfortunately, the gym is mostly made up of one person with multiple accounts. They weren't even creative enough to come up with different usernames: they're all the same but letter different. 5 accounts. Why?

Also, saw a Larvitar on the radar last night. My husband and I ran so fast to get to it because it was several blocks away. :lol: I really was hoping it would pop up more. Kinda like how I saw Totodile maybe twice during the water event.

The only Pokemon I haven't seen much during this event is Larvitar, but I'm sure they did that on purpose. Of course, it's the only thing I still need because I need to evolve Pupitar. I went through my dex and I'm almost done, outside of regionals, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Elekid, Girafarig, Miltank Hitmonlee, and Porygon- which I'm still convinced I will never see/hatch.

My husband and I discovered a Cyndaquil nest a couple of towns over while we were walking in the park on Sunday. Caught 4 of them during the two hours were spent there. We'll probably go back down today after work.

When we were walking the other day, we ran into two other couples who were playing Pokemon Go as well, we even talked with them. It was actually really nice to run into people who are still playing.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 23, 2017, 08:40:42 AM »
4/5 for yesterday. It was a nice way to start the week, since I'm still nervous over my job interview (hoping to hear back this week).  :satisfied:

Off Topic / Re: Whats for dinner?
« on: May 22, 2017, 08:52:45 AM »
Grilled salmon, asparagus and mashed cauliflower.

I just evolved for Steelix as well! I also have Scizor and Togepi now. Even though I caught Dragonite last week, I hatched another Dratini so I was able to evolve my much better Dragonair.

Grimer will be my buddy for the remainder of the event and I suspect I'll be done with it by then.

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