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Messages - serena-hime

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Customs / Re: My Rehairs!
« on: May 08, 2021, 08:00:38 PM »
Streaky is done! I'm so happy with her, and I'm very happy about how nicely she fits with Ringlet. Definitely need to find another Stripes and a Raincurl for a complete set of rehaired Rainbow Curl ponies!

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Pony Corral / Re: First Look at G5 Toys
« on: May 03, 2021, 04:57:19 AM »
I really do not like how the manes are rooted more like a traditional human doll head :/ I'm assuming Pipp is some kind of gimmick toy, so we'll likely see a more static version of her eventually.

I still really don't love this gen so far, oh well.

Customs / Re: My Rehairs!
« on: April 30, 2021, 07:40:59 PM »
Yep Stardancer looks gorgeous like that!!!
Sorry I couldn't reply earlier but last night I needed sleep, this morning I had to get ready to go out & this afternoon I was out.

Thank you so so much! <3

Customs / Re: My Rehairs!
« on: April 29, 2021, 11:01:38 AM »
That hair is perfect for Star Dancer! I've never loved her factory hair in combination with her body color, but this is fantastic.

Thank you so much! I really dislike tinsel, but I wanted to keep the same general color combo for her lol!

Customs / Re: Let's talk about bait
« on: April 29, 2021, 10:15:10 AM »
How do you personally determine if a pony is bait?

Personally I don't really buy 'bait' ponies- the closest to bait I would get is bad hair. Rehairing is pretty much the only customizing I do (I don't consider beheading and tail washer replacement to be 'customization', rather preventative conservation), so if I know I want to rehair a certain pony, I will try to find one with a mostly perfect face/body but with bad hair, so as to not remove a completely mint pony from circulation- especially if I'm looking for one that is particularly rare or sought after. I wouldn't rehair my minty Lemon Treats, but I would rehair a Lemon Treats with damaged hair.

Do you feel the same about all gens?

I think it's less about the generation and more the individual pony and type of customization- I wouldn't say it's worse to customize a super common G1 pony than it is to customize a super rare G3 pony, for example.

What about the Basic Fun ponies or HQG1C?

I think those are fine to customize, and I think their existence is a viable solution for customizers that don't want to remove vintage ponies from circulation, or for customizers who don't want to start with a damaged base that needs a bunch of help.

Have you ever witnessed someone customize a good condition pony?

I think 'good condition' is very subjective, so I'm sure I've seen people customize ponies that could be seen as being in 'good condition' by another person, and I'm sure people would say the same to me.

Would YOU customize a good condition pony?

I'm sure I already have, in some people's eyes! My Locket had a frizzy mane and tail, but I'm sure it could have been sort-of fixed if I tried. I personally didn't like it, so I rehaired her and I bought her with the intention of doing so.

To be honest, I don't get that bothered by people customizing any kind of pony or any other kind of toy/doll that I collect, even if it's something rare. I might side-eye if somebody has customized a pony or doll that I've been looking for, perhaps a twinge of annoyance, but ultimately I know it's not their fault that I'm missing that pony and I support their artistry and contribution to the hobby. Maybe they took a rare toy out of circulation, but they also replaced it with something entirely unique and without that artistry, I think the community would be less enjoyable.

 I was actually a little surprised to see just how taboo it is, because I also collect dolls that are much more expensive than MLP, with significantly lower production numbers (less than 3k, usually around 600-1k) and a tendency to quickly triple in value on the secondhand market- and customization still isn't frowned upon in those communities, rather it's usually received positively. Complaints about scarcity and high prices are never framed from the perspective of 'this is what happens when people debox/customize' because customization and artistry enrich the hobby.

Likewise I think of pony customization as a core aspect of what makes the community enjoyable, not a contributing factor to inflation and rarity, and ultimately adds more to the community than it takes.

Customs / Re: My Rehairs!
« on: April 28, 2021, 07:08:50 PM »
Took a detour and decided to rehair Star Dancer before Streaky!

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Streaky will be up next I think, then I'm considering my Scoops since she has a haircut and her mane just looks kind of flat and thin lol

Off Topic / Re: Trouble with mlptp?
« on: April 25, 2021, 06:42:55 PM »
It seems to be running fine for me right now- maybe try clearing your cache? That might fix it.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: April 25, 2021, 01:17:52 PM »
please keep notes/mark it somewhere on the pony (or yeah put a note inside it, I like that idea too) that it's been altered! It's easy to say "it's on the buyer" but it's only possible for a buyer to know what they're buying, if the seller has informed them, which isn't always the case! If that makes sense. I don't have anything against rehairing, patching up rubbed-off symbols, etc, but I'd like to know so I can make an informed decision whether or not to buy.

100% agree with this! I don't mind ponies that have been beheaded/tail washer replaced or cleaned, but I do not like to buy ponies that have had chemical treatments or significant hair alteration or restoration- I would be very upset to unknowingly buy a pony that has had an oxy treatment or hair that has been heavily restored; not just because I prefer minty or near-mint ponies, but because 1) those treatments could potentially damage that pony, or other ones it might come into contact with and 2) my restoration methods might react poorly with whatever's already been done to it and 3) some hair restoration methods affect the texture of the hair in a way that I don't like, which isn't always fixable.

I also like the idea of putting the note inside the pony, I really don't like ponies with writing on them lol. A cute little pouch with a note inside the pony would be both effective, safe and adorable, imo.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/20/2021 Munchy
« on: April 25, 2021, 11:53:30 AM »
  horses and ponies can and will eat meat as a treat (if I recall, large amounts of it isn't good for them though.  So Slugger might want to slow down!).

Back when I still had horses, I once fed a piece of my gas station hotdog to my Arabian and he was very much a fan  :lol: they will eat just about anything, though it's obviously not the healthiest thing to give them.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: April 25, 2021, 11:16:18 AM »
I don’t care about collectible integrity. I don’t care if you’ve broken a pony’s seal and replaced the washer and filled it up with googly eyes or whatever. I prefer a cleaned pony to an authentic, untampered one.

Of course I have a pretty small collection and am more of a customizer anyway, soooo

Okay but......I really want to fill a pony with googly eyes now  :lol: Imagine popping off her head for maintenance and they just pour out onto the floor, like some kind of adorable horror scene.

Re: the topic of altering ponies, I'm somewhere in the middle. I see great value in preservation, it informs a lot of my restoration and storage methods for both ponies and dolls and I am very careful with how I treat my toys (often to my detriment- my BJDs rarely come out for fear of sunlight and dust exposure despite my doll room having blackout curtains, and I wash my hands repeatedly while handling my collection of both new and old dolls).

However, I don't think preservation is (or should be) the ultimate priority in collecting vintage toys for everyone, nor do I think it's especially important to take market value into consideration when making the choice to alter a pony in any way, because I'm not buying these with the expectation of making what I paid back if I decide to sell them.

I behead, wash and replace the tail washer of every pony, despite the fact that I only buy mint or near-mint. Tail washers and glued heads are not essential parts of the pony for me; rather, they're a point of concern and discomfort for me and I would prefer to clean every pony and know they will never succumb to tail rust or mold- and I don't think of these alterations as 'damage', rather they are precautions I take for both my comfort and the safety of the pony. I think hundreds or thousands of ponies would have been saved from certain types of damage if Hasbro never glued their heads or secured their tails with metal, actually.

At the end of the day, my happiness regarding my collection is the most important thing, and it will take precedent over anything else, but I try to strike a balance between preservation, prevention and enjoyment, and I'm grateful for the collectors who do value preservation above all else because we wouldn't know as much about ponies without them.

I think both types of collectors are good, positive, and valuable to the hobby at large. Both can exist, and the community would be worse without one or the other.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/20/2021 Munchy
« on: April 25, 2021, 08:37:10 AM »
Absolutely dying at all of the 4/20 jokes in here  :lol:

I love Munchy! She's so silly and I'd love to own her one day.

Pony Corral / Re: "Extra paint" ponies you would have liked to see
« on: April 23, 2021, 09:27:58 PM »
More space themed ponies with TAF markings would have been amazing! I love pastel, celestial themed ponies.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/22/2021 Gypsy
« on: April 23, 2021, 09:23:49 PM »
We can of course agree to disagree, although I am in no way condoning its use as a slur, nor denying the existence of that usage.

Well that's good, and I'd certainly never say you would!

I do think it's important to respect different cultural perspectives. Although that also includes understanding and acknowledging the more nuanced British usage of the term.

My issue with this statement is that it's also a slur in the UK still; it may have been watered down to the point where most people don't understand the history and oppression behind it, especially in places like the UK and North America, but that connotation is still there and many Romani people have been actively trying to fight against the use of it- which is why, regardless of whether or not it's used in a negative context, I think it's better not to use it at all, and I think there is little consequence in not using it in most contexts (the exception being in an educational setting, or when a term is reclaimed by the oppressed group in an effort to recontextualize)

My opinion is that probably Gypsy was a clumsy 1980s attempt at inclusion.

My assumption is mostly that it just wasn't understood to be a bad word to most people back then (and still isn't), rather it was assumed to be an innocuous, cute name for a pony. I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but in a modern setting I think it would be best to acknowledge that it was a mistake to give her that name (along with other ponies like Wigwam, though I think in his case it's more a matter of the entire design instead of just the name, though I do love orange ponies lol).

The reason why I don't see her as offensive is because she was a very popular character and beloved. Whether you can find stereotypes in her character - maybe, but broad strokes, rather than specifically cringey moments. She likes music and dance. She doesn't have a tent and a crystal ball.

I personally don't think something needs to be intentionally offensive, or even portrayed as negative to be criticized.

As for the tambourine, well, my sister plays the tambourine too. She's a percussionist. As a kid she loved the fact Gypsy had tambourines, because when she was a kid, people didn't take percussion seriously and she dealt with a lot of issues. So for her Gypsy was validation that it was ok to play percussion.
That's great! I love everything about her design, and I love that ponies are so diverse that everyone can find one to relate to, but I think her name was a mistake on Hasbro's part and I think she would have been much better with a different name (like Tambourine- it even rhymes with Tangerine, so it's perfect for her lol- I actually wonder if this was intentional)

As an autistic person I've learned and come to value that awkward attempts to reach out and include are better than being ignored completely. It at least begins a discussion, which can lead to improved awareness and education.

I agree with this wholeheartedly; it's better to try to show kindness and work to learn despite the potentiality of saying the wrong thing instead of doing nothing at all- especially because those moments do open up the opportunity for education and a better understanding- like we're doing right now!

I also say this from the standpoint of someone who has seen the r word used regularly and liberally in discussions on equality and diversity, so I know that this whole thing can be very complicated.

Totally understand this, I'm a member of an often poorly understood group and frequently have to make a balance between understanding people and simultaneously wading through incorrect assumptions and term usage that is often offensive and based in oppression ( historical and contemporary), both unintentionally and otherwise.

You are as always entitled to your opinion, and you don't have to agree with mine in the slightest. All I really wanted was to say that not all opinions have to be binary.


The one thing I do find weird, though, is that you guys still want to own her although she makes you uncomfortable. If it were me, I wouldn't want her in my collection at all.

Personally, I love her design; one of my favorite poses, favorite color schemes and I love her little freckles. Despite that, her name does prevent me from getting her- I've turned down several so far because of her name, though I will likely still get her in the future.

A big part of loving anything is understanding and acknowledging the less positive aspects of it, it's important to criticize the things you love.

And that's all I have to say about this.  :) Back to the ponies!

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/22/2021 Gypsy
« on: April 23, 2021, 10:52:37 AM »

It's not that I'm denying the existence of a slurred usage, more that by imposing the slur as the ONLY interpretation on the word, you're feeding that meaning, rather than the other. Which, as you acknowledge, exists.

Otherwise, what I said before stands. You only increase hate and suspicion by being suspicious of every single possible interpretation of a word. As I said in my previous post, some words are always offensive and some are contextually offensive. This is the latter.

We're going to have to agree to disagree on this- the word is a slur, it's not ours to reclaim, and I find it positive to remove this pony from her name., her symbol is a tambourine (an item associated with a stereotypical image of Romani people- see Esmeralda), I would say it's quite obvious that they knew the origin of the name (even if they didn't know it's history)

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/22/2021 Gypsy
« on: April 23, 2021, 10:36:53 AM »
Gypsy was a childhood pony for me, she was a second hand find at my Dad's school's fete.

Gypsy is a word in the English language which means 'free-spirited.' It's also a girl's name with the same meaning. This is also in keeping with Gypsy's character in the comics.

Over here in the UK the term is used to self-identify by a lot of the people in question. I went to primary school with some of them. My Dad taught others. It's absolutely true that the word can be used in a derogatory sense - but that's the thing. Using it as a derogatory label and using it in the context of a name to express a meaning of free spirit are two different uses of the same word.

The nuance may be a British thing, but it's a British pony, so probably relevant in terms of Hasbro's decisions.

Not to turn this thread into an argument, but this word is (at least contemporarily) thought to be a slur, regardless of whether or not people sometimes use it to describe a 'free spirit' or if it is sometimes used by actual Romani people, regardless of location. It's popular to use it for other reasons (as you mentioned- this is not exclusive to the UK and is sill quite common in the US), but it still originated as a descriptor for Romani people, which eventually developed into a slur and is inextricable from that origin (the use of it to describe a 'free spirit' is also a result of it's use to describe Romani people), at least not when Romani people are still oppressed.

Acknowledging it's origins is important for understanding the way it's used today, in any context.

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