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Messages - Naamah

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Customs / Re: A Plethora of Ponies!
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:45:50 AM »
Oh my gosh, the hair gradient on that styling pony is gorgeous!  And I am glad I'm not the only one to have noticed that dark purple is such a pain in the rear to paint with sometimes.  It just doesn't have the greatest coverage.  She looks GREAT.  Just great!

Customs / Re: Electra and Saiph
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:38:34 AM »
. . .


The fractal/fleuron patterns forming the borders of the design . . . I . . . O_O  That is SO INCREDIBLY COOL.

Customs / Re: G4 FS Swap Pony for Saja-Peacock Theme
« on: September 14, 2012, 08:29:54 PM »
I love that you did a peaHEN!  She's lovely!

Customs / Re: Flat Back Gem Placement
« on: September 14, 2012, 02:02:21 PM »
Yup.  The acetone is part of what makes it awesome, since it sets SO FAST inside the head, but it's a problem on anything painted.  (Though I found you can paint over it if you have to, once it's dry.)

My high school art teacher gave me one useful piece of advice, maybe the only good thing she managed to teach me, which is that if you want to make something like spots or stars look truly random, start by putting them down three at a time, staggering them as you go.  They don't have to be right next to each other, just groups scattered within one another.  I have actually found that, with a little practice, it is a super helpful bit of advice.  I have no idea if that would work for you, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

OH MY GOSH.  That ivy pony was you.  That has to be one of my all-time favorite ponies, no lie.  *flailyhands*

I shared and liked straightaway!  I'm Amanda Gannon on FB, just to put it out there.  IDK if you'll be notifying us here or there, but FB works better for me.

I saw that you are dealing with medical stuff and insurance stuff and all that fun stuff with your boy.  I wish you and your family peace and luck and strength.  I know a little bit about how hard it is dealing with that stuff for myself; I'm trying to get on disability for being extremely bipolar, and I have no insurance, and have had to fight to get other medical care from the state, and this has been going on for a while now.  I cannot even come close to imagining how rough that must be when it is your baby.  *hugs*  Seriously, *hugs*

Customs / Re: Flat Back Gem Placement
« on: September 14, 2012, 01:13:42 PM »
What I do (kind of a pain but it works):

If the jewels have sticky stuff already on them, peel it off with my nails.

Take some double-sided tape that is made to be removable (not the non-removable super sticky kind) and cut teeny tiny little squares out of it.  They don't have to be perfect, they won't be permanent.  I use those pieces of tape on the backs of the jewels, and tweezers (tweezers FRIENDS!) to move the jewels around until I get them where I want them.  When I have them placed just right, I take them one at a time and peel off the bit of tape and put them on using tweezers, a toothpick, and some glue like Aleene's jewel glue (If the pony is painted, DO NOT use Fabri-tac, it's acetone-based).  The toothpick is to dot the glue on the back of the jewel before you set it down.  Do not press.  If you need to move the jewel, push it from the side. Gently scoop up any glue goo that gets where you don't want it to get with a toothpick before it dries.

I do all this after everything else is done, even the sealer and the hair.

I've yet to have the less-sticky double-sided repositionable tape harm any pony, but if you are in doubt, test to see if the paint lifts on a hoof or something, or just stick the tape to your jeans or shirt a couple times to make it even less sticky.

Oh. My goodness. That Gingerbread is breaking my heart, here.  ADORABLE.  I want her, but I just do not have the money.  But she is so, so, so sweet, oh!

Lemon Hearts has to be my other favorite.

These are all so clean and crisp.  They look just great!

Customs / Re: My little Dark Spirit
« on: September 14, 2012, 12:52:19 PM »
Oooh, you found my soft spot for black and purple!

Love his mane, and the little fluffs on his ankles!  Fetlocks are my favorite.

Customs / Re: Zombie Pinkie Pie (Gore warning!)
« on: September 12, 2012, 02:53:29 PM »
Oh, wow, the popped balloons thing? Genius.  I am going to have to try that with one of my mummified fairy gaffs.

Customs / Re: Is a glaze the same as a sealer?
« on: September 12, 2012, 02:52:19 PM »
Quick tip: I've had some sealers and glazes react poorly to one another.  Always let the layer underneath dry THOROUGHLY.  Test the combination first.  I wouldn't want you to get the cloudy blue thing that happened on one of my jewelry boxes going on with one of your customs!

I use the glaze on top, and don't use a sealer, but the stuff I use is also rated for use as a sealer/topcoat, so obviously there's not going to be a problem there.

Customs / Re: Am I the only one with this problem?
« on: September 06, 2012, 12:17:37 PM »
I am LOL over the traumatized by pony decapitation thing.  Maybe she had just had a Toy Story marathon?   :lol:

No, really, I mean, I get it when something just unnerves you completely and there is literally no reason for it.  I find baby doll heads or even just naked baby dolls reeeeally disturbing, especially old ones.  So I have some sympathy.  But as a sometime-customiser, I cannot help but laugh about it, because really, decapitation?  It's not even the worst part of what we do!  Even I think it's creepy when they are at the headless stage, and the heads are all on old paintbrushes like heads on spikes, and they have had their eyes only half-painted.

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I mean, you have to admit, that's pretty disturbing.  I find it hilarious, but my husband was like "Dude, seriously, do you have to enjoy it so much?"

I am also LOL over NoPonySpecial's dialogue, to which I will add Pirate Kisses' opinion:

"That's me up there.  I'm the purple one.  I was decapitated, had my hair ripped out by the roots, my head and body soaked in chemicals, cleaned in hot water, then had icky paint smeared all over me, and got my head stabbed with a needle like a hundred gazillion times.  We won't even go into the enlarging the tail hole part.  Embarrassing!  But it's all worth it in the end, and there's no reason to be scared.  We don't mind it, really.  So many of us started as damaged or flawed toys with no home and no children to play with us anymore, and now we are beautiful again!"

Customs / Re: WIP-Rainbow Bridge and Charlie the Rat
« on: September 06, 2012, 12:03:28 PM »
Oh my gosh, the rat is so cute! :D  I love ratties.

I LOVE her.  And I love the idea. I mean, is there anyone here who doesn't know how much it hurts to lose a buddy? I'm, like, MISTER MANLY TEARS NO REALLY IT WAS JUST DUST IN MY EYE and I still get choked up and teary-eyed about that story/poem.  :cry:

I really especially like the idea that you used donor hair for the mane and tail!  It fits with the theme somehow.

Customs / Re: "Everyone makes a ______ custom."
« on: September 06, 2012, 11:55:25 AM »
Oh, wow.  Great minds think alike, huh?   :P

That's quite a list, and I love this thread, because it kind of embodies the love everyone here has for ponies.  It all comes from the same place, and apparently, it goes to the same place, too! :grouphug:

Pirate ponies: dunno if I've seen enough to qualify as an "everyone," but I've seen a lot of pirate ponies.  Never get tired of 'em.

Real horse coat colors/breeds: I might also add this to the list.  I see a lot of it, and it's a natural thing to want to try, especially after spending a while doing really stylized and done-up ponies.

ETA: Four seasons series: WHO DOES NOT LOVE THIS IDEA?   :cool:

These are popular themes because they are all awesome ideas for a pony, and the funny (not so funny?) thing is that I will never, ever get tired of any of these, no matter how many I see.  I could look at masquerade ponies literally all day and be so happy it's unbelievable.  Peacock ponies?  BRING 'EM.  Got a cherry blossom pony?  SHOW ME IT.  Henna?  HECK YEAH.  Snow-themed Christmas ponies? NEVER OLD.  :inlove:

We revisit these ideas, pretty much all of us, 'cause we love looking those things, and we all want a little piece of that magic to pass through our hands.  Look how many of these have been themes for swaps!

I've done five of the ones on that list:
Last Unicorn
Flower (roses)
Holidays (Halloween, fixing to add Christmas to that list, just need to finish up Halloween pony #2)

Got the peacock and henna ones done on one pony, so that's a twofer.

And there are a whole lot more on there that I have vague or not so vague plans for.  I don't think there's a single thing on that list that I wouldn't be happy to attempt.  Awfully tempting to just print that list out and make it a goal to fill it eventually!  :biggrin:

Customs / Re: Whew what I have been up to the last couple weeks
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:52:22 PM »
I was literally doing this while scrolling:







I have been informed that I can no longer look at cute ponies while watching Very Violent And Dramatic Movies, because it is inappropriate.  XD

No, seriously, they are beautiful.  I think the ivy one is my favorite, but it's by a hair, because the rose one is sooooo beautiful.  *bats eyelashes*

Customs / Re: Crimson Fire - a dragon girl
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:44:33 PM »
She is really striking with the red on white!  Love it!  :D  I love the flames around the eyes!

I am so happy when I see someone else who gives their ponies stories.  I always feel kind of weird that I love doing that so much.

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