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Messages - MercuryStar

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Off Topic / Re: Anyone collect Barbie Horses?
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:47:13 PM »
I wanted to collect them... still have plans to, though it is on  the back-burner for now.   I had several, but I think I sold them to someone, can't remember.

I had Dallas, Blinking Beauty, Sun Runner, Star Stepper, and Dixie.   I used to keep a list of all the horses that came out (name, pose, description, accessories), but I lost it some years back.

Off Topic / Re: Question...
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:35:44 PM »
Fun?   What is this "fun" you speak of, I have never heard this word before?

Customs / Re: TwinkleEyes Customs
« on: May 12, 2013, 11:15:55 PM »
How do you keep doing it?!  They are so adorable!    :lol:

Some G2 ponies!

Clever Clover
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Moon Shadow
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Sugar Belle
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Light Heart
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And a lone G4
Lily Blossom
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Pony Corral / Re: Help With An Item? Cup Topper? - Mystery Solved??
« on: May 06, 2013, 01:54:15 PM »
Very cute, congratulations on your find, and figuring out what it is!  I hope I can find one to add to my merchandise collection some day!

Pony Corral / Re: Show me your alternate-coloured rehairs!
« on: April 20, 2013, 04:55:33 PM »
*drools all over the lovely rehairs in this thread*   

Pony Corral / Re: Who Has Pony Mugs, Porcelain Plates, Dishware Ect?
« on: April 20, 2013, 04:10:41 PM »
I have the same mug as mlp4me:

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I love G1 merch, hope to someday add to it.   

As for other dishes, I only have some plastic stuff from the G3 era.   

Customs / Re: Custom Spotlight for April
« on: April 10, 2013, 11:17:51 PM »
Congratulations on the April Spotlight, LadySatine!

Pony Corral / Re: Did anyone actually order mail-order Ponies?
« on: April 09, 2013, 10:55:05 PM »
For a while it was easier for my mom to order ponies than buy them in the store, as we lived in a small town only accessible by plane or boat.   Not all of the ponies she got through the mail from Hasbro were MO exclusive though.   Of the ones that were, we got:

Pearly Baby Surprise
all the MO Sparkle Ponies
Satin N Lace (Lavender version)
Tux N Tails
Baby Clipper

I still have all of them except Baby Clipper, who was stolen by one of my sister's friends shortly after he arrived. 

From what I understand, my mother also tried to order Birthflower ponies, but she never received them. :/

And then when G2s were out I ordered Seabreeze with my pony points, and the same with the G3 MO ponies when they came out.   At that point, as an adult, I was buying so many pony items, I was sitting on mountains of pony points.   I was able to give other people points for Frilly Frocks, after getting my own, I had so much to spare.   I caught the shipping glitch, like several other people, but stupidly only ordered one Frilly.   Of course, she takes up a lot of space that I don't have, so it is probably for the better! XD

Pony Corral / Re: Your dirtiest fixer upper ponies
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:12:00 PM »
My dirtiest one, who I haven't actually started cleaning, is a store variant Star Hopper.   She is just a hunk of pony-shaped rust at the moment... it's bad!   Her whole insides are red-orange with rust, and there is blooms of it on her outsides as well.   Just absolutely nasty.   I got her from someone back in December, and I have just been too busy to tackle pony cleaning lately.

Pony Corral / Re: Build a Bear Fun/Embarrassment :)
« on: April 07, 2013, 11:26:25 PM »
I bought the ponies this past week, and it was my first BABW experience.   The sales girl didn't make me do any dancing, or shout stuff out, but I did go through all the heart preparation.  When she told me rub the hearts on my forehead to make them smart, I refused, since my forehead was all sweaty from running up several flights of mall stairs, but otherwise I cracked a lot of little jokes along the way.   Like when I went to rub the hearts on my ear, so my new friends would always be there to listen... I started to rub one on my right ear and then went, "oops, that's my deaf ear, gotta use the other one!"  :P

Oh god. I'm pretty sure my girly squealiness shames everyone I'm with when I actually go out, but that would be death for me. I have terrible social anxiety! I've never known you had to do that sort of stuff there... O_o

I have social anxiety too, though I have been working on it.   I still avoid a lot of public places, most of the ones I go to are ones I go to a lot, that are smaller, and that I have sort of built up in my mind as "safe" (still feel panicky a bit).   So going to the big mall was something I was trying not to think about too much.  I managed okay... aside from feeling immensely stupid running all over the mall trying to find BABW (I inverted the mall in my mind, so went down to the bottom floor instead of the floor it was on), and then babbling at the sales girl, nervously, throughout most of the store visit.   Oh, and nearly having an automobile accident exiting the parking garage (I had right of way, but someone else was being super impatient, and tried to pull in to the street in the lane I was occupying).   

Pony Corral / Re: What is your favorite type of pony Merchandise?
« on: April 04, 2013, 09:07:42 PM »
If it is G1 merchandise, I want it all!  :P

But since I love puzzles, books, and such, I voted that one.

Pony Corral / Re: Soo..What got you into ponies? (Story post)
« on: April 04, 2013, 08:41:12 PM »
Warning... REALLY LONG post ahead!

So we begin, at the beginning!    :P

A family friend discovered a new toy that had just come out, called My Little Pony, and she decided to treat my sister and me by giving us each one.   She gave me a brown one with butterflies (Butterscotch)... and I was instantly hooked.

I had a hard time interacting with people, and my playing habits reflected this... I tended to be drawn to animal-shaped objects, and MLPs were a perfect fit.   They were solid enough not to be accidentally broken, but soft enough that they wouldn't cause terrible damage to other things and people (oh, how many times my sister walloped me with ponies), so my mom was okay with my interest in them.   Before that I was always wanting those hard plastic farm animals and Lego, and she hated stepping on those!

I needed them... ALL OF THEM!   Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, any gift giving occasion was filled with little rainbow horses.   Near the height of the G1 era, my sister and I had well over 100 ponies between us.   At that point my mother decided it was too many.   My little brother had just been born, my sister was losing interest in ponies, and I was nine, which my mom decided was "too old" for me to be playing My Little Pony.   

So they found there way into one of Mom's summer garage sales.   I was devastated.  What was over 100, became 16 over the course of two days.   And I only had those 16 because I had smuggled them passed my mother.   Later I also discovered a bag of pony clothes, Megan, Molly, Spike, and a bushwoolie hiding in a box in my room. :lookround:   Still later, I bought a Baby Sparkle Pony with my allowance.   The last pony I would receive was a Baby Ballerina from a family member for Easter (my sister also got one).   My mother was livid!
All told, only 19 ponies were with me when My Little Pony disappeared from store shelves.

Fast forward to early 1997, when I was 17.  Around that time, we were looking in Value Village, and I saw a strange pony I had never seen before.   I knew she was a MLP, but she had odd raised designs.   I wanted her, but like most of the ponies we had seen on previous thrift store trips, I was told no.   When we got home, I became curious to learn more about the pony.   A year or two before, my family had finally joined the future and discovered the internet.  I had avoided using it... but I had heard you could look stuff up, and find all kinds of information.   And my curiosity about the pony broke my fear of the internet, and I went in search of KNOWLEDGE!   At which point I discovered Dream Valley, where I learned that the pony was Brilliant Blossoms, a Merry Go Round pony (who I still don't have).   And oh my, I found a place called the Trading Post, and websites by other pony collectors!

I didn't join in, though.   I sat on the outskirts, looking in... and by the end of the year, I was rather glad.   Things had exploded... Hasbro had introduced a new MLP, and a lot of pony collectors weren't happy.   I didn't know what to make of these new ponies, but I bought them anyway, as many as I could.   Even my mother, though she didn't know what to think about me wanting ponies, and also thought the new ones were hideous, helped out.  By the time the G2s stopped being sold in the US, I had almost all of them.

I continued to lurk in the community, watching as the anger died down, and I waited.   One day I logged on, and checked one of the community member's sites I occasionally looked at (sorry, I don't remember who you are, or if you are still around).   There had been rumors that Hasbro was bringing back ponies again... and this member had news... an actual pony, hot in her hands!   And it retained some of the charm of the original MLP!

The third generation hit the shelves, and once again I was buying ponies left and right.   I found a little message board, called PonyFinders, and after a bit of lurking, struck up the courage to join.   I started making friends, and helping other people find ponies.   Soon another pony board, MLPArena made its debut... but it wouldn't be till late 2004 when I would take the plunge and join.

I will cut the rest short, this is getting way too long...
I have waxed and waned in my interests, moving away from the boards every now and then, but still never truly leaving the pony collector world.   Even if I completely lose interest in them, I think I will never truly get away... I have met some wonderful people along the way!     


(note: dates, amounts, and ages mentioned might be off... I am notoriously bad with that sort of thing... I have to constantly ask family how old I am!  :lookround:)

Customs / Re: A Raffle to benefit Reed -- Lots of Potential Prizes!
« on: April 03, 2013, 09:34:14 PM »
Hi, I have been wanting to help out, but the Paypal account I use is e-check only... would that be okay?   If not, I understand.   Anyway, it is probably a bit late at this point, since it needs (I think) 5 to 8 days to clear.   Ugh, stupid Paypal.

Customs / Re: MLP inspired windsocks... Pic heavy.
« on: April 02, 2013, 09:36:26 PM »
They look great, DS!  Can't wait to see the rest finished. :)

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