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Messages - Dragonflitter

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The Dollhouse / Re: The Mysterious Breyer sign out in the wilderness...
« on: November 25, 2022, 08:07:41 PM »
Okay I looked it up because I had to see pictures and it’s only open a few hours on sundays and closed the rest of the week which definitely adds to the creepy factor

LOL you are so right! I work retail so they've got me scheduled for just about every weekend next month (thanks holiday shopping season) but as soon as I get a free Sunday I'm definitely going to investigate. Who knows what Breyer treasures could be within! XD

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Cats Vs Pickles
« on: October 28, 2022, 08:58:34 PM »
Gah, I found three different bookstores carrying the Christmas Cats vs Pickles beans and all of them were the ones from LAST year. How annoying! Do you think they cancelled the plan to have new ones for this year, or are they just trying to get rid of the extra stock of last years before they put out the new ones?

Oh I'm turning 40 next year as well! I never really thought about how I was born the same year as MLP! :D

I would love a T-shirt, but I don't know if we'd see any official merch like that. Maybe fan made? I don't know if anyone other than Basic Fun will acknowledge the anniversary. Hasbro hasn't had a great track record with acknowledging MLP history.

The Dollhouse / The Mysterious Breyer sign out in the wilderness...
« on: October 23, 2022, 09:07:29 AM »
I had a fun experience to tell that recently happened to me, and I know my fellow collectors here on the Arena would appreciate the story.  :lol:

I work retail and when one of our nearby stores is short a person, I'm often one of the only people willing to travel to those stores and fill in until they hire a replacement. So I was asked to fill in for someone in North Conway, NH, which is about an hour from where I live. Not too big a deal. I've driven further than that. (And I get reimbursed for mileage which is very nice.)

So I live out in a rural area, and North Conway is on the other side of a mountain range, popular for skiing. I have to take a winding mountain road in order to get to a bigger rural route road, that takes me into North Conway (thankfully I have a good GPS!). So anyway, I'm on my way to North Conway, very early in the morning, to open the store where I work. I'm driving down this rural route through the mountains in the middle of nowhere, with an occasional house or farm but mostly just trees and trees and trees for my view.

When all of a sudden, I see a Breyer sign on the side of the road! It's big and blue with white letters, unmistakable. Of course I'm going fast so I breeze right by it without even really seeing it, and I can't be late for work so I can't turn around and check it out, but I'm so curious! Does this sign in the woods really say Breyer, or was I seeing things? And what could it mean?

So the next day as I'm driving to work again, I slow down as I come to the area, to see what it could be. There it is, the Breyer logo on a large sign on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere. Above it is a wooden sign that reads, to my surprise, Triple Mountain Model Horses! It's a model horse store, in the middle of nowhere!? I'm confused and intrigued! Keep in mind there are no other businesses anywhere on this road, and barely any houses. There's a dirt road next to the sign, but I can't see a building to go with it. Through the trees I can see a couple buildings far back along the dirt road but they look like houses, not a store.

Being the spooky time of year, my overactive imagination is in overdrive now. A suspicious horse model store in the middle of the wilderness, enticing people to have to drive out here away from civilization! What could be their nefarious plot for us unsuspecting model horse collectors!? XD

Well when I got home from work I googled the Triple Mountain Model Horses and found some very nice photos of the store, which apparently does exist, even if you can't see it from the road. It looks amazing, with a life-sized model appaloosa out front! And I do plan to stop and visit someday. It's a bit of a drive from where I live and usually I only go that way when I'm going to work, so I'm going to have to wait to make a special trip on my day off, when I'm sure they're open.

I look forward to meeting these people who run the shop and seeing all the Breyers and other toys they might have! I'll keep you all updated when I finally make a trip out there.

Post Merge: October 23, 2022, 09:08:32 AM

(Whoops! I meant to post this in Toybox, sorry. Could someone move it for me? :blush: )

Pony Corral / Re: Who is the best 90's BABY pony set?
« on: October 22, 2022, 05:18:57 PM »
Yes, I voted for the drink'n'wet babies! I don't know why but I love them.  Maybe it is the accessories, their color schemes, the fact that I had one as a kid...maybe because I'm an aquatic biologist and they involve water?  Rainbow babies were a close second, and I see they were a popular pick!

Because they're cute and look like they're singing

I also remember being very fond of my single Drink 'n Wet baby! Not for the gimmick, but I really liked her colors (lavender with pink hair which is standard for MLP but as a kid I liked it XD ) and also I think because she was a little larger than the other babies? It made me think she was an older kid, and I liked that.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Cats Vs Pickles
« on: October 14, 2022, 08:55:39 PM »
Looks like CvP is doing a kickstarter for a game! It's already funded, and of course there's a lot of extra beans you can buy as add ons, both exclusive and non.

I'm tempted to buy it just for some of the beans. But... I dunno, $30 just for the game and then extra for all the different bean sets... some of which I could probably get in the regular sets (not the game and Kickstarter exclusives, of course.)

I don't play these sort of family/party games, so if I did get it, I would just try to resell it, but... seems like a lot of work just to get some cute beans lol. Plus shipping will probably be expensive.

My favorites are the Jacky bean, the Eep Oop bean from the expansion pack (but if I get him I have to break my 'no collecting pickles, just cats' rule XD ), Black Cat Lagoon, and Dragon Kitty!

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: October 14, 2022, 08:48:05 PM »
Oh the Busy Books are really popular at the bookstore where I work! We have a giant table full of them in our Bargain Section. I've seen the Tattle Tales version, but not the BB version! That's so cool, that it comes with Argyle and Phyllis and Alphabittle. I'll have to keep on the lookout!

Awwwwww adorable!!

This series suffers from "it's just for kids so we don't have to put much thought into it" syndrome.  Some kids entertainment is well written and thoughtful, even if it's primary demographic is small children. Bluey is a good example. It's full of things that adults can enjoy while watching with their kids. These episodes on the other hand, could barely hold my attention. The plot is all over the place, things happen randomly "just because", and the characters are flat and one dimensional.

To be honest I didn't even notice the animation errors because I was too busy rolling my eyes at the weak writing.

I just don't think this is going to become a series I can enjoy.

Pony Corral / Re: What adult set from the 90's is the best?
« on: September 27, 2022, 08:48:26 AM »

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: September 26, 2022, 09:33:30 PM »
Thank you for the pics!

Man I wish the G5's didn't look like bobble heads on those twig thin necks... I might be tempted to buy them.

Pony Corral / Re: Who is the best 90's BABY pony set?
« on: September 26, 2022, 09:32:07 PM »
I'm surprised to see people say they like the Teeny Tinies! A lot of people say they don't like how they look.

Pony Corral / Re: Who is the best 90's BABY pony set?
« on: September 26, 2022, 09:59:55 AM »
Omg I can't decide!!

This was the year I was just getting old enough to really want to start collecting. I think I ended up getting one baby from each of these sets lol. The Ballerina Baby and Sparkle Baby were among my favorites as a kid, but considering from an adult perspective which set I think is the best... hmm...  :wonder:

Pony Corral / Re: Basic fun Celestial Ponies
« on: September 24, 2022, 04:33:19 AM »
They might have said it in the video and I missed it, but do we know when the blind boxes will be released? They mentioned fall 2023 for the Celestials, but I wasn't sure if the blind boxes would be the same.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Magic Mixies!
« on: September 22, 2022, 07:45:54 PM »
Okay I can't resist an adorable fantasy animal. XD I caved and bought a couple of these blind 'cauldrons' to see how they are, first-hand.

Let me first say, I really dig all the extra little things they put into this line! Each cauldron has a gem on the front of it and you can rub the gem to see if you're getting a common, rare, or ultra rare, which are each represented by a different stymbol. That's a nice touch! (Even if I think most kids will just open the package and look at the toy before bothering to rub the jewel lol.)

Also, I really like the amount of thought put into the different gimmicks. Most toy lines would have plain characters and maybe one special gimmick for each series that gets released (and the gimmick is usually rare or exclusive somehow). But this line not only has 40+ different characters, they each fall into five categories of gimmicks: either their eyes spin (which are called Enchanters) or they have little pop-up wings (Fliers) or they have an extra body part that pops up (Morphlings) or they are color changing in hot water (Vanishers) or they glow in the dark (Spellsters).

Each Mixie comes with a wand, and you can look at the wand to see what kind of Mixie you might get. They have a little hollow wand that will hold water for the Vanishers, a glow in the dark wand for the Spellsters, and a wand with a magnet in it for the rest of them, because the magnet triggers the eyes to spin or the pop-up action. So you have the option to rub the jewel on the cauldron and also examine the wand, to see what kind of Mixie you'll get, before you open the package to see the Mixie itself.

It's kinda funny that all this information needs a lot of pamphlets to get this all across. Each cauldron comes with THREE pamphlets. XD One has all the different characters, one explains how each of the five gimmicks work, and the last has the barcode and ad info.

So I bought two cauldrons to see how I would like collecting this line! They were about $5.99 each, I think, so that's a nice pricepoint. I rubbed the jewel on the outside of the first one and saw it was Ultra Rare! I was excited! Then I looked at the pamphlet and for some reason, all the Morphlings are Ultra Rare, and none of the other gimmicks are. ^^; So that kinda told me right away that I got a Morphling, which I wasn't as excited about because I'm not really thrilled with all their extra body parts? I think that looks a little bizarre.

I got Brinkle. When I waved the wand on her head, an extra set of arms popped up. Kinda weird.

Then I picked up my second cauldron. I rubbed the gem on the front and saw I got a Common. That's okay, at least I know it wasn't a Morphling lol! So I opened the package and saw I got Sintra. She's a little bear with butterfly wings that pop out (a Flier). Pretty cute!

Well after this extensive review, I do have to say they're VERY cute, but I'm going to pass on collecting them. With 40+ characters, and them being in blind packages, it would be hard to find the specific ones I like, and too easy to get ones I don't really like. I might buy some on ebay, so I don't have to worry about the blind package part!

One last thing, the company that makes these is Moose Toys. I LOVE Moose Toys. About seven or eight years ago they made a line of troll-like toys called Zelfs that I was super madly in love with. They were super cute and super detailed. Unfortunately they cancelled them after a couple years. They announced the cancellation shortly before the Trolls movie with Anna Kendrick came out, not sure if there was a connection with that or not but either way, I was really bummed that they ended the toy line. I still own all the Zelfs they made. :3

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