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Messages - DoctorMowinckel

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If people that got into ponies through G4 are still here in 12 months time, I will believe then it wasn't a fad for them, I just find it hard to believe when we had such a huge influx, plus all the media attention when previously there was very little to no media attention. I am not saying "oh all the G4 fans are just here because ponies are the in thing at the moment" but you can't deny that there is alot of attention out there about it.

I'm going to disagree with that.

The G4 community is very self contained. If you poke around the internet, as I commonly do, I post on some photography forums, hockey forums, and motorsports forums, all of those communities have an off-topic board, and a media board, and My Little Pony never comes up. On all of those forums, I can count the number of pony avatars I've seen on one hand. I've yet to see anyone wearing any pony paraphernalia in my town, anywhere. At stores, music venues, or the gym. On this series of tubes we all know and love, the FiM buzz is very contained. They stick to Reddit, another site and Tumblr. There's a smattering of forums out there, but I've yet to see any G4 or FiM forums that are as big as the Arena.

We, as pony folk, are always looking for ponies. Prior to the G4 craze, seeing ponies anywhere was a huge anomaly, it was a moment that was like 'Ah ha! Look everyone, did you see it? There was a pony, MY HOBBY IS RELEVANT!'. Now that they're starting to show up an iota more, we're all noticing it. Since we're looking for it, we're not a good control. We're always looking for ponies, so of course we're going to notice them, and when it pops up an iota more than it did, it's going to seem like a lot more.

The 'brony' thing isn't nearly as big as the FiM community would like to think. When you immerse yourself in a sub culture, of course it's going to be everywhere, 'cause you're in it, so you're going to be seeing it everywhere. To the rest of the world, people who aren't Redditors, or aren't in the community, it's this blip on the cultural radar. It's this small thing that people regard as 'Oh, huh, that's weird', and they pay no mind to it.

Friendship is Magic isn't Lost, it's not Glee, it's not even Spongebob Squarepants, or Cars. The FiM community is miniscule compared to the fanbase for any of those shows. It's not as popular as the 'bronies' like to think.

Pony Corral / Re: G1 vs G4
« on: January 19, 2012, 09:30:06 PM »
Let them maintain their disdain for earlier gens! This way the rest of us can buy G4 exclusives as they're released, and the price of older gens won't take a price hike!

Pony Corral / Re: G1 vs G4
« on: January 19, 2012, 09:20:33 PM »
No I mean...even on here! i see mainly G1 collectors venting that G1 character names are popping up on FiM with an air of 'oh silly G4 fans. You don't even KNOW.' And I'm just sitting here like...What? I wasn't even ALIVE during G1 and didn't get into ponies seriously until FiM, by which point I was 21 years old. I'm just...endlessly confused.

I think G1 and G3 have equal representation here. G2 is around, and G4 hasn't been around long enough to be as prominent as G1 or G3. G4 doesn't tickle everyones fancy, but I haven't seen anyone actively denounce it.

Pony Corral / Re: G1 vs G4
« on: January 19, 2012, 09:13:58 PM »
You won't find that kind of dissent here. This a My Little Pony community, not just a Friendship is Magic community. If you want to stir that pot, post it somewhere else.

Off Topic / Re: my partner thinks im mad
« on: January 19, 2012, 08:16:40 PM »
I'm a male of the species, and I've yet to take any flak for being into ponies. The icebreaker for the last chick I was dating was in fact, ponies. I carry my gym clothes in one of  the G4 totes they sold at Target last summer, she asked if I was into ponies, and we started talking about cartoons. Ended up going out for a few months.

Pony Corral / Re: Great, another G1 character in FiM *Spoilers*
« on: January 19, 2012, 08:13:37 PM »
Yeah, there have been quite a few dopplegangers from previous gens in FiM.

Pony Corral / Re: New pony on
« on: January 19, 2012, 08:12:06 PM »
Oh that's awesome, I didn't expect these to come back either. Hopefully they'll make a G4 version, too!

Pony Corral / Re: Post your most recent Pony purchase!!
« on: January 18, 2012, 08:41:03 PM »

I raided my friend's bait bin and liberated all of these ^^;
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Holy heck, that's quite a bait bin!

Off Topic / Re: What are you currently listening to?
« on: January 18, 2012, 08:05:46 PM »
I really need to branch out my musical interests. For the most part, I listen to jazz, bluegrass, donwtempo, and Romani music, which is music from eastern Europe (or inspired by) with lots of strings. I'm kind of stuck in a listening rut, gotta find something else. With the internet, and Spotify, there's so much out there I know I'm not listening to, and I need to change that.

Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Luminescent Orhestrii, they're a Romani inspired band from New York, they tried their hand at a hip-hop inspired track, and it is awesome

Keeping the hair wet when you put it in curlers seems to help them stay better.
One of my friends wrote a styling primer, maybe it can help you out;

Off Topic / Re: Yikes!
« on: January 17, 2012, 06:21:42 PM »
I'm only sittin' at five and half hours. I'm lowering the Arena average!

Off Topic / Re: Curious: how did you choose your user name?
« on: January 17, 2012, 06:12:32 PM »
Name's Edward Mowinckel, got turned onto a band called Kaizer's Orchestra. They have a song called 'Dr. Mowinckel', I heard it and thought 'Oh my god it's like they wrote a song JUST FOR ME!', then I adopted the alias DoctorMowinckel.

Here's the track;

Pony Corral / Re: These are awesome music vids! <3
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:59:42 PM »
PinkiePieSwear is awesome, Trixie's Good Side gets a very regular rotation on my playlist.

This isn't a pony music remix, the song is by Ellie Goulding, and the guy make a Rarity video with it, the editing is great;

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Bloggers and Tweeters Unite!
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:56:56 PM »
I have a general pony blag that myself, and a friend post to. It's about ponies, and pony related things;

I'd be down, I could go for a three foot tall plush pony.

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