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Messages - blackestbird

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Customs / Re: Halloween swap time! Who's in??? SIGN-UPS JULY 24th!!
« on: July 26, 2012, 12:53:52 AM »
Just sent mine in as well! :heart:

Oooh that's an adorable one, Nic! That hair combination is sooo pretty!

Customs / Re: Halloween swap time! Who's in??? SIGN-UPS JULY 24th!!
« on: July 25, 2012, 04:14:39 PM »
Just bumping this up, pretty sure I'm gonna be signing up too :heart:

Customs / Re: My first rehair! :D PP Skyflier!
« on: July 24, 2012, 03:36:30 PM »
Oh she's so cute! I love the colors you chose for the PP hair too, they look really great on her - bring out her eyes :3 Great job doll, she's a cutie! The PP look works so well with her pose. I love it!


Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Queen Chrysalis
« on: July 24, 2012, 01:47:28 PM »
Very spooky looking.

Thank you so much! :heart: I did want to capture some of that eerie feeling that Chrysalis/the Changelings has/have. Their design is a little, almost disturbing but very cool, so I wanted to capture that feeling.

These are fantastic! I've always wanted to try needle felting. Those are really impressive! I love Lemon Drop, and that parasprite looks like it popped right out of Equestria! :heart:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: I'm working on a series of fake cards.
« on: July 23, 2012, 11:59:24 PM »
These are so amusing, as well as being really cute too! Thanks for sharing, these made me laugh - in a good way! :heart:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Blossom
« on: July 23, 2012, 11:58:25 PM »
She's cute, love her facial expression, and I have always loved Blossom :3

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Queen Chrysalis
« on: July 23, 2012, 11:57:15 PM »
Wow, that is incredibly detailed!  I love the background, the idea of the changelings hatching out of cocoons like that is awesome!  :)

Welcome back!

Thank you so much Zenna! I don't do real backgrounds often, I usually just do something abstract, but this idea has been in my head since
Celestia was put into a cocoon in the finale
. (Put that in a spoiler link in case anyone hasn't seen the finale that wants to ;D) Thanks for the sweet compliment - especially on something I don't usually do in my pieces, that's really nice to hear :3

Thank you! I'm having fun being back, even if I still mostly lurk. :lovey:

Very cool I shall need to watch that episode so I can see who and what that lovely is.

Thanks so much Diamond! :3 Oh she was definitely a very awesome character. I know FiM isn't popular with everyone, but the S2 finale really was pretty amazing. I kept thinking it was like HP, Disney, and MLP combined!


Customs / Re: How do you blend hair?
« on: July 23, 2012, 06:52:16 PM »
Oh what a pretty blend too! Thank you SO much for sharing those! (sorry, I kinda hijacked the thread a little :silly:)

You explained it well too, but having the visual representation is very helpful. They're perfect, they show exactly what you're doing :3

And I basically live in my pajamas, no worries hehe.

:lovey: Thanks again! :heart:

Customs / Re: How do you blend hair?
« on: July 23, 2012, 05:54:45 PM »
I'm not the original poster, but personally, I would love to see pictures of these methods. I think I understand what y'all are saying, but I'm a very visual person ;)

Y'all are always so helpful :heart:

Customs / Re: How do you blend hair?
« on: July 23, 2012, 04:13:14 PM »
I did a small amount of blending on my Halloween swap pony a couple of years ago - it was the first time I'd done blending at all, I've only done even streaks before that, but the way I did it was just grabbing thinner plugs of hair and doing them together. Like, I was using white hair, and wanted to blend some orange into it, so instead I'd do like 3/4 the amount of my white, and then 1/4 orange. I even went through after and just added random tiny amounts into plugs after I'd done the rehairing. That probably isn't very clear, there are some blending pros that I'm sure will add their own tips :3

Customs / Re: Halloween swap time! Who's in???
« on: July 23, 2012, 02:47:22 PM »
The Halloween swap from 2010 was my very first custom [group] swap, and it was so much fun! I'm gonna have to see if I can do it again this year, I hated missing out on it last year. Halloween is my favorite holiday too!

This is the one I made for that swap: visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I got a really cool Day of the Dead custom in return. This swap gets so many different interpretations on the theme, I love it! :heart:

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Queen Chrysalis
« on: July 23, 2012, 09:26:20 AM »
It looks really cool! Reminds me a bit of a scene from Van Helsing with all the vampire hatchlings.
I love how you colored her hair. Looks like it shines like metal ^^

Thank you so much! I really wanted to do something with the Changelings too, I just loved this whole 'species' in the finale. I appreciate the sweet compliment :heart:

Holy cow this just knocked my socks off! :0 That background is just....drool worthy! It's so detailed! I never would have thought about how the Changelings are actually spawned xD I loooooove it! You have such amazing talent, dear :heart:

Aww you're such a sweetheart :heart: Thank you so much! Yeah once I saw Celestia trapped in the cocoon I really wanted to portray the changelings themselves being 'born.' I thought it made sense that they all started out like that at some point. ^^ Thanks for the sweet compliment on the background - I rarely do actual bgs, so that is so nice for me to hear!

:lovey: Thanks y'all, so much!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Queen Chrysalis
« on: July 23, 2012, 12:45:19 AM »
Hey ponies! :heart:

It's been a while since I've been around, but I've missed the pony boards! :lovey:

I've had this sketched up since watching the MLP: FIM season 2 finale, and over the last few days I've finally gotten around to coloring it. Queen Chrysalis has such an awesome design, I was itching to make a picture of her. Eventually I'd like to make a custom of her too, even thought it's been done several times now ;D I did a real background this time too!  :whoa:

This is the first time I've done a more 'freehand' piece - I usually use ink my lines, but I wanted to try to do without this time. I think I'm pretty please with the result, although some places seem a bit too flat. Also, I know most of the changelings are missing their eyes - it was intentional ;D

It's also on my dA page. Hope y'all like it, this was a fun one! :heart:

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Customs / Re: G4 Customs - *Daisy* *Lily* & *Fleur Bleue*
« on: July 23, 2012, 12:11:44 AM »
These are just DARLING, Pop! :heart: Gorgeous work as usual, but I especially love how their eyes turned out! And I am in love with those curls on Daisy, such a cute 'do! It may have been hard to work with, but the outcome seems worth it!

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