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Messages - okamigirl64

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Off Topic / Re: Toy collectors on youtube
« on: March 02, 2014, 03:04:30 PM »
OLumeVaSti: I like him too.

Tribble79: You're welcome. :)

kaoskat: I didn't look for them either. I came across a video when looking for something else and then I have found more.

TrueVampiress: I subscribed to those.

okamigirl64: Subscribed. :)

Thanks for subbing!  :lol:

Off Topic / Re: Toy collectors on youtube
« on: March 02, 2014, 05:56:28 AM »
I do them, but their not very good. (I think that anyways) xD

I'm OKamigirl64 on youtube as well if you want to check me out.

I haven't posted anything new lately,  but I will sometime later this week.  :blush:

Off Topic / Re: Really exciting, please vote for my boyfriend!
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:15:38 PM »
Just Voted!  :)

Off Topic / Re: Should I go to prom?
« on: February 26, 2014, 04:51:48 PM »
It's expensive and overrated, as are most "important" high school functions really.
Agreed :/ even though I'm a senior, I will NOT be attending my prom...what's the point of buying a dress you're going to fit into ONCE in your entire lifetime?  :huh:
Not to mention, in my area the kids like that obnoxious rap music and I bet that's all they even play at proms :/ plus I don't wanna see kids twerking and making out everywhere  :X :yucky: ...and I'm a loner too, so a prom is a no go for me!  :(

P.S. Its a waste of pony money...imagine how many ponies (depending on who) You can get with $200-$500!!! D8

But hey, if you're a social butterfly, great at dancing and whatnot then go ahead and go...probably a million times better than mine :P

Haha yep. xD Still haven't decided though… at least from what I've heard at my prom they do a lot of classy dancing liking swing dancing which is WAYY better than people rubbing up against each other like monkeys xD

Off Topic / Re: Should I go to prom?
« on: February 25, 2014, 06:44:58 PM »
It's expensive and overrated, as are most "important" high school functions really.
This. Mine was $80!!?! I was like  :dropjaw: Are you KIDDING?

I didn't go to it either year, and totally don't regret it. I never had fun at any of those functions since I was single and ended up dancing with my friends or lurking somewhere. To be honest, I don't really think about high school at all, much less its dances. In a few years youll be able to go to bars and dance at your leisure for a $5 cover :P

I say buy ponies instead!  :lol:

This! xD Could always use more ponies!

Off Topic / Re: Should I go to prom?
« on: February 25, 2014, 04:55:52 PM »
The only catch is, you might regret it only because everyone says you will and you'll spend your whole life thinking you did miss something when really you probably didn't.

This is probably my biggest fear… I'm still unsure if I'm going, but I think in the end I might just go just to say I went. If I'm there and I'm not enjoying it I will probably break out the good ol' 3DS and play a few games.  :cool: 

Thanks everyone for the advice/stories (That's why I love this forum)! If anyone else has anymore I would love to hear it!  ^.^

Off Topic / Should I go to prom?
« on: February 25, 2014, 04:09:52 PM »
This is a REALLY off topic question, but prom at my school is coming up soon and I'm debating whether to go or not…. I don't really want to go, since I'm really introverted and don't like to dance in front of so many people, but I'm afraid I will regret not going in the future. I have friends that are going, but usually previous times I went to a school dance I end up just sitting my myself alone while everyone dances.  I'm in 11th grade, so I still have senior year prom (which I will probably be going to), but I didn't know if anyone here regretted not going to a school dance or whatever. Feedback would be great!  :blush:

Pony Corral / Re: Have you ever made that big mistake....
« on: February 24, 2014, 03:24:21 AM »

I've had my fair share of other minor disasters.  Two that come to mind:

I needed one last item to complete my entire USA ponywear collection(minus random variants).  I had all the other pieces, but I was just just missing the hat to the baby bathrobe set.  A good pony friend of mine knew this.  We were in the habit of exchanging birthday gifts, and she sent me a nice box of goodies for my birthday.  I unwrapped everything, and then tossed the torn wrapping paper and box out due to space issues.  I thanked her for all the stuff.  A few days went by, and she asked me if I was happy to have completed my USA ponywear.  I had *no* idea what she was talking about.  Turns out that hat was in the box, but it was so small that I didn't see it.  It got tossed out with the trash:(
Now all "non-pony" items get stuck in a bag until I can identify them, and I don't throw out any packaging until I'm 100% sure I found everything.

This almost happened to me we I bought a  used G4 carrousel boutique. The only accessory I saw was one of the small pony figures, so I was kind of sad that there wasn't the other pony. It turns out though my grandpa found the other only in the box that I guess I overlooked!  :biggrin: I'm so glad he looked though the box for me before he threw it away!

Pony Corral / Re: Have you ever made that big mistake....
« on: February 23, 2014, 11:45:15 AM »
I've never sold ponies, but on a similar note I remember going to Target one day and seeing a FS Applejack in 2012. Being a new collector I didn't think anything of it, nor did I buy it.  >_< Pains me to think about it.

I recently bought a FS Applejack on the Arena though, so I am on the search for her accessories!  ^.^

Pony Corral / Re: Has there been any new International Exclusives?
« on: February 20, 2014, 03:05:02 AM »
Other than the ones we know about nothing else recently at all. There are certainly some vinyl figures and plush characters who who are market specific but no actual good old traditional playful size ponies unfortunately.

That's too bad.  :(

Pony Corral / Re: Has there been any new International Exclusives?
« on: February 19, 2014, 06:22:10 PM »
nothing here, not for a loooong time, we had them all but ploomette. it is such a shame as we dont get tru or target toys it was nice having something to trade with :sad:
gosh thinking about it, ploomette was a year go :(

They need to release more…. I'm lucky enough to get both international exclusives and US ponies because I have family that lives in France so I visit them over the summer. This last summer was the first time I bought ponies, so I was able to get ploomette, a crystal motion twilight pack with extra accessories, and rarity's carriage and star swirl. I was also able to get rainbow flash lose on complete accident. (long story) xD 
Hoping that they will release something before this summer so I have something to look forward to pony wise  ^.^

Pony Corral / Re: Has there been any new International Exclusives?
« on: February 19, 2014, 05:40:32 PM »
There are a lot of licensed toys that are only sold in (and around?) Russia... that's the closest I can think of.

Oh those Russians…They seem to be getting the best mlp stuff right now. xD

You're not missing any, brushables near and far, exclusive or non-exclusive, have dried up in terms of new releases :(

That's what I've thought….  thanks for letting me know!  :lol:

Pony Corral / Has there been any new International Exclusives?
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:13:15 PM »
Has there? Last I've checked Ploomette was the last one. I was wondering if I'm missing something or there just hasn't been any.

Pony Corral / Re: G5 assumptions
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:19:50 AM »
What I don't understand is why everyone wants to move on to G5. As a G4 collector, I see the problems of the line, but having a new gen won't do anything. They will continue the G4 trend of only releasing a few characters and that's it. After a while, we will be asking for G6.

For that matter, has anyone seen the minifig set with Queen Chysalis? It's printed on the back of the boxes that it exists but I've never seen it anywhere.

Still looking for that too….

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