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Messages - Katika

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Skeen, extra thanks to you for giving my book a try! I sincerely hope you enjoy it!!

So when I end up loving it and add you to my short list of authors I will buy anything from, you'll autograph the paperback for me, right?  ;) 

You should seeeeeeeee my Kindle queue, it is a mile long.  But I moved yours to the top so I won't start a new series after I finish my current book so I can read yours! 

I will absolutely, 100% autograph books for any of my fans <3 It seriously would be a tremendous honor :)

Thank you SO much, everyone <3 It's been my dream to be published since I was in 4th grade, it's pretty surreal to be able to finally call myself a published author  :P

Skeen, extra thanks to you for giving my book a try! I sincerely hope you enjoy it!!

ME!! I was so excited that I didn't even see this post before just now dropping the post that I just released my debut novel this past Friday!! EEE!!

I've got to run, so haven't had the chance to read but the first couple comments on this thread (will do it as soon as my chores are done, though!), but wanted to say that last year, a couple of Arena writers and I attempted to start a FB writers group just for Arena members. We're not very active at the moment, but it's a *very* safe and controlled place and if you're interested in joining, send me a PM here and I'll send you an invite :)

Off Topic / Guys! I just released my first published fantasy novel!
« on: April 03, 2016, 06:06:25 PM »
I know I've fallen off the Arena for a bit, but I've been swamped with finalizing everything for publication of my debut novel, Devotion! She's the first of a five-part, character driven epic fantasy series told from a third person omniscient POV. Premise is a holy war against demons on a godless island and the immortal paladin that is sent to try to stop it. Ebook only at this time, paperback is still pending, but I had to squeal somewhere! I've been working on this book since 2003 and am SO excited (and equally terrified) to finally set her out into the wild!

I know we've got other authors here on the Arena and I'd love to talk networking (including links to your own books to check out!!) with those of you interested, especially if you went the indie route :)

If it strikes your fancy, and you've got the time, I'd be honored if any of you felt compelled to give her a read :) If you're interested, you can find it here:

Off Topic / Does anyone have experience with planning conventions?
« on: February 12, 2016, 04:12:26 PM »
I was just gently prodded with the idea of starting up a writing convention sometime in the future, but have never even attempted to do something like this before in my life. Can anyone direct me to where I can get more information on this sort of thing?

The thought on its own is so daunting, lol, but I've got a lot of (verbal) support for it. Any suggestions or tips would be very much so appreciated :)

Off Topic / Re: Does anybody blog?
« on: January 17, 2016, 09:51:40 AM »
I'm currently in the process of starting a blog/website up, mostly based around indie writing and the series I'm getting ready to begin self publishing :) The release of my debut novel is April 1st (I've been screaming that everywhere I can so I can have more accountability on that ;) ) so I figured now is probably a good time to get started on the marketing side of things :P

I hope to stick to a relatively rigid posting schedule, covering a slice of life, progress and snags that come from my personal writing process, tips/tricks/motivation for the writing world and a set promotional day where I'll promo other indie writers and artists of other forms :)

I'm going to preface this with saying that I've been collecting for a *long* time and have always had notoriously terrible luck finding ponies second hand in the wild.

I went through this weird phase where I absolutely HAD to get my hands on a BBE Heart Throb. I kept coming in to sale threads literally the day after she sold from sellers here. I'd get outbid last second ebay. I remember thinking "I thought people *hated* BBEs? Why is this so hard?!"

On a whim, I went to the local Salvation Army and dug through their toys. Of course, I found nothing. The friend I was with was buying a skirt, though, so we went up to the check out and lo and behold, the *one* pony they had in the entire store was none other than BBE Heart Throb, and she was sitting right at the register. I snapped her up and squealed and my friend was like "*That* is the pony you've been after?"

She was in reasonably good condition (could stand an upgrade) but I'm going to keep her forever just based on the weird circumstances of her discovery :)

Pony Corral / Re: Who's your MVP? (Most Valuable Pony) Come Share!
« on: January 15, 2016, 08:00:24 AM »

My most sentimental is Wind Whistler. 

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This is a replacement for my childhood girl.  I found her early into my collecting days, along with 30-ish other G1s.  She's such a beauty.

My most sentimental is my (replacement) SS Wind Whistler, too! I got my first one for Easter when I was 3 and sometime between the sandbox and growing up, she and I parted ways (I'm almost certain she was thrown away... I seriously took her *everywhere* and the flocking's not very forgiving to real life situations). She was the first G1 that my then-boyfriend, now-husband bought me, and he got her after quietly sleuthing to find out that she'd been my first pony ever :)

As far as monetary value goes, I *think* my most valuable pony is Rapunzel? I've also got the aqua haired G3 exclusive prototype and Rosey Posey, but I'm honestly not sure what their current values are actually at. Still actively after the cancer awareness ponies, but after that, most of my super HTF G3s *should* be done. I'd post pics, but I literally just finished packing all of my ponies away lol.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Chocobo plushie art doll :D
« on: January 14, 2016, 10:17:42 PM »
Holy smokes, that's awesome! Beautiful work :)

Off Topic / Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
« on: January 14, 2016, 08:45:00 PM »
Giving me only 5 votes isn't fair - my dad is (honest!) an international cheese competition judge so I grew up sort of like Chuck on Pushing Daisies (sans the crazy aunts) :) I usually joke that 70% of my diet is cheese :D

Pony Corral / Re: What's been your best eBay pony score?
« on: October 31, 2015, 09:56:41 PM »
Years and years and years ago, I won an auction (as in actively bid, not BINed) of 30 ponies, including Rapunzel for $300. It had a couple other more rare ponies in there, too, but averaging everything out to $10 a pop I'd say is a pretty good deal :)

Off Topic / Re: *gasp!* NaNoWriMo's almost here! Who's writing this year?
« on: October 31, 2015, 06:57:34 AM »
Yay to all of this year's participants! And those of you who can't make it this year, remember that there's always next year :) Life happens, and that's okay! Wishing all of you many wonderful words over the next month... we're down to hours now! (And I believe it's even started in some parts of the world?)

Off Topic / Re: *gasp!* NaNoWriMo's almost here! Who's writing this year?
« on: October 29, 2015, 07:35:23 AM »
Yay for NaNoWriMo!  I finished my goal in the younger kids and teens version last year by writing 25,000 words.  (I won a coupon to get a book printed but I never used it and now I realize what a waste that was...but anyways...)

I don't think I'll be doing it this year,  I'm not much of a novel writer.  But perhaps I can set my goal to write several short stories or a novella.

Good luck to all you writer's to go for it!

There are also two events in the spring time called "Camp NaNoWriMo" where you set your own goal - anywhere from 10k to 1M words. For some reason, I've never been able to stay on track for the Camp months, but November's sacred ground for me :)

Off Topic / Re: This isn't the thread you're looking for.
« on: October 29, 2015, 07:27:02 AM »
My option isn't here either... I'm between "Probably not" and "No, I wouldn't even watch it on TV." Star Wars doesn't exactly *interest* me, but I'm not opposed to watching it. I doubt I'll ever go seeking it out, but if it's on or someone I'm with is watching it, it's not a big deal to me :)

Off Topic / *gasp!* NaNoWriMo's almost here! Who's writing this year?
« on: October 29, 2015, 07:25:12 AM »
The past month has been incredibly rough for me and it's been a long time since I logged on here. I know we've got quite a few writers at the Arena - who's participating in NaNoWriMo this year? This is the first year I'm attempting more than one novel... in fact, I'm *just* crazy enough that I'm aiming for... five. Yes, five. We'll see how that goes :P

For those of you new to the concept of NaNoWriMo, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and happens every year in November. The challenge is to write 50k words worth of new fiction through the course of the month. It's loads of fun (if you're a writer ;) ) and a fantastic motivation/kick in the pants to write that story idea you always daydream about :)

My name at the NaNo site is Katika; I'd love to add you guys as buddies! Hope to see you wonderful folks writing next month!!

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