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Messages - Calico_Star

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Off Topic / Re: Gamers, what are you playing right now?
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:03:48 PM »
Is anyone else playing Hyrule Warriors yet? It seemed kind of repetitive at first, but now that I have more characters, weapons, and combos unlocked (plus now that I'm more used to the feel of the game) I'm having a lot more fun with it. I can't wait for the DLC with Epona to be released!

And Smash Bros and Skylanders Trap Team both come out within the next week...super excited for those two!

Off Topic / Re: Gamers, what are you playing right now?
« on: September 21, 2014, 09:15:20 AM »
Currently, the 3DS Smash Bros demo. I'm so impressed with the graphics and how they managed to fit all that mayhem onto the 3DS's small screen without making it look cluttered or tiny!

I'm also playing Bravely Default off and on. You guys were right, that game is pretty awesome! I'm just progressing really slowly because I've been devoting a lot of my free time to reading instead of games. And also I'm fed up with Agnes, lol. She makes a great healer, but I can't get her to not completely fail at any other job.

The upcoming release of Trap Team has me breaking out my Skylanders on occasion, too. It's too bad that there are so many modes of gameplay that are two-player only, though! (In Swap Force, at least, which is the only one i have.) I plug in a second controller just to get myself through dual element gates. Forever alone *weeps*

There are so many great new games coming out before the end of the year, though! I'm so excited! Hyrule Warriors, anyone?

Off Topic / Re: Anyone collect Serendipity books?
« on: September 21, 2014, 09:07:37 AM »
I "collect" far my collection includes a grand total of 3 books, I believe. I don't try to chase them down online, but if I see them at a thrift store or a garage sale I'll pick them up.....but so far I haven't had much luck. I had so many of them when I was little! Right now I just have Poppy, Fanny, and....I don't remember what the third one was. I just love the art style though, and when I was little I was a huge fan of any of them that featured equines!

Off Topic / Re: Need an amazing Fantasy book to read??? ^_^
« on: September 21, 2014, 09:03:15 AM »
Ooh, I downloaded this on my Kindle a few months ago but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. (I have quite the stockpile of physical and digital books to get through!) I'll have to bump it up higher on my to-read list :) I've read so many lackluster stories lately, I'm ready for one that's actually really good! :P

Off Topic / Re: Any Tamagotchi experts here?
« on: September 09, 2014, 10:07:29 PM »
Glad you got your questions answered!

I really like the Tamagotchi Friends :) It's simple like the original Tamagotchi, but with a few more features so there's a little more to do. It's not gimmicky like, say, the Rock Star. But with features like the park, and several games, there's more to it than the originals. The Tamagotchi Friends is a nice middle-ground Tamagotchi :) I do miss the older characters though-- seems like all the female characters look the same! But I've been playing the IdL and P's long enough to be used to that.

The tamas seem to be pretty hardy-- I neglect mine on work days. I work outdoors, so I only check on it during my breaks, and it's survived just fine. Probably wouldn't be happy about a full 8-hour day by itself, though. I also only hatch new Tamagotchi on weekends, haha.

Dazzle, are you liking yours so far? How long have you had it running? I'm only on my second tama, and she's only 3, so I have a whole 3 more days until I can marry her off!

Off Topic / Re: Any Tamagotchi experts here?
« on: September 07, 2014, 01:59:16 PM »
I'm not one of those super crazy hardcore Tamagotchi people, but I do have one of the new US Tamagotchi Friends, as well as a drawer full of old 90's tamagotchi and a few Japanese color Tamagotchi. Maybe I can help? I think I'm a member of Tamatalk (I always get it and Tama-Zone mixed up), but I just lurk :P

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Puppy Surprise?
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:09:54 PM »
How exciting! When I first saw the picture of these on store shelves, I thought it was a photo from the 90's XD Really cool how the mamas look just like the old ones. Too bad the babies look so different-- I don't like the look of the puppies OR the kittens, and it's an odd contrast to the style of the adults. (Especially the eyes...the adults have that 90's style eye that ALL dolls in the 80s and 90s had, and the babies have Bratz eyes or something.)

Still very excited. I really like that calio's hoping they make the other animals too! I think I had at least one of every animal back in the I have a couple ponies/foals a couple dogs/puppies and some kittens, but no mama cats and no bunnies or bears.

The Dollhouse / Re: Show me your Frozen dolls
« on: August 09, 2014, 07:43:26 PM »
Whoa whoa whoa is that a Frozen bed set? Because I need that like nobody's business!

Off Topic / Re: Gamers, what are you playing right now?
« on: July 28, 2014, 08:36:48 AM »
I'm going into town in a couple of hours to pick up the copy of Bravely Default I ordered at best friend promised it was good, so it better be! The last game she promised was good totally kicked my ass, so I'm not sure... :P (Tales of the Abyss...gah!)

I loved both of them, but for different reasons.

The first one was so cute and funny. The characters were all charming and awkward, and it was a lighthearted movie overall. It was mostly the humor that I loved about the first movie. (Well, that and dragons!)

I loved the second one because it was so intense. (Also, again, dragons. I mean, everyone saw the Bewilderbeast, right? Was that epic or what?) It was still humorous like the first one, but it took a back seat to the action. The scene towards the beginning where they come across the destroyed fortress was absolutely incredible. Nothing in the first movie had that much of an impact for me.

I can't really decide which one I like better. I really loved both of them, but they were very different.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Zelfs! Ohmygosh they're way too cute.
« on: July 27, 2014, 04:33:53 PM »
Yay, checked my TRU today and they got a shipment of the new large Zelfs and the Zelicious ones. It looks like they only got one of each? I got Deeno, Noodles, and Miss Tutu. They're my first large Zelfs. I like the mediums better, but I'm afraid these characters might not be released in the medium size. These aren't too bad though-- maybe they fixed what I didn't like about the head mold on the series 1 large Zelfs? Or maybe I'm just used to them lol.

I also got Chocolaa, Frostette, an Bubblee. They are...definitely interesting. Almost got Zelicious spellinda but decided these were enough for one day! Frostette smells like faint coffee and plastic. She's cute, I love her sprinkle freckles and her different colored eyes. BUT her frosting tufts on her head look like bushy old man eyebrows! There's a movie character she reminds me of but I'm blanking on who it is.

Bubblee smells the best, but she looks kind of freaky. I think it's a combo of the semi-transparent plastic, the haunted yellow eyes, and the blistery-looking bubbles on her head. Poor thing!

Chocolaa is my favorite as far as looks go. I think it's that adorable open mouth and wavy ears! BUT she kind of stinks. Don't get me wrong, I love chocolate, but that...that's not chocolate 8( I hope they tend to keep their scents to themselves. Altogether though they are very cute and I'm pleased with all 6 of today's purchases :) These things are so addicting it's getting out of hand!

The Dollhouse / Re: Elsa Watch 2014!
« on: July 25, 2014, 07:31:44 AM »
The classic 12" Elsa doll was in stock this morning at the DS's online store. I've gotten into the habit of checking at least 2 or 3 times every day. I was browsing the site on my phone and saw that she was there. I tried adding her to my cart to see if it would let me or it it would tell me she was out of stock. It let me add her, so I ran upstairs so I could do the order on my computer instead. When I got on their site on my computer, (about a minute and a half later)
it said she was out of stock. But it did let me finish the checkout process on my phone afterwards, so....I'm not sure if I'll FINALLY have my Elsa doll, or if Ill have a cancelled order notice waiting for me later. *sits and fidgets*

Off Topic / Re: Breyerfest Haul with Breyer Grails!
« on: July 20, 2014, 08:35:39 AM »
Those are gorgeous, congrats! I really like the bears, and that wild-looking black (dark brown?) horse up at the front bear the bears.

The Dollhouse / Re: Elsa Watch 2014!
« on: July 18, 2014, 06:39:08 PM »
Just letting everyone know that walmart now has aadult sized frozen shirts for only $7.50. They have 2 different designs of olaf, a shirt with kristoff, olaf, and sven that says selfie on it, an elsa shirt that says queen of ice and snow, and an elsa shirt that says keep calm and let it go.

There's also a gray one with Anna, Elsa, Kristoff and Sven, and I saw a (horribly bright) pink one with both princesses that had some sort of text on it, I think. I don't recall seeing the Selfie one or the Queen of Ice and Snow. I wanted a Keep Calm shirt, but they only had XL and XXL...yeah, as a M, I just couldn't swing it :P

Off Topic / Re: skylanders collectors
« on: July 16, 2014, 01:47:48 PM »
I play :) I mostly just collect the dragon figures though, or the ones that look like fantasy creatures (Sunburn the phoenix, Scratch the griffin, etc). I'm not into the humanoid ones at all. My favorite by far is Flashwing. I don't know why she's not more popular. I love her design, and her attacks are a lot of fun!

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