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Messages - Talismarr

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Off Topic / Re: What Holiday Gifts Did You Receive???
« on: December 26, 2013, 02:47:09 PM »
My christmas was pretty quiet. I got some money from my parents, and then a small scrapbooking journal thing from a gift exchange game at family gathering with my extended family. I also got a small plant from a co-worker which she planted in a small glass ball with some rocks. It's only about 3" tall but just really pretty. I like having a plant on my desk :)
Lots of great food too, had 2 delicious christmas dinners over the last few days!

Off Topic / Re: American Horror Story Coven ( finally here)
« on: December 19, 2013, 02:42:14 PM »
I've never watched this show before, but watched the most recent episode with a friend the other day  :shocked: She's upset about no more episodes until January!

I'm not sure now if I should watch the rest of the series? Add it to my (very long) list of shows that I need to watch?

Off Topic / Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~ A cup of Brags!
« on: November 23, 2013, 12:34:40 PM »
Nice!! That frog mouth mug is too funny! XD But yeah, you definitely gotta try some Timmies! ^_^

Aw, how sad, I'm so sorry to hear this :hug: Poor little guy.

Off Topic / Re: Advice on downsizing my plushies?
« on: November 19, 2013, 09:57:01 PM »
Also agreeing with Tula! My cousin donated a lot of her old plushies to the fire department for children and I think it's a great idea. It's actually something I would like to look into as well, as I have quite a few toys and things that I could do with getting rid of :huh:

Off Topic / Re: Gift suggestions for a senior?
« on: November 19, 2013, 09:54:58 PM »
What a great idea! ^_^ I like tulagirl's suggestions, especially about a sports team for the hat or blanket? I remember my papa (my mom's dad) really loved hockey (Toronto Maple Leafs!), so maybe the man you're shopping for has a favorite team too! A nice throw blanket or a toque with their logo might be appreciated. You can never have too many blankets in Canada!

Tulagirl I find it interesting that you don't really like gift cards for restaurants, I love going out to eat ^_^ It's like a fun date night or night out, but everyone is different! I know some seniors just like to take it easy, so books, puzzles, stuff like that, they often like. My papa (who I mentioned already) actually enjoyed knitting/crocheting, so that was one of his hobbies. The transit tickets are a good idea too. Sometimes basic things like that are appreciated as gifts, it can make day to day life a little bit easier!

Off Topic / Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~ A cup of Brags!
« on: November 16, 2013, 03:07:08 AM »
MY MORPH MUG WORKS!! I am using it as we speak. It's wonderful ;u;
Talismarr: Oh, I remember you saying something about a thrift store purchase. It looks brand new! I'm glad it jumped out at you^^ I love it, and the rest, just so much.

Glad the morph mug works!! I was so tempted to try it out myself but thought that might be weird... lol I wanted to see how it looks!

Off Topic / Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~ All shipped! Waiting for boxes to come in!
« on: November 12, 2013, 04:01:14 PM »
Yay!! :frolic:

Off Topic / Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~ A cup of Brags!
« on: November 12, 2013, 03:59:35 PM »
I can't believe it arrived already!! The post office lady told me 6 business days, so awesome that it arrived today!! :cheer:

That whole box came together so well, I thought all the mugs I found were perfect for you! I knew you would love the under the sea one, and believe it or not I found the carousel mug and saucer at a thrift store! I was shopping around for one more mug and that one just jumped out at me, perfect!

So glad you like everything, I had a lot of fun shopping! It was easy, because we have similar interests! (Wanted to keep some of the extras for myself actually XD )
Enjoy! :happy:

Off Topic / Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~ All shipped! Waiting for boxes to come in!
« on: November 11, 2013, 01:12:01 AM »
I hate that Monday is a holiday... :yikes:

My partner's box would arrive quicker too if it weren't, but I am so thankful for a day off... I work way too much -.-

Off Topic / Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~ A cup of Brags!
« on: November 11, 2013, 12:57:47 AM »
:hug: I was so happy to be able to shop for you! The huge mug was locally thrown, I got it at our weekly farmer's market. :biggrin: Sorry about the chip though... :( I stuffed as much bubble wrap in as I could. >_<

I'm glad you liked everything. Prezzies within prezzies are always fun, right? And who whoo doesn't need owl tape? :silly:

So many owls!!  :lovey: I love everything, it's so cute! I will definitely have to find a proper use for that owl tape too! And that is so cool about the local mug! Visiting the farmer's market is a great idea! I think all of the ones around me have shut down now for winter, it's getting cold out. Perfect weather for my new hot chocolates and teas  ^.^

Thrifty, love the action shot of your kitty! So cute. And so many yummy goodies in your box! I have to find out where those noodles come from, my roommate eats them too sometimes and they smell really good!

Off Topic / Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~ Shipping time!! November 1-7!
« on: November 07, 2013, 11:58:22 AM »
Teaser time for me too! I also had to wait until the last day, have just had a super busy week. Almost forgot my parcel in my car actually, I went straight to dinner after work, and thankfully remembered to visit the post office on my way home!

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Hopefully it'll arrive next week or early the week after! :frolic:

Off Topic / Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~ A cup of Brags!
« on: November 06, 2013, 01:37:24 PM »
Time for my brag finally!  :blush: I'm super lazy, sorry all! But here's the brag about my awesome box from Archidraca! :frolic:

First of all, everyone saw the photo of my roommates cat checking everything out? I was super surprised when this huge box showed up at my door the other day!! I wasn't expecting it so soon! And it arrived on my day off so I was actually around to sign for it, how awesome!

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The box itself... Owl paper!! Eee!

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Look at the super cute owl tape! I was thinking while I was opening the box, I wish I had some super cute owl tape...

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All the goodies in the box...

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and out of the box!! And look at that: my own super cute owl tape!!  :lol: I can sense a theme coming up...

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Ohmygosh, super cute owl mug! This is one of the cutest mugs I've ever seen!

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And stuffed inside: coffee! I made a noise of surprise out loud when I discovered this!

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Next package I opened contained the owl in the back! Two cute owl shaped mugs!

The next two mugs (and the previous owl mug) were wrapped up with tissue paper, bubble wrap and some cute owl fabric! These two include an elephant shaped mug and a beautiful handmade (I think?) mug which is actually huge! The elephant is soo cute too, look at his little ears and trunk!
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Unfortunately though the handmade mug had a small piece that chipped off the top, so I will either have to use it carefully or just have it on display on a shelf! Lovely colors though!

A 5th mug, which comes with a little spoon and a lovely saying on the side! I was truly touched by this one  ^.^ thank you Arch! I'm also really excited to try the soup, it looks delicious! There is something so comforting about eating soup from a mug!
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Cocoas, teas, coffee and tasty treats! I'm excited to try all of them! I had some of the peach tea this morning, delicious!

And now for the themed part of the box: OWLS!
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So many wonderful owl things!! Stickers, lip gloss, a ring, a notebook, the tape, some little gift tags and super cute owl clothespins! I think they'd be great for displaying some photos, maybe on a string or something. Love it!

Thank you so much Archidraca, what a lovely box!! :hug: I love everything, and you definitely put a lot of thought into it! What a fun swap  ^.^

Off Topic / Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~ Shipping time!! November 1-7!
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:24:28 AM »
At least I know it's more than 2/3 of the way to it's destination. :biggrin:

It's ALL the way to it's destination!! :cheer:
I received my box today!! Haven't opened it yet though because I want to get my partner's box packed up and ready to go before I open it. Hopefully  I can ship mine out tomorrow! Just have to pick up a few last minute extras ^.^

Here's a pic of my roommate's kitty checking it out! (and pooly edited-out address lol)
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Off Topic / Re: ~Mug Swap 2013~ A cup of Brags!
« on: November 03, 2013, 12:00:23 AM »
I am loving all these brags!! :cheer: I love how personalized everyone's boxes have turned out, and I'm super excited for my partner to get theirs!!

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