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Messages - Ribbs

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Pony Corral / Re: Ugly ponies?
« on: May 21, 2020, 06:07:53 AM »
I don't think Wardah meant any harm in their post. :) To answer the question... Some of my most beloved childhood ponies are quite "bait" at this point in time. I gave most of the boys haircuts like the boy ponies in the MLP Tales cartoon, and I played with them a lot outside so some are stained with pitch, dirt, sand, and hair frizzed out from bubble bath and salty ocean water. A few even lived on my window sill so they got a bit moldy and faded. While they may not be the most aesthetically pleasing anymore, they still make me very happy to look at. I have a special little shelf just for them, separate from the rest of my ponies. To me they're more treasured than some of my mint condition ponies.

Now... I did once do the unthinkable and de-card a Nirvana pony. It's true! However before you all chase me with torches, let me explain!
It was the early 2000's and Argentina ponies were just popping up on eBay. Well I managed to acquire the green Rockin' Beat unicorn on a VERY damaged card for super cheap (I believe it was like 15$ USD). When I received her the card was actually slightly damp, and clearly water damaged. Ink blotchy, warped, bubble yellowed and mostly peeled off... But what I noticed most was the smell of mildew and the little tiny droplets of liquid on the pony inside. I made the difficult decision to open her, and I am SO glad I did. She was very sticky/slimy and smelled quite foul. I assume it was plasticizer leaking out as she was also quite visibly porous and soft. I ended up cleaning her off just fine, and she and her accessories were salvaged though even to this day she smells a bit off. I dried the card out and ended up keeping it as well, but just think of how awful that pony would be today had I left her in package. She was literally rotting away... I've heard of similar things happening to other peoples Argies from around that time. 

So there you have it. (Just to clarify I would NEVER de-card otherwise.) I'm gonna go wall up my windows and doors now. :)

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/20/2020 Mimic
« on: May 20, 2020, 06:43:42 PM »
She was a childhood favorite, love her tropical colors! She's the star of my collection.

Pony Corral / Re: If you could tweak the color scheme...
« on: May 17, 2020, 02:36:14 PM »
Tootsie. Her colors make her look ill and nothing about her makes me think of candy or lollipops. I much prefer the more candy-colored South American variants of her.

Great site Chrissytree! 💜 Thanks for doing this.

Oooh, I love sun fading stories. I've got 2 pen victims sun bathing now. G1 Bright Eyes (someone gave her gaudy eyeliner with pink/red pen. I am praying I can fade this out, one eye is very stubborn) as well as a G1 Sweet Stuff who's ear tips were completely black. Bright Eyes has had 1 week in the sun and I am already seeing results! Sweet Stuff has been sunning for about a month and the marks are almost completely gone. It's been pretty sunny here in NC, but even when it's not sunny I've been leaving them on the dash in my car. Any UV rays I can get, I'll take them. Stalking this thread for more success stories to give me hope. 💜

Pony Corral / Re: Least fave candy cane pony?
« on: May 17, 2020, 05:12:27 AM »
Molasses never really did it for me, nor Mint Dreams. I love Lemon Treats and Caramel Crunch most from this set. 💜

For Sale - For Auction / Re: G1 pony sale!
« on: May 15, 2020, 06:41:42 AM »

I would be interested in buying once you have prices! :)

Pony Corral / Re: Least fave twice as fancy 2nd wave?
« on: May 12, 2020, 06:51:04 AM »
Munchy. The whole hamburger/hotdog/fries/pickles theme is kinda gross and creepy to me... I mean, I would certainly hope that if the ponies really did enjoy fast food that it would at least be vegetarian... I'll take a candy, ice cream or pastry themed pony over a fast food themed pony any day. (Looking at you, Yum Yum 💜 cutest of the set, imo)

Pony Corral / Re: Location information
« on: May 11, 2020, 09:12:46 PM »
I always wonder about the different places in pony lore too. The MLP and Friends series was full of little one-off mentions of places and things that sounded so cool. I personally think Mimic's "ancestor" is Majesty from the Dream Castle.

Pony Corral / Your sun fade success stories!
« on: May 11, 2020, 09:07:14 PM »
I have a Bright Eyes with what looks like pink pen around her eyes, like someone tried to give her eyeliner... She's one of my favorites so I am hoping a sun bath will do the trick. I've got everything covered but the pen around her eyes and so far she's had one full day of bright sun and the ink seems to be getting lighter already! :) Still I am a bit skeptical, so I would like to hear about AND see your sun fade success stories please. Give me more hope! :) Bonus points for before and after photos.

Pony Corral / Re: Tell me about your dreamponies!
« on: May 11, 2020, 03:20:03 PM »
Your dream pony is so cute! I dreamt recently I found Gusty in Fizzy's pose. She had gold leaves instead of purple and I was so excited because she was one of my favorites. In another dream I found a pegasus/unicorn hybrid but I can't recall what it looked like, only being shocked that one existed... Then I woke up. I've dreamt up other strange ponies too, though I always forget them. You've inspired me to draw them next time I have a pony dream. :)

Just need Starlight to complete the Tales ponies! I'd love to buy from someone here and avoid ebay if I can. :)

Honestly, I just wipe down all parcels with lysol and use gloves, and wash the ponies thoroughly as soon as they arrive. I leave any reusable packaging on my porch and trash the rest. Yes, maybe this isn't the safest way... I just know I couldn't NOT immediately rip open the package. Always wash your hands after getting the mail! (Gloves or not)

Pony Corral / Re: What pony do you think is bizarre?
« on: May 09, 2020, 06:16:55 PM »
The pregnant pony that gives birth...

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