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Messages - Lilja

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Pony Corral / Re: Who's Skates? An oddity on Twist's backcard
« on: March 22, 2021, 09:56:21 AM »
I really don't see why Speedy can ONLY be into rollerskating.

Thanks for the reassurance! I was worrying if I was missing something there. :lookround: I don't think it'd be too weird for Quarterback to play baseball with Slugger either, although it would be weird if it was in Quarterback's own backcard story. Likewise with Speedy, it would seem a bit off if her own story was about ice skating, but I don't see a problem with her ice skating in another pony's story.

BTW for anyone interested, I found scans of all the Romance Ponies' backcards here:
Sadly wasn't able to learn anything more about Prince Shy-One. But I was surprised to see Brandy and Spike appear in Love Token's story!

Pony Corral / Re: Who's Skates? An oddity on Twist's backcard
« on: March 22, 2021, 08:38:45 AM »
I honestly don't think either of them could be human. Those names are too weird to belong to people.

That's a fair point for sure! The Romance Ponies' release is also close to the Tales era, when there definitely wouldn't be any humans around. But Shy-One is referred to as "the prince", and Love Letter is referred to as "the pony", which would be a bit confusing if the prince was also a pony.

I wasn't able to find all of the other Romance Pony stories, but Love Story talks to a "Pixie Princess" in hers. Maybe the prince is also a pixie and this is his "sweetheart"? Seems like they were going for a fairy tale feel for the stories in this set anyhow.

Pony Corral / Re: Who's Skates? An oddity on Twist's backcard
« on: March 22, 2021, 07:01:12 AM »
If Prince Shy-One could be either way, so could Skates. There's no real evidence either way though of course that also means you're free to believe what you prefer.

Of course everyone is free to believe what they prefer, have I ever said otherwise? I personally don't think Skates is meant to be a human or anything other than a pony, but you're free to if you like.

Likewise with Skates - there is no evidence this is Speedy.

I never claimed there was evidence, but there are a few things that point to it:
*The name is Skates. Speedy's symbol is a pair of roller skates.
*Speedy is one of the new characters that was introduced at the same time as Twist.
*There were LOTS of errors in how these particular new characters were portrayed on the backcards.
*It's odd to use an ice skating scenario for a pretzel pony if there also exists an ice skate pony.
*Wouldn't be the first time an early name was accidentally used for a pony.

I have argued why I think Skates is most likely an early name for Speedy. This is not the same as me saying this is absolutely the case. I like reading others' speculations, but I'd need to hear more arguments to be swayed more into believing any of the other explanations.

Pony Corral / Re: Who's Skates? An oddity on Twist's backcard
« on: March 22, 2021, 05:40:13 AM »
I think if Skates wasn't meant to be a pony, the text would've clarified what they were. If a character's species isn't specified in some way I'd assume it's either a pony or a human. With Prince Shy-One it could go either way. Since the story just refers to him as a prince and he's not portrayed as a love interest for any of the ponies, that makes me lean a little more towards a human. G1 ponies has interacted with human princes quite a few times after all. :biggrin:

I don't understand why Speedy being good at ice skating would be a problem. She can be good at more than one type of skating. If the writer of the stories was under the impression there was an ice skate pony in the set, why wouldn't they save that scenario for that pony's story instead? Why would they use it for a pony with pretzels for a symbol?

Pony Corral / Re: Who's Skates? An oddity on Twist's backcard
« on: March 22, 2021, 03:31:55 AM »
Although the idea that a not-real pony should not appear in a backcard story is kind of null and void when you consider "Bobby" (Sweet Kisses Ponies' card)

It's of course not impossible for Hasbro to add a "backcard story only" pony, but I don't think it's likely under these specific circumstances. For one thing, Hasbro UK stories from 1993-94 don't work quite the same as Hasbro US stories from the '80s. They weren't used to cross-sell ponies from other sets as much (but a few exceptions exist). The Sweet Kisses backcard story added a character to emphasize the romance theme (and there was no suitable toy at the time to be used as a love interest), not to advertise another toy. There is no need to invent a new character just for two ponies to go ice skating. Any pony could've worked, but I guess they thought Speedy was the most suitable of the upcoming releases at the time.

I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility for Speedy to be versed in ice skating as well as roller skating. Not every backcard story connects to the pony's symbol perfectly, and this story is meant to highlight Twist, not Speedy. But it's possible whoever wrote the story just picked "Skates" from a list of names and didn't realize the pony was roller skate themed.

Speculations are fun, and I understand it's more exciting to think we have another mystery pony on our hands, rather than just an alternative name for an existing pony. But it just doesn't seem very plausible to me. Having a pony named Skates and a pony with a roller skate symbol in the same set, and they're not the same pony... seems unlikely. Even having a roller skate themed pony and an ice skate themed pony at the same time sounds doubtful to me. Furthermore, why would they make Twist's story be about ice skating if there were plans for an ice skate pony? Shouldn't that have been the focus of her own story then? It's not impossible of course, but not the guess I would've gone with based on what we have.

It's a shame the full versions of the two specials have not been made available outside of VHS. The original intro sequence to Rescue at Midnight Castle is beautiful, and the MLP 'n Friends version cuts out more than half of it. And it's really sloppily cut too. Likewise the removal of Catrina and Rep's song in Escape from Catrina weakens the story in that one.

But yeah, at this point it's likely no one has the original masters anymore. Since the specials were made part of the TV series they probably figured that's good enough. I wonder if things would've been different if that had never happened.

Pony Corral / Re: Who's Skates? An oddity on Twist's backcard
« on: March 20, 2021, 12:23:35 PM »
The point of having different ponies interact with each other in the backcard stories was to advertise those other ponies to kids. It's extremely unlikely Hasbro would put in a "backcard story only" pony when they had 100+ actual toy ponies they could feature instead.

I'm 99% sure Skates is an early name for Speedy, or maybe even just a placeholder name. Her symbol is a pair of skates, so I find it unlikely there'd be another pony in the same set with that name. It seems likely they'd make sure to update Speedy's own backcard story, but forget to do it in another pony's story where she's mentioned (especially when there were so many characters to keep track of at this point).

The year 4 So Soft and Twinkle Eye sets are a bit special, since it was the only time Hasbro added more characters to a set in the middle of a release year and updated the backcard art for it. They might've been rushed out quickly to meet demand, which would explain all these errors, like how 4/6 of the new So Softs don't match up exactly to their toys on the edited backcard art.

It's always interesting to get an insight into the creation process behind MLP like this. Some have also speculated Bangles might've been a pegasus at some point in development since her backcard mentions her flying. Although I'm not so sure that would necessarily be the case.

Pony Corral / Re: G5 Media News
« on: February 04, 2021, 04:01:40 AM »
The main thing I would like is for different body types. I want chunky ponies and lanky ponies and short ponies and tall ponies. I would rather my ponies to not look like they are just different colored clones.

100% agree! I'd love to see this! Would be amazing if every character had a unique mold that was never reused for other characters. That's probably a bit too much to hope for, but maybe they could reuse each mold only once. :biggrin: G3.5 basically had unique molds for each character, but the faces were still very same-y (except for Sweetie Belle). A good point with G4 was that there were so many different eye styles that really set the characters apart, so I hope that gets carried over.

I'm all for a show that aims to promote positive, progressive values. There are great ways to do to this in fantasy environments, as seen in Steven Universe and the She-Ra reboot. I'd never argue against it on the assumption they'll handle it badly or that if they can't cover "all the issues" they shouldn't try to cover any at all. I'll wait until G5 is released to judge it. Possibly it'll just be mostly light fluff with some funny and heartfelt moments, the way it was with FiM. But that's fine too, I don't really expect much more from an MLP cartoon.

Back on topic of the G5 movie and the info in the article, I was talking to Tealeaf about it on Discord. The Mane 6 unified the creatures of Equestria, with more species living together in harmony than ever before, with the yaks, kirin, changelings, dragons, griffins, and hippogriffs, etc. So now, all of a sudden, even the MAIN THREE pony species are split apart again? How far ahead in the future does this take place?!?! What kind of princess was Twilight to have let this happen?!? :lmao:

That's kind of the thing though. We tend to assume the society we currently live in is the most tolerant and that things will only keep improving into the future. But as history shows us, old bigotry can reemerge if we're not diligent. I think it could make for a good storyline.

But then, I wonder, it's a "future" version of G4 Equestria, but is it the same exact universe as FiM, or is it a different one? G4 has different canons, does it not? Such as the comics? And different universes definitely exist already, as seen in that season finale where they redeem Starlight Glimmer. I don't play the Gameloft game much but I know they always like to bring in "alternate" or whatever versions of the Mane 6, such as vampires/bat ponies like "Appledrac".

This is a good point too! There are lots of ways they could go about this "it's still Equestria, but in the far-off future" thing. I'm really interested in seeing how they'll handle it!

Pony Corral / Re: The Best 'Worst' Type of G1 Ponies
« on: February 03, 2021, 02:59:02 AM »
Also I don't get their name. They're still hard plastic, right? How are they "soft".
I have no idea. That's always puzzled me too.

I believe Ruth Bush (former Hasbro designer who's been a guest at Pony Fair) said they were originally intended to be flocked, which is why they're called "Soft Sleepy Newborns". This feature was removed before release, but the name was kept.  :P

Pony Corral / Re: Golden Autumn alt site gone? :(
« on: January 22, 2021, 07:59:36 AM »
I didn't recognize the name of the site, but I sure remember seeing the photos of those customs back sometime around the early '00s. They were very satisfying to look at, and I had been trying to find them again without success, so thanks for sharing the link! :)

Pony Corral / Re: She'd be perfect if I changed just ONE thing...
« on: January 21, 2021, 02:40:42 PM »
The prototype wings for Medley and Firefly! Would've made them look so much nicer!
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Pony Corral / Re: Alleged G5 Storyboard has been found
« on: January 14, 2021, 10:44:56 AM »
I can't help but wonder how the Mane 6 are going to tie in to the new cast and their adventures. Having them be legendary heroes that they new protagonist looks up to is weird enough, but it would be even weirder to have them there if they're not going to play into the overall story somehow. I'm guessing the new main cast will be a group of at least around six ponies too. So that would be a lot of characters to focus on if the old Mane 6 will also be there in some capacity. And having old legends set adventures in motion in the present was how FiM started out, and it was something they returned to many times for their season premieres and finales. Would be nice to see something different for the premiere of G5, but we'll see how it turns out.

Pony Corral / Re: Alleged G5 Storyboard has been found
« on: January 13, 2021, 01:48:43 PM »
The animatic looks fine to me, can't really determine what the final animation will look like based on it.

The concept is a bit weird though. While I get that FiM has been by far the most successful MLP tie-in cartoon, due to how long it went on the lore became very convoluted. I'd rather see a clean slate, a new world with new interpretations of the characters rather than the same ones. Especially if they want to introduce MLP to a new generation of children it doesn't make sense to have it be so rooted in the old universe. But it all depends on how they go about it. It could still work and they may not have to follow the rules of FiM's world so slavishly. I'm really hyped for it though! Hoping it'll be at least close to as well written as FiM was.

Pony Corral / Re: One thing each generation does best?
« on: January 12, 2021, 12:52:10 PM »
G1: Best playsets and packaging artwork
G2: Best accessories
G3: Best color combinations
G3.5: Best hairstyles
G4: Best characters/storytelling/world and toyline variety
G4.5: Best eyes

Pony Corral / Re: MLP Commercial Archiving
« on: December 29, 2020, 12:14:49 PM »
I love the animation used in the G1 commercials! It's so much more nicely animated than most of what could be seen on the TV shows! I'm glad people are making an effort to preserve them, because it would be really sad if these animations were lost. I wish the commercial for the first set of Rainbow Ponies was uploaded somewhere. The animation from it was also used to promote Escape from Catrina (most likely before any animation work had been done on it) on a RaMC VHS tape, which is why some people like to speculate that it's footage from an unreleased Rainbow Pony special (but I think it's fairly obvious the animation was made to be used in a commercial and nothing more).

Quackers really had an anime moment in this one :lol:
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Kinda amazed Toei was still creating animation for G1 MLP commercials as late as year 7 with the Fancy Pants/Baby Brother one (the backgrounds Toei made for their MLP stuff are unmistakable). Even if there were fewer and fewer as time went on.

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