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Messages - lilico

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Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Price check : MIB Fairy Tails birds
« on: April 19, 2016, 12:36:44 AM »
Hello everyone,

Would anybody have an idea of a price for these 3 MIB Fairy tails birds ?

Thanks a lot !

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Pony Corral / Re: Do you have a pony/toy who travels with you?
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:55:28 AM »
Love this topic !
Another way to take holiday pictures.

The 'not-so-mint' baby Suprise is finally the luckiest ! He's visiting incredible places in the world.
Mr Bean and Wonka are so funny ! They prefer bedrooms, it seems  :P

Well, I do the same thing too, so here's Hamley's the Hamster ('Hamley's' because he's a HAMster from Hamley's in London, very original name), he comes with me in every trip for something like 10 years !

Here, at Chambord Castle. He feels like a king.

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Unfortunately, he recently lost an eye (he met my dog and they fought...), but I stitched him a closed eye and he's now ready to go again, as a pirate he now is.

Thanks everyone !

I was lucky enough to find two of them over the years. I sold one long ago on ebay (and the price was good, but really cheaper than 250 euros), and kept one for me. She's at my parents's home, so I don't have it in hands right now to make a pic, but it's quite good condition pony. Only loose, and without shell.

Hello there,

Has anybody a price idea for Italian sea pony Surfdancer (Maristella), with PINK hair ?
So blue body, pink hair (instead of yellow). There's a pic of one in the nirvana gallery.

Also, how rare is she ?

Thanks a lot !

MLP Nirvana / Re: Price check G1 collector pose - italy
« on: March 25, 2016, 02:02:44 AM »
Are prices different for the airbrushed-eyed ones ?
If I remember well, yes, but precisely ?

Thanks !

Don't I spot a french Windy (55) and a french Bubbles (60) ?
Good price for them.

MLP Nirvana / Re: Nirvana Restoration
« on: March 15, 2016, 07:41:03 AM »
Good job on the poor Moonstone ! She looks pretty !

I personnally only gently clean them, but never reroot or repaint them. I prefer to keep them in their original state, even if very bad. That's part of their personnal history, I like to believe. I kinda like 'poor' nirvanas, in fact :)
The only time I really 'restored' a nirvana pony was a poor italian Sunstone who had her horn half cut. I re-sculpted a new half horn, but it was entirely removable. I have a pic somewhere, need to find it back...

The only thing I tend to say is, when you choose to restore, repaint, reroot a nirvana pony, to mark it in some ways. Maybe a small sign on a hoof, or something, so a future potential buyer knows that the pony is not in her original shape.

Pony Corral / Re: Help Me ID This Rarity?
« on: March 07, 2016, 01:06:56 PM »
Yes, she was sold as a 'prototype'. I have the very same at home. Maybe from the same seller ?
I think I can find back exactly when and where mine was from, if you wish. Just have to have a look in my file...

MLP Nirvana / Re: Argie unicorns question
« on: July 22, 2014, 05:37:29 AM »
Same thing with Windy and White Windy, if I remember well.
Don't you think it can be cause by the use of different plastics, which 'reduce' differently when 'drying' out of the mold ? Maybe its not the same from one factory to another, or from one year to another, can't this make sense ?

MLP Nirvana / Re: PC and advice for pink hair Argie Gingerbread
« on: July 19, 2014, 05:42:41 AM »
Hello there,
the pic you put in your post is from my blog, and it's my pony  ;)
I got her a few years ago, and I bought her, honestly, with a real doubt she was an original one.
But she was cheap so I tried...
Frankly, I still have a doubt on her authenticity by now, and I think I'll ever have one, but by looking at her closely, I must say I'm tempted to believe she's an original one.
Her head was glued, and head and body are exactly the same color. Inside the head, the hair is breaded and glued as every other ponies.
The eyes, that you find odd, are simply rubbed, and it seems her former owner tried to color them with pink highlighter to fix it. The effect is odd indeed, but I prefered not to touch them. It's the explanation for the eyes...
So, personnally, I'm on the side of the ones who believe in her.
I moved recently, so ponies are still in boxes, but I think I know where she is, so maybe I can find her easily and make a few more pics, if you wish ?
So you can make your own idea.

Yop, I sold one like that a few months ago for kind of 60-70 USD, if I remember...

This colour makes a huge difference, she's pretty like this, and really uncommon !

Pony Corral / Re: Show me your best restorations
« on: July 27, 2012, 03:15:28 PM »
Great Job, everyone !!!!

Personnally, the restoration I'm the proudest about is Italian Sunstone.
As she's a nirvana girl, I wanted to keep her in as original condition as I could, so I cleaned her and sculpted her a new horn, but removable. So nothing was definitly added or removed.

She was like this :

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And after taking care of her, here's the girl :

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Yeahhhh, thanks so much for answer !

Wop, between pink and purple, kind of Twilight Sparkle shade in fact.

Pm'ing you !

*cross fingers !!!*

Pony Corral / Re: More Franken ponies +White Celestia Box pics
« on: July 25, 2012, 06:24:24 AM »
Hoooo, I'm searching for this pink unicorn for months !!!!

Does anyone sell her ?

By the way, isn't it, in latin 'Cornu' ==> a horn ?

Or did the Butterfly in 'the last unicorn' lie ?

Well, alicorn, pegacorns unipeg, winged unicorn... and what about Horned Pegasus ?  :P

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