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Messages - WingsOfMasquerade

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Pony Corral / Re: Basic Fun Ponies - Have New Waves Released?
« on: July 11, 2020, 01:21:12 AM »
Reporting from FL: Not yet but I'm gonna catch 'em all!

To Zelda (and also anyone else):
If you want them to do the adult seaponies or for us to finally have 10 dollar Mimic --do everything you can to make BF do well & sell LOADS of every wave. Spread the word for free on tumblr, facebook, pinterest or anywhere that you have to promote them & get other people to buy the ponies. The rarer releases are contingent on them doing good enough with what's here now. I personally, am shipping them overseas to people who couldn't ordinarily just buy them without huge markups & offering deboxing and whatever else that Amazon won't do. ANY extra sale is a GOOD SALE toward Mimic, Mountain Boys or Big Bros or anything else you can think of. If everybody bought 2 (one for you, one for a friend--who is paying you to buy it...) who knows how far they'd go. But the main point is that anyone picking up any of these does make a difference. (Also interacting with them does too----physical letters worked so if you feel like spending a stamp it's worth it)

So I have this pokemon board game...
And it's the Master Trainer Gold/Silver one that's in the red box. I guess usually the box is black? It's complete except for the yellow figure of Ash. So, I go to look it up on Ebay and it sells seemingly between 50 and THREE HUNDRED and Fifty???

How is this a thing?
I have never seen such a variation or prices on seemingly the same red boxed game?
How do you tell if you have the very pricey one?
Cause I sure...can't. Like it doesn't say 'which edition' or something anywhere that I can find. I also don't have the instructions. I tried looking it up, but all I get are board game reference sites and things that tell you what all should be in there (like the green clips, pog-looking tokens, etc) and how to play it but nothing about how there's some apparent mega-money version.

Any insight of what to do about this game would be much appreciated,

Happy Ending Alert!
Celestia must be in the clouds today! WOW!
The scam has been undone! I am shocked and amazed but the toy is BACK...with a note...It said something like sorry this came to the wrong address we're returning it with the original address label and then she was in there unharmed. And it's written in cursive. Time to put on the Pinkie Pie Sherlock hat from the train episode and go to town with clues.

Sooooo it was a kid scammer.
Kid using mommy's ebay name to send out bogus messages
I report and ebay comes in with a ban for sending illegal messages/thieving 
Mommy doesn't want trouble or bans and sends the item back on their own dime with a note

Nobody ordinary would send back a package and pay out of their own pocket to do it for someone else's' random mistake
No kid writes cursive that nice because they don't teach it in schools and even when they did most were lousy
The toy wasn't damaged so the kid never got hands on it before someone forced the return (otherwise they would cut hair/destroy)
A consequence (ebay attack) actually happened for the behavior and frighten them into doing right

Thank you for all these well wishes and tips!
If it can warn or prevent even 1 person then it is worth while to post.
I am absolutely from then on out an absolute hound for checking every detail, and also about the 'seller protections' clause too, I take each post here to heart with thanks!

Editing post for Happy Ending!
Happy ending posted in a response to this post more rage-reading, the situation got fixed, hooray!

Ok so I am SO ANGRY right now.
And all at MYSELF. I feel SO STUPID and full of rage. But, instead, I will type things into this message board to try to help others avoid my situation instead and maybe that's a better way to do it. It's a very easy scam to do, and it's also very easy to fall for-----however, it is also just as easy to avoid. Don't be horrible and stupid like me. Because if there's one of these jerks there's bound to be like 50 more. And banning them is like stomping on mushrooms, it gets rid of 1 but makes another pop up somewhere else.

What happens in the scam:
An ebay user will send you a message RIGHT AFTER your item ends
It's "grandma" or so, who is buying the thing "as a gift" and so needs the address "corrected" before you send it out

But it's not the real buyer!
They're COUNTING on you NOT LOOKING at who the real buyer of the item was, and just correcting the address to that of the thief because they are in such a rush to get the item/such an important gift that you don't double check before you change the address.

Now you can see why I feel so stupid.
Like, who falls for that?
Who doesn't check that the message sender is the same person that bought?
Of course it ended up being some account with a single feedback only active since January.
And you KNOW they have absolutely been doing this "OMG ADDRESS" thing since they started on ebay, just doing it to every seller who had an item they wanted for free that already sold that item.

What did they get?
A pristine condition, with necklace white big talking princess celestia who I had spent good time on fixing up.
What is their fate?
I got them banned. I got on an ebay live-chat with a moderator there and they went through my transactions and messages to see exactly what all happened and the bad person got banned from ebay/unable* to make more accounts. (*Unable to....easily....there are always ways to make more accounts on ebay, they don't get your SS# or your bank account when you join, so these people will just keep doing it forever because free things!)

So anyway, this is a pretty obvious scam.
But when you get a message about an item that's been won CHECK IF ITS FROM THE PERSON WHO WON IT!
That's basically all you have to do to avoid it.
It's easy.
And if someone has a message like that, 100% report them right away via the live chat to ban them because a ban WILL happen. If anyone who didn't win an item asks you for a change of address on that item, report them, allow the ebay mod into your ebay messages when they ask and it's an insta-ban for the person. Just asking something like that makes the ban happen, which is really nice.

It doesn't matter where you're shopping.
But if it's going TO the USA from China or coming FROM the USA to elsewhere in the world there's a rate hike coming that nobody's talking about yet, and it's bad news. I know there are people from everywhere here so if you're planning to buy or trade ponies here or anywhere else do it NOW in June before the hikes hit.

I just found out about it at

So like.......tell EVERY one, get on Facebook or something because 100% rise is bad news bears for anyone involved seller or buyer--but especially here because of trading. I LOVE trading ponies and will trade with anywhere, I don't want it to get harder to do.
You can also bet the evening news isn't going to cover this on TV because the virus has made all countries to be "not in a good place right now" economically, and also that with the virus around shipping things to homes to stay safe is also really now is the opposite of 'an ok time' to jump the rates up on everybody when they need it more than ever and are also least-able to pay it.

They're only supposed to do such things in January of the new year, so I know that traders here and sellers aren't expecting it so close deals before July 1st if possible and spread the word all over the place because this has the potential to make things difficult.

So buying Chinese things off ebay, wish, alibaba fakies and silly stuff, all stuff like that is likely to get hit a lot--and that includes craft supplies and materials too it's not just ponies. Also loads of people trade with Canada and have friends and stuff so maybe prep the holiday/Christmas packages early if possible and get them out because 50% higher is no joke.

What about big stuff?
You'll see mentioned 4.4 lb or less, but it doesn't say what if it's big? Like you were get 10 pound thing? I don't know/the article doesn't say. I don't know if there's anything we can do to stop it. But since this does affect us...its better to know ahead of time.

Pony Corral / Re: New York Toy Fair 2020!
« on: February 23, 2020, 12:23:14 AM »
Hooray for Toyfair!
And Surprise! Even though she wasn't at the UK one, everybody kind of knew she'd be on the set but it's nice to see her for real with the insta photos you found. But really, why are photos of BF so hard to find? I was doing tons of searches all over the internet and that insta is the ONLY photo of BF that I could find at all that wasn't their new electronic care bears or whatever. It's weird, it's like no coverage...

I'm still SUPER happy with the new set coming out.
This gang is just so seems like for lots of people. I must own them all!
Cherries Jubilee with that soft pink nice. She'll look a cute variant.
I do wonder why they're treating Sparkler differently than everyone else.
Dollyhair has "Wisteria" hair that is her exact color from days of old, so it is well known that companies can make such a color.

I hope there's more news from them since this lasts thru Tuesday, I think.

How about we get even WEIERDER with the drama?
Thanks to the helpful investigations of Clipper, the actual us government page for Skydancers has been found. And it's whacky for sure complete with horrible picture that's wrongly sized and all manner of obviously made-up accusations of what these dolls are capable of.

If you use Sky Dancers you will get
your teeth KNOCK OUT
and much, much more!

I cannot even conceive of how one could possibly break a rib, even a child rib using the doll or the launcher. Maybe using the launcher as a brass knuckle/holding it in a fist an adult uppercut vs a child breaks a rib? The dolls weigh about an ounce, I don't believe a 1 ounce projectile is going to do much below what, 50 mph? A speed no dancer could ever reach?
It's suuuper obvious that all these 'accident reports' of 'danger toy' is just jerks trying to extort Galoob for money. But, it's still ok to know the origin of all this dumbnity that's going on now. (Kind of like that pokemon porygon seizures thing when kids caught on they wouldn't have to go to school if they said they had seizures from the episode then everybody got on board---not realizing it would almost bring down their whole most favorite show/ruin everything for a simple day off.)

See more at

It also includes the unhelpful advice to return them to Galoob in 2000, so it would give you a new toy of approximate value.
Which, of course, by then, would never be of approximate value.

However, it also seems that they're not illegal in Europe or the ones that are on ebay now are most likely non-us sellers so ebay can't/won't bust them.

Now let's add another layer of oddity!
Big Lots the national store chain was actually selling 2015! But they were "Flying Heroes" now

In 2015. So how is he not illegal and on recall too? If he reaches flight speed, he's the exact same as a skydancers.
So that's a third layer of nonsense.


I agree with Leave a Whisper:
There should have been a warning, but ebay considers auction tear down plus 3 days of no search and no more listing ability a 'warning'.
Maybe I'm supposed to be glad they didn't ban me for eternity or steal my bank account for something I couldn't have known.
I fairly-well don't care about the 3 day delay, my job isn't ebay it's just a hobby that I like to find wacky old stuff at yard sales and then make a buck or two and learn something along the way. But other people, that's serious business.

If it IS a snitch wiping out the competition...
Should I try to rat out the other listings that are up now? Ebay has 13 or so of them on. I know 2 are euro though.
Plus, trying to get me to sell it for cheap would fail with that method, because now....the skydancers can't be sold at all. Kind of ever! I can't sell them at a yard sale or flea because they'd never fetch a good enough price where everybody wants something for a buck. Maybe I can take them to the Pony Friends Forever Convention or the Fair or something because that's all adult buyers.

It's apparently illegal to sell Skydancers dolls on ebay. And they suspend me for 3 days for doing it, plus pulling them both down after I had good bids. And then hiding all the rest of my stuff from searches until they decide not to because I might have more TeRRoR DoLls somewhere to wreak havoc upon...?idk?

It doesn't make sense.
I did look it up and yes the old original Galoob ones WERE product recalled at some point, but the recall was only to stores selling NIB product. Also the recall would end after Galoob also ended because you can't recall something to a company that doesn't exist. So the recall is expired, then how is it illegal?

How do OTHER people have their listings for the SAME dolls up and also SOLD still?

If Ebay knows it's a banned product like "A Gun & 1 Fresh Human Kidney--still works!"
Why even allow it to be listed?
There's even a whole search-suggestion for the stupid're not allowed to write swears into the listing titles, why not just make skydancers galoob a swear and not allow people to list? Why create entrapment by allowing the listing to go up and then smash the person down later. How is anyone supposed to know which now-non-existing-toy-companies had recalls on their stuff? What about the McDonald ones that didn't launch? What about knockoffs that do the same thing? Like if people were what, shooting the dolls at each other? You can still sell Franny Frufru Flyer and shoot her at anyone you please because it's the same thing.....that should be banned too but it magically isn't.

What's burning me is there's identical sellers with the same dolls and those are still up.
I'm super salty and really tempted to try and report them but that's not the right thing to do. (Unless it was they who reported me because they don't want competing dolls? That's so dirty if so....just wait! Everyone can sell)
Is someone vindictive about the listing & that's "Just what you get" for trying to sell or maybe they hated something else? The ones still up don't have anything special about the description either like "Its for adults" or "only sealed package never open it or your child will die of doll....uh...twirling...affliction" 

So what do I do now?
I have like heaps of these things, the fairies the animals the originals and launchers and what all. You're not going to be able to do Etsy or Ecrater either because they probably have the same secret (until you break it) rule in place too waiting to pop out like a viper.

Anyway.....just wanted to throw this into the dolls area to be sure no one else runs afoul of the secret trap on feebay.
3 days isn't the worst thing ever but it was just a nasty surprise.

Recently I got a batch of Fairy Winkles.
I guess these are dolls, they are like odd little human babies with wings and hair or an object on their head. They came in little playsets and things, and "they appear in a twinkle"........and then drive you up a wall trying to sort them all out. So of course, I start using Ghost of the Doll to ID all of the really micro fairies and their wide selection of stuff. Through process of elimination, I've gotten everything where it should be (so I can sell it away) except....

These 2 things.

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and upside down

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They ARE FW, because they are made out of the exact same matter as the other accessories that are on the guides and they are also sculpted in the same way. I put the other things in there because FW did use 2 different tones of that coppery plastic to create the accs.

It is some kind of maple leaf theme dish or tray with little feet and a small leaf on a sort of conical stand?
I bet that pink circle is FW too.

The FW, as kids do, were all piled into 1 bag so I have since having to sort them.
Because I am looking to sell them away, does anyone know what these 2 oddities might go with?

Also, does anyone know why there is a hole in the top of the Peek a petals posy?
Ghost of the Doll doesn't explain the posey at all.
How does the flower to close?

Any help with these items is much appreciated, there are lots of tiny fairy babies that need a new home.

Pony Corral / Basic Fun: MORE Ponies! Pics! Gusty!
« on: January 22, 2020, 04:36:41 PM »
Basic Fun is doing new ponies!
AAAAAAA time to get excited! As expected for 2020, they're letting out new ponies! So, we'll get the 2nd set of earths with
Lickety Split, Tootsie, Cherries Jubilee, and Posey
Heart Throb, Surprise, Gusty & Sparkler (Probably Surprise--but I cant find anyone with a photo of her)

There's photos! (Not my insta idk how to share otherwise)

I'm going to get all of them!
I love bright white Gusty.
CherriesJ with the different hair color is interesting to me also. It's not like the one I have here.
I hope they correct Sparkler's hair color before release.
Tootsie seems more pale.
Heart Throb is too mauve I believe but I still think she is ok? Ish?
I think Cherries is my favorite from the set along side Gusty.

Who's your fave?
Who will you get?
Gonna get super tempted to do an alt hair Gusty by buying more than 1...
I hope distribution is really good and all Targets get them all in nice quantities.

BUY BF! Any BFs you get encourages them to make more & we will get ones like Crumpet, Mimic, and Quarterback / brothers AND flutters with good wings when BF continues to succeed. But they're going in chronological order because they have to. So get everybody in on BF to make them make the next set.

Pony Corral / What was the BEST out of G4 TOY-only ?
« on: January 17, 2020, 04:14:12 PM »
Now that G4 toys are done...
Nothing else G4 toy-only will be coming out. Blindbags are long replaced by cutie crew, which is now gone for G4.5 or whatever it'll be called. Brushables are over, and FS is too. Everything from this point on will be the new style. So with nothing else capable of coming out, we have our playing field.

So it comes time to ask the BIG question:
What was the BEST TOY of all of G4? Figures DO count / so yes Funko. It doesn't have to be brushable but it can be.
Show a photo if you like!

ACCURATE - Does it look like the show/character while being appealing?
QUALITY - Does it have actual collect or play value?
FUN - Do you think it is fun to have?

Nominate your toys!
But you have to list WHY it belongs in the 'best' category. Share photos, use the criteria or add your own. You can add a "wacky extra" too, if there's something strange but charming that you really like. Tack it on! I want to see what everyone thinks was the best item. Do we agree? Is there something you missed? Let's find out.

My Picks:
1. Fashion Style Tempest Shadow-
THE. Most. Accurate. Pony. Looked exactly like the movie. Looked like an actual pony! Her brushable didn't even do as well, and her GOH was only fair. This thing was the best, plus, she was brushable AND a light up figure too. Buy this while it is cheap.
2. Funko Celestia & Luna Full Size-
These are a close 2nd even though I don't own (but want) both of them. Transparent manes like the show, show-proportions (if not scale), individually sculpted, pretty colors, good glitter. They don't do anything, so they're in 2nd place.
3. The Zillas-
They had accurate wings unlike FS. They were big enough to feel quality. Discounting Cadence & Celestia who had weirdo hair colors and looked like baby versions of themselves, the mane 6 were very nice and solidly done here.
4. Glamor Glow Rarity (and lesser known GG Cadence)
Kinda-TAF, good light up feature, pretty designs but rotten hair quality. Would be very suiting for Rarity to want to be 'glamour glow'. Loses all its points for bad hair, but makes the list for very pretty sculpt, good design, and good light feature.
5. Maybe the Hikari Soufubi Dashes?
Amazing pose but the face was kinda odd, great glitter/colors, but kind of hard to find. Good quality plastic but you couldn't do much with it.

Wacky Extra:
Stratos Skyranger Movie Sounds Action GOH-
Buyyyyyyy this guyyyyyy while he is cheap. He's an old school giant action figure with wing flapping light up and sound action. And ironically, he's the most pony like thing G4 ever produced. I'm gonna say it: He's MOST!
But he's not like the movie and he's not even a hippogriff because they didn't give him a beak/bird head, but a real horse nose. So he's not even accurate. But he's actually fab looking with accurate horse-back-legs, beautifully done hair, excellent proportions and is actually really graceful with the big wings. They wrote him out of the movie, but don't write him out of the collection.

Pony Corral / Re: My Little Pony Food Items
« on: January 03, 2020, 09:39:16 PM »
Yes actually...Banana Surprise!
It's a frozen banana cream pie with 3 ways of banana in it for maximum flavor. (Banana puree, banana mash, and banana chunks) It's made with whipping cream, vanilla yogurt, and a few more ingredients plus tiny chocolate chips if you want to stir those in. Coating the chocolate pie shell with melted PB-Chips (you melt them by putting pb on them and microwaving) then freezing it makes a hard-crack over the shell and won't let it soggy. Once the whole pie is frozen (it takes like 6 hours to freeze though--and bananas are too fibrous to ever freeze solid) it's ready to go. Everyone always thinks it's a real surprise that there's no ice cream used in the pie at all.

*If you do end up getting marshmallow fluff....try a fluffernutter sandwich.
The more rubbish the bread, the that pure white light bread with about no nutritional value, pb on 1 slice fluff on the other and...well that's the end of a healthy lunch.

Wow I had no idea everyone hated her!
That's wild, but the description is really funny. (Thank you for finding that) I guess with how red she is, that realistic collectors would hate the color a lot. Like, if they made a green one they'd probably hate it too because it would be so unfitting with the rest of the line. That it was likely some kind of weirdo accident is even stranger that they let her out. Maybe they think 'warm blood' means 'actual blood color'.....the vampire horse.

I also don't think she's super terrible...but the hair seems an odd choice/like why do that if they knew the color it would have been good on a brown one or so. Wow a villain in the! I will work on fixing her up a bit because I love oddballs.
Thanks for this info!

I was under the impression that Grand Champions only did realistic horses...
I didn't think they had any fantasy at all, so that's why I didn't pay as much attention to them. I would buy them at a flea or garage sale to customize if they were cheap and in bad shape, but I've never run across something like this before.

Mare-ey Cherry (I already named her)
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This really, not-kidding, bright red horse. As far as I know no horse can be this red color. The hair is the exact color of 'red hair people' hair (my dad had that color) which CAN happen on real horses, but on them from a distance it looks more brown till you get really close. It looks a bit too orangey for that in the photos but in person, it's there. There's clearly the GC gold mark on there, it's a known pose for their horses and the eye type is the same too. It also has the print in the leg.
So why's it red?
Are there other fantasy colors that I can't seem to find photos of online?
A really good knockoff?

I thought this was interesting to see, whatever she turns out to be.

Pony Corral / Re: How to sell giant plush Frilly Frocks?
« on: December 26, 2019, 02:48:36 PM »
Consider a convention?
Giant items are perfect for selling at a con, because that way, there's no unstuffing and no shipping money involved. In a bag, in your car and head over to Texas Pony Friends Forever (if you are close) or FL or CA Western Convention if it's close enough and that would guarantee collectors aplenty.
I think she's really pretty but just don't have the space for a giant plush.

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