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Messages - Silver Glade

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Pony Corral / Re: 2015 Minnesota Pony Meet - Brainstorm Phase!
« on: February 04, 2015, 09:36:47 AM »
Can we vote for more than one weekend? I favor August 22nd, but others could work too.

Ack!  Good idea, PQ!  I just tried to edit the poll, but apparently I can't reset the number of allowed answers after the poll is posted.  :(  Not sure if a mod could help with that or not...

Hey Northern pony peeps!    :apple:

This year's Minnesota Meet is scheduled for -

Saturday, September 5th!! 

Our host pony this year will be -

:glitter: visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Applejack!  visitors can't see pics , please register or login

:welcome: WHO'S GONNA BE THERE? :welcome:

Here is an ongoing list of attendees I've compiled so far.  Please post here or PM me to let us know you'd like to come over and play!  I'll add you to the list to keep a head count going.  :)

Attending: (27 thus far)
Aurora +1
Aquatic Neon +1
ponyqueen +1
nessa16 +1
Nimrodel +1
mngusty +3
Sapphire Rain
rosierjay +1


Unable to Make It:

 :yummy: FOOD & DRINKS :yummy:

We're once again having a potluck for this year! Below is a list of categories and a few slots within each.  Please post here or send me a PM with what you would like to contribute!  Apple-themed dishes have been requested in honor of our host pony.  ;)

[[[[Food Allergies]]]]:  Let us know if you have any special dietary restrictions, and we'll do our best to accommodate you!!

Main Dishes: (Suggestions: Potato, Pasta or Veggie Salads, Casseroles, Cocktail Shrimp)
1. Silver Glade - Hot Dogs & Hamburgers (+condiments)  Let me know if you would like a vegetarian option and what you would prefer!
2. loverofbalto - Pasta Dish
3. ponyqueen - Salad! (With spinach, red cabbage, shredded carrots, other veggies and garnished with berry vinaigrette, nuts, cheese, and dried fruit)
4. Kazzellin - Chicken Legs with Italian Marinade

Sides & Snacks: (Suggestions: Cheese & Crackers)
1. Silver Glade - Fruit Salad (Nectarine, Raspberries, Strawberries, Kiwi)
2. Delphian - Fruit/Veggie Platter
3. rosierjay - Japanese Treats
4. Aurora - Some Delicious Non-Dessert ;)
5. BethyVic - Chips & Dip
6. bubbles171 - Watermelon
7. nessa16 - Chips & Salsa

Desserts: (Suggestions: Bars, Pies, Cobblers)
1. Silver Glade - Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting
2. BethyVic - Apple Dessert
3. Aurora - Apple Cobbler

Drinks: (Suggestions: Pop [in a few varieties], Fruit Juices, Sparkling Water/Cider)
1. Silver Glade (bottled water in a cooler & punch in a bowl)
2. BethyVic - Pop
3. silverdawn - Sprite and Juice

Apple Dishes (Sweet or Savory):
1. Sapphire Rain - Apple Pie Cupcakes

Other Supplies:
1. ponyqueen (Paper Plates & Napkins)
2. BethyVic (Plastic Cups & Utensils)

:chat: SCHEDULE :chat:

10:00-11:00 Arrive and set up
11:00-4:00ish Shopping!!
12:00 Fire up grill
1:00pm People group picture, then Pony group picture
2:00 Announce contest winners
2:00-3:00 Play games
3:00-4:00 Group show and tell
4:00ish Door prizes / farewell
(Note: You're welcome to say later if you want to - I'll probably get a bonfire going come nightfall in any case.  I've had a hankering for s'mores lately.  LOL!)

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

:bubble: ACTIVITIES :bubble:
•Buying and selling ponies!
•Show and tell - rare ponies, customs, first ponies etc
•Group photo of host pony (Applejack)
•My Little Pony cartoons (playing on the house's lower level)
•Wear something pony-inspired
•Vote for contest entries
•Free bin for all your get-rid-of stuff

 :thumb: GAMES :thumb:
•$10 Mystery gift swap (optional, one gift per participant)
•Gift Grab dice game ($1-$3 prizes, many small gifts)
•Aurora's Bag Game, Icebreaker Game, and "What's in the Box" Game
•Guess How Many candy jar(s)
     (Raffle details: I was thinking all guests get two tickets at the door, and additional tickets are 50¢ each.  Selective raffle boxes can be made up for certain groups of items (e.g. MLP prizes vs non-MLP gift set prizes, etc.)

:cheer: CONTESTS :cheer:
•Art Contest featuring Applejack (Any kind - paintings, digital, sculptural etc)
•Haiku Contest - submit an Applejack related haiku to me and I'll print them for all to vote on their favorite!  Funny, poignant, witty - anything goes!

Can I get a head count on who wants to do the custom pony contest?  Please let me know if you would like to participate!!

 :flow: PRIZES :flow:
•Game prizes
•Art/craft contest
•Raffle prizes
•Custom pony contest (if doing)
•Door prizes (if leftover prize table prizes)

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 ATTENDEES!  PLEASE BRING THE FOLLOWING: visitors can't see pics , please register or login

•Ponies and other merch to sell/trade
•Cash, including a good mix of smaller bills
•Your potluck food contribution
•Haiku (submitted to Silver Glade) and art contest entries, if participating
•Items for prize table, unwrapped (maybe like 2 or 3 things? Small/inexpensive; pony or non-pony okay)
•“Gift Grab” dice game gifts, wrapped (if participating. Not mandatory but super fun. These are $1-$3 gifts, the fun is in the game!! Works best if each person playing has brought at least two gifts)
•$10 Mystery Gift, wrapped (if participating, not mandatory. One to one swap.)
•Ponies for “Show and Tell”
•Items for free bin
•A spare table
•Camping chairs/folding chairs

Definitely bring tables if you have them!  I have a feeling we'll run out of surface area fast at my house, though I do have several folding tables I can set out.  I have about 14 outdoor chairs and (of course!) furniture indoors, but the more chairs the merrier, I say.  :)

Would anyone like to volunteer to be a photographer?  I have small digital cams, but a big honkin' Nikon or somesuch would work even better!   :P

Please let me know, if you haven't already, what you're bringing for potluck.  That should be it - any questions you may have, ask me!  We'll be seeing each other soon!   :frolic:

Pony Corral / Re: Your MLP Fairy Godmother
« on: January 30, 2015, 08:10:45 AM »
I'd probably elect to go to a UK shop in 1988.  I'd pick up Sunburst, Ice Crystal, TAF Night Glider, TAF Buttons, and Swirly Whirly.  :D

Off Topic / Re: Broadchurch (tv series)
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:30:41 AM »
Well, I watched the entire first season on Netflix last night - I stayed up until 3am!  I'm the kind of person that goes to bed at 10-11pm every night, whether it's a weekend or not.  So that should tell you how much I got sucked into the story!   :lol: 

And it sure caused some crazy dreams once I went to sleep, too!   :blink:

Pony Corral / Re: What Makes You Lose Interest In Ponies? . . .
« on: January 18, 2015, 01:14:12 PM »
Lack of variety for any current gen stuff - it started with G3's Bore Seven, and continues with G4.  I used to enjoy pony hunting in stores, but I haven't done it much for years now because of the redundancies in toy releases, and the crappier quality of toys overall.  :(

Off Topic / Re: Broadchurch (tv series)
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:39:53 AM »
I already loved the cast of this and it's just goten better. It's like a doctor who, torchwood, harry potter cast party.

Hmm... well, I'm sold!  :P  It was added to Netflix recently - perhaps I should check it out!

Off Topic / Re: How many pillows do you sleep with?
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:37:05 AM »
Does my boyfriend count as a pillow?   :P 

I'mma say three, then.  :)

Pony Corral / Re: Friendship Gardens Soundtrack!
« on: January 15, 2015, 02:42:20 PM »
Cute music!  :D

I'm not well-versed in G2s... can anyone here ID all of the ponies on the cover art?  I think they are (clockwise) Light Heart, Sweet Berry, Sundance, Ivy and (in the front) Wingsong?

The type of error that bugs me the most are when the wrong characters are animated to a voice.  Like Cupcake saying "Don't know, can't walk" rather than Baby Cuddles in End of Flutter Valley (right after Cupcake herself asked Cuddles how her leg was, too).  >_<

Or Locket speaking with Wind Whistler's voice after WW gets pinned under a tree branch in Quest of the Princess Ponies.  Stuff like that.  There are a ton more examples - I doubt I could remember them all!  :lol:

Customs / Show me Arena mascot customs! (Does she have a name...?)
« on: January 07, 2015, 08:34:58 AM »
I'd like to see some customs of our MLP Arena mascot pony!  Anyone know what her name is btw?  Does she have one?

Here's a pretty G4 version by TiellaNicole -

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Pony Corral / Re: POTD 1/4/2015 Fancy Free
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:52:11 AM »
I have her!  I really like how the hearts are kinda reminiscent of an appaloosa pattern.  :)

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 1/2/2015 Spitfire
« on: January 02, 2015, 05:14:36 PM »
I'll pass.  I might have gone for a brushable, but I'm not super-crazy about the molded figures - Funkos, blind bags etc.

Pony Corral / Re: Ever feel guilty about collection size?
« on: January 02, 2015, 06:57:24 AM »
Oddly, I sometimes feel like I'm "not enough" of an MLP collector because I keep a small collection on purpose, I don't have a pony room, etc.  Silly, isn't it?  :P

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 1/1/2015 Munchy
« on: January 01, 2015, 06:36:17 PM »
I'll pass on Munchy - a pony with burgers and hot dogs all over her body (even if they're made of tofu/seitan/etc.) kind of weirds me out.  :P

Pony Corral / Re: Ok....don't hate me but...
« on: December 31, 2014, 03:36:33 PM »
The G1 series seems like it had a "one song per episode" mandate from the higher-ups.  Thus, the sub-par quality of songs most of the time.  Many of them are quite slapdash and usually don't contribute anything to the story.   >_<

I agree that the song quality in FiM has gone down (along with everything else).  I liked when Ingram played around with homages to Sondheim musicals and stuff.  Back in the first season when I'm sure he thought that his MLP work wouldn't amount to much anyway.  Gee, it's almost like the best stuff is made when no one is watching!  :P

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