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Messages - psyknife

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Yeah, keep those pony exercise/healthy eats photos coming! :)

Hey, all... I'm BACK!
I was traveling for over a week with little or no internet... but I'm BACK!  I'm glad to see this thread still on page one... that means y'all are keeping it active :-)  Way to go!

In news with me... I seem to have contracted bronchitis while in the Bahamas, likely due to the excessive amounts of smoke.  I have bad reactions to smoke, so this kinda blows.  I also took my first ever spill off a horse while in the Bahamas... onto cement.  Yowza!

I'm quite glad to be home at this point :-O

Take a picture of your favorite pony next to either:
A.) Your healthy meal + beverage and/or
B.) YOU as you exercise :-)

Post Merge: March 12, 2012, 09:51:24 AM

I'm down to about 134 though and I started at around 140-143.  But I don't feel any smaller.  If anything, I feel like I'm bloated and I can't zip my jeans!  What gives?
Congrats on the weightloss!!!!  It's still possible to feel bloated, depending on what you are eating, as some foods can cause bloat and make you feel like that.  What foods are regular staples in your diet?

Post Merge: March 12, 2012, 09:58:24 AM

Another prize added!  Vintage My Little Pony children's tea set!
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

As of last night's weigh-in I have lost 61lbs. 

To all of my lovely ponies... even if you haven't lost 61 lbs., don't fret.  Why?  Because you are STILL HERE!  YOU HAVEN'T GIVEN UP!  That is something to be SUPER PROUD OF!  Never give up.  Learn from your mistakes.  Keep taking steps forward.  You are doing AWESOME!  I can't wait to mail out prize packages!!!! :)

MLP Nirvana / Re: Your FAVE Venezuelan... so far ;)
« on: March 08, 2012, 09:14:04 PM »
I'm always a Firefly girl... still bummed I lost that Ebay auction, and another hasn't popped up anywhere :-(

If dumbbells are too pricey or take up too much space... check out resistance tubing!  That stuff rocks :-)

Average chicken breasts are about 4-5 ounces a piece. 

What are some of your current meals/snacks?  I can offer suggestions to help the ratios! :-)

Post Merge: March 06, 2012, 02:01:06 PM

In other news... when you stick to a habit enough, your cravings and desires change.  Example number one is when I gave up pop/soda and starting drinking water.  I now crave water and could care less for pop/soda.  Example number two is more recent... instead of chips/snacks I now crave crunchy vegetables!  Wowza!  All because I choose to start incorporating them into my diet more and stopped eating the other things!  It's a GREAT feeling to WANT vegetables instead of potatoes and snack foods along with my chicken :-)

sabathamk - of you want to make your current workout DVD last longer, lift heavier weights with it... and hold weights in your hands during squats and lunges to add more resistance there, too.  Otherwise, if you are looking for a great series of 1/2 hour DVD workouts, check out Power Half Hour -> (5 workouts for $40 is pretty darned good... and they are GREAT workouts!  I have them).

Everyone just keep going strong!  The difference between success and failure is only in that we never give up!

Best wishes on the medical stuff... well wishes for fast healing coming your way!

Yeah, I took some time to reevaluate last night and decided to not give up. I just have to get myself back on track. I've slipped into a depression again which is probably the cause of the sleeping and binge eating. Just gonna have to take a step back and start to breathe again, you know?
Well, it's been ten days since my last and I'm not going to count them. Yeah, I walked a few of those days, but then I totally just ruined it all by gorging myself on fast food, candy, and donuts. At this rate, I'm going to lose DX But, if I can get myself back on track, maybe I can start collecting a little more points^^ Luckily I work the next...5 days or so. And I'm glad to say that I have completely stopped eating junk at work, so I know I'm not going to be able to over eat during the day, and I can;t very well sleep while working, haha, so I'm hoping it'll help give me the jumpstart I need.
Stick with it, as these are demons you need to address and work on... step by step.  I've been there.  Believe it or not, I am a former binge eater and emotional eater (heck, I'll STILL do it from time to time when not in check).  It takes commitment and work, but you CAN overcome it if you keep moving forward even after backsteps.
The biggest thing I've found with depression... a lot of it comes from feeling like we don't have control.  So, in the end, we give up control of everything because we are thinking, "why bother?"  The fact of the matter is, though, while other areas of our life are uncontrollable, THIS is something that is not.  We CAN control our emotions and responses to what life gives us.  So, just work on getting stronger and stronger in this area.  Learn to get the trigger foods out of your house so that when the urge strikes, there's nothing there to grab.  Think of hobbies that bring you joy... instead of going for food, go do that hobby instead.
I believe in you, you can do this! :)

Post Merge: March 05, 2012, 10:24:26 AM

A NOTE TO THOSE WHO STRUGGLE WITH 'BAD' FOODS:I encourage you to do research on the negative effects certain foods/beverages have on our health.  I've found that when I really learn how bad something is for me, I'm less likely to grab it... craving or no craving.Let's visit good ol' MOUNTAIN DEW... PLEASE READ THIS... <- What negative ingredients in Mt. Dew are and what they can do to your body.A quote from this article -> "Mountain Dew is one of the most damaging drinks to the body in my opinion. Everything from high sugar levels to caffeine to preservatives and brominated vegetable oil make it a health zapping product. There is also some controversy regarding the safety of the sodium benzoate."That's just one article.  I've seen stories about Mt. Dew dissolving a live mouse, as well as one of the ingredients being the same thing used in flame retardant.

PONIES!!!!  No updates since two days ago!?

Remember, I'm HERE, reach me quickest via PM (or on Facebook if you connected with me on there).  I'm traveling a lot in March, so message boards time will be less, but I AM here for you!  Don't give uP!

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 27, 2012, 09:34:31 AM »
This is great stuff!!!!!!  YAY! :)

MLP Nirvana / Re: How do you feel about the Venezuelan ponies?
« on: February 26, 2012, 09:07:25 PM »
... waiting for another Firefly to show up... :/

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 26, 2012, 09:04:16 PM »
Happy Sunday night, ponies!
My workouts ROCKED over this last week... but I'm at a plateau.  So, this week I'm getting diligent... pulling out the big guns!  For me, that means wearing my BodyFit Media band daily, and measuring and journaling my food daily for calories.  I need to bust this plateau!  Kick it to the curb!

Also, I'll post most prize pics this week! :)

Post Merge: February 26, 2012, 09:05:27 PM

So, WHAT RESULTS are we seeing so far?
Weight loss?
Energy increase?
Sleeping better?
Less aches and pains?

Share your successes in their own post for all to see :) :) :)

For me, my biggest success thus far is really regaining my strength and control with weighted moves.  I'm lifting heavier weights, and my yoga practice is getting stronger and smoother because of the strength I'm gaining :)

Off Topic / Re: Im adopting a rescue horse!!!!!
« on: February 23, 2012, 05:50:04 PM »
Congrats!  I'll be joining you soon as a horse adopty mommy :-)

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 23, 2012, 01:17:53 PM »
I haven't been in here in a while!  Sorry, ponies!  I've been busy with life, business, horse, and more!
I haven't been home a whole lot, nor on my computer.
I CAN say, though, that despite not being online I'm CONSISTENT with my P90X2 workouts and nutrition!  Sorry that this is just a quick fly-by!  Remember, if you have specific questions for me, send me a PM, because I may not see it within the thread when I have weeks like this! :O

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