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Messages - cookifaa

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Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: May 29, 2018, 03:45:46 PM »
I love tales because I grew up watching them! They were re-run on TV in the early 2000's straight after school and I used to love watching it.

I actually forgot about it but always remembered a specific episode where one of the ponies won a competition to an island? and I spent ages tracking it down. It just so happens that the day i found out that it was Tales, I found a copy in CEX for 50p, still works and my dad was very impressed about watching it that night.

He's actually nicknamed my pony Kasper, Teddy, because hes so much like him.

Pony Corral / Re: Who's your favorite pony?
« on: May 29, 2018, 03:28:19 PM »
I have two that share the number one spot on my list, Bubbles and Kimono!

Pony Corral / Re: How do you display..?
« on: May 29, 2018, 03:23:50 PM »
My ponies are all displayed with their playsets/accessories. I have a huge thing about collecting all the accessories for all my ponies and so when i accumulate something for a pony I have, it gets displayed with them. Only 5 pf my ponies don't yet have their accessories, but im always on the lookout for them! For example, I bought two baby buggies because I have both the normal and BBE Baby Cuddles. They're both displayed proudly next to each other.

I think I actually have a problem because I have a huge box of brushes, ribbons and accessories that don't belong to any of the ponies I have. My mum says I should sell them, so I can buy more ponies, but what if i sell them and then I get a pony who I had the accessories for? I'd be gutted.

My most expensive pony was my Flutter Pony, Morning Glory. She still has her original wings and her factory curls and she's in mint condition. She even came with her ribbon, comb and sticker. I think I payed £21 Inc postage at the end!

Off Topic / Re: What’s your day job?
« on: May 26, 2018, 05:19:21 PM »
I'm actually still in school! Only 3 more weeks left though! :lol:

When I'm avoiding my GCSE studying, I actually work at my local riding school as one of the yard workers! I do all the yucky jobs like mucking out, grooming, cleaning tack etc. I don't mind it though because I get free rides once a week! I can't ride my pony until summer (someone tell me why I bought a baby >_< ) so getting the one hour ride once a week is amazing. I ride this big Belgian Draft called Hercules (I think you can guess what he's like by his name). The only downside is, the instructor is my mum, and because I'm her child she likes to take my stirrups, and then my saddle and eventually the bridle so I'm left with just Herc's none exsistant mane to hold onto :|

In September I'm starting my A-Levels providing I get the grades I need...

Oh and in September I'm taking on a volunteer job at an equine therapy centre to help kids like me who have anxiety, depression and other mental health issues! I'm actually a student there at the moment but they can only work with kids up until they leave secondary school, so they hatched a plan that if they take me on as a volunteer, I'll work there while they continue with my therapy sessions!

Pony Corral / Re: Is this g1 lot worth the price?
« on: May 25, 2018, 03:32:22 PM »
I looked all over ebay and i cant find any trace of the listing.. they must have removed it because of the postage like you said! Sorry >_<

And thank you Taffeta, I had no idea, thank you for warning me! haha!

Wanted! / Re: Cookifaa's Dream Wishlist!
« on: May 25, 2018, 03:01:38 PM »
I'm so sorry for not replying! I had no idea anyone had responded to this! :blush:
thank you so much for the offers but I've actually found most of the ponies on here now, I really need to keep it updated...

Pony Corral / Re: Is this g1 lot worth the price?
« on: May 25, 2018, 01:37:51 PM »
I can't find it for some reason? I remember seeing the bundle on eBay and it was at £20 and then going on the marketplace and seeing the same bundle for £120. I nearly had a heart attack!
I'll keep looking, it should be there, unless it was removed >.<

Pony Corral / Re: Is this g1 lot worth the price?
« on: May 25, 2018, 01:17:53 PM »
Before you go ahead with it, the same lot was listed on eBay for £20. I'll check and see if it's still there. I was going to say the first time you mentioned the bundle in another thread but I forgot :/

Off Topic / I have a theory about Peter Pan...
« on: May 19, 2018, 10:18:07 AM »
I've just watched Peter Pan, again. And I think I've just realised something.

The reason why Peter didn't stay with Wendy and why Wendy didn't stay in Neverland, is because it was all a metaphor for Wendy's childhood. The reason she also says that Peter never came back, even after he promised was because he was never real, he left because he was her childhood, and eventually everyone has to grow up.

I feel sad.

Pony Corral / Re: What's the weirdest place you've found a pony?
« on: May 16, 2018, 11:45:19 AM »
I took my grandfather for a haircut at a local barber shop, and while I was waiting for his appointment to finish I spotted a G1 Parasol peeking out of the top of the kid's toy box in the corner.  The salon owner didn't want money, but they said I could have it if I came back with a replacement pony.  G3s were everywhere at the time, so I went back the next day with two common MIB G3s as payment for Parasol.  Considering she'd been passed around toy boxes and car boot sales for a few decades, she was amazingly minty.  Only surface dirt which all came off, mane and tail uncut and smooth, glittery symbols/eyes/blush all fully intact.  It felt as though she'd fallen out of heaven and straight into my lap.  It didn't matter that I already had a G1 Parasol, I knew she was coming home with me!

Seeing this reminded me of another pony! I found my Wind Whistler in a Hospital waiting room toy box when I was around 5. I had meningitis and swine flu so when I grabbed her, no one took her off me. Mainly because I was a tiny, horribly sick child and people probably thought she belonged to me! (And no one really wanted to touch her after that because swine flu is spread by coming into contact with surfaces that someone infected has touched.)

My mum disinfected her completely and she now lives, pride of place in the middle of my collection with her Pegasus friends. Her hair has sunbleached to white after all these years, so I'm planning to rehair her soon!

Pony Corral / Re: Colour matching Fizzy? >.<
« on: May 14, 2018, 04:23:09 PM »
Thank you so much, you're a life saver! ❤️

Pony Corral / Colour matching Fizzy? >.<
« on: May 14, 2018, 02:07:11 PM »
(I have no idea where to post this, but oh well)

So, I have finally got my hands on a Fizzy! I payed a whopping £1.50 for her (rediculously expensive, i know) but she is genuinely in probably the worst condition I've ever seen a pony in. She's giving Ditch Bow Tie a run for her money.

I've got no choice but to rehair her because all her hair fibres have melted together, my mum tried to pick them apart but it made no difference.

I'm trying my best to colour match the nylon used for her hair, but have only tracked down the green colour. Can anyone help me match the other colours? It'll be really appreciated :)

Pony Corral / Re: What's the weirdest place you've found a pony?
« on: May 11, 2018, 03:57:52 PM »
I found a Minty in a Dandy Lions play area once. I took her because I couldn't find who she belonged to, at the time it was just my friends and I there because of a birthday party, and she didn't belong to any of them.

I also found my Baby Moondream on the floor down the Shambles in York. I saw her just as someone was about to step on her and I nearly screamed. She was a bit grubby but she was in mint condition.

And finally I once found a Sunnydaze burried in the flower patch in our garden. I was really confused and it turned out my brother had stolen her while he was playing with his doctor who figures. She's the same Sunnydaze that I found behind the radiator when we moved house. I'm really not good at keeping hold of her...

Pony Corral / Re: Why Do YOU Collect My Little Ponies?
« on: May 10, 2018, 02:45:35 PM »
I think I still collect them because they remind me of when times were simpler and when everything used to go over my head.

I've not had an easy life at all, I'm only 16, but I've been through things that most people won't ever experience and so for me my ponies are the only link back to the childhood that I lost. I am still technically a child so I am trying to hold onto that for as long as possible, and plus, they make me incredibly happy!

I was diagnosed with depression and social anxiety back when I was 10 after an accident, and I lost a lot of love for many things I used to dote on including my ponies. But now, looking back, I've realised that through all the tough times I have always gone back to the ponies. There are actually pictures of me at my Year Six Leavers Party holding my aunties Cotton Candy. So even though I've drifted, I've never really left them! I've also noticed that when I feel myself getting really anxious, I gravitate towards them and I spend ages playing with their hair. Probably not the best thing to do >.<

They also hold a great amount of sentimental value for me and my mother. Like me, my mum had an incredibly hard childhood, and so she tends to also randomly buy ponies. She loves my collection as much as I do.

I guess they're just small pieces of happiness we hold onto to remind us of those long gone days?

This got depressing really fast wow.

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