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Messages - RavenPaw

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Custom plushies!
« on: January 13, 2018, 06:43:24 PM »
Oooh wow such wonderful plushies!  Skeen, your plushies are amazing, I love that Ember!   :heart:  I wish I could get some custom plushies but they cost too much for me.  Maybe someday I can at least get a plushie of my pony persona, I would love that.

I wish I could make my own plushies.  I'd make so many plushies.  I'd sell a bunch and take commissions and make a huge amount for myself.  I'd make them in my own style with G1/G3-ish shaped heads, but I'd do characters from all generations.  I'd make some small ones and some big and floppy and hug-able.  Sorry I'm rambling a bit but I've thought about this a lot.  Only one problem -- I don't know how to sew!   :blush:

Pony Corral / Re: New 35th Anniversary Collector Ponies Spotted! Pics!
« on: January 12, 2018, 05:53:34 AM »
Instead of a complete different set, I'd like for them to release a set of iconic ponies from a bunch of different sets. So like one Twinkle Eye (either Fizzy or Mimic), and one So Soft (either North Star or Lofty) and one Sparkle (Sky Rocket?) and one Perfume Puff (Red Roses), and so on.

That is a really great idea, I'd love that!  It would be really great to have something from all the best sets!  And don't forget baby ponies too!  :)

I did think the other day it would be nice if Hasbro did a set with original Applejack, Bright Bramley, G3 Applejack and G4 applejack. I know BB isn't really an Applejack, but she has to be kin...and G3 Applejack stands out. But that really would mark out 35 years. The first ponies (aside from being 1982) only mark out, well, 1982...and I guess the reissued mail orders or whatever the UK did with them.

I think they'd do better with iconic ponies, but I don't understand really why 35th anniversary of MLP has to limit itself to G1. I am pretty sure 25th Anniversary did something with G3 at the time...but we've never had a truly allencompassing set.

Or maybe the Mane 6 as G1 style or G3 style and their alleged base ponies in G4 style and them something with G2 style... I dunno. Just something to mark out the whole span of pony, rather than just what happened at the beginning.

Those are great ideas too!  I'd love a set with a pony from each generation, either matching names like Applejack or similar color schemes.

I'd be thrilled for any more anniversary stuff.  If anyone is serious about trying to organize us to try to get something specific, count me in!

And..... I finally have these now!  My mom surprised me with them.  She had to go to two different Targets to get the complete set, and they were quite a drive, so I'm very thankful.  ^_^  I'm still mystified as to why the one store wouldn't sell them at first, why would they not sell them until today when the street date was last week???  But mom called back and the second time had no trouble buying them, how strange.   :blink:

I do love the quality of them and the box artwork is beautiful!  So far I've only taken Snuzzle out of the box and I do wish her hair was a little softer but still she's great.   :biggrin:

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 1/11/18 Wind Drifter
« on: January 12, 2018, 04:42:02 AM »
Have her!  I've always really loved her name.

Pony Corral / Re: Favorite Rainbow Ponies Poll Pt. 1
« on: January 09, 2018, 11:15:25 PM »
Oh so hard, I love all the rainbow ponies!  But I voted for Skydancer because she is the only Rainbow Pony I had in my childhood herd.  I always really liked her.  :)

Pony Corral / Re: Do you have a pony travel buddy?
« on: January 09, 2018, 03:08:05 PM »
Aww that is such an adorable idea!  I'd love to take a pony or two with me but I'd worry too much about them getting messed up or lost.  Plus I don't really go that many places anyway.  But I do have a small Ty Rainbowdash plushie clip-on that I clipped on my purse, so she goes everywhere with me.  If that counts?  I do like having something MLP with me everywhere.

I also have a G3 Toola-Roola plushie (who I renamed Triskele) that lives on my bed and I sometimes cuddle with when I sleep.

When I do travel I always bring at least one plushie, since I sleep much better if I'm holding one.  Most often it's my Build a Bear snow leopard or my Little Foot (that I've had since I was seven).  I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who does this!  :blush:

Pony Corral / Re: G2 era t-shirt with G1 ponies
« on: January 09, 2018, 01:32:42 PM »
Awww I remember seeing shirts like that at Hot Topic, it was so exciting!  It was the first retro MLP merch I had ever seen.  I have that pink hoodie with the ears!!   :frolic:  I loved wearing it so much, even though it was a bit tight on me even back then.  I wish it would still fit me although that's never going to happen.  XD  I would have gotten more MLP shirts but fitting into Hot Topic clothes was never something I could do well, even at my thinnest.  :P

I wish I would have seen those tins!  I would have snapped those up.  I collect tins, and MLP tins especially of course.  I love the little ones that candy or mints are sold in.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: January 09, 2018, 01:12:40 PM »
I think each and every official G4 plush is ugly. The only ones that look nice are the BaB but I hate the nylon hair and costs.

That's why I got the Chinese factory ones on ebay who look show accurate and even have their marks on both sides.
Hasbro should have made them hand over the patterns before they sent a C&D. Their plushies looked super cute and had nice quality.

Oooh I'd love to see pictures!

I have some Ty plushies and I think they are cute, and I'd love to have BaB plushies but I can't afford them.  But in general I agree plushies could be much better.

I don't like Flutter Pony wings.  I do have one Flutter with original wings and she's very special of course.  But I just don't think they look like wings.  I like the Summer/Windy Wing Ponies much better.  Their wings are much prettier and more creative, plus they are more durable.  I think the ponies themselves are cuter too.  I do like Flutter Ponies though!  I do like the iridescence of their wings and their delicate look, I just think they could have been shaped better.

Pony Corral / Re: The Scary Side of Pony
« on: January 09, 2018, 12:47:56 PM »
I never found MLP to be scary, even when I was very very little.  I thought Tirek and the creatures he turned the ponies into were cool.  When I think of cartoons with dark themes I think of Watership Down, which I also loved as a kid.  But that's me, I've watched horror movies almost all my life.  I can fall asleep watching The Shinning and dream peacefully, LOL

One of my earliest MLP memories was using this toy I had, it was like a long stick with just the head of a dinosaur or a alligator on one end and a little trigger on the other end that open and closed it's mouth, I called it "the pony monster" XD  I'd use it to grab the ponies by the tail and carry them off.  The other ponies would have to go rescue them from the monster.  I believe I was mimicking the ponies being captured in Rescue at Midnight Castle.

I also remember at some point my MLPs had a war with my other toy horses.  It was a long, drawn out conflict about who was going to rule over all horse-kind.

And when I was a little older my ponies were ruled over by a tyrannical giant horse.  (a Barbie horse I believe he is)  So it certainly wasn't always rainbows and girly things in my herd.  Scary things and darker themes have always been my love.

That said, those baby ponies that sit up like human babies and with human-like proportions are truly horrific to me.  Heh, not really scary but they just creep me out in not a good way.  The Equestria Girl dolls creep me out too.  As well as BBE's of course.  The Soft Sleepy Newborns, and those little baby plushies or whatever they are.  *shudder*  Any time MLP tries to be way over the top cutesy or human-like I don't like it.  To me they are most cute when they act like what they are - horses.  (Magical horses of course, but still horsey!)

... but the only really creepy pony on the market for me is that sausage-mermaid Pinkie Pie. It reminds me of the Polymorph from Red Dwarf and I can't get that thought out of my head.
OMG it does look like the Red Dwarf Polymorph!  I never realized that before but as soon as I read that I saw it.  I'll never be able to un-see it now, thanks.  :P  Hehe.  That thing always looked ugly and wrong to me, but I couldn't put my finger on why.  Now I know, sausage-mermaid Pinkie Pie is a Polymorph!

Pony Corral / Re: New 35th Anniversary Collector Ponies Spotted! Pics!
« on: January 09, 2018, 11:34:28 AM »
I wouldn't panic re how scare they are right now-
Too late, I am panicking.  I've been to one Target that online said they were in stock but they weren't there.  Even had a nice worker check in back but no luck.  Then called every other Target with in possible driving distance and they are all out!  Unless they get more I won't be getting these.  I can't afford what they are selling for on eBay.

Oh but one store did have them in stock but refused to sell them until Friday.  I thought the street date was the 7th so what's up with that?   :what:

I wish I would have been able to go shopping sooner.  I'm so bummed out right now.  :cloud: :wail:

Pony Corral / Re: New 35th Anniversary Collector Ponies Spotted! Pics!
« on: January 05, 2018, 01:23:51 PM »
OMG Squeeee!! I must have all of these!  Especially Snuzzle for my Peachy & Snuzzle army that I am slowly building.  But really all of them.  I didn't buy the 25th anniversary ones because they didn't appeal to me at the time, but lately I have been kicking myself about that, especially when looking on eBay for them and seeing the prices.  But seeing the pics of these and hearing about how much better they are makes me really excited to get them.  :D  Ohh I really hope they make more ponies too!  Let's hope these sell well so they have incentive to release more.  I too would love to see Firefly and Applejack and Twilight and any other ponies re-released like this!

I get annoyed whenever Hasbro make out like 1983 is the anniversary year. It isn't. I don't care what the technicalities might be about store shelves and whatever, the designs and the moulds are 1982. Besides, MLP came to the UK in 1983 and we were a year behind the US, where they began. I know people have different views on it, but I find it annoying.

This is my one big complaint about them.  Whatever anyone else thinks, to me MLP's birthday will always be 1982.  Although I admit I do have self-centered reasons for this.  I'd love to see my birth year on the boxes.  Hehehe!  XD

Pony Corral / Re: Question about Princess Skystar
« on: December 19, 2017, 09:50:39 PM »
Thank you!  :)  Now I know that the shell one is the standard brushable size that's definitely the one I want.  I was thinking that too, that the shell reminds me of the G1 sea ponies, so that's why I really want it.  ^_^

Pony Corral / Question about Princess Skystar
« on: December 18, 2017, 10:49:45 PM »
Just a quick question about the Princess Skystar sea pony toys.  Is the one that comes with the musical shell the standard brushable size or some other size?  I haven't seen any in stores so I'm trying to decide which one to order, the one that's bundled with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash or the one with the shell.  Thanks in advance!  :)

Pony Corral / Re: What is your favourite G4 thing to collect?
« on: December 16, 2017, 04:23:30 PM »
Right now I'm really obsessed with the sea ponies and hippogriffs.  I adore the baby sea ponies and my huge Stratus Skyranger action figure.  And I can't wait to get brushables of both species.  Of course I love the pony brushables too and I wish I would have started collecting them a long time ago because now there are so many I will likely never have.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: December 14, 2017, 11:38:43 PM »
I also really love the new seaponies and hippogriffs. I've been wanting G4 to have more variety in species and getting two new species was a big surprise. I just wish the hippogriffs had cutie marks. They are half-pony, aren't they?

I'm crazy about the G4 sea ponies and hippogriffs too.  I love them, but I also wish they had symbols.  I can see how it would be hard to give sea ponies symbols given their body shape, but the hippogriffs at least should have symbols.

- I don't like Sprinkles at ALL, she always looked like a faded Firefly to me.
- also I hate the Firefly pose.
- most of the G3 ponies after the head-turn change look awful. I've passed on ponies whose design I loved but she looked too much like a camel (RIP Daffidazey).
- G3 Chocolate Chipper seems beloved (at least on tumblr?) but I hate her! she's so generic pink-and-purple with the design being an afterthought slapped on there. I wish she had some yellows, creams, dark reds or navys, maybe brown??? worked into her design, ughh.
- if there's a nirvana pony I want, I would never be happy with a custom of her.
- I can't watch the G1 cartoon as an adult, it just has zero artistic merit and even nostalgia isn't enough to make it enjoyable for me. I think "Rescue at Midnight Castle" is pretty enjoyable for a children's 80s cartoon, it's a good sick day movie.
- don't like the G4 toy line! MLP has always been dozens and dozens of unique pony "characters" to collect, and releasing the same characters over and over isn't why I like collecting MLP. it also feels cheaply-made (that hair!).
- I just loathe FiM Pinkie Pie.

aaah that felt good to get out.

I like Sprinkles because she was a childhood pony, but she is very pale.  I don't like the mail order version at all, it definitely looks like a faded Firefly.

I agree G3 ponies didn't look as good after they could turn their heads.

I hate that about the G4 line as well, that they repeat the same characters over and over.  Although that seems to be a pretty popular opinion.  Oh well, at least it gives my wallet a break and saves more money for G1 ponies.  I also hate how they are not as good quality as older generations.

I also hate Pinkie Pie.  :P

Oh, also, I don't like the term "pony cancer" mostly because it's just inaccurate, ponies don't get cancer, they're plastic.  But they do age, so I always use the term age spots.  But now that I know that people find it insensitive I will be doubly sure not to use it!

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 12/12/2017 Chocolate Delight
« on: December 14, 2017, 11:19:40 PM »
I have her, and her soda too!  (a very lucky find) but she's not a favorite.  Like others have said, nice colors but that hole.  What was Hasbro thinking?   :hmm:  Still, I can't pass up any G1 pony.  Actually I do like her in a way because it's fun to make jokes about her with my BF, but they are not appropriate so I'll leave them to your imagination.  XD

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