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Messages - Mewtwofan1

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I echo the thoughts on Bluey. It really nails the “make content enjoyable for kids and their parents” idea right on the mark. I really thought we had made better strides in the kids entertainment industry to move past making content that was just the equivalent of jangling keys in a kids face for a half hour. Still have work to do it seems.

Speaking from experience, it can be daunting to work in a 3d computer environment, especially one you have little to no experince in. I hope the artists work out these problems soon, because while the animation errors are understandable, theyre still very noticable and take away from the enjoyment of the show.
And now my thoughts on the show itself:
I...really don't like chapter 2, I'm sorry. I enjoy the characters (mostly) but I really have problems with how the story is progressing. They set up for major questions and plot points (like where did sparky come from if there are no dragons in Equestria? Where did they go? Is all dragon fire special or is it just sparky? Opaline wants more power and to rule Equestria, and had a confrontation with Twilight in the past, but we never elaborate more. Why are the crystals so fickle with how their magic operates? Why does the lantern have magic now?). These are all questions I think would be excellent episode ideas, and could be very interesting to see. But in all 8 total episodes, we get barely anything, instead getting "we need to chase <item> around" or a smidgen of character development. "But its only 8 episodes" I told myself. I couldn't expect much of just 8. But then I revisited the first season of Friendship is Magic. In the first 8 episodes alone, we are introduced to nightmare moon, the conflict between luna and celestia, the elements of harmony, the grand galloping gala, griffons as a thing that exist, the idea of most unicorns only having magic suited to their talent (unless that talent is magic), a full grown dragon and a bit of dragon culture (specifically the dragons horde of treasure). There is a lot you can do in 8 22 minute episodes, and Make Your Mark instead decided to use none of the worldbuilding or questions it poses. And you can't tell me its "just for kids, so it doesn't need to have worldbuilding/questions answered" because other shows for the same age group have done it. I just feel like the show has so much potential, and the writers haven't done much with it. They traded lore and important events that move an overarching plot (which they've made clear they have with opalines quest to become more powerful) in favour of having a bunch of ponies running around.
I will admit though, I am a fan of opaline and misty *kind of*. I feel like I would enjoy opaline as a villain more if she had more to her than "I want more power and constantly berate my henchpony who I will absolutely betray at the end.". Similar arguments with misty, I feel like she truly has potential to be a great character. Her motivations are clear and she's probably going to learn a lot of hard truths about the world around her. Both characters could be great if the writers were just willing to do something with them.
Sparky though...I feel like sparky exists less as an actual character and more as just plot fodder. Sparkys sole purpose is to exist for whatever the writers need with little explanation. Need something to swap cutie marks? Sparky can do that for...some reason. Need something for the ponies to look for? sparky. I know he's just a baby, but he feels like less of a baby character we can see grow as the series does, and more as a magical plot device. You could replace sparky with a moving candle with magic fire, and get the same results.
Overall, I am sincerely hoping the stagnation of the first 8 episodes is just a team that's hesitant to take a leap, and will do more as they become more comfortable with the characters. This generation had such a great start, and I don't want that squandered away.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: September 04, 2022, 08:45:40 AM »
I’m going out with my girlfriend today (yay!!!) but there are other people coming too, which is fine. It just means I need to be there by a certain time because I don’t want to make these other people late. Also fine….if the bus here could run on time! I planned my trip last night, told me to be at bus stop by 9:30. It’s been 15 minutes and I don’t see a bus.
Really, I feel like my city would have a lot more going for it if it could run transit systems on a coherent schedule, and actually stick to it.

MLP Nirvana / Re: Why are Takara Ponies (from Japan) so hard to find?
« on: August 28, 2022, 10:18:35 PM »
It is most likely a combination of factors. I’m no expert, and I might have misheard some of my information, but to my understanding the lack of takara ponies in general can be put down to only a small amount of the planned ones ever actually being made/sold, a sort of lacking popularity when they did originally release (they had a somewhat successful run, but nothing absolutely crazy), the fact this release was only limited to Japan, and it being possible not many have survived to the present day, being thrown out, donated, or simply lost in someone’s childhood toy box and not being on the market.
I would say the biggest roadblock to most collectors is the limited release. They were only ever released for a short time window in Japan, meaning unless someone from Japan moved to your location with their childhood toys and donated/sold them, you’d be extremely unlikely to find any around you, or anywhere outside Japan for that matter. That’s not to say you might not find one, but your chances are astronomically slim.

Pony Brag Arena / Schoolhouse grail brag
« on: August 22, 2022, 06:37:41 PM »
Hello all! Long time no post, I’ve been a bit busy offline with my grandparents coming, work and getting ready for uni. I’ve been accepted for a bachelor of education with a focus on elementary students. I’m so excited! And shortly after I got the acceptance letter, an advertisement popped up in a Facebook group I’m in. And it was the schoolhouse, complete in box (minus instructions) and for a good price. I’ve wanted it since I laid eyes on the set, and knew my chances of finding a European set in Canada was very little. So…I bought it!
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My pony stuff is currently put away, so I can’t see how it looks with the ponies. But I’m very pleased with it!

Oh I see! Thanks for the info, I’ll most definitely try putting it in desktop view.

Hello all! I have a minor question regarding the look and layout of the forum when I look from my phone. Prior to a few days ago, the display was more similar to the desktop version. Boxed displaying boards and profile on the left, unread/replied to topics on the right of the screen. Now it stacks everything ontop of each other like this:
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It’s not that big of a problem, and I can probably get used to it. But I am wondering if there’s an error on my end with it displaying like that, or if there was some kind of update. And if possible, is there any way to change it back? I liked the old layout better, it made more sense to me.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread... number 2!
« on: May 12, 2022, 12:22:47 PM »
Finally I can be up without coughing my lungs up, so I decided to have a look around the house, make sure everything was running smoothly while I was sick.
Despite what my family says about me “not doing anything”, there was a lot of stuff that needed doing that didn’t get done while I was down. I’m pretty sure our fish would have starved to death if I waited any longer.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread... number 2!
« on: May 10, 2022, 08:56:47 AM »
Sister brought home a germ from one of her friends. I have now caught this germ and I am fairly sure I’m not well. Coupled with my other health problems right now, I did not need this…whatever this is on top of it. It’s a cold I think, but could also maybe be pneumonia of all things.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Art challenge game
« on: May 06, 2022, 10:56:20 PM »
Oh I love how you drew her mane and tail! They look very voluminous!

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread... number 2!
« on: May 04, 2022, 08:56:07 AM »
My dumb bum can’t seem to get water into my mouth, and elected to spill it all over my sketchbook. You’d think I’d be better at a task I need to do in order to stay alive and functioning…but no.

Oh the koi pony looks wonderful! A very good boy!

Secret shady
Okay but the glitter on the rainbow is such a nice touch!

Customs / Re: McDonald’s pony tail removal?
« on: April 29, 2022, 01:57:13 PM »
Yeah, getting as much off and sanding down the rest might be your best bet. There’s not really an easy way to do it I’m afraid.
A dremmel or other rotary tool would be useful, but I’d imagine you’d get some workout trying to grind it all down by hand. Y’know, gotta keep that bicep game up!

Aaand finished the last two prompts! We have a froggy floaty and what is more energetic than that iconic seapony song? The one that’s now on loop in my head and will not leave.

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*shoo-be-doo-ing intensifies*

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