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Messages - zabe77

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Off Topic / Re: Wheat-free/grain-free diet anyone?
« on: May 05, 2014, 10:34:43 PM »
I'm celiac so I haven't had wheat in 5 years now. I've also recently dropped most grains and dairy. I was having continued health issues so I increased my vege intake and reduced grains, finding other starches to fill the gaps. It's irritating to have to limit myself and cook from scratch so much, but I feel SO much better, asthma issues are almost gone, and as long as I stay away from dairy, my joints don't swell (arthritis runs in my family). I think my body was having a hard time after being undiagnosed celiac for so long, that even going on a gluten-free diet wasn't enough to heal the damage. I cheat here and there always regret it. I think the real test is how you feel as not everyone has wheat issues. It's a good idea in general to increase veggies though if you'r anything like me, as I've never eaten much of them. Now I'm finding ways to get quite a bit in per day.

Rainfeather, I hope the diet helps you. I know it helps people with autoimmune issues. Not sure of epilepsy but worth a try!

SDS, I thought constant headaches were NORMAL for most of my life. I thought it was just something some people had... I have almost NONE now that I'm paleo; aside from the first week or so of headaches due to removing most carbs from my diet but since then the only headaches I've gotten have been when I haven't had enough water in the day. It's CRAZY how much some food groups affect me. My hubby thinks I'm crazy when I say my knees are hurting because I ate dairy the day before but it's true. I know because I didn't want to believe it so I tested it OVER and OVER until I couldn't deny it (I LOVE dairy).  Grains tend to affect my mood, if I break down and have a bowl of cereal, I feel wretched and cranky for a good 24hrs. If I cheat a lot, I get anxiety too, so best to not cheat so I can be healthy and the best me. Now to work exercise in...

Off Topic / Re: Wow sometimes ebay is great! ^_^
« on: May 05, 2014, 10:19:45 PM »
Awe, what a nice story! I hope you share pics when it arrives. That's just wonderful :)

Off Topic / Re: Are There Dogs in Your Bed?
« on: May 05, 2014, 10:18:04 PM »
My sheepdog used to and yes, the doggy oils kept my bedding filthy. My little pup now sleeps under the bed, but comes up for cuddles now and again, she prefers to sleep under the bed for some reason, she's a little cave-dog! I have a mat under the bed that she sleeps on to protect the carpet and I wash that from time to time as it gets stinky under there!

I would get  a doggy blanket if I were you, keep that on top and try to train the dog to stay on that blanket. That way it will minimize the staining of your good blankets, while allowing you to have pup in bed.  That's what one of my friends did with hers.

Off Topic / Re: Ways to calm upset stomach?
« on: May 05, 2014, 10:13:15 PM »
BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) when she's able to eat.

Ginger is a good one, if you go with Ginger Ale, be sure it's a brand that has actual ginger in it, apparently they don't all and give it a stir to remove the carbonation. If she's loosing a lot, be sure to watch for signs of dehydration. A drink like pedialyte is a good suggestion too, as it will help keep dehydration at bay better than just water. White Grape juice is good too, I was told not to give applejuice by a nurse as it can encourage diarrhea if the tummy is upset, although I know a lot of people give it and say it's not an issue. I was told White Grapejuice is better as it doesn't have that effect and kids love it.

I hope you little on is better soon. It's just awful watching them when they're sick, it's such a helpless feeling and so sad to see them like that. Sending healing thoughts your way...

Off Topic / Re: Does this happen to any one else?
« on: May 05, 2014, 04:12:55 PM »
I usually boil my teabag in the water when making chai... so when I make real tea, I forget and snap off the string and have to scoop it out with a spoon... every single time... why can't I remember what I'm doing?! Likely because I haven't had my tea I guess ;)

Off Topic / Re: Teaching English in Japan?
« on: May 03, 2014, 06:03:27 PM »
I have friends who did it. They were a couple though so they had each other. Another couple that I know better, did it in Korea. They were there for two years and got along so well that they didn't learn any Korean outside of ordering food and shopping! They said they spoke English at work, were friends with other ESL teachers and there were enough Korean people who spoke English to get by. They said the Korean friends they made also wanted to speak English to them as they wanted to practice. I wish I had done something like this when I was younger... what a experience it would be to live in another country and learn another culture. My friends who lived in Korea loved it despite not learning much of the language. They now teach ESL here, one is a teacher, the other is not.

Off Topic / Re: I'm so clumsy
« on: May 02, 2014, 02:29:30 PM »
Hey, if it's still functional, just tell him it's a cool new look that everyone on pinterest is doing!

Off Topic / Re: I'm so clumsy
« on: April 30, 2014, 11:16:27 AM »
Oops! At least it still works! My keyboard at work used to always be full of chocolate when I cleaned it...

I'm all caught up again! Does anyone else scream a bit inside when they kill a monkey? WHO WAS THAT MONKEY?!

Loved the heart thing, so sweet. One more episode, then the finale! 

Off Topic / Re: Back from the dead LOL
« on: April 28, 2014, 10:30:11 AM »
Welcome back!

Off Topic / Re: Say hello to Pipsqueek!
« on: April 25, 2014, 01:09:02 PM »
Oh wow, so cute!

Off Topic / Re: Walking Dead season4 ~Spoilers~
« on: April 20, 2014, 08:28:18 PM »
Soylent green is PEOPLE!!!  Ugh... how are they going to get away?!! How am I going to wait this long...

Is it really 10 months to the next season?

Took me a while to get to the finale... hubby was away and I promised to watch it with him. Glad I was able to stay away from spoilers. Crazy crazy stuff. I loved when Daryl said that anyone would do what Rick did and Rick pointed out that they likely wouldn't do THAT.  What else could he do though? Ugh, that guys a survivor, love that he's gotten so strong again. Love the development of Michonne too and super love Daryl as always and how Rick called him his brother. Ah, how can they make us wait!? This show is going to go on for years at this rate, but only because we get so few episodes a year... 3 more seasons and Judith will be having kids... okay, maybe I'm just a little impatient lol!

Off Topic / Re: Debt-free!!! Finally!
« on: April 17, 2014, 03:20:28 PM »
Way to go!! That must feel awesome :)  I'm getting better with money. Last year I set a realistic budget and a plan to pay it all off. I've done pretty well so far. Can't wait for it all to be paid!

Caught up again and excited for tonight's episode!

Glad to finally get the why of the Wicked Witch... Its a bit of a stretch but I love the villains in this series, horrible and over the top but also kinda relatable... I think it would be hard not to be a least a little awful if someone spurned you and you had super awesome powers. I also love how almost all the good people don't have magic but they fight so hard for what's right. It's all so relatable while being so unbelievable at the same time. It's good times. Plus: Hook ('nuff said?) and maybe if they do the do-over curse we'll get a few more dashing-young-men back.

Off Topic / Re: Following my Passion- Becoming a Paleontologist
« on: April 11, 2014, 09:59:24 AM »
Wow, that's aweseome! Congratulations!

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