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Messages - Magdalen

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Pony Corral / Re: Has this been spotted before?
« on: April 17, 2014, 11:27:27 AM »
Ooooh I might need that.  Classic My Little Pony <3

Also this: 

If you scroll down to the 2008 Single (Best Friends), it makes a direct mention about fashion.  As well as some of the other entries on that pages.  It seems the fashion stuff comes in on the later years.

That orange breezie is lovely.  I haven't quite decided if I am keeping my breezies or not.

Pony Corral / Re: Please show me some yellow ponies?
« on: April 13, 2014, 12:12:04 PM »
I have a few yellow ponies.

My G1s:
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I put Goldilocks in there since she has yellow hair.

And my G3s with a few G4s:
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I'm sure I'm missing a few but the others are my for sale ponies.

Oooooh my.  I don't know the value but I love that.

Some day maybe Ill have one o_o

Pony Corral / Re: What kind of collector are you?
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:17:34 AM »
I collect g1 and g3.  Mostly g3 since they are easier to find in good condition.  I want to eventually get all my childhood g1 ponies, since I don't know what happened to them.  I have a handful of g4s, only the ones that catch my fancy like the black ponies.  But I never got into the show and they are so odd looking it's hard for me to connect with them.

I mostly debox.  I do have a few boxed g3s, like my fair ponies and the pony project ponies and my 50 first Fizzy Pop.  Everything else got deboxed.  I like being able to touch them.  G4 has always gotten deboxed.  I'm not happy enough with the quality to keep them mib.  And I couldn't afford a mib/moc g1.

I buy mostly what I like.  I had wanted all of the unicorns of g3 but by the time they came out I was distracted by life so I haven't really been actively collecting since 2006.  As for g4 I am mostly drawn towards the background characters, I don't need an army of different mane 6.  I also love the black mini mysteries. Some about the black within all that cute and sparkles just makes my dark heart happy XD  haha mostly kidding.  They hang out with my black project pony and their overlord.

I like good condition which I try to do with g1.  But my poor childhood ponies that I could find are in a little rough shape.  Still keeping them and trying to restore them.

Pony Corral / Re: Why do you love g3 / What do you love about g3 ? :)
« on: April 07, 2014, 03:38:45 PM »
Huh. Seems a lot of you only like it because it's similar to a generation you like better! Lmao

Well.. hehe  I actually like the G3 ponies a tiny bit better than my G1 ponies that I grew up with.  That and like some one else said I like that they look like horses.

Pony Corral / Re: Why do you love g3 / What do you love about g3 ? :)
« on: April 06, 2014, 11:37:12 PM »
It was like my childhood ponies came back. And they (G1) were some of my favorite toys.  My sister and I would play for hours together with our ponies.  So it was a little bittersweet to me when they stopped making them.  Years later as an adult I some how found out about My Little Ponies were coming back and they looked similar to my ponies.  I didn't know about G2 and they didn't look like the ponies I loved.  I'm having that same problem with G4, aside from not getting into the show, and the poor selection of ponies and the fact I'm getting a pint sized pony for the same price...

So I love the selection, the colors, the hair.

Off Topic / Re: Who Here Reads Web Comics?
« on: April 06, 2014, 02:56:51 PM »
There are quite a few web comics I follow.  Some that are NSFW...heh.

The ones that are safe: Plume (love the style on this one), Off-White, Earthsong, Bittersweet Candy Bowl, Catena (I don't check it often since they haven't updated recently), Lackadaisy.
Those I follow currently, I might be forgetting a few tho.

Pony Corral / Re: Question about G3.5 ponies
« on: April 06, 2014, 12:29:34 PM »
Hmmm maybe, and I'm only guessing here, because the G3.5 are based off G3 characters, but toy wise they look pretty different.  It also looks like they borrowed from the Ponyville sets from G3.  And the characters are G3 characters that got a look upgrade.  Where as Tales' toys still are G1 toys.

G1 cartoon and Tales both had the same toys.  G2 has completely different looking ponies/characters/toys. 

Maybe someone can explain it better than me.

Pony Corral / Re: Mlp tales
« on: April 06, 2014, 11:11:58 AM »
To all who have answered, thanks for explaining the generation thing, it makes sense that they would have used the generation numbers that early, now that I've had it explained.

Guess, I'm wrong about there being a long term fan who mistook Tales for G2 then?  That's fine, it was just theretical anyway - it was always going to be more of a newcomer's mistake, regardless.

I myself am mostly a newcomer (though all the generations have touched my heart in such a way I sometimes feel like I grew up with them) so I can only theorize. :)

That's what we are here for :)  To inform. And share knowledge.

Ooooh Stormness, I remember those pre-internet days.  Now I feel old haha XD

Pony Corral / Re: G3 Reviews (includes G3.5 too)
« on: April 05, 2014, 01:10:25 PM »
It warms my heart you give the G3 specials some attention. I got really sick of all the "in-depth analysis" of G4, like G4 was some knd of masterpiece of art and all other MLP media was bad by default.

YES!  This exactly.  I am a big fan of the G3 ponies and G1, so I don't care for them to be bashed by fans who have never taken the time to really get to know them because G4 is the bestest.

Pony Corral / Re: Mlp tales
« on: April 05, 2014, 12:57:19 PM »
I don't know if this has ever happened, and I don't know when we started refering to them by generations

Generation 2 started to be used when generation 2 toys were produced, not before that. I've been online since 1996/7, nobody ever called tales G2 or G anything. There was no confusion in the collecting community about MLP back then.

Yeah there's never been any confusion between generations when I first joined this forum (whenever that was).  I watched Tales when it was on TV.  There were no G2, only the G1s that I grew up with.  So this "oldcomer" never thought Tales was G2.  I don't remember any "oldcomers" confusing the two. In fact I don't remember any confusion until G4.

Price Check Archives / Re: Price for a Dream Beauty
« on: April 04, 2014, 10:01:58 PM »
Ok I thought that one was way over priced given the condition.  And $40 is more in my price range and luckily I do not need it now (nor can I get it now).
Thank you.

Price Check Archives / Price for a Dream Beauty
« on: April 04, 2014, 06:39:15 PM »
Ok so I'm trying to slowly buy back my childhood ponies, since they are probably lost in the black hole of my mom's garage and I was looking thru ebay for the Dream Beauty Windwalker.  There was only one for a high price.

What is an expected price for a Windwalker?  If it's as high as the one on ebay I might need to rethink her.

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