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Messages - Bewilderbeast

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Off Topic / Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« on: December 30, 2017, 01:49:58 PM »
I also hate Kylo.  He's an awful person.  Yeah, Luke made a mistake in how he confronted him back in the day but seriously--boohoo, get over it, Kylo.  He's a brat who idolizes (and works for) space Nazis.  And killed his own dad.  What a peach.

I was so afraid of saying "nazi" on here (because you never know how people will react even when it's the truth right now) but damn you RIGHT. The only time I like him is in small doses in Kylux fanart. That's literally it. And he needs to
  • keep his shirt on
  • stay away from Rey

Also like... his grandfather STOPPED being evil?? That was the whole point? Or did he conveniently forget that part?

I mean, I don't believe in gender roles, but I also think just putting a pile of 90s Barbies there and calling it a day isn't really a demonstration of anything "stereotypical".

(We need more nurturing toys aimed at boys, especially baby dolls. Teach them how to be good dads from the very start.)

That's not the horse that goes with that stable at all  :huh:

(Barbie really would never say "pink stinks" when she had a whole shade of it named after her  :lol: )

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: December 30, 2017, 11:15:10 AM »
i hate firefly and rainbowdash g4 and i wish sprinkles was more popular and diamond dreams reminds me of mcdonalds

For some reason I found the bolded bit of what you said hilarious. While we're on the food associations, I think Lightning looks like cheese. Red Leicester cheese. With cheddary hair.

I'll never be able to unsee that now.

Pony Corral / Re: Is Hasbro one of the only Toy-toon Companies Left?
« on: December 30, 2017, 11:13:48 AM »
Was Playmates ever a toy-toon company? Because I'm thinking of Voltron...

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: December 29, 2017, 08:23:36 PM »
Bewilderbeast I love your av, too!! Azumarill is the best :heart: and I love that shot of it, so cute XP

Popular Pony Opinion. Azumarill rocks!

I've used Azumarill twice in the games now and honestly I love it. They kick serious butt while still being cute.

To remain on topic: I wish the original cartoon had kept the animation style used in Midnight Castle. The Japanese contribution to the animation really brought the quality up.
I dislike when ponies are listed as baity because they have a bit of dirt that someone can't be bothered to clean off

Pony Corral / Re: Tail Rust Help
« on: December 29, 2017, 03:43:25 PM »
Okey dokey, thank you both very much!

Off Topic / Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« on: December 29, 2017, 11:05:08 AM »
I really enjoyed it? I loved it, I loved the characters. I related a lot to Luke in this movie, running away from everything. I loved how he kicked Crylo's butt just as a Force projection and the touching moment between him and Leia. I liked Yoda returning and being the same little green troll as ever, whacking Luke on the noggin.  :P

I loved the on hold joke, because it felt like such a Poe thing to do, and I also adore when people mock turdheads like Hux. I loved Admiral Holdo, her whole design was amazing even though I didn't agree with her strategy at all. It was FANTASTIC to finally see Leia use the Force, and so strongly, because she's just as powerful as Luke and people so easily forget that.

I loved all the creatures, they were so lovely, especially the vulptexes. Fathiers are like giant hyena okapis and porgs are just fantastic.

Kylo/Rey is awful though, very much not for me, because I hate Kylo. He's a terrible human being and I hope he dies unredeemed in the next movie. I'd rather see Finn/Rey (despite preferring Finn/Poe) or Rey not having a love interest at all.

I've yet to see any love for Finn and Rose in this thread which makes me sad so... Finn's arc was great, I love how he came to embrace his "rebel scum" self and rise to the challenge, and also how he taught Phasma a lesson. I love Rose as well, she's a major cutie and just really cool. And just... BB-8 revealing himself to be an absolute badass?? Amazing!

Someone mentioned a lot of unnecessary creatures but I don't quite understand that? This is a galaxy far,
 far away where the only life forms familiar to us are humans, and the humans are still likely aliens. It would make sense for there to be lots of creatures to at least vaguely reflect alien life on tons of different planets.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: December 29, 2017, 10:50:18 AM »
One I can think of is I don't think the TAF Babies are cute like everyone else does, and they are not on my top wanted list.

The MO babies that are cutest to me are Baby Sugarcake and Gametime. I know they are rare, but they don't seem super popular. I think they have the prettiest colors.

I love the Taf babies and really have a couple of favorites.  I don't own any though.  One thing that bothers me is Baby Sugarberry's hair color. It is wrong, wrong and triple wrong.  That little pony needs the same awesome hair as the adult version.  MO I would still want her though because I love Sugarberry in general.

She doesn't?

No, it's lighter and pinker, more like magenta. It is, however, almost the exact same shade as Strawberry Surprise's...  :wonder:


OT but I love your avatar. One of my favorite water types.

Thank you! Yours is cute too!  :redface:

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Got a bootleg from China yesterday
« on: December 29, 2017, 10:28:12 AM »
Is it bad that I really like Fakelestia? She looks so cool.

Also... argh, I hate how show-accurate fakie plushies are. They remind me of the fact I only have two Lunas, and they're both bootlegs.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: December 29, 2017, 09:50:40 AM »
I'm probably just going to say a lot of things people have already said, but here goes...

- I loathe Mimic. She's overpriced and overhyped, and for some reason my first thought on seeing her "wow, snooty", which isn't something I feel with Milky Way
- I'm looking forward to G5 immensely and I really hope they decide to go with all new ponies, because I'm tired of the Mane Six
- I would happily deflock even a mint So-Soft because I hate the texture and the way it dulls their colours
- I love G2 a LOT
- I didn't know about the Sweetheart Sisters until three years ago and I fell in love with them all. I love their poses and daintiness and I feel like they complete the pony lifecycle, between baby ponies and adult ponies
- The German baby ponies need more love (but they also don't because they're expensive enough as it is XP)
- I don't get the hype over Nirvana ponies. Most of them are tremendously ugly and they look cheap.

One I can think of is I don't think the TAF Babies are cute like everyone else does, and they are not on my top wanted list.

The MO babies that are cutest to me are Baby Sugarcake and Gametime. I know they are rare, but they don't seem super popular. I think they have the prettiest colors.

I love the Taf babies and really have a couple of favorites.  I don't own any though.  One thing that bothers me is Baby Sugarberry's hair color. It is wrong, wrong and triple wrong.  That little pony needs the same awesome hair as the adult version.  MO I would still want her though because I love Sugarberry in general.

She doesn't?

No, it's lighter and pinker, more like magenta. It is, however, almost the exact same shade as Strawberry Surprise's...  :wonder:

Pony Corral / Tail Rust Help
« on: December 29, 2017, 09:31:51 AM »
Hello everyone! I recently bought a Windy Wing Glow in need of some TLC (she needs her eyes and symbols repainted and her hair needs some love) but I've noticed she has tail rust. What would be the best way to go about fixing that considering her wings and such? Any advice? I've already fixed my Snowflake's tail rust but Glow is much smaller.

Introductions / Re: *Tips hat*
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:26:10 AM »
Hi and welcome to the Arena :wave:

I used to dabble in a bit of (non pony) fan fiction too.  It's a great way to brush up on your writing skills.  I hope you enjoy the forums and I look forward to seeing you around!  :cheer:

Hello, and thank you!

Fic has really helped me with my writing, enough that I feel confident to write my own things without worries.

Hiya, Pixie! Welcome to the arena!

Fizzy and Princess Luna are two of my favorite ponies as well. Feel free to show us your collection sometime, it sounds pretty diverse! Best of luck with completing those sets. Enjoy the forums!

Thank you!

Fizzy was my favourite childhood pony, and Luna is just... special. XD I will post photos of my collection eventually, once I take some good ones.

Welcome to the Arena! :bunny:

Thank you!  :fox:

Welcome to the Arena :frolic:

Sounds like you have a wide and varied selection of hobbies!  I too also love Fizzy as far as ponies go.  The Twinkle eyes are just something special. 

Look forward to seeing you around the forum. :)

Thank you!

I've always loved Twinkle-Eyed Ponies. I found out their origin story recently and it's actually pretty dark, as MLP goes! I was not expecting that, but it's awesome.

Introductions / *Tips hat*
« on: January 14, 2015, 06:15:28 PM »
Hello, everyone! I'm Pixie, and I live in the UK.

I've been a pony collector since before I can remember. I don't even know which was my first pony, it was so long ago, but I think I've got a pretty good collection so far, with about 150~ ponies throughout all four gens. My favourite ponies are Fizzy, Pinkie Pie and Princess Luna. At the moment I'm trying to collect all the Twinkle-Eyed Ponies, the German Baby Ponies and just whatever takes my fancy, really. I generally prefer to trade and buy within the UK.

As for other things about me, I like reading and writing fanfiction (nothing MLP related, and I am actually working on a novel at the moment), cosplay and drawing. I attend an amateur theatre group, and am currently studying on a pre-access course in order to eventually attend university and study history. Things I like beyond ponies are animated movies (especially Rise of the Guardians), Tolkien's Legendarium, Marvel comics and movies, the Dragon Age videogame series and Les Miserables in every form it comes in.

It's very nice to meet you all!

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