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Messages - Noxxbunny

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Off Topic / Re: Mail mishaps
« on: December 28, 2016, 07:13:37 PM »
I've had the worst luck out of my mail lady. My packages will come to the local post office then they will ride around in the back of her car for days. I've also had her leave a very expensive birthday present for my Husband just sitting up against the mailbox. 

Both UPS and FedEx are great. The UPS guy even lets me open packages in front of him. He will take them and make claims on my behalf if the item is damaged.

Lol, I'm in the total opposite situation. Our mailman is terrific and will stay if I need to open a package in front of him. Fedex and UPS will just chuck the packages on the porch(because 99% of the time there is already outer damage) and will then run for it. Though there is one UPS guy we sometimes get and he's very nice. Actually waits for us to answer the door and he even brings treats for the dogs.

The only mail mishaps I've had are when something gets routed in a really roundabout way and then pops up at my doorstep suddenly. *knocks on wood*

The Dollhouse / Re: Ball Jointed Dolls Thread #4
« on: December 26, 2016, 04:36:38 PM »
So I ended up getting my Hujoo Freya a little before Christmas! "Because I already know what it is" said my grandma who got her for me. XD She's got most of her faceup(still working on her lashes), I've made her wig cap, and I've started making wefts of hair for her. Not sure if pink is her color though, so I may scrap what I have and try another color. I ended up getting an Etsy gift card for Christmas too, so I already bought her a bunch of new eyes I'm dying to try. I thought she deserved her own eyes and not the older pair of Volks ones she has on right now.

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So here's my current doll group now. My two DD+Obitsu boys, my non-BJD Dollce girl, and now Hujoo Freya! We're really feeling polka dots today for some reason. Freya may not stay with my vinyl crew over here though. She may get her own personal space for being so unique. The stringing is so new to me, she's been a lot of fun so far!

The Dollhouse / Re: Are your dolls getting anything for Christmas?
« on: December 22, 2016, 01:30:23 PM »
My Hujoo Freya is getting her existence if that counts. :lol: My newest DD+Obitsu boy gets a pajama set and some little notebooks. My Dollce girl and my other DD Hybird boy will be getting  late gifts. Since I like to wait for the holiday mail rush to die down before ordering anything internationally this time of year. Don't want anything getting lost or smashed up.

Pony Corral / Re: Minty will be coming to Build-a-Bear!
« on: December 22, 2016, 01:08:57 PM »
so what are all the BAB characters that they have made so far? Here are the ones that I know of:

Pinkie pie
Rainbow Dash



Is this all the ones that have been released?

There's also Shining Armor, Zecora, Muffins, and DJ Pon3 :)

Oh and if we're counting the pre-stuffed ones, there's also the CMC and Spike.

Off Topic / Re: New Betta!
« on: December 22, 2016, 12:41:37 PM »
That feeling is why I now hoard all my aquarium equipment even when I'm not using it. I know that would happen to me too. The second I get rid of it...I know I'll need it. I haven't used my little 2.5 gallon tank in over a year, but I have it!

Oh, aside from anubias nana being easy, check to see if your local stores sell marimo moss balls. The only care they need is for you to roll them around once a month or so. And they'll live for years. Occasionally, bettas even like to roll them and play with them themselves. I know Petco even sells them as a "betta buddy" now. :lol: I have them in all my tanks minus my crayfish tank. Since my crayfish would just go all Edward Scissorhands on it.

Off Topic / Re: New Betta!
« on: December 20, 2016, 02:22:12 AM »
I hope this doesn't count as adverting another forum or something, but I'd highly recommend checking out the bettafish forum if you want to read even more about betta care. I don't think it's cool to link it, so just add dot com to it and you got it. They taught me everything I know about betta keeping. Great group of people with loads and loads of information. Many of them are seasoned veterans of aquarium keeping with over 20 years in the hobby and such. They've never steered me wrong in my betta care. No matter what tank size I was using, they always had great advice on the best setups for it.

You do need to be a member to see the Habitats section though. As well as the section for how to treat illnesses. Which is super handy if anything were to happen. They'll even help you to treat your betta in case of such a thing. Which is like a nice security blanket.

They made me so enthusiastic about betta keeping that I even signed up to be a California Betta Society member. I go to the yearly betta show they put on and everything. :lol: I love me some betta fish. Even if I'm taking a little break from them right now to explore other fish. I used to have 6 at a time for a few years.

Good luck with the duckweed though...I started out with the same feelings towards it, and after a year, I just HATED it. I couldn't handle how it sticks to everything. My new top plant pick is anubias nana. Small, leafy, it can float or be in the substrate. And it's almost impossible to kill. Even if you have a black thumb like me!

The Dollhouse / Re: Ball Jointed Dolls- Thread #3
« on: December 17, 2016, 07:08:04 PM »

I've mostly been looking at photos of cats to get ideas for a coat pattern for him. lol

I got the light grey Freyr and I think that I'm going to get yellow-gold eyes for him.  I haven't yet decided if I want him to wear a wig or not.  I think I'll try a few on him when I open him and see how he looks with hair.

He doesn't have a name yet, but I'm probably going to make him the adopted son of one of my 17" MH dolls. :P  I always thought that he'd make a great werecat boy for the Frightfully Tall Ghouls, but I don't have a werecat mama for him. lol

I hope you'll post pics of your Freya after you open her.  I'd love to see her and see what you do with her! :D

Ooh! Yellow sounds cool. I have a pair of yellow eyes I'd love to use, but I'm sure that 20mm is probably too big, so I may try my 18mm blue pairs. That'd be so cute if he was the son of one of your MHs too. I think I'm just going to have my Freya hang out with my Equestria Girls. That's probably where she'd fit in best right now.

I'll definitely post when I have her together and I'd love to see what you do with Freyr too. He really needs some more love!

The Dollhouse / Re: Show me your favorite doll!
« on: December 17, 2016, 12:01:33 PM »

Noxxbunny - Wow, his wig is so expertly styled! I can't say I've ever seen a BJD wig that looks so perfectly placed before. It looks awesome.

Thank you! No joke, that's actually the first wig I ever made too. I call it dumb luck that it came out that well though. I've tried again since and can't get it right now. I don't know what I did two years ago.  XD

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Experience with fedex?
« on: December 16, 2016, 07:18:21 PM »
I hope it depends on the area...for me, they are SLOOOOOOW(and fedex smartpost is even slower.) I usually get their stuff on the 7th or 8th day. It almost never comes to me before the date they have scheduled on the tracking. :( They've never been late on me though, at least.

 It probably also depends on how close you are to where your item shipped. Seems like every time I end up with fedex(I avoid them purposely whenever possible), it ships from the other side of the country. So that may have something to do with the 8 day waits too.

The Dollhouse / Re: Show me your favorite doll!
« on: December 16, 2016, 02:34:24 PM »
I think I'd have to give that spot to Kaito. I love all of my dolls, so it's hard to say just one, but I think I've spent too many hours working on this guy to not call him my favorite in some regard(especially because he is my favorite character right now. Can't deny that.)
Don't tell the others.  :lookround:

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I'm glad you're trying to get things more lively around here, Taxel! I want to talk dolls with people all the time! :lol:

The Dollhouse / Re: Ball Jointed Dolls- Thread #3
« on: December 16, 2016, 02:29:06 PM »
It really truly is.
I bought my first doll last October and swore that she would be the only one for a while.  Now I have four including Freyr. ^^;
(Okay, Noxx, you and I must be BJD twins.  Both getting Hujoos for Christmas and both with four dollies to date. XD)

Do you have any plans in mind for Freyr? I'm already over here already trying to come up with names, the faceup I want to give color for my Freya.

And LOL I think we are BJD twins! I got my first boy last year in November! :lol: That's so funny!

The Dollhouse / Re: Ball Jointed Dolls- Thread #3
« on: December 15, 2016, 02:16:19 AM »
I have an adorable Hujoo Freyr sitting beneath my Christmas tree that I can't open for 26 more days. :P
I'm so excited!  ...And impatient. lol

I hope that wait is coming along well! I'll be having Freya under the tree this year. She's going to be my first strung BJD, so I'm super excited too. I actually was going to go with Freyr as well, but they didn't have him in white lol. I hope you enjoy him! He's so adorable.

Help me though, you guys! I went from having ONE doll planned for this year to getting 3 within 3 months. :lookround: It's like a snowball effect. But hey, at least I did manage to have only one for a year!

At least one of them was the doll that was planned for all along. Now my worry is how I'm going to spend time with all of them! :lol: I don't know how people with many dolls do it. I'll be up to 4 after I open Freya.

I would say that it's been getting worse lately. My Starlight's hair wasn't like that bad, but it's still frizzy and dry on the ends and the tail just feels awful. Pursey Pink's hair is okay, but it almost feels sorta greasy or something and her tail frizz is just as bad as Starlight's. They feel rough and scraggly. Compared to my earlier's no match at all. The old ones weren't this frizzy, and it was softer to the touch.

My personal favorite pick for best G4 hair is my FS Pinkie Pie's Boutique Pinkie. No frizz, great shine, soft all over. I wish every G4 had the hair this one does. My Rainbow Power FS Rainbow Dash comes close though. So it seems 2013-2014 was my favorite time for G4 hair.

Off Topic / Re: Kinder Surprise in the US?
« on: December 06, 2016, 09:34:05 PM »

Yeah, Kinder Joy is legal, because the toy capsule is clearly visible before eating the chocolate, whereas the Kinder Surprise has the toy capsule completely surrounded, hidden by the chocolate. *shrug*

I also don't know if I can agree with them being "all over the place," personally, since I've yet to see even one, even in import shops and shops with import sections (which we visit pretty frequently, since my mom is an expat). I'll have to keep an eye out in case they start popping up here, though. It's possible California is just more lax than Texas, idk.

I wouldn't spend $5 on one candy, though; that's pretty steep haha, I wouldn't be surprised if they were charging that higher rate to offset not only taxes, but also to help offset fines if they get caught importing banned substance.  :P

Sorry, to clarify, I meant all over in this area of CA. :lol: Because I also went to never seeing one in my life to seeing them in like...3 different stores within a short timeframe. Only one of which was an import candy shop(also at a mall like OP.) I think the third was a grocery store or something similar, but I can't recall which one at the moment. I've sort of been brushing past them like "Oh hey, a Kinder egg. Neat." but not really being super interested because of the price and lack of character toy stuff in them. I haven't seen any with characters on them.

It's pretty plausible that we're more lax here too. We do tend to have a lot of imported candy from various places just hanging out in chain grocery stores like Walmart and Safeway here.

But yeah, I agree...$5 for one is a lot. I'm going back to the mall where they have these this weekend...I'm curious to see how much of a ripoff their Kinder Santa chocolate is here. Seems people here could tell me!

Off Topic / Re: Kinder Surprise in the US?
« on: December 06, 2016, 12:00:45 PM »
I think the "Joy" ones are legal since the toy is separate from the chocolate. Sometimes import stores get away with selling things that are technically illegal. The Asian market near me had Furuta chocolate eggs with Pokémon figures inside.

Gonna agree with this. Now that I thought about it, the only ones I've seen are Kinder Joys. No Kinder Surprise. The ones i see ALL have the outer tab thingy on the side or on the top. Which from what I gather, makes them legal on some sort of technicality, I guess. Weird.

Edit; Or maybe customs just don't care anymore lol. I guess they are still illegal... But I'm seeing them all over lately even though I had never seen a single one before in my life until this year. Watch out for that lawsuit, Party City... Lol. They're probably not selling too well at $5 per egg though.

The rule is that candy can't fully surround a non food item. That's how the Yowwies are allowed to be sold since they have a ridge that is visible. Joys are 100% legal since the candy is in a separate compartment from the toy.

I agree that the legality makes sense to me. But all I'm getting in google results are the typical "yes, kinder joys are still illegal" buuuut, i can't find any dated 2016. They're all 2015 and earlier. I'm still leaning on them being legal too. I just find it hard to believe that something apparently so illegal and high on fines would just be all over the place like they are lately and so suddenly. They just sort of flooded into stores in this area this year. And on top of that... It would be weird for them to be $5 everywhere if they were part of some candy black market lol. That seems like a set retail price. Because of all that, I assumed there was a law change.

Now if they'll just bring the price down... I'm in. :lookround: i'd only pay the $5 if we got the MLP ones. Maybe just once. I haven't had a candy like a Kinder egg since WonderBall was a thing.

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