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Messages - blazywazy110

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Hey all, I'm looking for some ponies. Bold is big want.

1. NO hair cuts
2. No paint rubbing
3. No foul oder (please!)

G4 Rainbow Flash

G4 Skywishes

G4 Diamond Rose (regular wings)

G4 Plumsweet

G4 Starswirl

G4 Flitterheart

G4 Cherry Pie

Here are the ponies I have to trade:

G3 :

 I'd be fine with trading some G3's and paying a difference for a pony or something along those lines.

Please PM me if you have any of these ponies for Sale/ Trade!

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Free art ;v; Always open
« on: December 30, 2016, 05:00:26 PM »
Do you think you could draw G4 Lily Blossom Brushable as a pony from the MLP universe?! That'd be awesome!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Anyone play webkinz? Free code.
« on: December 18, 2016, 07:52:57 AM »
I'd like it please!

Introductions / Re: Hello everyone!!
« on: October 15, 2016, 05:29:00 AM »

You're going to have a great time on in the arena. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming here; you're going to have a blast!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: exciting addition and general herd pictures :-D
« on: October 13, 2016, 11:27:26 AM »
Your rainbow pony pictures are gorgeous!

Pony Brag Arena / Really Good ebay find!! *update* They've arrived!
« on: October 10, 2016, 06:13:48 PM »
So I was just scrolling along the newly listed pony listings when I come across this beautiful find:
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Blossomforth, Feathermay, Lulu Luck, Snowcatcher, Dewdrop Dazzle, Twinkleshine, Sunny Rays, and 51 others. I'm so excited. For $50? And free shipping too? AHH! Pictures to come once I get them! Also, some of these girls will be up for sale, so message me if you are interested in one of the ponies in the listing.

UPDATE:  They've arrived!
Hello everyone!

If you know me, you probably know I have been trying to sell my herd. but.... I caved in and bought a $50 lot on eBay.  :blush: I just couldn't resist! Let's open some pony mail!

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Here's our box....
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Time to see what's inside!
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3 bags to open....
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Here they are! So many new friends...
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These chicas definitely need a spa day. Especially Sunny Rays!!

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Then I got these girls... whom I'm not very keen of. If anyone would like to rehome these girls, I'll sell 'em cheap!

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Back to ponies! We got a ton of mcDonalds cuties...

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Some G 3.5 even snuck into my pony mail....  :freak: If anyone wants to rehome them they'll be up for sale too after a spa day.

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I wonder who this towel and bath was supposed to be for. Anyone know? Definitely not this little girl!  :P

 :heart: New pictures to come after a spa for everyone, I'm sure these girls will clean up well. :heart:

Bump! Updates!

Sigs & Site Support / Re: Your Assignment: STOMP big Signatures!
« on: May 15, 2016, 02:25:25 PM »
Is this better?

Sigs & Site Support / Re: Your Assignment: STOMP big Signatures!
« on: May 15, 2016, 04:08:14 AM »
Is this okay?

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: FOR SALE: $3 Pony Art!! Used to be $5!
« on: May 08, 2016, 03:03:06 PM »
That would be fine!

Post Merge: May 08, 2016, 03:04:20 PM

$3 is a steal! Hope you have a lot of interest. :happy:

I would get one but I'm not in the US... then again, for such a low price I'd be happy to accept a virtual copy only. Would that work for you? :)
That would be fine!

Thank you everyone.

Arts & Crafts Corral / FOR SALE: $5 Pony Art!!
« on: May 07, 2016, 05:52:28 AM »
Hello everyone!

I'm pretty short on funds at the moment... some reasons depressing I'd rather not get into here. Anyways! That means I'm whipping out my drawing pens and copic markers and starting to accept some new
$5 commissions!
US only please...! Shipping shouldn't be over $2

For sale: Drawings of any pony you'd like on a 8.5:5.5 inch card. That's about 21cm:14cm. So, a decent size!

Generation One!
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Generation Four! (I can draw G2 and 3 as well, just no examples here. Also, These should have backgrounds!)
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I hope you all enjoyed these pictures, and please consider helping a [/font]poor girl out!

Note: These used to be listed for $3. I raised the price back up a few dollars as I realized I was spending at least an hour on each of these cards. I hope you all understand that $3 is just too low.

Hey guys, I'm pretty bummed about something.

Recently I put my vinyl funko ponies on eBay starting at $0.99 to attract buyers.

The problem?

Some of them actually sold for $0.99. I feel robbed.... However... it would not be fair for me to not ship the ponies. It was my fault, right? What do you suppose I do? Just ship them and accept this as a lesson?

It really is depressing to me because I really really needed the funds from these girls and boys for some dire reasons that I'd rather not get into here.... Now from 6 MIB Funko ponies, I didn't even make $30.

I'm sorry... enough of my complaining. Thoughts? :cloud:

Bump! Still open! ENDING SOON!

I certainly have some of the ponies you are looking for. Check out my sales thread:,364219.0.html

I am quite interested in the Ploomette set!

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