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Messages - Galactica

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Off Topic / Re: Working from Home Thread
« on: April 15, 2020, 04:59:04 PM »
Yes, but "working from home" with a toddler on the lose is a laugh.  Fortunately he takes a nap but otherwise me and the other mom have to swap and there is always a LOT going on in the background...

The Dollhouse / Re: Mattel's CAVE CLUB
« on: April 13, 2020, 02:54:55 PM »
They are surprisingly cute-  I usually prefer fantasy/paranormal angles, but even so they are very appealing with their big hair and articulated limbs

Off Topic / Re: The JOY thread
« on: April 02, 2020, 03:31:47 PM »
A little chickadee family is moving into the birdhouse on the porch- they are really cute.

Off Topic / Re: Week of Mar 30: COVID-19 info, facts & updates
« on: April 02, 2020, 03:19:08 PM »
Things are still on lockdown in Seattle - but at least supposedly the number of new cases is now starting to slow, so I guess finally the forced closure of businesses and parks is working.

I think the boomers are having the worst time complying.  My co-workers in their 60s brushed this thing off as a "mild flu" and shook their finger at those of us wanting to share information and encourage working from home as "fear mongerers."    Until the facts could no longer be denied- and even now there are a few of them that I KNOW are sneaking back into the office to work...

Even worse are my parents who should know better.  They are in their late 60s and my dad has 2 "underlying health conditions" that could impact his mortality rate.  And when I call, my mom says they are being good and staying isolated-   but then they just texted me how they got bored and went to Costco and they are remarking on the long lines????
JUST this last weekend my dad went out on a motorcycle-riding trip with his buddies.  My Mom and dad say "oh it's great because they are not socializing just riding around."  But what about when they talk ?  I know my dad and the friends he is hanging out with and I promise you they are NOT staying 6' apart from each other.

 >_<   It drives me bonkers.

Wow, how cute.  I was reading that pollution is WAAAAAAY down too- which is kinda a nice upside.

The Dollhouse / Re: What should I do? (Rainbow Brite related topic)
« on: March 31, 2020, 02:49:15 PM »
Unlike the horses which are pretty cute- the dolls are rather poor- with no joints and weird faces. I don't think they were ever particularly expensive.  Even as a RBB fan I got them and stripped them immediately for their cute clothes...

The Dollhouse / Re: What should I do? (Rainbow Brite related topic)
« on: March 30, 2020, 09:41:29 AM »
The price of Rainbow Brite stuff in general is pretty down right now-  those are the Rainbow Brite 25th Anniversary "re-edition" dolls and ponies.  I thought they were rather cute.  I think the ponies occasionally go for like $50?  They don't come up much anymore for sale.

The outfits are perfect for Blythe FYI

Off Topic / Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« on: March 20, 2020, 09:11:06 AM »
The new death figure is 76, aged between 63 and 95. But there are still younger people at the hospital.
I am happy to see that there are interviews from people who actually did survive. Because it also gives a bit hope that its not an immediate death sentence if you say you have corona.
The Formula 1 car racing has been cancelled. There was a lot to do about it because of the preparation for the track. Some nature had to be destroyed.
As for grocery shopping, its not such a mad house anymore like last week. But still some empty shelves. Some supermarkets also started the "senior" hour early in the morning. But they don't turn away other people. The hoarding also was for online cat food because delivery took a lot longer that usual. I orderded Monday and at this moment I am waiting for the delivery man.
One of my friends has a "luxury" problem. Because all the restaurants are shut he has no place to go with friends. Well time to have take out and go to their place instead. Or cook for each other.

Well of course it isn't a death sentence- there are more than 1100 cases "reported" in my state, only 57 "reported" deaths. 

That said, there are a lot more people sick than have been reported, even the CDC estimates there are probably more than 5000 cases in this state. 
I'm just SURE some of my friends, reporting classic symptoms- definitely have it.  Half my office is out (meaning unable to work from home even) "sick" and there is a huge uptick in "flu like illness" at a time when flu should be dwindling.  Unfortunately, when the US is STILL (and honestly I can't figure out why when so many other countries seem to have it) without widespread testing (even if you have classic symptoms and probable exposure- testing is being limited to health care workers with known exposure and other high risk groups) there is no way of knowing how prevalent it is or how dangerous.

The best thing to do is to play it safe, work from home if possible, cut out all socializing and going out to restaurants-  wash hands like crazy and be ultra vigilant. 

I'm pretty sure the states that are being the most lax now will be in the same place Seattle is, in a few weeks...

As of now, no schools, no restaurants, anyone and everyone who can possibly work from home is being required (or asked) to do so.  Most daycares are closed (ours is).  Gov declared state of emergency and banned larger social gatherings.  The Washington Supreme Court has now ordered that all trials and motions of all kinds in every court in WA be closed unless on an Emergency basis until at LEAST April 27th - unless there are health and safety reasons to proceed. Several of the Superior Courts are entirely closed for any reason due to court staff being sick with the virus. (Kitsap courts)

When this started- I thought that by mid March we'd have a better idea of what was happening maybe have an idea as to when schools would be able to open.  I thought for sure we'd have widespread testing by now so that we could just figure out who was sick and not have to isolate EVERYONE.  But that hasn't happened.  I am disappointed and scared. Things seem to be getting steadily worse not better, and I have no idea where this is going to end.

My business is starting to struggle as everyone working from home puts a SERIOUS spike in productivity and also because the companies we work for- are not paying their bills.  Things need to get better fast or a LOT of small businesses are not going to make it. 

Off Topic / Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« on: March 19, 2020, 10:56:03 AM »
This virus is spreading so fast and will only spread faster in the US- mostly because there are so many who just don't think it is a big deal or it won't affect them and are ignoring recommendations and social distancing.

Italy closed down the hotspots in italy and ignored the provinces that had very few if any cases. Now those province areas have more cases than the previous "hot spots."  If that isn't a lesson for what is going to happen in the US, I don't know what is.  Please read.:

Off Topic / Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« on: March 18, 2020, 12:35:13 PM »
I think if I was a 75 year old right now-  i would probably try and make sure I had a month's worth of food too-  or figure out how to get it delivered.  And then not go out or see anyone. At all.

Off Topic / Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« on: March 18, 2020, 12:32:03 PM »
I've been wearing a mask and gloves at work to try to keep from getting sick, bring anything home to my husband who has reactive airway disease and also to protect others with weak immune systems if I'm carrying the virus and don't know it and two idiotic young men bullied me for it yesterday. I don't get paid near enough for that kind of abuse and never will and those stupid young men need to take this thing seriously because it is serious. Then as I was clocking out, a coworker asked me if I was sick because of my mask. Apparently did not occur to him I was wearing to keep from getting sick. I love how ignorance prevails during this.

I'm sorry to hear that-  there has been a lot of in-fighting at my company too-  also between the people who want to be extra careful and those who want to pretend this is "no big deal" and that it is a "mild flu" that people are just blowing out of proportion.  The company reluctantly agreed to allow people to work from home, but the way they did it was not very gracious. They still have their heads in the sand.  I think that is true for a lot of Americans right now, sadly. 

I'm not sure how there are still people left in Seattle who can think this is "no big deal" but I guess they are avoiding the news.

I don't think those people will take it seriously until someone they know and care about becomes seriously ill or dies.  That is probably not as far off as they think as the cases in Seattle are blooming like wildfire and STILL there is no widespread testing...

I am just so angry that all of this could have been under control right now-  but thanks to current president administration-  they cut the CDC by 80% and fired all leadership who would have been responsible for dealing with a crisis like this.  Look at this 2018 article warning about why this just left us more at risk for a global health crisis or pandemic.  Which happened.

The justification given by the president was that we "hadn't had to use these people in many years" and he could always "hire them back when needed."  Which is like saying - hey, my toilet is working fine now so I'm going to go ahead and toss my toilet bowl plunger.  :(

Now we will all pay the price.  Or rather, mostly our parents and grandparents will.

Off Topic / Re: Coronavirus info, facts & updates
« on: March 13, 2020, 03:47:54 PM »
I'm in Seattle. I think this is where (currently) the worst of the outbreak is in the US.  Of course we really have no idea as the testing has been INCREDIBLY LIMITED in the US and widespread testing is only JUST starting...  which drives me a little bonkers.

A lawfirm down the street from us had a paralegal (age 60 seemingly healthy to her boss's knowledge) go home on Monday with "flu like symptoms" and she "worked from home" on Tuesday and Wed and was found dead on Thursday. She is suspected to have COVID 19 but it is not yet in the news.

Another large employer who employs a co-worker's wife-  has had two confirmed cases of COVID 19 this week- and has sent everyone who can go home- home. But again this is confidential info and not public knowledge as it could cause the company to have a stock crash.

I worry that a lot of companies are doing the same thing. Keeping quiet.

All the big tech companies have mandated anyone who can work from home- work from home.  Schools are all closed. Courts have cancelled all civil motions and trials. 

I don't want to overreact but I don't want to underreact either-  the lack of concrete information about how prevalent, contagious and deadly this disease is, is very concerning. 

There are all these "statistic" and "projections" but if you scratch further, you see that nobody really has any idea- just a bunch of guesses based on incredibly limited data.


She looks very cool!

Pony Corral / Re: Villain toys
« on: March 10, 2020, 08:35:02 AM »
Purple Pieman!  I loved him as a kid, and as an adult I'm sad I sold him in my college years.

I would also like to give a shout out to Nastina from Rose Petal Place.  She was a fabulous doll that I had forgotten all about, and also one who was really fun to play with.

Fortunately you can get him back for about $10-

The grotesque villains certainly have more appeal to adult collectors, and the rare kid. Although I know my sisters and I did NOT care for Purple Pieman. 

I guess its kinda problematic that they tend to make villains for little girl shows ugly distorted characters when in real life, the worst villains usually have a pleasant exterior.  (With the exception of Lady Lovelylocks).  Kinda taught the wrong lesson.  ALthough I guess shows back then were more about selling toys than teaching lessons...

The Dollhouse / Re: JEM IS BACK??
« on: March 09, 2020, 05:08:39 PM »
Yeah, Brian's website is insane in its detail.

It wasn't just the ones with big orders that were pieced out. I got Astral that way (albeit she has no hat). There was one seller who was doing it for every doll. He did it for Regine as well, but I got her on the release, so I didn't try and chase for a loose one.

I did get the Stingers cheap but not pieced out - they were all in box except Rapture was missing a guitar cable I later replaced. But those were the originals, not the later ones with different outfits. Some of the later outfits I like better but yeah, can't afford.

I think the Stingers were 1200 pc and that's a lot. Whereas Regine was 500 pc and it wasn't enough. :/

BUT then again the prototypes for the Stingers (the real ones, I mean) sold for something like 10,000$ collectively (Brian's site probably covers that too, I imagine) so the idea there'd be a huge demand for them is understandable. I know Regine etc also sold quite high but I don't think it was as high.

I also remember RR Jem had a mould problem in her shipment which caused her price to wobble and a lot of people had trouble clearing her at one point because of that batch. Whereas the few surviving real RR dolls always sell for a stupid amount if they come up.

The one character I feel like I missed out on was Synergy. But eh. I can't afford.

Yes I remember the mold uproar with those poor RR Jems.  Also they were a large large edition I think (all the SDCC dolls after the first one were pretty huge editions).

Be glad you missed Synergy.  She is cool but many are finding that the fashion is starting to peel...

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