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Messages - StrawberryMeadow

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The magnets I use were taken from G3s, they're quite strong. You can cover them, just make sure it's a thin covering and always, always check that it's facing the right way before you start :P

thank you so much for this tip. I was trying desperately to find a strong, small magnet and this literally never occurred to me. I had given up but now my problem is solved   :heart: :heart:

I've actually drafted in the mister to help with the manufacturing at this point because with the prep for my Ponycon stall I definitely was aiming a bit high... haha.

Pony Corral / Re: UK Ponycon - Anyone going to be there?
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:23:54 AM »
I think I may be setting myself up for a fall.... I have barely started on my stall prep, as my little one makes it very hard to find the time to do anything (i.e. when he isn't around, as he would definitely try and 'help'!). It's also been hard to get time off over the summer as lots of other people had it booked off, and I'm still getting into the swing of being back at work.

So I have a few days booked off work before the con (I only work part time anyway), and plan on doing it all then - eek!

Dude, I feel you completely. I am barely getting enough sleep, and the huge list of around 100 items I wanted to have ready has been whittled down to about 10. (yeah, honestly, my stall is going to look like a badly-stocked car boot sale). I also haven't yet bought most of the stuff to decorate my stall, and not sewn the stuff I was supposed to sew, and not painted... yadda yadda yadda.

I'm LOSING IT and I have no time off work left to take (full-time).  I'm going to have to admit that actually, I was aiming far too high with this one!  :blush: :shocked: :huh: :( >_< -_-

Can't paint until weekend because light is poops in the evenings. Will do some of the other stuff mentioned in my chicken 'till then. Still struggling with "this doesn't look awesome enough".

Starting to really panic.

Customs / Re: New Nylon from MLC: Lovely Curls
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:24:46 AM »
Pretty! Was it difficult to work with?

Like PKW said, it's just like DH's Nylon. Different colours have slightly diff textures, just like DH's Nylon does. Didn't do anything differently to how I treat my MLP Nylon. So pretty. So perfect for Pinkie. <3

Customs / New Nylon from MLC: Lovely Curls
« on: September 17, 2014, 12:52:52 AM »
I know a few of you were asking about how the new Nylon from MLC curls. You may well have bought some by now, because it took me this long to get round to curling it so I couldn't show you, but here is a Pinkie Pie MH dolly I'm currently halfway through re-face-ing! Sorry I couldn't even remember what the old thread was called, and I'm not a fan of thread necromancy, so I made a new one. Maybe people who have done other stuff with it all can add to this.

As you can see, her Sweetie Nylon took the curls just as well as we'd hope (despite me being a bit of a disaster with the straws and pins).

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sorry the pics are a bit rubbish, still confined to the tragedy that is the camera on my S5 currently. SAMSUNG! Y U DO DIS?!?!  :wail:

But yeah. the new Nylon is lush. The colours are gorgeous. Fin.

Customs / Re: Ghostly Swirls - HP Swap Pony for jupi
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:09:36 AM »
This is amazing. That smoky-wispy patronus floof is just mind-blowingly awesome. It looks absolutely perfect. Completely and utterly perfect.
 :hearts: :straw: :dribble: :dizzy: :iconclap:
It's awesome to have your work in the customs forum again <3

Customs / Re: Mercury and Rhapsody - Rock customs for charity
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:06:11 AM »
Your painting skills are mind-blowing.

I freaked out over these when I met them at PKW's place xx

Customs / Re: UK PonyCon ‘14 Custom Fundraising: Rock Theme!!
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:04:44 AM »
They're all so freakin' beautiful in person. The symbol on that teeny G4 stallion of Freddie, doin' his thing is mind-blowingly amazing. So small and so so perfect.  :freak: :worshippy:

Customs / Re: Official Arena Halloween Swap 2014 Working! Check in 8/30
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:00:11 AM »
Are we supposed to be done by now?!


okay I'm not. Really not. But *flails*   :freak: :freak: :freak:

Can I be done .... near shipping time? Cause that's do~able!

Pony Corral / Re: UK Ponycon - Anyone going to be there?
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:14:16 AM »
I've just moved to Manchester.
But if I can convince hubby we can just go for the Sunday I will! :-D

Jules x

Welcome to the neighborhood!

I'm in Stockport. Whereabouts are you? (don't have to tell me, I'm just nosey!)

Customs / Re: Official Arena Halloween Swap 2014 Working! Check in 8/30
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:12:15 AM »
I'm relatively nervous that there still won't be any Halloween stuff in the shops here when we ship. I've seen nothing so far. My partner might just have to end up with regular treats!  :sheepish:

Customs / Re: WIPs! How many do YOU have?
« on: September 11, 2014, 12:54:48 AM »
You guys make me feel so much better about my 15-20 WIP's!

 :art: :drunk: :frolic:

I post daily WIP pics on my Facebook page if people like that kind of stuff. You can also tell me what you think and who to make there, too! Pretty sure there's a link in my sig....

Customs / Re: Official Arena Halloween Swap 2014 Working! Check in 8/30
« on: September 09, 2014, 06:39:16 AM »
I am mostly done! I had that huge fight with the rain but I managed to save my pony in the end. She still looks like she's missing something I just don't know what yet.... :/ I will keep playing with her and see if I can add something.

Probably more sparkles.

'Cause, you know. Sparkles.

Customs / Re: Official Arena Halloween Swap 2014 Working! Check in 8/30
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:59:36 AM »
Hair is in now.

Mods, you have a PM please.

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