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Messages - Naamah

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Customs / Re: **Magna** World of Warcraft Blood Elf Persona
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:51:45 PM »
WHOA.  She is so sharp and crisp! That is some super-clean painting! Gorgeous!  GAH!

Customs / Re: Undead Ophelia
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:47:57 PM »
Oh, WOW!  Okay, that pony is seriously creepy, so WELL DONE!  I love her!

That fourth picture, with her looking right out at me, seriously for-real made me shudder.

Good job!  Great paintwork with the symbols, and great choices for the hair.  And you rocked the symbolism.  And getting pictures of her next to the water?  Priceless.  Great opportunity!

Customs / Re: Sealer vs. Mod Podge- FIGHT!
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:40:34 PM »
As others have said, Michaels keeps it with the other Testors paints, in models.

I use Dullcote mostly, because Mod Podge never seems to dry completely, and always feels slightly sticky.  If I don't want to use a brush-on sealer, I use Liquitex Acrylic Medium/Sealer in whatever finish I need.  Glossy dries harder, the duller finishes dry slightly grabby, so I water them down and apply them in two thin coats, which seems to solve the problem.

Overall, I've found Mod Podge and other brushable matte finishes to be great for stuff like paper and cloth crafts, and not so much with the ponies.

Customs / Re: Eir - A NET Cancer Awareness Pony
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:37:10 PM »
Oh my goodness!  She's so striking!  I love her!  And that is so sweet of him to think of such a wonderful gesture, and so sweet of you to work so hard to put it together!  <3  And I don't know who did the original art, but it's fantastic.

Customs / Re: Cotton Candy Fair and Bunny Blue
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:34:21 PM »
Oh, the hair!  So gorgeous!  They are both so sweet and look so snugglable! I love the lacy details on Bunny Blue's hooves.  So classy!

Would you mind if I PM'd you about the hair/roving you used?  I am wanting to, someday, do a dryad pony with hair very much like that, and I've been really uncertain about how to go about it.  It's cool if not, I'll figure something out, but it's always worth asking someone who got such fabulous results!

Customs / Re: Fantasy Film Fairy Wings
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:29:32 PM »
I'll second morezmore on ebay as a good seller.  I've bought from them several times and they are really fast.

Customs / Re: My newest customs
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:26:18 PM »
The Sleepy Hollow pony is beautiful! I was like "OOOOOH!" and then I scrolled down to the gradient on the legs and was like "AIEEEEEEE!  OMG!  SO GORGEOUS!"  It really pulls her together.  She is totally dreamy!

The nurse pony is so perfect and simple!  I'm sure your friend's grandmother will love her!

Customs / Re: Butterfly series!!! BIG BUNCH, lots of pics
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:22:52 PM »
These are so incredible!  I can't pick a favorite, I just can't.  The symbols are so organic and swirly and lovely!

Customs / Re: Icy Breeze WIP
« on: October 11, 2012, 03:19:33 AM »
I love the little swirl on her bottom!  And I love to see other people doing facial swirls.  So pretty!  :D  Her hair colors are just perfect! :D

I'm doing a baby snow sprite type pony with fairy wings who has this same basic color scheme, and it's just SO pretty and so soothing to work on.

Customs / Re: Butterfly swap pony for CSA
« on: October 11, 2012, 03:14:26 AM »
I might have to try to type a more coherent reply once I have pushed my eyes back into my skull and picked my jaw up off the floor.


Customs / Re: Hollowed Horse , a halloween custom
« on: October 11, 2012, 03:12:45 AM »
Oh, now that is COOL.  The cutout effect is really creepily effective!

Customs / Re: Bright silver paint recommendations?
« on: October 11, 2012, 03:07:12 AM »
You can't get a completely smooth perfectly metallic finish with acrylic paint, since it's a suspension of mica fragments in the paint, but you can get good results . . . miniature paints can be really good for this; some are acrylic and some are enamel.

I really, really love DecoArt Metallics in Champagne Gold or Shimmering Silver.  Champagne Gold despite the name is actually way more silver than gold, it's just a warm silver, not a cold silver.  And it, specifically, is the brightest silver paint I have found that has not been discontinued.  I use it all the time, and I mix a little of it with other light or cold metallics like silver or steel if I feel they aren't popping enough.

There's also real foil leaf, which comes in silver, but it really, really depends on what you are going to do with it how well that would work.  I've never used it on a pony.

And there's Liquid Leaf which is pretty darn shiny, but it's not acrylic, it's xylene/toluene based, and I have literally NO idea how it would react with acrylics under it or over it, or over raw vinyl.  Also, xylene and toluene are really gross chemicals.

Customs / Re: Mistakes Mare
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:55:18 AM »
Oh, man, this is kind of a fantastic idea!  It makes me want to take my "tester" pony that I perform experiments on all the time and do something like this with her when she finally gets too crowded to work on anymore! :D

And I love the heart behind it.  We should all treasure and love our mistakes, because that's how we grow to become better.  Mistakes Mare would be a GREAT helper, if she were your friend!

Customs / Re: Game of Thrones ponies
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:52:44 AM »
These are so simple and so elegant and so incredibly cool and I desperately wish I could afford the set.  LOVE THEM.

I've done heraldic stuff before, and it's not easy.  You've done a great job of preserving the look of the linework.

Lannister and Targaryen are my favorites.  And not just because they're my favorites in the books.

And wow, that Raincloud hair on Stark is really lovely.  I'mma have to get me some of that color and play with it!  It's lovely!

Given how GRRM has left us hanging . . . I'm really glad you finished the set. <3

Customs / Re: ~~Mare Imbrium~~ Light Up Halloween Pony FS!~~
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:48:05 AM »
As someone who plays with bones in their spare time, I appreciate the accuracy of your pony skeleton.  <3

And I thought she was really cool BEFORE I watched the video!  Wow!  That is really neat!

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