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Messages - lockette

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Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/2/18 Milkweed and Tumbleweed
« on: May 03, 2018, 08:44:46 AM »
one of my fav newborn twin sets, I have them! their faces are too sweet.

@BlushingBlue in my herd Tex is their dad!

Pony Corral / Re: What is your favorite pony color?
« on: May 03, 2018, 08:44:15 AM »
yellow & white, any gen!  I love any shade of yellow pony but especially the bright ones (as opposed to pastel).  the best white ponies imo are the ones with a dark hair color like G1 Glory or G3 Denim Blue.

when it comes to purple, blue, or green, it absolutely depends on the shade and the other colors in her design.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 5/3/18 Big Top & Toppy
« on: May 03, 2018, 08:41:31 AM »
I looove these cuties and want them both! Im a huge sucker for the newborn twin sets and these two are especially lovely.

I've lived in my current place for a year now and my Collecting Resolution this year is to do a lot of maintenance, housekeeping, organizing, etc for my collection.

my bedroom is the only option to keep my collection in, but I have two windows (same side of the room) that get direct sunlight all day. I really really like getting that natural light so I don't want heavy curtains, but I fret about my ponies. this is my setup- the windows are to the right, so even though the sunlight doesn't hit the shelves DIRECTLY, there's enough strong summer sun that it surely bounces off the walls :\

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so I'm seriously considering UV film for my windows. I thought about putting it on the glass fronts of the shelves, but if it ends up darkening the look of the glass or not being crystal-clear, it will really bug me. I'd rather put it on my windows-- I have other toys and such around my room so it wouldn't be a bad idea to protect everything. as it stands, I usually leave the blinds down unless I am in my room for a while and need some light in there.  after dark I usually only use my bedside lamp instead of the overhead one.

the humidity though... this is the first place I've lived in my 32 years that didn't have central AC.  I really hate July and August weather (I live in Pittsburgh), but I can usually cope with some fans running.  but I spent all last summer worrying about the humidity and my ponies.  I should have bought a window AC unit last year when I had extra money but didn't get to it. :\ 

I definitely am going to get a dehumidifier this year as well as something like those desiccate like @ashlyne posted about.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: ✩★✩ My Collection So Far ✩★✩
« on: April 29, 2018, 01:06:22 PM »
 not following you yet on IG... rectifying that now ^_^

she's one of my favorites, I got her a few months ago and I'm still excited whenever I see her. I'm so glad you've been able to add her to your herd! she's so striking.

omg she's perfect whaaaat that is an amazing find!!

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/27/18 Nice 'n Spicy
« on: April 27, 2018, 05:06:59 PM »
I don't dislike her but she's very boring and plain, and I hate her name. it sounds so ridiculous and doesn't work with the "sweet" theme

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/26/18 Nightlight
« on: April 27, 2018, 05:06:04 PM »
oh god I want her

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Pony Watercolor Project (New: Ringlet)
« on: April 25, 2018, 06:12:16 PM »
I love every single one of these sooo much :heart:

I PM’d you the other day on Instagram~ Thought it might be worthwhile mentioning here since it can be weird about showing messages sometimes haha ^^;

thank you for letting me know, I totally didn't see it! replying now! :heart:

Post Merge: April 25, 2018, 06:07:39 PM

Oh gosh these are fabulous! It's weird to say, but too bad we have such similar taste in ponies. That said, we.always need more art of older ponies. I may have to just commission you for money.

haha I know, I almost never have extra ponies to trade away! money does buy me ponies though so just let me know! ;3

Pony Corral / Re: Least Favorite Gimmick
« on: April 25, 2018, 07:29:22 AM »
there aren't many gimmicks I HATE, just don't care for- like the Princess Ponies with the tinsel forelock, I don't think they're awful, they just don't appeal to me.

I wouldn't mind the Surprise Twins pony much if A) she and her brood looked more like an MLP and not a fakie, and B) the proportions weren't SO weird! huge mom and tiny TINY babies? I loved my Puppy/Kitty/etc Surprise plushes (my sis and I had like four each) so the idea doesn't bother me even though it's dopey. the Surprise Twins ponies just don't look like they're even made by Hasbro.

I don't like BBE but I don't loathe them either. I like Frosting well enough. tbh their mold is worse than their eye mechanism! when people de-BBE them they still look ugly to me because of their awkwardly stretched neck and half-open mouth. ugh.

I don't care for the adult ballerina ponies, they look awkward, but I love the baby ones. I wouldn't mind the mega-eyelash Princess if the lashes were better quality, cleaner like BBE lashes are.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/25/18 Baby Snoozy
« on: April 25, 2018, 06:58:26 AM »
I've been collecting since 2004 and only learned about this set of ponies very recently! all the babies from this set are very plain but the idea of collecting them all really appeals to me for some reason (I'm not usually a strict Set Completer). I want one of each!

@Sapphire Rain - PMing you! :heart:

@Nonnavlis - yes that's fine! :rainbow:

Customs / Re: Posting pics??
« on: April 23, 2018, 07:01:24 PM »
tinypic works in a pinch!

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