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Messages - TornadoLovesMelody

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31 32 ... 34
you're evil. Having all your droolworthy ponies pose as models for the pony wear.
bad pony! bad pony!

GL with your sales :D

Wanted! / Re: Any condition Sparkler and flutters!
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:31:40 PM »
I have 2x Lily.

 Both can be found in my albums  :D

Wanted! / Re: g1 quick wants and needs
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:30:31 PM »
I have a pony bride, who I think is in nm condition. she might have a bit dry hair. I could check for ya if you're interested? =)

Off Topic / Re: CRAZY amount of hungry cats!
« on: May 21, 2012, 04:21:05 AM »
Perfect video to show my SO that I'm not the crazy catlady he thinks I am (with  only two cats at home)

Introductions / Re: Hello from Sweden !
« on: May 21, 2012, 03:01:46 AM »
Hi and welcome, fellow Swede!

Where in Swe are you located?
Do you collect g1's(the ones you bought for your daughter) or some other generations?

Feel free to drop me a pm if you need any help. We can chat in English or Swedish, your choice :)

Hope you will enjou the forums!

GL, sry to hear that it's been such a long wait

Yeah, I think this has come to the point where people need to know all the facts in order to be able to help you.

this has been said but:
If the price was agreed BEFORE they bought the item for you then it was settled. You should not have to go any lower neither should they request it.
That's rude and disrespectful.
If, money hasn't been exchanged for the item they were going to purchase for you, I'd go with what Sebby6 said above, and buy the item yourself.

Remember this, it's never too late to back out of a transaction if they are harassing you. It's not ok. NOT AT ALL. Favor or not.
I'm sure you could find someone honest and nice to help you with your transaction.

Or, do as kitkatvintage suggested.
Sure, lower the price, but  take the same ammount of ponies out of the trade  then. If they don't want to pay what you agreed to - then obviously they don't want all those ponies either.

And also, I think it would be good to give the name as I'm sure plenty of us wouldn't want to deal with such a person.

Or, at the very least, mention this in the feedback you leave once the transaction is complete, if you decide to go through with it.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Add to this that IF you do decide to sell internationally, buyers prefer having it marked as a gift as taxes are normally eliminated or at the very least, a lot lower that way.

Best of luck to you - I hope to see that post soon :D

Am I the only one who doesn't put up a picture of an item I'm selling until I've actually taken one? [I know fellow ponies on the arena don't but ..]
I've seen so many stolen pictures lately.
Ebay should enforce some kind of ticket system that forces the user who stole the picture to pay the actual owner of it. Or to force them off ebay.., or something.

Would've been awesome.

Off Topic / Re: 2000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: May 20, 2012, 06:21:14 PM »
;) In that case Good for you :D
And again, congrats ^^

Off Topic / Re: This made me giggle :)
« on: May 20, 2012, 06:20:29 PM »
lol. matching bridle ^^

Introductions / Re: Hi :)
« on: May 20, 2012, 06:16:36 PM »
Hi and welcome :)

I want to apologize for what I wrote yesterday. Feel free to slap me any time :)

Off Topic / Re: 2000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: May 20, 2012, 05:31:06 PM »


I've been on here forever but I still haven't reached that post count. Good job.. or spam? :P

CS Photoshop.

And should all else fail, Paint (but the latter is a windows, read PC, thing)

If you have a certain something in mind I'm sure someone on the arena (me included) could try and fix it for you :)
I'm unemployed anyway! [See, now who thought that would come in handy?]

Off Topic / Re: the official pic thread! post a pic of yourself!
« on: May 20, 2012, 05:27:41 PM »
the one in her belly? :P
[sry people but when you quote, please delete the picture links.. we get way too  big and slow threads otherwise!]
ok i get it:)
and will delete pic links when i reply

That wasn't meant just towards you sweetcakes, it's just that I've noticed some threads (not only on the arena) that, in the end contain about 7 quoted photos or more and ..eeh.. I'm blessed with a quick net and good computer but when it takes time for me to load I just can't imagine what it would do to some others :)

Here I am!  :)

And with my insanely tall hubby at our wedding last summer (less than a month until our first anniversary).  We were 15 when we started dating, our wedding was on our 7.5-year anniversary.  Would you believe that we used to be about the same height?

And most recently, with my mom after we got our hair cut a couple weeks ago!

Zenna, you're pretty as always!

And congratulations on your soon-to-be anniversary.

It's crazy how guys can outgrow us sometimes. Isn't it?
I remember in fifth grade (a long long time ago) I was the tallest person in class... now, wherever I go, I'm referred to as the little one, shortie etc :P
I try to convince myself it's ok, cause I can wear insanely high heels without looking like a tower..

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