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Messages - SurfStar

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Off Topic / Re: I Won't Buy from (Company Name)!
« on: February 10, 2012, 09:16:25 AM »
Well I never watch TV so I don't boycott anything because of commercials - since I don't watch them!

I don't purchase HP products because of the poor customer service issues I've had with them. Apple for much the same reasons.

Mmm. Trying to think of some others.

Wanted! / Re: Can you find on sale Target exclusive ponies?
« on: February 09, 2012, 03:21:31 PM »
I'm heading out towards my Target in the morning. I would be glad to check for you =)

The Dollhouse / Re: What monster would you base a Monster High doll on?
« on: February 09, 2012, 07:48:44 AM »
Mmmm. I think that I would like to see one done on a dragon - rather than just the CAM sets. I think that could be pretty awesome!

Mmm. I remember that rumor. I know that for a while the Live-action version was listed on too. It was something I was looking forward to since the animated version holds a special place in my heart.

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 09, 2012, 06:59:48 AM »

For anyone that would like to be friends on lose it! My user id is: [email protected] =) I'd love to have a few friends on there since I switch back and forth between Lose it and MFP.


Edited with updated user info! Thanks Gypsy!

Eeek I feel like such a slowpoke! xD

I'm still coloring the first and refining my sketch for the second.

Me too! This is the stage where I'm at too. Though I had intended to ship sometime next week to give the cards plenty of time to get there. I am planning on dedicating this weekend for art stuff.

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 08, 2012, 07:42:24 PM »
Mmm kay - I know I've missed a couple of days again so I'll summarize them here.

Monday: Another on the go day. I had an interview in Dallas (3 hours away), so I didn't have much time to exercise. I did get my water and food in but just barely. So 1 point here.

Tuesday: I work all day XD I did figure out that I can keep tennis shoes in my car though and walk on my lunch when it's nice out. (I ended up walking in my heels!). I also walked the dog when I got home that evening. My food was great too, managed to get everything in. For some reason I plan my work meals better than my day off meals! So 2 points here.

Wednesday (today!): Overall good day. I got a LOT accomplished that I needed to get done. I ate pretty well today (though I did have 2 of my home-made soft pretzels - it was worth it!). Got the water, fruit, and veggies too. I wasn't able to squeeze in formal exercise so just 1 point here today.

Oh and I weighed in today - Lost 5lbs! =)

So my total points are: 11

I know I'm looking for some Dream Castle Pieces and Paradise Estate pieces. I've been waiting so I can hopefully just get the few items I need rather than having to buy a bunch in a lot.

I would think the smaller PE items would definitely sell well as single items, since there are a few people like me. Just missing 1-2 pieces.

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:25:55 PM »
No points for yesterday or today - literally spent the entire weekend on the go.

Saturday was get up, zoom out the door for class, then zoom home, then zoom to Austin for Wicked. There literally was no point that day when I was sitting still for 10 minutes - that wasn't class. I also did terrible food wise (not calorie wise, cause I was WAY under) just food wise since I think I ate two meals ALL day. 1 of those meals was the breakfast shake I drank on my way to class. The other was AFTER the play. So definitely didn't meet a single one of my outlined goals that day.

Sunday was... get up at 9 so we could leave the house by 10:30 to be in KYLE (1.5 hours away) to play in our D&D session. That lasts from noon till 6. No veggies were there - spaghetti was served (hefty calorie recipe too). I had a small bowl with light sauce though. Snacked on some candy - mmm empty calories, but worth it since my every other weekend game is the only place I have  a serving. Did terrible with the water (I didn't drink soda, I just didn't drink!). So then the drive home - with wet, rainy weather. Where we got home at 1am last night. I deliberately chose to take a bath instead of walking on the treadmill since I was feeling sore and moody. So no points today either.

Just been on the go-go-go-go all weekend. I hate it when my weekends are super busy like this. =(

Wicked was awesome though! The game was fun! So it was definitely not a total loss and I'm okay with being in charge of my choices. This way I don't feel guilty when I miss a point.

So my total points for the week are: 7

=) Not terrible. I got at least 1/2.

Pony Corral / Re: Houston, TX Meet - Saturday June 9th!
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:15:24 PM »
Oh come now kittybethy, where's your sense of adventure??

 I just got back from Houston.

  I wish it was easier for me to travel that way is all :)

Depending on where you are, we might be able to carpool? I'm in the Central Texas area.

Getting mine done this week I think. I've had some time to sketch but I had to finish two major projects for this weekend.

Off Topic / Re: Anyone Tumblr?
« on: February 03, 2012, 08:50:03 PM »
I do, but I use it to mostly follow other people. I am thinking about posting art or stuff there though.


Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 03, 2012, 08:20:33 PM »
Okay SO a much better day today.

Started off by going to my Dr.Appt, my triglycerides loook great (my birth control sends JUST these way out of wack, BC and my Body are NOT best friends but I have to be on it for other reasons). So I'm glad about that, the rest of my blood panel came back good too. So yay there!

Though I didn't do the formal exercises I'd "planned" - I DID spend about 6 hours today cleaning and polishing EVERYTHING in my house. It was time for my every month clean up, where I move furniture, take everything off shelves. Basically just clean top-to-bottom. My house smells and looks great. So I'm awarding me a point for exercise, since I'm sore and can definitely tell I was working out!

My eating was good too! Even though we ate out for dinner (chinese) I kept to what I wanted - Egg Drop soup, with a little bit of Chicken Chop Suey afterwards. Ate fruit for my snack and got in my veggies. Managed to get all of the water in too.

So I had a much better day today than yesterday.

2 points for me =)

Gypsy - I'll be hitting up some Targets this weekend in the Austin area, you want me to see if I can find you a second school playset? I'm looking for it too but I'd be happy to pick you up an extra if they have more than 1 available!

Mmm tomorrow will be a huge challenge for me since I'm in class for 5 hours and then home for an hour before wisking off to see Wicked. I'll have to see how I manage to fit things in tomorrow, it's going to be a very busy busy day.

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 03, 2012, 08:25:06 AM »
I did good with my food today. However I have the worst migraine and suffered from really terrible nitemares the last couple of nights so I'm skipping the exercise today.

That means just 1 point, since I did make my food goals.

So 5 total.

That's terrible to hear.   :(   Hopefully you will sleep better tonight.  *Wishing you good dreams.*

It must have worked! I slept much better - just sad I had to be up for a doctor's appointment this morning. =) Oh well onto a much better day today!

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 02, 2012, 03:29:11 PM »
I did good with my food today. However I have the worst migraine and suffered from really terrible nitemares the last couple of nights so I'm skipping the exercise today.

That means just 1 point, since I did make my food goals.

So 5 total.

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