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Messages - WingsOfMasquerade

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Pony Corral / Tornado Tail Advice? Pink or White? (1st Mtn Boy)
« on: January 17, 2013, 01:16:36 PM »
I'm the new proud owner of a Mountain Boy!
It's Tornado and he's my first one. Of course, he's not mint. A good portion of his tail is cut away & he's frizzed/dry hair. His head would come off easily so I pulled it off & pulled out his tail. I guess I was sort of surprised it was pink? (Supposed to be pink) the portion inside his body was pink. Like 99% of him I see around his hair is always white. My 1's mane is totally white, except the stripe. What should I do? What's appropriate for a Mountain Boy?

*He looks actually good with white hair. Matches the symbol and seems really appropriate
*Mane is white but COULD be repinked (I've repinked before w/original looking results)*I've got hair on hand that's fading pink or virgin snow white to match the mane, so it could go either way
*Since it's a it like our pony duty to make 100% original _no matter what_ ? I mean, he is special
*He's probably never going to leave my collection

I'm sort of at a crossroads because he looks good white but isn't "authentic" or "original" until he has all pink. And since MB is so rare I feel kind of I thought to ask before I act. Any opinions are appriciated!

Pony Corral / Re: Show me: DG Newborn fakies
« on: January 17, 2013, 01:03:35 PM »
Sorry that I don't have a photo of them MIB...
I don't think I've ever actually seen one MIB, so count me as curious as well.

I've always been intrigued by these guys though. I love them because they're G1 molds, but how did they happen? Why did they only decide on that 1 mold? Didn't Hasbro have a fit? And then...considering how hard it is to get a toy made, how are they as cheap as they were? I think they were (appropriately for a dollar store) a dollar each or something, weren't they? I mean, the hair quality was bad and all but the body wasn't & they had real nice color variety too. I wish whoever had knocked these guys off would do it with another pose. They're awesome for customizing.

Off Topic / Re: Pony Royale and Wind Dancers
« on: January 15, 2013, 04:32:41 PM »
I collect the Wind Dancers!
Is there any page that lists all the WD's with their photo? They are mysterious to me cause there were WAY more than I thought. Like glowing babies & scented ones and all kinds of things. I really like them & hope to get all of them. I think they're super pretty...if a bit small. Their sculpting is really really good though (I guess because breyer) & they chose some neat colors for them. There's also a good variety of poses for the adults, it seems like.

Pony Royale who is on shelves now...I guess I can't pass their expensive 14.99 each price, or their wierd sculpting. Their face is a little over-stylized for me, and that 1 leg is in such a strange pose. Plus don't all of them have the same pose? I think their colors are good, and their gimmick is nice too, where you can buy manes & mix/match them. I think that's really's just I wish they were a better sculpt.

Pony Corral / 2 Diamond Roses: Which one is "Better"? Glimmer vs Regular
« on: January 12, 2013, 04:52:28 PM »
What's the deal with Glimmer Wing ponies being released without Glimmer Wings?
Which version of the pony is considered actually "Better"?

I know the brony side does not particularly prefer the glimmer wings because they weren't in the show. (Aside from Rarity Wings episode but the glimmers never looked like that anyway) I mean a glimmer wing isn't even close to a beddy bye eye, where everyone prefers the NBBE, but as far as "keep 1 MUST sell the other" if you were presented with a MIB regular vs. glimmer Diamond Rose , which one would you choose?
Which version will be sought after more in the future?

I'm not all super up on G4 stuff, but this seems like sort of an odd situation.Like how NonCloth Wing Starcatcher is sometimes preferable to the cloth wing type now, way later after both of their original releases. Was it just because noncloth was less common, or...?

The other day I got a surprise.
My well meaning neighbor went to a thrift store, and brought home to me...Horsezilla. She knows that I customize ponies and fillies, and saw this horse there and decided to buy it. Just how big is Horsezilla?

Powder knows:
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I've never actually seen a toy horse as big as this. What do you think he's for? The hair quality is just okaayy, not super nor horrible. The tail is 100% messed up because of kids. He has a pleasant face though:
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He's not badly constructed either. He doesn't look shabby or fake. I mean, I could customize him (he has all dirt & whatever / not been cleaned yet in these photos) but I honestly don't know what I'd do. Plus, there's NO WAY I have the space for biggie here. He'd be really a unique experience to customize, you could do something super intricate because of his size. But then what? I've known dogs smaller than this toy!

Just thought I'd post him up for the wackyness/interest of OT!
What do you think of him?

For Trade / Re: Common G3 trade page?
« on: January 11, 2013, 02:15:39 PM »
Sending a PM :)

For Trade / Re: MEGA Trade Box! G1 G3 G4 MIBs FSF FF TE & More All Photos
« on: January 01, 2013, 06:30:01 PM »
Oh no it's been more than 6 months!
But, at last the big trade box is updated again. More ponies! Updated Jan. 1 2013. Will be adding more photos later including HappyTails Tall Tails & Fantasy Filly unicorn.

Pony Corral / The Case of the Fading Earring? (Photo inside)
« on: January 01, 2013, 01:34:44 PM »
Did you know that SHS earrings can fade?
I sure didn't. I've never seen it before. Back before the internet I had Fancy Flower too...I thought her hair was supposed to be white, as it had faded so perfectly. That one's earring was pink, but her hair was super white. (Imagine the surprise at finding her hair was supposed to be pink by stumbling across Dreamvalley!) 

Then...on a lot I got this Fancy Flower who has a white earring! It's SUCH a shame that it's broken...ugh...the earring looks really pretty in white too. I don't think any SHS ever had a white earring?

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I actually like her like that too...I wasn't going to keep her since I got a Fancy Flower who has minty pink hair but, now, with that faded earring and white hair it's sort of different enough to be her sister so I wind up keeping both.

Anyway, cautionary tale if you're sunfading a SHS...cover up that earring  :hot:
Thought it was pretty interesting that someone managed to fade an entire earring. Nothing else about her is faded though...bright symbol, everything else is normal. She's even the same green as my normal FF. Does anyone else have a SHS who's earring did something similar? I only knew hair faded, does anything else fade?

Pony Corral / Re: G1 baits, best way to sell?
« on: December 31, 2012, 02:01:21 PM »
The best way to sell them...might be to me!
I would say to sell individuals because people tend to buy baits based on the pose or the color they want for a certain custom they have in mind.
Taking some group photos and posting them up to the sales area is prob. the best idea. There are still customizers around who might like some, I know I can't get enough of customizing for sure. Not sure about the time of year, people could have holiday money they want to spend, but then also newyears & etc / visit family some people may be distracted a bit. Still, good luck & I'll def. be looking at your post if you decide to do one!

Pony Corral / Re: New Repo Princess Wands (Need Feedback)
« on: December 28, 2012, 04:19:03 PM »
These are super cool!
If they are reasonably priced, I'd def. be interested in them. I have 0 wands for the second set of princesses, and they're terribly hard to get.

Sets? Yes!
New colors? Yes!
What if you wanted to make like "Princess Nightsky" custom pony and she should have a wand...then a black or clear one w/glitter in could be so pretty for her.
More demand for a certain hasbro color?
I would think so...just picking whoever was the rarest princess. Isn't it Taffeta or Pristina? If the princess herself is rare, then her wand color would likely also be rare. You could do a poll on here with "who's wand is LEAST owned"?

This can sort of be determined by much do the materials cost? If you got an initial pledge of orders like "oh I want 3 wands to be sure" would the materials cost go down because you bought bulk so you can do a "Pre order sale"?
How long do the wands take to make & how much effort do you have to do on your part?
How many wands can you make per "container" of "wand stuff"?

The only other repro thing I know of is those micro baby plastic ponies that drops out of "mommy pony" of Europe or something that everyone always loses so the originals are MEGA COST...but those repros (I think...correct me if I'm wrong!) are like REALLY hard for the person to do so they're really costly for what they are, plus need to be painted upon arrival.

If they're a cinch & the materials are cheap:
Price them low and sell loads. I would think the customizer's market would be big once everyone got a wand or a stand-in for their princesses. You could also sell them on ebay if you did the "Repro mark" thing to distinguish it from the originals. Ebay is like infinite market if the price is right. If that material you have is opaque also for instance, you could do opaque wands with or w/o glitter, striped ones, etc etc. So there's 2 sets of regular princesses, plus the German variation princesses (or stand ins) so that's a lot of wands people may not have.

If they're difficult & materials are costly:
You'd have to judge it versus the "median price" of original wands. If all the original wand going prices are averaged out, what's that price? You'd have to see if you could beat it, or you might only sell the replacement for the super rare wands. People on ebay's mentality is usually "well I could spend this dollars and get a wand OR...I could bid for this pony..." The original wand prices are your competitor if they're rough to do.

I really like this idea of replacement wands!

The eyes are too small for Enchanted Kingdom (and I dare say too well done--I collect EK a little bit)
The noddy heads do remind me of the old old littlest pet shops, but those are too big for that. The Barbie idea could be right, didn't she have some horses that had a magnet in the nose so that it would cling to carrots or accessories or something? They are pretty though since they're pearly!

Pony Corral / Re: Never released woes
« on: December 05, 2012, 02:22:58 PM »
This Thisssss I agree so much!:
Xeevee: "well, I'm pretty sure I want everything everyone has mentioned.  Why do they look better than everything that has been released? "

WHY is it always like that?
The most AMAZING line-saving things just magically never release, yet we get the 10th version of G3 Pinkie & like 5 of SunnyDaze, but pearly white pony at all. The glitter one who was white is also fantastic, but neither G1 nor 3 ever let out a clear/white glitter one. We got like a bunch of oranges & pink/purples but that's it.

The really rare (not nirvana) ponies seem like this too.
Like the most "outstanding" and expensive ones on the set are also the rarest. Night Glider, TAF Buttons/Munchy(wierd food), BrightEyes/Mimic, Oakly/Cutesaurus/Chacha (oddest animals), the TAF babies/Sweetie Babies and the mountain boys...they're all VERY different from either other ponies on thier set, or other sets of ponies.

Like, you could certainly conceive of somebody like...
Baby Ember - pink
Baby BBE Frosting
Kiss Curl (an almost Poseyclone)
or like...Cotton Candy
 or something being really rare for whatever reason. (maybe she was Mail Order only...etc)

Those examples are cool and all, but none of them is outrageous/wierd/mega-colorful or ultra-different though. It just hits me as wierd that like a super 'plain pony' is somehow also never rare. And then all these amazing different ponies just don't come out at all. I wonder what makes them decide

"Well we could do crystal clear mane 6..."
"NO we need the SAME Pinkie Pie but with a NEW HAT. No one wants crystal clear mane 6"
"Oh ok"

Customs / Re: Rapunzel Hair Color Match?
« on: November 22, 2012, 09:08:40 PM »
I dont have her either, but I remember a similar question coming up about that green Glow n Show...
That like her yellow just looked 'different'. And her answer turned out to be "Butterfly" from Dollyhair, which was Dancingbutterflies (I guess sorta unique) match to her hair. I rehaired my green GNS with it (it had dryrotted and all fell out till 1/4 inch left) then later on bought one who had good hair (kept both...GNS fan here) and it looks really accurate to my newer one of her.

I'm also curious because a baby Rapunzle could be cute, but how to do one without a match/owning her.

Pony Corral / Re: Sweetheart Sister Pony's earring
« on: November 20, 2012, 02:22:06 PM »
I have swapped some SHS earrings before & got a good method...

If you heat up pony in the oven at a low temp, like 150 or so, she'll become warm and squishy. Just stand her in a glass pie plate. Take her out with a pot holder and use a pliars/a spoon/hard metal thing to press on the *back* of the earring. (That bump thing that keeps it in the ear) It'll pop right out without damaging the ear or earring. It works because pony softens but the earring doesn't because its a diff plastic.

To put the earring into another pony, just heat that one in the oven and while she's hot push the earring straight in. It's harder to put an earring in than it is to put it out so heating is great to avoid earring bend/breaking. I've used it like 4 times to remove earrings or swap them out of a bait sister into a mint one. Hope this can help make it go smoother!

Pony Corral / Re: Lolwut? Completely nonsensical backcard stories
« on: October 30, 2012, 03:26:25 PM »
I Countdown's story was rather random?
I think he flew around in a rocket ship that was somehow made of sunlight pieces. I mean, it's ok that the sun is like a character & it can 'do' things, but even still, trying to figure out a rocket that was somehow made of solid light seemed over-the-top nonsense.

Weren't some of the big brother stories odd?
I like the idea of trying to find the most nonsense story of them all!

Other strangeness:
Rainbow babies put their ribbons on the ground and it flew up and turned into a rainbow
Trucker/4Speed made up a candy truck that could really drive (somehow)

I'm no back card expert though, there's got to be wierder ones...and I'd love to hear it.

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