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Messages - PhyllieBean

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Pony Corral / Re: 2012 Virginia Pony Meet - August 18th
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:22:16 AM »
I so wish I could come to this.  I miss all of my VA/ NC people!

Come baaaaaaaack.  It's not too laaaaaaaaate!!  I still haven't made any friends in North Carolina!!!  Lol!

Pony Corral / Re: 2012 Virginia Pony Meet - August 18th
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:16:21 AM »
Well, I'm going to be in town this weekend, however I won't be able to stay for the whole meet if I make it.  So many of my friends made plans for me after I told them I'd be in VA that I'm on a really tight schedule now!  Most likely my neice and I will be there in the morning and be able to stay for a couple hours.  We'd be gone before lunch, so no worry about us using anything up!  Lol!  Sorry I had such a wrench thrown into my planning, I originally planned this trip BECAUSE of the meet!  But with a little as I see my friends back in VA, I have to give them priority with my time.  And I know my neice is dying to see her school friends too, so I'm bringing her along so she can visit before school in NC starts.  I'll shoot you an email tonight for sure though! 

Customs / So what's the deal with G4 baits?
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:10:03 AM »
So I'm getting back into customizing after having taken a...ohhh...3 year or so break?!  Lol!  So I'm just curious, what's the availability of G4 bait like?  I know when the G3's were out people always had them up for sale or trade and just about everyone used them as their base.  However, G3 didn't seem to be quite as OMG HAVE TO HAVE as the G4's are.  It seems to me that finding baity G4's is a lot harder than it was for G3's, or am I just not looking in the right places?  It also seems like if something is not a part of the Mane 6, it's pretty much hands off right?  Obviously I'd be checking if something was rare or not before I ripped all it's hair out, but is there anything that's just totally unheard of with G4 customizing?  Anything that really shouldn't be used or done?  And what's the best way to get a decently priced lot of brushables or even a few FS size?  Is everyone just paying retail and baiting them?  I'm feel so lost! 

PS.  If anyone has a lot they want to sell....*wink wink*  LOL! 

Customs / Re: Bath and Bodyworks Swap: Partners assigned, Start Working!
« on: August 13, 2012, 09:04:30 AM »
I loooove me some bling!  Like a few others said though, moderation is usually key.  I don't think I'd want a pony that was solid crystals, but I love a nice design or spattering of them. 

As for names, I say name it whatever you want!  It's your work, your say!  Lol!

And as for extras, they're totally not a requirement!  But if you like pulling out all the stops, I totally wouldn't turn my nose up at it!  I get the most use out of shower gel.  I've lost count of how many 3/4 full bottles of lovely lotion I have around the house.  Poor stuff never gets used!  I also like anything to scent the house with, room spray, candles, incense, linen spray.  I'm a huge sucker for linen spray.  I don't have a Wallflower, but that't the kind of thing that's right up my alley. 

And the fakie, if it's that G3 mold with the sparkles, I'd say use it!  I love those guys!

How do people feel about extras that fit the theme but aren't from Bath and Bodyworks?  Like still yummy bathroom/smelly stuff, but other brands or homemade? 

I always advocate doing something in healthcare. Makes the job market less to deal with. I'm a nursing assistant and I've only applied to two jobs, both called me back and I got a job with the first one. Just a few months ago when i felt like I couldn't do it anymore I tried to get a retail job and I never got a call back. DX

This.  With jobs as scarce as they are nowadays, even the ones that seemed like the easiest to land a few years ago are impossible to get.  When I moved to NC it took me six months to find a job, which is like an eternity compared to how long any other job has taken me to find.  I was applying for absolutely everything.  I've been a working professional for a long dang time, but because I don't have much retail experience I couldn't even get a bottom of the barrel position anywhere.  I wasn't even getting "thanks for applying" emails, let alone phone calls!  Luckily I found something I love close to home but I'm making half of what I did at my last job.  Meh. 

Back on topic though: I just got your pm about my links Maniah!  I sent you the password.  Sorry about that!

UGH! I cave, I cave. sending in my form.

Mwaahahahahaaaa!!!  Sucker!  Admit it, you saw me sign up and just HAD to jump in!!  :P

Aw Maniah, I'm so sorry to hear that!  Thank you so much for still being willing to organize this swap, I just sent my application in!  I'm curious too what kind of work you do and where you're located.  Maybe we can all keep an eye open for anything that might come up. 

I'm working on my form right now.  Assuming I don't get caught up with anything traumatic at work you'll have it soon!  Save my spot!!   :P

I'm pretty sure I'll be doing it, but I have to get my references and photos together.  Just haven't had time while I'm at work, and I try to avoid my computer as much as possible once I'm home!  It's been so long since I've done a swap I have to go digging all those pics up!  I'll try to get everything to you in the next day or so. 

Customs / Re: Guess the Customizer!
« on: August 06, 2012, 11:07:15 AM »
She reminds me of Woosie's MGR customs!

Customs / Re: Bath and Bodyworks Swap: Signups Open
« on: August 04, 2012, 01:16:29 PM »
I haven't done a swap in forever, but this one sounds like such a cool idea!  I just may sign up, but I want to make sure I don't have too many projects lined up at home first.  So many unfinished things on my house decorating to do list!!  Most likely I'm down for it though, my customs supplies are getting bored just sitting in their boxes!

Pony Corral / Re: Weird Winger pony Sky Dancer?? (Update)
« on: August 04, 2012, 09:08:14 AM »
Maybe I'm just having a brain fart, or maybe it's the just the picture, but....Baby Starbow doesn't have purple hair does she?

Same seller, ended auction:

Pony Corral / Re: Childhood playsets
« on: August 03, 2012, 09:38:24 AM »
I had the Brush Me Beautiful Boutique and the Satin Slipper Sweet Shop.  I gave them both to my cousin when we moved to Vegas (but I kept the ponies) and I sooooo regret that!  One of my goals now is to get those sets complete with box.  I haven't bothered replacing them yet since I haven't found replacements that I've deemed worthy enough!

Pony Corral / Re: G4 Cherilee with bangs question
« on: August 03, 2012, 09:17:43 AM »
Sweet!  Thanks Hathorcat!  If she's not worth more than retail I may just open her up and put her on my desk at work.  I'm not really collecting G4 but she's kinda cute! 

Pony Corral / G4 Cherilee with bangs question
« on: August 02, 2012, 03:02:28 PM »
I feel like this should have been asked a million times before, but I couldn't find anything with a search, so here goes! 

Is Cherilee with bangs considered as hard to find as other brushables with bangs?  And can anyone give me a current going rate for her? 

I spotted one at the store today and grabbed her just in case but I'm not sure I really want to keep her. If she's worth more than a regular brushable I'll probably put her up for sale. Help?  :)

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