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Messages - LadySiha

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Pony Corral / Re: Super Sick~ please send me your best pony pictures
« on: July 07, 2013, 09:12:13 AM »
**Digging through to find my pretty pictures**

How about Seashell chilling out by one of my houseplants?
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Or a cute Mommy/Baby of Quackers?
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Or G3 Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?
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I hope these help you perk up!  Being sick before a vacation is the worst :(
Make sure you're drinking lots and lots of fluids and getting enough rest!!

Pony Corral / Re: I love purple! Show me Purple!
« on: July 06, 2013, 06:48:52 AM »
I only have one purple pony.  Truthfully she's the one that got me started collecting, as I never realized there were sitting ponies and sort of fell in love with her cute pose!
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Off Topic / Re: Share Your Photography!
« on: July 05, 2013, 09:21:00 AM »
Wow!  Everyone's stuff is just beautiful!  And I love seeing lovely pictures of everyone's pets! 

Off Topic / Re: Whats one food item you cant live without?
« on: July 05, 2013, 09:12:06 AM »
I can't live without unsalted almonds, anymore!  I started getting them when I started making bento lunches (to use as filler), a few years ago, and now can go through one of the larger $5.99 bags in less than a week.  It's so easy to grab a handful to munch on while drawing or playing video games, and feeling satisfied with that!

Pony Corral / Re: Pony Luck!!!
« on: July 05, 2013, 09:06:54 AM »
I haven't done eBay yet, though I relinquish to the fact that I will HAVE TO get some of the ponies I want through there.  I work at least 40 hours a week, and don't want to lose a bidding war because I can't stalk the last 10 minutes of an auction :(

So far, I've really only found G3's, but I've had some luck at Goodwill and a local antique mall.  Only downside is that the prices are kinda all over the place.  I'll pay $1.00 for one and then $5.00 for the next few I find.  I can't complain though.  I got a Butter Pop that way and she was only $1.50! :biggrin:

Pony Corral / Re: Munchy the meat eater?
« on: July 05, 2013, 08:51:34 AM »
I think Munchy is super cute!  I like her color combo and symbols!  I have a friend who freaked out when she found out a pony with hot dogs existed, and was thinking about hunting one down, until I showed her that she could be a bit pricey...

Pony Corral / Re: Aurora Plush Catalog Page Pictures
« on: July 05, 2013, 08:49:17 AM »
These are so cute!  I'm excited, the store I work at carries Aurora plush and my boss said we're getting these!  I may have to indulge....

I don't have a collection, per say, but my friends DID make a point of getting me all of the different season deerlings... which I love, and a tiny one that lives on my big Marcus Fenix statue (from Gears of War).  My best friend recently surprised me with a big spring deerling, too!  I completely love them, but don't have any pictures!

If I have time, after my hair appointment this afternoon, I'll try to grab a pic of my stuff, and my deerling army!

Pony Corral / Re: Arena Love
« on: July 02, 2013, 03:54:02 PM »
I have to agree, I feel the same way!  I love ponies and got excited when a whole bunch showed up at work one day and I was tasked with cleaning them (and have brought a few home with me).  But that event led me through this rabbit hole that landed me here, and I'm so happy it happened!  My only close friend was kinda teasing me about my pony love (i.e. "you're such a goon about this stuff") and while I know she didn't mean to be mean, it made me feel like I was too old....  And then I found all of these other grown-ups that love their ponies too!
I love it, and a BIG thank you to everyone as well!

Pony Corral / Re: Show me your fakies!
« on: July 02, 2013, 12:59:37 PM »
I just have to say I've been having an awful work week, and I just looked through this ENTIRE topic and couldn't stop laughing!  I love how so many of these have such creepy dead eyes.... I just don't think I could handle having them in my home...  lol!!

Pony Corral / Re: How/why did you choose your persona?
« on: July 02, 2013, 10:25:20 AM »
I don't really have a "ponysona" however, the name LadySiha does have a meaning.... sort of...
My, possibly, favorite video game series, ever is the Mass Effect series.  In it there is an alien comrade you can recruit named Thane Krios.  Now... crazy as this sounds with him being an alien and all, I find Thane to be ridiculously attractive... both in appearance and personality.  If you're not familiar with this game series, you can play as either a male or female protagonist!  If you play as a woman, you can pursue a relationship with Thane.  The petname he gives you is "Siha" which he later tells you are "the warrior angels of the goddess Arashu" (a goddess in his religion).  The first time my character had this interaction with him, I was extremely touched.  I also like the way it sounds. 
When I was trying to develop a grown up persona, on the internet and especially for cosplay purposes (because LostFallen_Angel sounds very immature when you're almost 30) Siha popped in my mind.... but the first place I tried to claim it, someone else had gotten it already... hence, LadySiha!  I'm a grown up, that angel thing sort of sticks with me (for those that know what it means), it honors my favorite video game character to romance, and shows my love of video games and Mass Effect!
If I ever did make a ponysona.... I would call it Siha, it would have brown and pink curly hair and have pink and black feathers as a cutie mark... I'm not sure what beyond that, though.   

Off Topic / Re: When you're half asleep do you do crazy things?
« on: July 02, 2013, 10:07:37 AM »
I have the tendency to fall asleep early at night (sometimes as early as 8am) because I sleep on the futon in my living room because I have pretty bad back problems and it works better for me than my mattress.  The results in a really weird sleeping pattern, in which I'm sometimes up and completely awake for an hour or 2 after 1 or 2am.  I also use my cellphone as my alarm (and this is all relevant....)
My best friend is a complete night-owl who I'll often be texting before I pass out, or will text during this odd period I'm awake.  I've had entire conversations that I don't remember, though.... I'll wake up and read these completely coherent conversations on my phone I never remember having! 
The best ones though, are the non-coherent messages I send.... which have gotten more hilarious and worse since I started using Swype on my phone... Unfortunately, I haven't done it lately so I can't share any.... but there are many jokes made about them.... :lol:

Also.... if it's hot, I'll undress.... I never remember it.... I just wake up in the morning missing clothes.  Sometimes they're across the room, which makes me think I must wake up angry and hot and just chuck them across the room.... I lose socks that way, though...

Off Topic / Any other Cosplayers? Show me your stuff!
« on: July 02, 2013, 09:12:14 AM »
I've been cosplaying for a few years, now, and wondered if anyone else actively did?  I'd love to see everyone else's stuff, too!  Please share, and I'll share mine!  I'd love to hear if there's anything else you have in the works or are planning in the future, as well!
Also, any fun cosplay related stories would be great, too!

I mostly stay in the realm of Western cosplay (as in Western games and, in one case, cartoons).  I'm interested in doing a few J-RPG characters (all male, because I have a great  face for it), but my love of Western games tends to get in the way.

I make 90% of my own costumes.  What I mean is, I buy pieces where I can (like for Princess Bubblegum I just bought a blue fitted tee, pink cardigan and FOUND appropriately colored tutus) and make as much of it as I can.  I like to have a heavy hand in creating pieces because I'm a fan of personal details.  Things that aren't necessarily there or couldn't be seen on the actual character. 
However, I've been considering squirreling money to have an original Pink Ranger costume commissioned.  It would be a lot of fun for me, and that's a lot of costuming I can't possibly do myself.

Morrigan - Dragon Age: Origins (though now I'm itching to do a DA: Inqusition one)
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While wearing (and working at a convention) wearing this costume, I got asked out.  Basically, "if I see you out can I buy you a drink?"  I said yes, simply because my mom didn't recognize me the first time she saw me wearing this.  There was no way some random guy off the street would recognize me out of it.  In fact, he came by our booth a different day and didn't say a word to me when I wasn't wearing it  :lol:

Anya Stroud - Gears of War 3
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Yes, I made this armor (though I've been accused of not by someone I beat in a costume contest while wearing it) and my gun is a customed NERF gun, not a replica Lancer.  This costume took me many hours over the course of 6 months, and I'm insanely proud of it.

"FemThane Krios" - Mass Effect Series (I'm the one on the right WITHOUT the cool sniper rifle)
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According to the vest pattern I used to make my jacket, that vest was supposed to be fitted.  I didn't have my dress form (I call her Ruby) at the time, so when I had the first bits sewn together (which didn't take long at all) and tried it on, it fit me like a potato sack! :shocked:  I then spent, at least, 4 hours taking it in... This is why I HATE and rarely use actual patterns....
Fun side story!  While in the vendor's hall, wearing this, some random guy was staring at the exposed portion of my chest so hard that he almost ran right into me (don't worry, with the amount of fashion tape there, nothing was moving), then when he actually spun out of the way almost ran into my husband.... and yes, I find that completely hilarious!

Princess Bubblegum (Susan Strong Episode) - Adventure Time
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Easiest costume I ever put together.  Even though it involved making a bubbleskirt (with a waistband and zipper) all of which I'd never done before.

Dr. Steinmann-inspired/Victim Splicer - Bioshock
(spoilered for the light-hearted - it's a bit gorey and potentially disturbing)
I really, really love this costume.  I was fun to make and play with different ways to distress and dirty up the slip (and stockings) that I wore.  Though I consider it a Bioshock Splicer, it really borderlines on original character idea, and that made it really fun for me!  I was in a "group" with another friend who had a Splicer costume from a few years ago.  He was the one that got me to play, and love, the Bioshock games, so it was really fun to do a Splicer with him!

In the future?  I mentioned the Pink Ranger.  I've had Merrill (from Dragon Age 2) actually in the works for over a year now.  However, a lot of her details are very time consuming and I tend to not even look at the costume for a few months at a time when I can't take anymore dinking around... 
I really want to do an alternate appearance Tali from Mass Effect 3 (with removable mask, appropriate wig, contacts and face paint).  Also, Trance Kuja from Final Fantasy 9.... I actually have some fabric and various pieces purchased so I can start it... but plans on this are really big and going to involve a lot of latex make-up, so it's on the back burner for now.
I actually want to do a few alternate appearance Morrigan (from DA:O) based on some sketches I was playing with.  It would involve lots of pretty flowy fabrics and black feathers!  I love Morrigan so much!

Pony Corral / Re: Why Do We Collect......
« on: July 02, 2013, 08:23:44 AM »
A few reasons, I guess.
I do sort of collect things.... sort of... mostly vintage video games (NES and SNES are my favorites, but I have some orignial PlayStation gems, too), and the occasional Hello Kitty thing...  You should see my kitchen!  When I moved away from home, my mom started getting me all the Hello Kitty appliances :frolic:
I like cute things, in general.  I have all manner of cute (and often Japanese) things around my home.  My ponies fit in very nicely alongside all of my Hello Kitties, Domo-kun plushes, chibi Final Fantasy characters and even a red amigurumi cthulhu that looks an awful lot like Zoidberg!
Looking at them just makes me happy.  Seriously, I have a bad day and I look at my ponies and it actually makes me feel a bit better.  Especially my blind bag Pinkie Pies that a friend gave me - after telling me that I'm their personal Pinkie Pie.
Finally, my parents never had a lot of money.  They gave me what they could, and gave me an awful lot of love, but I never really got a lot of toys.  So now, I have some disposable income, and I can give myself something I couldn't have when I was a kid.  I think it's the same reason that NES ans SNES games are my favorite kind to collect. 

However, just like anything else I collect, I'm by no means a completionist... I just tend to pick up the things I like (like my Gingerbread, Sugarberry or Quackers) or that jog some lovely nostalgic memory for me (like the Up, Up and Away my best friend got me when I was 3 or 4 years old) :)

Off Topic / Re: want to see my garden?
« on: July 01, 2013, 03:56:36 PM »
So jealous!  I always loved gardening, but now I live in an apartment with no patio... I help out at my parents when I have time, and keep a few houseplants but it's just not the same...

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