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Messages - GazeboMouse

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Off Topic / Re: What was the last film you watched? :)
« on: February 18, 2012, 02:31:54 PM »
'Don 2' starring Shah Rukh Khan!

I'm into Bollywood, but this was the silliest Action film I'd ever seen. And I haven't seen 'Don 1' either, so that plus the copy my friend gave me to watch didn't have English subtitles on it, meant that I was a bit confused. I do understand some Urdu, and quite a few lines in Indian films are spoken in English anyway, but still confusing. The bank robbery scene took up what would normally constitute the time taken to show a Hollywood film alone!
But at the cinema, the last 2 films I saw were 'Ra One' (Pretty good Bollywood Sci Fi film starring Shah Rukh Khan,  when computer game characters come to life and chase after each other) and the latest in the Twilight Saga, which I only watched since I'd read the books and seen the other films, I was rather self conscious surrounded by teenage girlies ahh-ing at wedding scenes and Robert Pattinson's chest.

Wanted! / GazeboMouse's Updated 80s Wishlist-80s toys
« on: February 18, 2012, 02:05:13 PM »
Been out of circulation for a few months but now I'm back!
Only really trading at mo as ponyskint. International postage is pricey so probably best just trading in UK or Europe in reliable countries. My main want at the mo is vintage Pound Puppies.
My trade page is here:,287924.msg68230.html#msg68230
with Photobucket link to my trade stuff.
Individul items in BOLD most wanted


Tic Tac Toe - Nice condition
MLP Panini Stickers from early 80s: Nos:
2 4 16 18 20 22 26 30 35 38 39 41 50 52 54 55 59 65 68 69 73 74 80 81 83 95 102 103 116 118 120 124 126 127 128 131 132 139 140 141 149 151 152 154 160 169 170 172 175 176
- Backcard for G1 Butterscotch (UK),

Vintage and Misc toys wanted

Vintage early 80s (Tonka/Irwin/Hornby/Wauzi etc) Pound Puppies
 I don't collect anything from the Hanna Barbera American cartoon series of (dressed) pups. I don't collect merchandise unless Hornby, just pups, although I have ended up giving a home to several Pound Pur-rr-ees too! Dalmation and brown or black larger pups are currently under-represented in my collection, but I will consider all pups on individual merit.
I already have the Hardees Dalmation and grey Hardees pups with the sewn-in red ribbon collars, I need Hardees short eared black pup.

Vintage Kenner Strawberry Shortcake
-Orange Blossom Regular issue's hat, plus will rescue any cheap unwanted Vintage OBs and bits of OB clothing in any condition!
-PVC Minis- lots I still need
- SSC PLASTIC Tea Time Turtle
- SSC Huckleberry's hat and shoes and Pupcake
- SSC Blueberry Muffin- complete with Cheesecake

Cabbage Patch
- Coleco Headmould HM8 and Headmold 9 black (Af/Am) boys
-Toys R Us TRU headmold K4 brown eyed white/hispanic brown onion haired boy
-TRU K7 black boy
- PVC vintage Coleco black Cabbage Patch Kids minis and poseables that I don't have
-Vintage Cabbage Patch - Coleco blue/aqua sailor and elephant rompers/corduroy aqua snowsuit outfits

Blue button clip accessory for Willie Winkle
Green chair, bureau for Jewellery box house

-Bandai Tiny Blessings dolls: Tiny Christopher, Philip, Elizabeth and accessories.
- Early 80s Pink N Pretty Barbie- black Barbie/Christie version
- Early 80s Black Crystal Barbie (have dress already but, no doll!), boa would be nice too.

PVC minis- I collect ones I don't already have:
- Vintage SSC minis
- Kiwi Folk (NZ exclusive)
- Muppet Babies (not American McDonalds ones). Often marked 'Applause'.
- Sesame Street - not a major want, but I accumulate them!
-White Oodles baby standing with turquoise bottle. 

Things don't have to be mint condition, just as long as they can be cleaned up, paint touch ups, or stitches replaced, no missing legs or anything...
Thanks for reading! :frolic: [/size]

Customs / Re: Six Broadway Customs (many years in the making!)
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:58:36 PM »
My Afrobay says he likes Pearl! He loves a girl on roller boots.
My fave is probably the Cats one since you have got the character so right!

Customs / Re: Drastic Reposition Epona Custom - 2/13/12 Done!!!! :D
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:55:05 PM »
That makes a MLP so horse-like! Love it! I've never been a fan of G3s but if they can look this good I'll have to think again! Not that I'll be able to get the legs attached as perfectly as you have, but I might try!

Customs / Re: Are DG fakies still customised?
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:51:51 PM »
I so wish they'd sold those fakies over here! I want a pale yellow and a Butterscotch colour one so my 2 fave ponies can have foals!

Pony Corral / Re: How long will you collect?
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:49:46 PM »
When I have the few ponies still on my wishlist, and all the stickers in my childhood  Panini album. Still want to go to Ponycon if it is within travelling distance by public transport of my house, so will be on the boards, and like looking at others collections.
Ponies are just one of a multitude of collections here, and since my house is already bursting at the seams, only my fave ponies will ever live here...

Off Topic / Re: Kids and random pickyness!
« on: February 12, 2012, 10:58:16 PM »
If it is any consolation... I work in a Special school. When one of my little friends who is severly Autistic first started school, for over a year he'd only be persaded to eat dinner if we poured the tinned spaghetti over the top that his mum had to send with him in a Thermos flask each day. Whatever the food that was on the plate.
Another boy would only eat his very limited (particular melt-in-the-mouth-type crisps, pot of porridge, custard cream biscuits) packed lunch if the spoon was dipped in yoghurt first before every mouthful!

Pony Corral / Re: Best Blind Bag Display Case Ever!!!
« on: February 10, 2012, 11:38:10 PM »
Lots of wooden storage goodness.

Pony Corral / Re: So, which pony changed your mind?
« on: February 10, 2012, 10:42:47 AM »
I hated unicorns, but thought I needed Majesty for my collection bearing in mind how important she was in the Panini sticker album, which was the only Pony info I had until my adult collecting life. So I got Majesty, and thought that actually it wasn't so weird to see a horse with a white horn coming out of it's head, as ones with white horns look like unicorns, and to me horses with matching coloured horns coming out of their heads are just mutants! (Sorry, unicorn fans, but it's true! Tee hee hee). Now I am fighting with some warm fuzzy childhood feelings since my childhood friend had Gusty too, and I thought I only had room for one unicorn...

Pony Corral / Re: So, blind bags...does everyone want them?
« on: February 10, 2012, 10:35:45 AM »
I have no interest in MLP that aren't original G1. But I found the Blind Bags in my supermarket on the way home from work today. I had remembered mysteriously that the Applejack one was number 19, so I delved into the box and had a look. Just because I was passing that aisle. But there wasn't one. I picked up my shopping basket and was just about to move on, when I thought
"Hmm, I wonder if any have fallen out of the box onto the shelf behind something else?"
So I put my heavy basket down again (still clutching 2 other bags and my rucksack over my shoulder though) and moved the box. And found another box of them behind. So I had a quick delve, and guess who jumped into my basket? Couldn't buy the toilet roll cos the pony cost my last £1.70, but I got it to match the only other G4 pony I have, Applejack in case you couldn't work it out.
I've just had a look on several websites at pictures of the other ones, and like a few pony's colours, they don't look like MLP to me, but a lot nice looking than those ugly 3.5 things, so if I found them in a charity shop in future months they will come home and live with me!

Off Topic / Re: Time and Relative Dimension in Space
« on: February 10, 2012, 10:13:53 AM »
My fave childhood Dr Who was Peter Davidson, but David Tennant will be my fave of all time. The Sylvester McCoy episodes I found the most scary in the  pre 'Dr Who relaunched several years later with Christopher Eccleston' days. I've seen all episodes that have been on BBC, sadly some from the early black and white days were destroyed years ago.
Don't know if you can still buy them, but here in the Argos catalogue they used to sell TARDIS canvas wardrobes for about £40! More expensive one here

Pony Corral / Re: What came first?
« on: February 06, 2012, 09:24:58 AM »
I didn't know the G1 MLP cartoon existed until 3 years ago! It was on the channel I didn't watch in my house in the 80s so I hadn't seen it.

Off Topic / Re: Your favorite collection - other than ponies!!
« on: January 30, 2012, 01:43:40 PM »
I have so many collections it is so hard to decide. Probably 30 or more collections of various things.
So either my West End Musical theatre programmes and souvenirs, which I've collected since I was a teenager, my gemstones that I've collected since I was 5, or my Japanese art books. Those I'd miss most if they vanished...

Off Topic / Re: Downton Abbey
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:41:54 AM »
I watched both the series, not exactly historically accurate, (spot the tv ariels etc!) but gives an idea of what my great grandparents did for a living!  (great grandad was a Butler to a Lord somebody, and another relative was a ladies maid). It was actually made for ITV in the UK, not BBC, which as I am a BBC snob shows why there are mistakes in it! Tee hee.
I like the elderly countess, some of her looks are priceless!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: My Nov-Jan Brags - TOTALLY WORTH VIEWING!
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:26:28 AM »
Never seen the cases before, wow!
Love the gymkhana set too, I've got most of the pieces, can't wait to get them all and introduce my Butterscotch to them.
Congratulations on all your ponies!

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