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Messages - Dragonflitter

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Pony Corral / Re: ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ - Friendlyness on the Arena
« on: February 13, 2012, 01:49:04 PM »

really stupid question, but any idea how this started? i mean i never noticed this with g3, or did i just not see it? hope i make sense!

It's just a little clashing of very different demographics. When something gets super popular, this tends to happen.

For example, when I was in high school only 'nerds' like Japanese anime. I was President of my school Anime Club and we were all a bunch of nerdy kids lol. Then they started showing it on American tv a lot and suddenly a lot of the 'cool' kids were into anime. The clashing of these two different groups of people at my club resulted in a lot of iffy moments and tension between some people. Sometimes we all just need to take a step back and breathe, and remember what we all have in common.

The MLP communities are seeing the same thing now, as different demographics of people come together. But it's nothing we can't overcome. We all like ponies! :)

Pony Corral / Re: Tada - look what I found, Freak Rarity!
« on: February 13, 2012, 01:39:45 PM »
That's truly bizarre! Wow you have an amazing find there, what a weird factory flaw!

Pony Corral / Re: wahoooo skywishes bonus pack now in
« on: February 13, 2012, 01:30:22 PM »
She's gorgeous!

I just paid an oodle for her on ebay, I really hope she doesn't come to the US, cuz then I'll be kicking myself. XD

Pony Corral / Re: Blind Bag Frustration.
« on: February 13, 2012, 09:00:47 AM »
My story:

There are 3 Wal-marts within 30 min. drive of my house. 2 of them have never gotten the blind bags and don't even have the UPC code in their system. 1 of them did have it, but when I got there only half a box was left. I bought those and have been calling, but so far they haven't gotten new stock in yet.

Decided to expand my search a little and went to 2 other Wal-marts within 45 min. drive of my house. One didn't have the UPC code in their system, so I assume they won't be getting them. The other store did have the UPC code but didn't have any at the moment. :( (I should have called first and saved myself the drive!)

This last one I chatted with the manager quite a bit. He brought out the gun they use to look up the UPC code and even was able to look up if any other stores had the toy in stock!! He found one Walmart that had a bunch of them but that Walmart is like halfway up the state and I'm not driving THAT far lol.

He told me he has put out an order for 48 of them (so, two boxes) but there's no way he can tell me when they will come in. It's up to Hasbro.

So currently both of the Walmarts in my area are waiting for Hasbro to ship them new boxes, and have been waiting for quite a while. Seems to me that Hasbro can't keep up with the blind bag demand?

Pony Corral / Re: ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ - Friendlyness on the Arena
« on: February 13, 2012, 08:52:53 AM »
Out of all the many places on the internet I frequent, the pony communities have always been the most welcoming. I feel safe here in ways I don't feel anywhere else!

Thank you mods for this reminder and please let's keep this place a friendly and welcoming corner of the internet. :)

Pony Corral / Re: Pic of the New US Mcdonalds Ponies!
« on: February 10, 2012, 11:10:15 AM »
For anyone curious and doesn't want to subject themselves to McD's food (bleh) you can totally go in and purchase the toys by themselves. People do that all the time. They usually come to about $2, and usually most McD's have two toys at a time (in case the child already has one, they can get the other). I don't even go inside most times, I go through the drive thru late at night. :P

Keep in mind it's better to go when they're not busy (so not early morning when they're doing breakfast, or right at lunch or dinner time). McD's workers have a lot of pressure put on them to get orders complete and food out within a minute or two. Trying to stop the flow of orders so you can look at which toys they have disrupts them and might get you an annoyed look from a worker trying to keep up the pace. If you go at a slow time of day, the McD's workers will appreciate it and will be happy to look and see which toys they have. :)

I will be getting Rainbow Dash and Lily Blossom--a love her toy and backcard image! ^^ It would be awesome if she showed up on the show.

Pony Corral / Re: Question for my mom about one of her ponies
« on: February 10, 2012, 10:07:19 AM »
That's a pony from 2007. I would say between $7-$15. :)

Pony Corral / Re: All-encompassing symbol search?
« on: February 09, 2012, 04:32:46 PM »
You guys are awesome, thanks! I'll check these search engines out, and if I can't find some good ponies that match what I need, I'll come back here and make a list for people! ^.^ You're all so nice!

Pony Corral / Re: $36 minty????!
« on: February 09, 2012, 03:50:42 PM »
I think heart hoofs being switched around on G3s is relatively common. I know I have a couple ponies where the hoof hearts are on different feet.


Originally the hoof heart was always printed on the display side, regardless of which hoof had the magnet in it. Later they decided that the heart was to show you which foot had the magnet, so they put it on even if that hoof was the non-display side.

They made the switch fairly early on, so a lot of my 2003 ponies have the hoof heart on the 'wrong' side (the hoof without the magnet) but any pony in years after that always has the hoof heart on the foot with the magnet (well, with a few rare exceptions like Star Catcher who has those curly markings on her feet).


If this messes up my Caramac ship, I will smash all of the things.





HA. I WISH Hasbro and other companies would be progressive enough to consider same gender relationships....

Although, as been said, it doesn't seem like lovey-dovey couples is really a theme one would associate with FiM...

Then again, if the toy line theme this year is weddings, who knows? Maybe more couples will be popping up on the show.

Pony Corral / All-encompassing symbol search?
« on: February 09, 2012, 07:06:08 AM »
So I had a thought as a kinda joke gift to get all my RP friends mlp's that represent their RP characters. Mostly I'm just going to try to find a symbol/cutie mark that represents the character, and maybe match colors if I can.

Is there a place online I can go to do a search? Some of these characters are really random and my memory doesn't work so good these days! ;P (For the life of me, I can't remember if there's a MLP with a flamingo as a symbol...)

I am hoping to find a cutie mark search engine that includes all generations, because I don't really mind if I'm giving them a G1 or a G3 or G4.

For example... was there ever a pink MLP with a flamingo for a symbol? Or a green MLP with a star/stellar/cosmos kinda symbol? What about a cat? Tropical fish? Bluejay? I have all these ideas for symbols that represent my friends' RP charas, some of them funny! But it'll be almost impossible searching through 25+ years of ponies to find the right ones....

Thanks for your help guys. I know it's a weird, specific request. ^^;;

Pony Corral / Re: Ohh that gorgeous G4 reversed mane Cupcake... pics?
« on: February 08, 2012, 11:18:45 AM »
Ohh, that explains it. XD Thanks!

Pony Corral / Re: Ohh that gorgeous G4 reversed mane Cupcake... pics?
« on: February 08, 2012, 11:06:19 AM »
Wow Cupcake looks beautiful with blond up front!

Slightly off topic... can someone explain to me what Taobao is? I am seeing a lot of strange ponies on the Arena saying they are from Taobao, but when I type in it looks like an ebay-type auction site with Asian font? o.o Me so confused!


I went to SDCC the year that they were selling the white SDCC pony.  I can't remember if Star Catcher had already come out or if she was about to come out, but one way or another I got to talking with the Hasbro reps there about Star Catcher, and they said . . .

She was being released to gauge if little girls like pegasus ponies.

This is especially awkward for marketing since she was a mold they didn't plan to use again, her wings were not styled like MLP wings had been in the past or would be in the future, and she was more expensive than the regular singles! Geez. If Star Catcher didn't sell, it wasn't because little girls didn't like pegasi, it was because their moms realized they could buy two regular ponies for about the same price of Star Catcher.

I suppose if the wedding castle doesn't sell well, Hasbro will think little girls don't want to play with boy ponies! -_-

Pony Corral / Re: I need a little Help on some early G3's
« on: February 08, 2012, 08:28:30 AM »
The first pegasus pony that came out for the G3 line was Star Catcher, she's white with big blue fabric wings, you can't miss her. She came out in 2004. Baby Honolu-loo, the only pegasus baby (although there was a 'little sister' in later years), came out in 2005 with the Butterfly Island Playset.

In 2005 we also got our first pegasi singles released. First Cloud Climber and Coconut Grove (scented). Then later on Island Delight and Thistle Whistle (scented).

Then in 2006 there were a group of other regular single pegasi released. Royal Rose, Silver Glow, Morning Monarch, Twirlerina, Twinkle Bloom, Daisy May. The last two Twilight Pink and Windy Wisp, were late 2006 - early 2007.

I think that's about it for the G3 pegasus line.

ETA: Oh, wait, there were a couple more. 2007 had singles Pearly Pie and Aurora Mist. And there was a "big sister and little sister" pack in 2006 named Tira-Mi-Su and Mochonut. Also a holiday pony in 2007 named Snow 'El. I think that's all of them.

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