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Messages - Crowning_Glory13

Pages: 1 ... 239 240 [241] 242 243 244
Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 20, 2012, 06:49:48 PM »
2 points today. Blind bags came in today. So i picked up a few...well a lot. So the only way i can open them is to reach 2 points a day. I also picked without looking at the big surprise...and no i will not check numbers because i want to put some drive back in me. Cherry Spice was for today!

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 19, 2012, 03:27:10 PM »
Friday 2 points. Did the rep work out. Sat did a work out but i was visiting home so all that home cooking. My work out was playing with cows. Today played dance game with my nieces....i am slowly getting over my sadness...

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 17, 2012, 05:52:47 AM »
Got my two points yesterday...i didnt want to work out....but i have to return just dance 2 to my nieces so i wanted to do all my favorite songs...

Still bumbed but getting better

Pony Corral / Re: What's going on in your 'niche' of the Arena?
« on: February 16, 2012, 07:58:43 AM »
This is kind of nice....a little bit of updates from each section...sometimes I get in my rut and only see one or two areas...but seeing as there are cool thinkgs in each one...I have got to check those out:) Thanks for posting:)

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 16, 2012, 07:49:50 AM »
Sorry I skipped an update. Tuesday 1 point for working out...with it being V-day dinner wasnt the best...but my hubby and I really dont go out much so I am not too mad at myself. I made sure to only eat a small portion of dinner so that I could have smaller meals of it later:) We also like the idea that if you pay ext $50 for two people but get 3 meals out it...then it is worth it:)

As for Wed. Only 1 point again. Ate very well but didnt work out...I got very sad. The whole reason I started this was to get a good jump start on getting fit for the swim suit part of the state pageant in March of 2013...well due to our recent move and my hubby starting his own is really I do not spend $1000 of dollars to do this...but a high entrance fee and small expeditures make a total of alot of money to be spending in a we talked and it was decided to hold off. I might be able to do 2014 but who now I have kind of lossed my purpose. I am not upset with my hubby or anything. I was figuring that this could have happend. I am just bummbed out. Its like working out for 30 min every day for a week and only loosing a pound...its ok but you expected something more....sorry this will get to be long..but I need some advice. So my other goal is wearing outfits that I am too big for...well I have gotten to fit 1 out of the 3 I was going for. 2 of those were sweaters and with it close to spring...I wont even get to really wear them:( Then I look at all the ponies and think...yeah ponies and then I look at my track record and think I am not going to win:( So I feel like I have given up or lost any real far the only claim I have is I flozz my teeth every day my teeth hurt in the morning. Well I do most of my errend shopping in the morning before work...I havent bought anything that I dont need because my teeth dont want to be chewing right now:P hehehe. I am proud that I have found that...

I just really have lost alot of my hope to keep going....I am going to keep trying but any way to help inspire me to keep it up would be great. I am chaning my work out because doing it just makes me want to cry. I really wanted to do that pageant this year....and I know I will get to but I just see 2014 or later as a ball drop. So I am putting my cals to 1600. Hubby looked at my food intake and his and we both said we need a we set up the rest of this week and I think we can do the 1600. Its a drop but we changed alot of food to have more veggie and fruit for us. My am pm work out is going to change to an evening one. I will eaiter do 6 reps of 12, dance game for 10 songs, or wii fit for 30min. I saw that the work out I was doing was great...and great for less time. It has shown alot of changes in my body...but one it makes me cry thinking of no pageant, two I could do it at work but I would get it done before i leave work. so i would come home and sit on my butt...seems like not a good option....and three I just need a change. my goal is to do it every day....trying to make it a habbit...

I dont think I will ever make it to 130 by the time we are done, I just feel like a really big looser...and not the TV show.....I know I need to work out but I dont want too:( I dont want to eat either...sorry this is so long and sappy.

Off Topic / Re: Do you have a good support system with your collecting?
« on: February 16, 2012, 07:31:05 AM »
Everyone tells me they support me...but they have a hard time with it. G4's I can go buy 1 a month to save money. I sometimes wait until a special day to get them....but sadly no one likes to get me pony. So they say yes we support you but we wont buy you any....:P

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 13, 2012, 05:45:05 PM »
Got my cals lower today. 1700.  Killed my work out but 4 inches of snow and. The 1.5 hours it took me to shovel my drive way:) woot 2 points

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 13, 2012, 08:36:15 AM »
I just saw some of the point totals and yeah.....competative nature is taking over...hehe. so far i have done ny moring work out! So wish me luck. I am giving up my afternoon snack. I think i only eat it because its lets see if i can do without.

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 12, 2012, 07:29:16 PM »
1 prizes have been a great motivator.....with pics coming layer they have rejuvenate me to keep going.....big note to self. Put pictures of rewards when i start getting lazy.
2. I am gi ing up my mid lunch snack.....half the time i am not hungry for it...lets see if i can do without it. Might bring my cals down.
3. I really watched my cals today...sunday tends to bit a bit taxing because we have time to cook...and not always cal friendly but i hit my mark...1786....i am going to focus on eating better and lowering that cal intake.
4. Almost did not work out. I took the dog on a 15min walk and wanted to stop an be lazy...not only did i do another work out i up my rep to 14 and did 6 even with the ealk...thanks to the pictures!

So 2 points!!!!
arg phone posting can be hard..sorry for all my typos...goal for monday is to do 3 reps of my work out at 14 and calculating better on what goes into my diet....eish me luck in the cal part
Goal of the

Post Merge: February 12, 2012, 07:31:02 PM

1 prizes have been a great motivator.....with pics coming layer they have rejuvenate me to keep going.....big note to self. Put pictures of rewards when i start getting lazy.
2. I am gi ing up my mid lunch snack.....half the time i am not hungry for it...lets see if i can do without it. Might bring my cals down.
3. I really watched my cals today...sunday tends to bit a bit taxing because we have time to cook...and not always cal friendly but i hit my mark...1786....i am going to focus on eating better and lowering that cal intake.
4. Almost did not work out. I took the dog on a 15min walk and wanted to stop an be lazy...not only did i do another work out i up my rep to 14 and did 6 even with the ealk...thanks to the pictures!

So 2 points!!!!
arg phone posting can be hard..sorry for all my typos...goal for monday is to do 3 reps of my work out at 14 and calculating better on what goes into my diet....eish me luck in the cal part
Goal of the

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 11, 2012, 06:57:59 PM »
Wow i just saw the prizes...motivation is back!...well maybe on sunday.

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 11, 2012, 06:33:33 PM »
Kept a good cal day. So yeah 1 point..still feel weak so no work out.

Off Topic / Re: Wii Fit Games??
« on: February 10, 2012, 01:02:51 PM »
Just dance is great cardio game. Put some leg and arm weights and you are fav work out

Customs / Re: Save the Ponies! Get Busy :)
« on: February 10, 2012, 12:22:50 PM »
Sorry no pics but i just started a body repaint...i almost lost all inspiration but the areana proves again that it provides great community:) it is so far blue using a mix of blue glitter well i will keep that idea for the wip or finifhing pic. I am intimidated because i am still new to the custome world..i have only completed one custome and i havent even shared it....and many of you are artist of the month!!!! I am still super excited and going for it but still scary

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 10, 2012, 12:11:02 PM »
0 points for me....just got nausea and not keep anything down since breakfast. Funny hiw my previous post sounded so happy and no miserable. Sigh no work out and to me no cal intake is not working to lower cal i did a weight in last night...139!!!! I started my work out in jan 1 but really didnt stick to it or tried to progress further until i started this program....woot. hmmm can we do this all year? So now i see mcdonalds has ponies again....any advice on keeping low cals? What is the ending date for this pounds fir ponies....i keep missing it everytime i read back....

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - We are on our way! Sign-ups closed.
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:25:32 AM »
Work out check 5000 steps chech...barely piano playing 1763 check and turned down a cookie too. Woot 2 points....morning work out...will happen just have to wait for a technician is out of the house.

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