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Messages - Lancer

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Trader & Shipping Support / Re: CC Chargeback..after 3 months
« on: February 19, 2012, 07:15:13 AM »
Well, I've responded and sent copies of my post office receipt and positive feedback she left for me.  Now I guess we just have to see what happens...

Pony Corral / Re: Are any of these MLP (combs, brushes, other accs)
« on: February 19, 2012, 05:57:23 AM »
The translucent blue comb in the first picture is a G3 Styling Pony comb, and the purple brush/mirror came with G2 Princess Morning Glory.

In the second picture, the yellow, purple and blue combs with holes in the handles are G3 combs, but I'm not sure which sets they came with.

Pony Corral / Re: the making of mlp:FIM short movie! so awsome!
« on: February 18, 2012, 02:08:24 PM »
I think hasbro has always used one or two people to fill like 10 voice rolls in my little pony, even in the older cartoons, they are very talented to be able to do that i think.

Oh yeah, they have!  I guess it's cheaper to hire one person for several characters than to pay a different person for each and every pony.  But when you have someone like Tabitha St.Germain working on the show, you don't really notice.  I've known her to voice ALL female characters in other shows and didn't even realise until I saw the credits!

Ooh, interesting!  I love G3-style fakies!

Funnily enough, I just wrote on my blog about some fakies my sister bought in Menorca.  They came in the exact same boxes but the ponies inside are completely different to yours... and they don't look anything like MLPs!  There are quite a few photos of them, so I'll just post a link to the blog entry -

I saw fakies in that style packaged with dolls at Family Bargains.  I couldn't justify buying the dolls for one small pony though so I had to leave them behind.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: CC Chargeback..after 3 months
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:55:09 PM »
Also when I reviewed my case it said the buyer opened the case because the card was used without authorization.  So they did in fact open the case.   Really it took 3 months, 4 in your case to decide someone stole your card and Paypal allows this  :argh:

That's what I thought.  I guess I was just trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Also, the person who stole her card very politely decided to leave positive feedback for each and every item they bought in her name?  Wow, how thoughtful of them! :P

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: CC Chargeback..after 3 months
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:46:53 PM »
Thank you for pointing me over here, Aret!

Yes, it is the same buyer I've had problems with.  Her name's Mandie1986 over on the UK Ponycon forum but I'm not sure if she has an account here or not.  She's just had a baby so it's possible they're short of money?  I'd like to think it's just a problem with her credit card, but I'm not sure if it's even possible for Paypal to do chargebacks without somebody specifally going through and opening disputes?

Anyways, I sold her five items back in October worth about £16 with postage, she left positive feedback and now I find the chargeback message in my e-mails.  Rubymew has also received a chargeback from her today.  She doesn't post here much anymore, I don't think, but I've linked her to this thread from Facebook.

I've never had this problem before, and I'm not sure what I have to do to proceed - what information I have to give to Paypal etc.  Can anybody advise?  My parcel was shipped via ordinary second class mail so I obviously don't have tracking info.  I do still have my receipt, and since she left positive feedback clearly stating she received the items, they can't really have a case against me, right?

Pony Corral / Re: the making of mlp:FIM short movie! so awsome!
« on: February 18, 2012, 06:40:32 AM »
Is that Tara Strong doing Twilight? I didn't recognize her.

oh wait I think they said she works in a different city, maybe this person does placeholders.

That's Tabitha St.Germain, voice of Rarity, Nightmare Moon/Princess Luna, Granny Smith, :muffin: Pony Hooves, Mrs. Cake and half the rest of the additional characters on FiM.  Since Tara Strong lives in LA, Tabitha records her lines with the rest of the cast in Vancouver for timing reasons, then Strong copies the original recording when she records alone in LA.  You actually hear a lot of Tabitha's timing in Twilight Sparkle, and they've even left Tabitha's voice in a couple of times for basic laughs/sound effects.  It's pretty annoying to my voice acting ear.  I wish they'd kept with the solely Canadian based cast of Pony Tales and G3 (or US based cast if that's the way they wanted to go) - it always sounds nicer when the entire cast record together in my experience.  Personally I'd have liked to have heard Tabitha as Twilight Sparkle on the final recording.  But since Tara Strong and Lauren Faust are good friends in real life, I guess she was always destined to get the lead role in FiM...

Okay, last comment and I'm sorry I've de-railed this thread.  I just want people to understand that I for one am NOT attacking bronies in general!

This, this, this! They are passionate and that isn’t something that people should get mad about. That passion has inspired them to throw great charity drives (Not to mention the big thank you package they put together for MLP staff) and that deserves something. Yes there are some bad apples but judging them all based on that is not only rude but completely hypocritical from a community I thought was so loving. Honestly, I've seen more self entitled whining from the “true collectors” on these boards than I’ve ever seen from a brony and I think it has a lot to do with jealousy so people need to give them a break.

Have you checked the MLP Facebook page?  Every time Hasbro dares to post a non-G4 toy or one of the So Soft newborns, the more immature of the brony fans attack them forcefully.  "We don't like these toys, they shouldn't exist" and "this toy gives me cancer" (what a stupid, STUPID comment and offensive to anyone who has watched a loved one suffer with REAL cancer)  But no, I realise most bronies are probably not like this.  I think the noisy ones who keep lashing out at everyone are just kids...many only ten or eleven years old.  Where are their parents in all this?!

Last time a G3 pony was posted on EQD sethisto called it a hippopotamus pony (oh, such nice love and tolerance : P).

And this is different from the people on the arena calling G4’s “mouse ponies” how?

I've never seen G4s referred to as "mouse ponies" in a negative, insulting way.  I may have said at one point that they look like deer (come on, some of the toys really do have a Bambi feel to them!), and they do have big ears like mice.  I've not seen comments on how the "ugly mouse ponies should be destroyed" though, like you see the G4 fans say about G1 "hippo ponies".  Nor do I really see how G1s look like hippos.  They may be chubby but they look far more like horses than G3.5 or G4 (and no, that's not to be taken as negative - some people like ponies that look like cutesy mice or deer!  It's not criticism like Seth's endless jibes at previous gens, it's a general comment on their body shape)

Really, can we just let this go now?  I think it's sad that the community has been split up like this.  I don't like G4s, I'll be the first to admit it, but mainly because of the hate mail they've brought my way.  I can't look at them without thinking about the e-mails I have to delete every day which is sad in itself.  But I don't go out of my way to attack people who do.  I realise that with a huge fandom like this has become, you will get the immature freaks (and all sorts) moving in.  I just wish the whole hype would die down, the people who want to be genuine fans of the show or collectors of the toys would stick around and the little kiddies who have just jumped on the bandwagon for an excuse to attack people would run off and find a new place to play.  That way we could ALL live in harmony, and enjoy our respective MLP generations!

I do apologize that there are a handful morons sending you hate mail. However, in a way you're lowering yourself to their level by how much you're generalizing. This brony fanbase has just boomed to such high  numbers. There are bound to be bad apples. Theres bound to be all kinds of different people within it too, good or bad. There is most definitely parts of the brony fandom, that I as a brony am not crazy about either.

I was trying not to generalise.  As I said, these people are self proclaimed "brony nazis" - they wish ill health and death on me just for liking previous generations and for being in touch with a couple of people who worked on the G1/G3 cartoons.  They do the same to the people who worked on these cartoons.  Okay, I understand they don't LIKE the old cartoons or toys, nobody's asking them to.  But there's no excuse to wish cancer or a car wreck on a random stranger for enjoying them or being paid to voice a character in one of them 20 years ago!

It's THESE immature "brony nazis" who are also the whiny "give me what I want, EEEEVIL HAAAAASBRO!" types or, better yet, "Hasbro are ruining Lauren Faust's show by making toys that aren't show accurate! WAAAAAAAH!" (proving they have no clue about the franchise or who's behind it anyway!) and who end up feeling self-entitled when Hasbro make "brony-ish" toys/merchandise.  Take a look at some of the "My Little Pony is for adult men now, even Hasbro have noticed their MAIN audience!  F*** you, little girls!  This isn't for you anymore!" comments popping up on the net right now.

Does this make the vast majority of bronies bad?  No.  Does it put a bad taste in my mouth when my innocent little persona is used in a sickening clopfic with a pony representing the man I love and trust raping her (me) and forcing her/me to have "sixteen foals"?  Or when fanart is posted of Posey (who sybolises my mum in this sick story) being beaten by humanised ponies wearing "brony" t-shirts?  You bet it does.  They may be the minority, but when you're the one being targetted by these idiots, you do start to see the word "brony" in a negative light.

I didn't mean to cause offense with my post.  I realise they're not all bad.  You call yourself a "brony" and seem like a perfectly decent person.  The label covers all sorts, it's just that I've come into too many of the bad sort to see past them now.  The "decent bronies" like yourself are more like general "MLP fans" to me, whereas "bronies" are the extremists who attack people.  So when I use the term, I'm talking about those bad "nazi bronies", NOT the general fans who just enjoy FiM for what it is. :happy:

Ugh, seriously?  This is getting a little much.  Hasbro had clearly stated that white Celestia was not on the cards.  Now they've gone back on their word, proving again that if you whine, bully and send enough hate mail, you can get what you want even if the powers that be said "no".

For years, we have asked for Sea Ponies, boys, or ANYTHING that wasn't Core Seven?  Did they listen?  No, of course not.  I guess we were too polite.

Okay, there are more "bronies" than there ever were of us.  But, from what I've seen, most of these guys do little to support Hasbro.  Many don't collect the toys, some even think the G4 toys are "UGLY OLDER GENS" because they "don't look like the cartoon".  A lot don't even get the Hub and download the show illegally from sites like Youtube.  So what possible benefit can they be to Hasbro (except maybe publicity for the MLP line...but if I were a parent and stumbled upon some of the clopfics/hate mail that come with those fans, I'd run a mile and take my pony-loving kids with me!)

Sorry for being negative, I'm glad G4 collectors, bronies and non-bronies alike, are getting some of the things they want but already I'm seeing the whiny "Where's teh :muffin: Pony and Doctor Whooooooves... *SOBS*  We can't have everything we want - Hasbro are so meeeeean!" comments popping up online.  Seriously?  You've got far more than we ever got in G3 days.

I dread to think what the next few hours and days hold for myself and my friend, who are already getting so much hate mail from self entitled bronies.  I wish Hasbro wouldn't continue to boost their egos by giving them what they want.  Hey, I know, maybe Hasbro's next trick should be to make a cute little playset out of the clopfic some sicko wrote about my persona being enslaved by her "husband" (my friend, who the self proclaimed "brony nazis" decided they despise for no reason) and my parents being killed in a horrific car crash.  After all, that should please the many "brony" fans who spread the story across the internet and drew fanart to go along with it...and that's all that matters nowadays. >.<

Once again, sorry if this offends anyone.  Feel free to delete or edit as you see fit.  I know I'm not a part of the G4 collecting community, and it's not really my place to comment in this thread anyway.  I'm just a little upset that MLP, the one thing that used to bring me so much pleasure, has become such a big source of stress. :sad:

Off Topic / Re: has anyone tried swagbucks?
« on: February 06, 2012, 04:46:18 PM »
I'm on there and have made about $100 so far.  It does take a long while to build up though.

Feel free to add me as a friend on there -  (I'm not sure what benefits you get from being friends - only have one friend on there so far - but it can't hurt to know more people on there! :P )

Pony Corral / Re: More new ponies in August!
« on: February 06, 2012, 04:41:02 PM »
There's a blog I found earlier that had photos and more details about the new G4 toys shown at the New York toy fair this year (which I had totally forgotten about...I don't know if there was a thread about it on the Arena, or whether it took place during the change over?)  Anyways, I was just commenting to Mum about it earlier, and it really does seem they plan to just release the same ponies again and again.  The main six characters are going to be released AGAIN, this time with a "wedding themed accessory" (looked like a plastic wedding invite), then possibly AGAIN as bridesmaids (couldn't really work it out from the description on the blog).  The flower girls were Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie-Belle again.  I can't remember the link but if you Google for "New York Toy Fair My Little Pony" in the past week, you'll probably find it. :)

They did say there would be "18 ponies" in the singles set with wedding themed accessories.  Perhaps they'll re-release the main six three times?! :P

Pony Corral / Re: Baby, It's Cold Outside
« on: February 04, 2012, 05:47:52 PM »
Lovely pics, guys!  Now you've made me feel like going out and taking some snowy pony photos tomorrow, but I hate the slippery paths and bitter temperatures.  I always end up twisting my ankle if I go out in this kind of weather.  I think I'll just sit here in the warmth of my own home and enjoy your photos instead! :P

Pony Corral / Re: Tales \"Teddy\"
« on: February 04, 2012, 05:43:40 PM »
I don't know if there was a specific reason.  Lancer was my absolute favourite pony as a kid and I specifically had my mum write to Hasbro to ask them if the three Tales boys existed as figurines but we never got a response.  For years, I hoped I'd find him at a car boot sale - I'd read on internet pages that he and the other boys didn't exist but refused to believe it.  Many tears were shed over the lack of those boys when I was a little girl!

The whole Tales thing was rather strange really.  Hasbro had obviously decided to end the pony line, MLP production for the states had already been cancelled before the show even aired.  So why the heck did they spend all that money making the TV series in the first place?  That show had so much potential for further seasons and accompanying toys (I'd have loved to see a Schoolbus or Ice Cream Shop playset, for instance, let alone all the additional characters in the show!)  The only specific Tales toys they made were the seven main female characters and those were never available in the US and Canada.  Eventually the MLP comic here in the UK went over to using Tales characters, but they were all wrongly coloured as if even the illustrators were not given pictures of the characters to work from!

Hasbro missed a great opportunity in my opinion. :(  It's like they'd just decided "it's time to throw the MLP line away and focus on Nintendo and video gaming!" and were determined to prove MLP was a flop.  Of course, I realise that's not the case, but it certainly looked that way! >.<

Pony Corral / Re: The pony you dream of?
« on: February 04, 2012, 01:31:04 PM »
Lancer... the childhood grail who will never join my herd. :sad:

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