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Messages - Skeen

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Trader & Shipping Support / Re: STILL waiting on COTTONMEDLEY
« on: January 26, 2012, 08:53:48 AM »
I remember her saying she was getting out of collecting ponies, but it is terrible that she isn't following through on obligations to people. :(

She never said that to me in any of the conversations I had with her while negotiating for this pony.  If that's true, then I feel even more lied to.  We're coming up on 7 months waiting for this pony or a refund.  I don't believe for one second she can't find or make time to go to the post office, because she was easily able to find or make time to go pick up her money orders.  Getting out of collecting or not, advertising a pony, taking payment for it, and then disappearing = scammer.

Oh yeah!  I forgot, psyknife - I'll PM you or post a screenshot of my Weight Watchers online weight tracker after my weigh-in day so you can be sure I'm not fudging my progress.  :)  That way, I'll be accountable not only to myself, but to you and others as well.

For exercise, I plan just to do my workout DVD as much as possible thoughout the week.  Work is entering a busy time and I'm not home much in the evenings - usually just long enough to cook dinner, eat dinner, and go to bed!  It will calm down in a few weeks though.  And I think Weight Watchers is doing a Couch to 5K thing this year like they did last year so I'll participate in that again, but I don't have concrete details yet.

On a related note, I need to top up the air in my exercise ball but I can't get the plug out!  Any ideas?  That thing is wedged in there good!

Off Topic / Re: What are you currently listening to?
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:59:41 AM »
Sonic CD sountrack.

Stupid Metal Sonic, get your speedway theme out of my head!

Customs / Re: @~ Moonbeam ~@ A commission for Skeen
« on: January 24, 2012, 10:23:11 AM »
MINE!  :D  I love her, lucky!  Those colors are absolutely PERFECT!!

Off Topic / Re: Your latest video game love is....
« on: January 23, 2012, 02:49:28 PM »
Sonic Generations.  I was never a fan of Sonic growing up, but Mr. Skeen was.  He plays all the "old Sonic" levels and I play the "new Sonic" ones because he can't tell what's going on in them or where he's going (in truth I can't either  but I guess I have better reaction time or something).

Agreeing on Dragon Age, also.  I LMAO at the interactions between Wynn and Alistair.   

Off Topic / Re: POUNDS FOR PONIES - Let's get ready for Spring/Summer!
« on: January 23, 2012, 08:32:49 AM »
I'll do it!!  I have to go take my measurements first though.  I haven't done that in years!
EDIT:  Can I go ahead and fill in the form and do measurements when I get home?
Age: 29
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 146.2

Measurements using tape measure -

1.) What is your goal weight?
Eventually about 130 but I'd take 140 right now!  I tend to set smaller goals and then I'm more rewarded-feeling when I realize I've met SO MANY small goals that have equalled one BIG goal.
2.) What are your goal inches?
No idea right now.  Chest is at least 36" though.
3.) What habits do you want to break?
I want to quit eating mindlessly, or when I'm bored.
4.) What habits do you want to develop?
I need to get in healthy oils and more dairy.  I'm good in the fruit/veggie, whole grains and lean meats departments.

1.) What program will you be following (this is important, you need a PLAN for success, so be detailed)?  This includes how many days per week you are exercising... how many minutes/hour(s) you are exercising that day... WHAT type of exercising you are doing... etc.
I'm on Weight Watchers.  For exercise I do very little, but I do a core strenghtening DVD a few times a week for 30 minutes (beginner time, but I do the advanced moves).  Mostly I want to do toning and/or yoga.

2.) What steps are you going to take to improve your nutrition?
I already prepare all my meals in advance but I need to plan my snacks better.  I usually reach for fruit but I LOVE chocolate and I need to limit my intake a bit more.  I have switched to whole grains and lean meats already.  I need to improve my dairy but I can easily incorporate it if I eat it as a snack instead of with a meal.

What are your reasons for wanting to get into better shape and play with us in this journey?

I'm terrified of getting diabetes or other health-related problems, especially if there was something I could have done all along to prevent them!  And, I'm tired of being the fat girl.  I'm tired of seeing pictures of me and being embarrassed by them.  I want to feel better about myself and the way I look.  I want to turn heads because I'm hot, not because I'm fat. 

Reposting from the old Arena WITH UPDATES due to birthday and anniverary  ;)  I bolded he updates.
Happy Tails (would like them to work):
You're not supposed to remove ponies from your wantlist after partners have been assigned :( What if your partner already got you one of these ponies?  :huh:  Hopefully they didn't!

Yes, hopefully they didn't.  But I didn't buy these ponies myself, I got them as gifts for my birthday and anniversary so I can't help that I no longer need them.  If my partner had already bought them, fine.  I can't help that either and would be glad to receive them, because there was no way she could have known I'd gotten them.

Reposting from the old Arena WITH UPDATES due to birthday and anniverary  ;)  I bolded he updates.
Original Unis:

Original Pegs:
Long-haired Firefly

Original Earthies:
Long-haired Bowtie

Rainbow Ponies:
Trickles (upgrade only)

Dance & Prance (would like them to work):
Yellow one
Green one

Happy Tails (would like them to work):

Brush & Grow:
UK Twisty Tail only

Princess Brush & Grows:
Glittering Gem

Perfume Puff:
the pink one with white hair
Blue one with peach-y hair (upgrade only)

Big Brothers:
Tex (upgrade only, but I won’t consider my set complete until I have a nice one)

Wind Drifter (upgrade)

Bouquet (upgrade to PINK hair)

Sea Breeze

Rockin’ Beats:
UK Pretty Beat (purple hair)

Twinkle Eyes:
Bright Eyes
Sweet Pop


Secret Surprise (need their capes, keys great but not required):
Purple one
Pink one

Sweet Pocket:
Bubblefish (with charm and pocket only)
Sweet Pocket (upgrade only, need her charm)

MO and Special:
White Valentine’s baby

Pony Wear:
Galaxy Glamour (loose, need hairband only)
Pony Naut (loose, need backpack thing only)

Plush (I consider these different sets, lol!):
Softies Honeycomb
Applause sewn-symbol Firefly and Cotton Candy

If you send extra ponies please only send from my list. I do not collect G3's or G4's.

I would prefer to receive several less expensive ponies than one HTF one.

I do not like haircuts or major marks. The odd symbol/blush/eye rub is acceptible. Ponies that smell do not need to smell any longer. No ponies that smell like smoke (allergic), no chews, no missing limbs/horns/ears. Playwear acceptible. Pen marks not acceptible. Flutters obviously do not need their wings, lol!

I AM DOING WEIGHT WATCHERS. Please do not send me any candy if it is not the Weight Watchers by Whitman's stuff (I don't like the coconut ones, but the rest are tasty!). If you can't find these, I like peppermint tea A LOT. My cats would be more than happy to eat snacks sent to them if you'd prefer (but nothing dairy based, Slick will barf everywhere).

Oh!! Also please do not send anything like confetti or twist ties in the box as, again, Slick will eat it and barf. If I throw the confetti away immediately he'll dumpster dive for it. If I tie it in a bag he will chew through it. He's a bit of a handful. visitors can't see pics , please register or login

MLP Nirvana / Re: Nirvana indecision :)
« on: January 21, 2012, 05:59:33 PM »
Not really.  I only buy what strikes my fancy so I rarely get something I don't already love.
I could live without most of my Argies though.  I probably like them the least.

Pony Corral / Re: Who is in your childhood herd?
« on: January 20, 2012, 08:00:02 AM »
Wind Whistler
North Star
Princess Primrose
Princess Starburst
Princess Tiffany
Princess Sparkle
TAF Fifi
Up Up & Away
Sweet Tooth
TAF Megan & Sundance
B&G Braided Beauty
Secret one (I never remember her name!)
Bright Night
High Flyer
Morning Glory
Tropical Breeze

Spunky the camel

Baby Firefly
Baby Ribbon
Baby Gusty
Baby Shady
Baby Tiddleywinks
Baby Half-note
Baby Fifi
Baby Tic-tac-toe
Sniffles & Snookums
Jangles & Tangles
Blue color-change baby sea pony
EDIT:  I keep thinking of more!

MLP Nirvana / Re: Who is your current Nirvana grail?
« on: January 19, 2012, 11:17:19 AM »
Actually, you know what?  My grail is the lilac-haired Mexican Posey I paid for last year and never received. 

oh no :whoa:  did she get lost in the mail?
love pkw xxx

::snort::  No, my seller disappeared after cashing the money orders.  I WISH she had gotten lost in the mail so I could have filed to get my money back.

MLP Nirvana / Re: Who is your current Nirvana grail?
« on: January 19, 2012, 07:08:25 AM »
Actually, you know what?  My grail is the lilac-haired Mexican Posey I paid for last year and never received. 

Trader & Shipping Support / STILL waiting on COTTONMEDLEY
« on: January 18, 2012, 12:45:06 PM »
Just an update to the thread on the old Arena, which is to say, frankly, there is no update.  She still has my money and my pony and ignores every attempt to contact her.  She also still owes at least 2 other members either items or money.
Does ANYONE have a reliable way to contact her?  She won't answer email or messages through Facebook but she is definitely online.

They're for sure in Walmart in Broken Arrow/Tulsa OK.  They're back with the regular ponies, $1.98 a bag.  Buy the whole box and get them all at once.

Pony Corral / Re: Welcome Back!
« on: January 16, 2012, 02:32:47 PM »
OMG I am so lost, lol!  I keep trying to click to the next page by going to the bottom right instead of the bottom left and navigating by the sidebar.  Old habits, and all!

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