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Messages - Starshinescustoms

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I use it all the time  :P

It works great, I have no complaints.  I prefer sprays over brushed on sealants as I tend to use pastel dust on my ponies and it just doesn't work well with brush on sealants.

You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that lol. I've been spending far too much on ponies and materials recently, and I was worried that this stuff might not work and I'd have wasted my money.
Can't wait to try it out  :)

I just bought some  :P
I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes. It works out cheaper than Testors Dullcote, so if it works, might be worth it.

Customs / Re: red henna pony
« on: April 29, 2013, 06:52:47 PM »
She's beautiful, like all your henna customs :) I really love her colours. That hair blend is lovely.

Hey everyone,
I made a post a few days back as I'm looking for a new sealant for my ponies. I really wanted a spray as I feel it would give a better finish than brushing it on. I settled on Testors Dullcote, but I stumbled across a video just now comparing the Dullcote to something called The Army Painter Anti-Shine. I've never heard of it before, but the results seemed as good as Testors. But it comes in a 400ml can instead of Testor's 85ml, and for not a lot more money. I found a 400ml can on ebay for £7.99, and I'm seriously tempted to give it a go, but just wondered if anyone here had tried it already?
Thanks :)

Thank you so much for your reply, Skyrocketneko. I sent him another message today. I think to be fair I'll give it 24hrs from the last message and then send him another giving him a last chance to pay before I take it to ebay. At least I can say I gave him every chance then. I'd really rather not do it as I don't like getting people in trouble, but if he wasn't serious, he shouldn't have bid  :huh:

Just hoping someone can help me as this is the first time I've had this situation.
I sold a custom on ebay six days ago. It was my first international sale (bidder is from the USA  :biggrin:), so I was pretty excited about it. I specified in my listing that I needed payment within three days of the end (I only accept Paypal). Six days later, I have heard nothing from the buyer and no payment. I have not sent the pony as I always wait for the payment first. I have contacted the buyer several times now and I have had no response.
What do you advise I do? I would be more than happy to wait if there's a problem or something, and I have offered to help where I can, but he hasn't replied to me once. How much longer do I give it before reporting it to ebay? I hate the idea of reporting him, as I don't want to get anyone in trouble. I'm also really worried about being left a negative as I have done nothing wrong and I have always tried very hard to have a good ebay record and have no negatives.
Also, I was wondering how the second-chance-offer thing worked? If it comes to it, can I report him and still offer the pony to the next highest bidder?
Thank you so much for any help  :blush:

[moving to TS - kkat]

Customs / Re: Need a new sealant for customs (UK)
« on: April 23, 2013, 09:30:15 AM »
I bought some Dullcote on ebay and it got here super fast. It was only a teeny can but it sprays out SO fast, my custom was DRENCHED.

Hobbycraft sell Mod Podge now too. Big and small bottles. I was shocked!

Thank you StrawberryMeadow :)
I'd forgotten about Mod Podge. Just had a quick look on ebay, but there are loads of different types. Which one should be used on ponies? Also, I assume it's brushed on?
Thanks :blush:

Customs / Re: Share Your Custom Anger ! !
« on: April 23, 2013, 09:11:51 AM »
*Inhales in preparation for a long rant*
For the moment, it's my rooting tools that are giving me a nightmare. I have three of them, and I keep having to replace the needles. I think it must be that the needles I'm using are poor quality or something. They just keep breaking on me! At this point I'm out of needles, so if it goes again I'm in trouble.
My new airbrush is also very temperamental. I've nicknamed it the Alfa Rome-brush. Because for the brief moment it works, it's fantastic. Unfortunately it spends about 95% of it's time stubbornly refusing to work (I watch too much Top Gear xD).
I recently stripped an old donkey pose G3 custom to remake her, and the de-hairing didn't go well. I've split the base of her neck and merged most of the lower plug holes into one long split. So now she's getting sculpted hair. Great for someone still very new to sculpting and not yet very good.
A few weeks ago I also messed up another G3 custom. She's completely finished, but I don't like her symbol. It just didn't go right. It looks like my first attempt at painting a symbol. Don't know why it went so wrong, but I guess I wasn't really in the mood for painting that day. That will teach me a lesson.

Eluluu: I physically started making grabby hands at that Baby Fizzy, and Baby Masquerade got a similar response.

Super glue isn't bad when it sticks to you, it's worse when it gets on your jeans/clothes, melts through it and then BURNS you leg/arm/appendage

Anyone else been there?
Not quite, but your post did remind me of something else that happened a couple of weeks ago. I was doing my first ringlets on a custom and had a bowl of boiling water on my desk. Boiling water and I do not get on (I have several scars from incidents with it). So of course I tipped half the bowl all over my leg. I don't know how I got away with not having that come up in burn blisters or something, because it was hot.

Customs / Need a new sealant for customs (UK)
« on: April 23, 2013, 08:29:27 AM »
Hey everyone :)
I'm running out of my current sealant and I'm looking for a new one as I don't think I can get the one I normally use anymore. I was just wondering what the rest of you would recommend? Obviously it needs to be matt as shiny customs are not normally desired  :P I also need to be able to get it in the UK.
I have heard of other customizers using Testors Dullcote - any thoughts on that? If it's a good one to use, should I go for the bottle (this one: or the spray can? I feel like it would give a nicer finish if it was sprayed, but not sure how far it would go?
Thanks for any help and advice :)

Customs / Re: Midnight Horizon - G4 Fashion Style custom *Pic heavy*
« on: April 19, 2013, 11:02:33 AM »
Thank you again for all the lovely comments! :blush:
She is amazing!! I Adore her hair blend, and her body colour is amazing, and love love love her symbols, how much to post her to Australia?
Thank you :blush: I checked on Royal Mail's website and it says £4.70. I think that's about 6.96 in Australian Dollars?

Customs / Re: Midnight Horizon - G4 Fashion Style custom *Pic heavy*
« on: April 18, 2013, 01:46:38 PM »
Thank you so much for the lovely comments everyone  :blush:
Wow I love her! So beautiful^^
Just in case do you ship to Sweden?
I'm more than happy to ship anywhere in the world. The only problem is that shipping costs may be a little higher, but I am more than happy to check these for anyone who would like me to. So far a quick check on Royal Mail's website seems to suggest it would cost £3.50 to ship to Sweden.

Gorgeous! (I am still cross with myself for missing my e-mail reminder to bid on your 'Ex Astris' pony on ebay last week!)
Aw, sorry you missed her. It's so nice to know that you liked her enough that you would have bid. I never feel my customs are all that good  :blush:
I am doing more space-themed ponies, though, so there will be more on ebay  ;). I'm working on one right now actually. She'd have been finished a few days ago if my rooting tool would cooperate *glares at rooting tool*

Customs / Midnight Horizon - G4 Fashion Style custom *Pic heavy*
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:20:57 AM »
Hey everyone :)
I've been meaning to post this pony on here for a few days, but I've been so busy I haven't had the chance  :blush:
Anyway, this is my first G4 custom. She was made from a Fashion Style Twilight Sparkles who had sadly had an interesting time with a green felt tip pen.
She was a nightmare to reroot as my needles kept breaking (on the one pony who has four rows of plugs, that's when it decided to go on me?!  :shocked:) Anyway, I somehow managed to get there in the end.
The only place I sort of cheated was on the eyes. Being fairly new to G4 and not overly familiar with the eye designs yet (plus the fact it seems there are no indentations to show where the eyes should be?), I didn't have the courage to repaint them from scratch and so I painted over what I could see of the originals.
Unfortunately the pictures really do not show up the waves in the 'sea' very well. She looks better in real life than in the photos.
She's for sale on ebay:
**Sorry if I've gone over the top with the pictures, but I love her hair too much  :P**
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Customs / New G3 Custom: ~*Ex Astris*~ (For Sale)
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:56:47 PM »
Hey everyone :)
Here's yet another custom (I'm having too much fun making them to stop!)
My third custom with my new air brush (though she's the first I've posted on here - the other's aren't complete yet). Goodness, that thing is so temperamental! When it works, it's fantastic. But getting it to work is another matter *end air brush rant*
Anyway, her colour is a little off. She looks a duller, more blue colour in the pictures than in real life. She's a much brighter lilac in person.
Also, this is my first time working with Saran hair (Bellatrix from RetroDolls).. Argh, I'm so addicted to it! I've been wanting to try Saran for a long time, but I had no idea just how nice it is. I absolutely love it!
Anyway, here she is :)
(Ebay link: )

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Customs / Re: New G3 Custom: ~*Syrah*~ (For Sale)
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:35:33 PM »
Very creative use of gems, I love that! And I'm glad the hair worked out :)
Thanks :) Ringlets are no where near as perfect as yours (just saw your latest custom - absolutely stunning!!), but it's my first attempt (that didn't end in complete failure). Thanks for the advice on them. I'll try to do better ones next time :P

Customs / Re: Night Lily -- love swap pony for VJ
« on: April 02, 2013, 06:33:03 PM »
Wow, that symbol is just perfect! I also love the colours - and that hair! (especially the purple!)

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