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Messages - Snapdragon

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Customs / Re: Probably a long shot...(lemonade hair)
« on: February 20, 2012, 01:30:39 PM »
Ooh, I heard that FS AJ was becoming HTF, because she hasn't been re-released!

Customs / Re: Save the Ponies! Get Busy :)
« on: February 19, 2012, 11:55:34 PM »
Finished rehairing pony today! Ooh, she's gonna look so fiiiiiiine. :D Now I just gotta get some paints going on, and we're good to go!

Oh, and thanks to Cookhuman for the eye-scuff tip! I'm not sure if it was a problem with this particular fakie or what, but unfortunately the emery boards didn't do much but "even up" the fogginess in her eyes. :( It made the scratches less noticeable, I think, so it was definitely a gain! But not as clear and shiny as I'd hoped for. Hopefully, it will make her look more rough and tumble, instead! :D

Pony Corral / Re: Which G4s are HTF?
« on: February 19, 2012, 02:40:49 PM »
I've heard people saying that the 'banged' variations (first releases) of Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are becoming more sought-after, since it looks like their re-releases won't have the bangs. It's a shame I already baited my first two Rainbow Dash baits. :yikes:

Also, I'm predicting that banged Cheerilee and Lily Blossom will become harder to find, because those two didn't seem to be available for very long. :/

Darn it! My very first custom was a banged Applejack, when I wasn't into ponies and just wanted to try customizing. Thankfully, it's not exactly... um, good. So if I needed the AJ I can just peel the paint off.

Oh, I wouldn't worry about it! :) Lots of people have customized them, too, so it's not like you're the ONLY ONE and will have to salvage your pony. XD It seems to be a belated sort of problem - Bronies who got into the show but insisted they didn't want toys slowly warmed up to Blind Bags, but NEVER brushables! ... and now that they finally admit they want brushables, all of the "accurate" (banged) ponies are long-gone. So that might be part of why people are saying they're more HTF, sort of a 'Johnny-come-lately' remorse. But for me, personally, I'll probably sell off my remaining banged baits to buy more, less-accurate baits. (Unless I find a banged design I want to make, of course!)

I can't seem to get Lilly Blossom.  I've been looking for her, and the only one I saw was back when I wasn't collecting yet (and when I wanted her, she was gone).  I've seen her at another 'store' for anime stuff, but she was $18!!!! ACK!

Check CVS! My local CVS has a single Lily Blossom left, for $9!! But if you need her, lemme know, I can go grab her for you.

Pony Corral / Re: Official pony maker!
« on: February 18, 2012, 11:25:17 PM »
Did you guys like the Hub? You have to like it and allow them to post on your wall and yadda yadda before they will let you play it.

Yep! I liked it, and I even unliked then RE-liked, to see if it was a problem of it not loading my 'like' properly. :( It used to give me an error message, now it just bounces me back to the 'click on this image to play the game!' screen.

Pony Corral / Re: Which G4s are HTF?
« on: February 18, 2012, 11:22:07 PM »
I've heard people saying that the 'banged' variations (first releases) of Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are becoming more sought-after, since it looks like their re-releases won't have the bangs. It's a shame I already baited my first two Rainbow Dash baits. :yikes:

Also, I'm predicting that banged Cheerilee and Lily Blossom will become harder to find, because those two didn't seem to be available for very long. :/
are these the normal ones or blind bags?

Sorry! I meant normal brushables. The blind bags, to my knowledge, only have one or two variations, but the brushables are rapidly getting more and more complex! :yikes:

Pony Corral / Re: Which G4s are HTF?
« on: February 18, 2012, 11:15:18 PM »
I've heard people saying that the 'banged' variations (first releases) of Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are becoming more sought-after, since it looks like their re-releases won't have the bangs. It's a shame I already baited my first two Rainbow Dash baits. :yikes:

Also, I'm predicting that banged Cheerilee and Lily Blossom will become harder to find, because those two didn't seem to be available for very long. :/

Pony Corral / Re: Help me celebrate!
« on: February 18, 2012, 03:33:15 PM »
I want to be included! :D Please!!! Congrats on seven years!! :cheer:

Pony Corral / Re: Official pony maker!
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:32:39 AM »
I'm having the same problem as some other people on here! I go to play it, and it originally just sat there, blank - and now it takes me back to the Hub page, over and over. :I Wow, so much fun, you guys! /sarcasm

Seriously though, what do I need to fix? I updated Flash player, I updated Java - what else can I update?!

Customs / Re: The Best Pliers Ever [Interest?]
« on: February 17, 2012, 11:29:58 PM »
It's such a shame, I am NEVER able to find hemostats!! :P I ended up buying the 'extra long needle nose pliers' from Dollyhair, and I've been happy ever since. They're just perfect! (But I have jewelry pliers too, just in case.)

Pony Corral / Re: Who are the "Oldie Moldies"?
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:36:40 PM »
Old enough to feel nostalgic about Dream Valley when it was still using illustrations instead of photos for its pony guide:

LOL!  Yes, I was just getting into actual collecting as a teenager at some point in the 90's when I found this site.  I didn't have regular access to the Internet.  In fact, the only way I could get online was for my mom to allow me to use her work computer during her lunch hour when I wasn't in school.  Dream Valley was the biggest MLP resource I could find at the time and so in order to have access whenever I wanted, I talked my mom into letting me print it off.  Yes, the whole thing!  I printed it all out and put it into a three ring binder.  And I had to print in black and white so I went back in and colored in the images! 
In fact, I still have it.  I just dug it out.  Here are some pics.


I would make notes in it about particular ponies and mark off the ones I owned.

OMG. ARE YOU ME? I was just getting back into ponies in the 90s too, and I even printed off the whole Dream Valley website too!!! Went through reams and reams of paper, LOL! I still have it, tucked away in my room somewhere... I would study it like it was a text book, learning all of the pony names, finding out about all of these new ponies I'd never seen in stores (Summerwings, sea ponies, Secret Surprise ponies)... man, it takes me back!

Pony Corral / Re: Customizing Mountain Boys...?
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:33:05 PM »
yeah... i was kinda mean... but from a financial standpoint i think they could have made more money with a reaaallly beat up mountain boy.  :/ and i am sad about it... but i AM thinking about bidding so i can have a mountain boy... if it goes for cheap enough that is... then i'd probably make him look back to his original state.... but that's just what id do.  I know it would be customizing a custom, but for the right price that may be the only way i will ever get a mountain boy. 

IMO this behavior would be way worse than the sellers. I mean at this point the ponies are already customized - they have already lost all that is original about them. For you to even consider buying one and stripping it down to re-customize it is just disrespectful. Someone put a lot of work into those. 

Well, it was her pony and her choice to customize a Mountain Boy ... so if you turn that logic around, once she sells it to someone, it's now their pony, and their choice what to do with it whatever they want - display or restore.

I'm not one to encourage people to de-customize ponies, but - technically, once you own it, it's your property, and if you wanna throw it on a bonfire in sacrificial worship to the Almighty MOC Mimic Goddess, then that's your choice. :P

Pony Corral / Re: Who are the "Oldie Moldies"?
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:05:48 PM »
OMG, the Yahoo group!! I remember that now! Wow, I joined on there ages and ages before I joined the Arena ... but I tried to make some funny post like, "Wow, what's up with this Shrine to Mimic page, huh? Some people sure are loopy!" And EVERYONE GOT BUTTHURT.
Oh welllllll, that Church of MOC Mimic was a joke that came out of Ponypalooza.  And the long and short of it was that Icefeather (who made the Mimic thing as a joke) and Taffeta didn't get on well - back then there were a lot of pecking order things going on from so many different folks in that group.  You just probably got caught between it all, and back then, stepping on the wrong toes meant fur and feathers everywhere.  Was always better to keep the head down. ;)

Ahhh! Okay, that makes sense. At the time, it was like, "Wow, here is this funny thing I found, let's all have a laugh!" And the response was "OH. MY. GOD. YOU DO NOT MOCK THE SACROSANCT HOLINESS OF THE MOC MIMIC PAGE. WE TAKE THIS PAGE VERY. SERIOUSLY." And I was just like "... okaaaaay time to give up on making any pony friends, THEY HAVE ALL GONE NUTS FROM THE PLASTIC FUMES!" I'm glad the crazy isn't quite so intense, nowadays. :lmao:

Pony Corral / Re: Who are the "Oldie Moldies"?
« on: February 16, 2012, 01:43:57 PM »
OMG, the Yahoo group!! I remember that now! Wow, I joined on there ages and ages before I joined the Arena ... but I tried to make some funny post like, "Wow, what's up with this Shrine to Mimic page, huh? Some people sure are loopy!" And EVERYONE GOT BUTTHURT. It's actually the reason I was so hesitant to sign up on the Arena, and lurked for a couple years before I joined - I figured all pony collectors must be nutballs like they were! ;) Very glad to see that isn't the case!

Pony Corral / Re: Customizing Mountain Boys...?
« on: February 16, 2012, 01:33:45 PM »
You guys do know that Ice Crystal one wasn't originally an Icy, right? :what: It's the wrong pose to be him. The Fireball one on the other hand... could have been a real Fireball :yikes:

ETA: The 'Ice Crystal' isn't even in either of Salty's possible poses, so that one must really have been a baity boy, possibly Barnicle, since I don't know if 4-Speed can quite match that color.

That's what I realized too! I was like, "where's Salty? I see Barnacle?" :P That's what I get for posting before looking at the picture.

Also, since I'm here anyway: I agree that people get to decide what they want to do with their own ponies. If you wanna customize your Mimic - go do it, it's your property. (I wouldn't do it, but it's your pony, your choice.) But she didn't customize her own pony for herself; she customized it for sale. Her 'right' to customize exists, yes, but because she's put it into a public arena, she no longer has any right to say that people aren't allowed to be upset by it. And if you're just customizing a rare pony for the sake of money ... yeah, I can't agree with that. It's unwise, first of all (destroying a rare pony AND lowering its value, much?), and it's - I dunno, I hesitate to say 'unfair to the community,' but I would say that it's upsetting to people who collect these items.

You wouldn't take a vintage video game that you hacked apart and turned into a clock and try to sell it to the video game collectors, would you? They want the game as it WAS, in a possibly-playable condition; they don't want some fancy clock you made with it.

Pony Corral / Re: Customizing Mountain Boys...?
« on: February 15, 2012, 11:31:15 PM »
I ... cringe at those posts. ALWAYS. :( Mountain Boys are pretty dang rare, so they must have gotten them from a car boot sale or something, for them to be cheap enough to be worth baiting. But still! It's like people who wreck vintage toys for Etsy sales or art - you might have gotten more money for the thing as it originally was, and you're just going to have collectors face-palming at it, to boot.

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