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Messages - SunSnail

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Aww, she's a lovely horse! Has she had any babies before? I'll be checking back for progress updates :D

Off Topic / Re: What are these?
« on: December 06, 2012, 02:07:02 AM »
    I once had a collection of over 200 of these :blink: After a few years or so, I decided that I didn't need quite That many :lol: and sold almost all of them, over time, both private and Ebay sales. The prices are quite variable; there aren't too Lady Lovely Locks collectors, so it depends how many of them are looking and if there are newer collectors who are still looking for commons (like yours), and what they're willing to pay. If someone setting up an auction sees them going for $10 each, they often list them for a high price. If they aren't selling well, they may  be selling for $2-3 each and so the other sellers usually list them for that. Those two are very common and the ends of their tails look dry, which is a big factor; those two would usually sell for $1-4 each. If you sell them here, $1.50-3 each would be an average, good price for private sales or trades, in my experience.

    If the tails get smooth after conditioning and you curl them well, they might go for more on Ebay. I think you'd be best off selling them together in one auction. If you sell them privately here, you could save on Ebay fees and how perfect the tails are wouldn't be as much of a factor. There are many LLL collectors in the MLP community, with a number of them being in Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Belgium. I think that's about all I know on the subject  ;)

Pony Brag Arena / Re: OMGoodness: Truevampiress sent me thisssssssss
« on: December 02, 2012, 04:00:04 PM »
Oh wow, amazing custom, Truevampiress!! The symbol must have taken a lot of careful work!

Tula, you must be enjoying her so much! I can see why she brightened your day!

Wanted! / Re: 25th Anniversary Retro Ponies - WANTED! Please help :)
« on: November 06, 2012, 10:04:46 PM »
Messaging you now  :) about Butterscotch and Blue Belle!

Off Topic / Re: Happy Birthday Tulagirl!
« on: November 01, 2012, 10:18:09 PM »
 :happy: :birthday: :green:

Happy Birthday!! Quiet days are some of the best to share a special bond with you loved ones.

Off Topic / Re: East Coast US - Are you ready for Sandy?
« on: October 30, 2012, 02:36:41 PM »
The news images and stories are horrifying :( My heart goes out to all those dealing with the aftermath. I hope our pony friends in those areas weren't too badly effected.  :(

My area was very fortunate not to get more than a little wind and rain early on; the storm turned and didn't cause any flooding, power outages, or anything else. Winter is supposed to be especially bad this year, and I think people took this storm seriously enough to stock up on batteries and such which will be useful if the winter storms cause problems.

Off Topic / Re: East Coast US - Are you ready for Sandy?
« on: October 27, 2012, 03:21:49 PM »
    I'm in upstate NY, about 15 minutes from Binghamton (which is about 3-4hrs from NYC). The only time we make the news is when there's horrible weather... we've had two bad floods in the past six years, with the second being last year. Apartment and home rent prices are sky-high because of the demand after so many properties were condemned or in need of major renovation. The weather people keep saying there's only supposed to be one big flood in the area every 500 years. Well, evidently not!

    It looks like we'll be hit pretty badly, so I hope that doesn't mean Another flood as bad as the past two. My home should be safe from everything except for a power outage; we've prepared for that possibility. As long as it's not too cold, we'll be fine to stay here. I have a friend who lived in New Orleans during Katrina and it was really bad for him and his family, so that puts things in perspective.

    My kitty is not a fan of storms, though   :what:
 I think he'll spend a lot of time snuggled up in my bed under his favorite blanket or with one of the other two kitties.

Off Topic / Re: Waiting for a little kitten! He is here! ♥ more pics.
« on: October 27, 2012, 03:00:50 PM »
He sounds like a wonderful little kitten-- and the long white fur is so fluffy and pretty. My mom's cat Moushi has fur a little longer, white and black areas, and I comb and brush him  every night  :lol: I think he is glad to have some help with all of it!

Off Topic / Re: Brad Pitt Chanel commercial
« on: October 25, 2012, 07:34:47 PM »
I think that some commercials are intended to come off as weird or different because people pay more attention to commercials when they can't figure out what's going on  :lol:

I loved the "Saturday Night Live" spoof! And that means even more people are aware of the perfume, so the ad company is probably proud of themselves right now  ;)

Pony Corral / Re: What ponies do you think are the rarest/most valuable?
« on: October 25, 2012, 04:36:16 PM »
Greek Ladybird and Lambaditsa (sp?) are pretty up there..

I would LOVE to have Ladybird, and she seems to be pretty rare with a fair amount of people who'd love to have her. Since it's incredibly unlikely that I'll ever have one, I would love to see someone else's Ladybird in person. I Think that she was going for $2,000 or more mint in egg, but that could be totally off. And then there was an Ebay seller using fake eggs, which may have confused pricing.

I don't have any experience with pony-finding there, but what I'd do is hang out in the pony area of a toy store in hopes of meeting a non-online pony community collector, or mothers or fathers shopping for their kids who might remember having ponies in the G1 era. Those people might have ideas about what they/their parents did with their toys-- or even know someone who still has some they're willing to sell. Hanging around too long could get awkward, though  :lol:

Are there online classifieds you can post on before your trip? Or maybe a friend or relative who lives there could put one in the newspaper and call around to see if there are antique stores that carry toys? I know that, in my area, some have a couple shelves of toys while others have nothing like that.

Of, course, there are exceptions... I shudder to even type it but, when I was sixteen or so, I went to the neighbors by my childhood home and asked if they still had any things their younger kids bought during my adolescent-age garage sales. They said.... they'd thrown out all the kids' toys years ago  :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: That is Not the response I was hoping for!! My Pristine ponies and other toys, to think of any in the trash, so awful! Yeah it was kind of odd that I went to ask them buuut I figured there was nothing to lose, at worst I'd just seem weird in front of people I hadn't seen in years and probably never would again and, at best, I'd get some of my original toys back!

If you have pics of the G3 stuff your sister found, I'd love to see them!  :)

Off Topic / Re: American Horror Story: Asylum - anyone watching??
« on: October 20, 2012, 05:37:58 PM »
I think this new season will shape up to be great. I watched the first season and I liked it overall, but it was kind of all-over-the-place, for me, so I wasn't all that engaged. This one definitely looks more like something I'll enjoy. For anyone who hasn't checked out the show: if you like twisted psychological thrillers or horror movies, this is worth checking out.

I have absolutely no idea  :lol:

BUT She's my new favorite want-to-find at TRU! I at least want to see her pretty mane in person.

It seems like her tinsel looks better-- less cheap and wild-- than the G3 tinsel. Does anyone else think so?

Off Topic / Re: Show me your 80's Costumes!! or Cosplay
« on: October 11, 2012, 06:57:17 AM »
I wonder how much it would cost for enough hair to make a few curly 2-3 foot long tails for LLL pixies for a costume? Probably a lot lol plus maybe a long, blond wig.

Eviecorn, any luck finding your Jem costume pics?

Off Topic / Re: You ever get the feeling you're disliked for no reason?
« on: October 11, 2012, 06:45:03 AM »
How long have you been a member of the other forum? Do you post often? I think that it's often just a matter of a newer member or infrequent poster needing time to become familiar with and connect with others. It can seem like others who've been on the forum longer reference and have discussions with particular members and don't say or specifically respond much to you.

If I were you, I'd try referencing other members who seem very nice or very nice And new-ish in your replies to threads in which they've also replied. I bet there are others who feel as you do and would love to make forum friends, too. I've been around here a lot more than I have in quite a while so I haven't had long to get to know newer members yet, but I haven't seen any posts by you that make you seem anything other than nice!

 :lovey:  I hope you feel more comfortable on the other forum soon!

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